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1 October 2008
OMG MY PET IS SLEEPING hahahahaha its kinda cute :D

(click to enlarge) this shit is addictive man but somehow although i starting playing damn early, my score suck badly dont believe, look at my friends scores ITS DAMN BLOODY IMBA LA
oh yeah its time i formally introduce if you didnt know better, this is what i play during SW lectures hahaha cos its damn super ultra boring and it seems like kinda of a common sense thing most of the time that is also when i first discover this game
which ever since, got everyone sitting around me watch me play which ever since, got everyone sitting around me start to play
hahaha imba sia.
anyways i just had a fulfilling dinner with a super big plate of sahimi so much that i feel like a swimming polar bear now omgggxx
and before that i just had a super long and shiok nap/sleep i reached home at 10am hurhur
heres what happen last night. or rather yesterday:
i overslept, didnt go for geog lecture (atmo! wooh!) rushed down to take my final theory trials, which i got 47-50 for so i hope i pass tmr!! :D:D:D and then i had to LANGBEI again BUT, i overcame it by studying myself at amk macs and i manage to get some productive reading done yay! not so guilty
then i met victor at chinatown and we continue to langbei cos everyone else was LATE LATE LATEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE from SEX SHOP to transformer watch to eating in the "rain" wahhhhhh that was the first time i "Hangout" with that guy ha. then bestie finish langbei-ing also and came to meet us, followed by 8-30-yiyun-who-came-at-10-30 even day boyfriend came so late, that it became odd day already :S
errrrrrrrr we headed straight to kster and did some serious singing. yeah damn bloody serious anyways afterall, it was my virgin overnight singing experience (OMG I WANT TO MARRY XIAO JING TENG hahahaha) bad joke :S
then then then we walked over to SGH for some sotong misi to collect her misplaced and highly important flowery printed pencil case (Which look more like a makeup case to me) and then we continue to langbei, at the taxi stand, on 2 benches the taxi uncle waited until he fell asleep hahahah we took like more than an hour to decide where to go and by the time we decided, the want of immediately catching a bad home to sleep faded thats how long we took so we left of and walked aimlessly but the walk was really good cos the weather was cooling and with great comany and conversational topics (: so we walked from no men's land (outram) to tiko men's land (chinatown) to drunk men's land (clarkequay) and to working men's land (city hall)
and we finally reached our destination - MARINA SQUARE HONGKONG CAFE yayyyy :D:D:D where they had breakfast and i had my supper hahahaha SHIOK.
that was like 6am already. we eat eat eat and talk talk talk alot of fond memories and HTHT we ended the session at 9am
WOAHHHHHHH. great day. great activites (urgh ya). and great people. i like!
problem: piling up assignments and test on friday. and FTT tmr argh stresssssssssssssssssssssss
1 October 2008
OMG MY PET IS SLEEPING hahahahaha its kinda cute :D

(click to enlarge) this shit is addictive man but somehow although i starting playing damn early, my score suck badly dont believe, look at my friends scores ITS DAMN BLOODY IMBA LA
oh yeah its time i formally introduce if you didnt know better, this is what i play during SW lectures hahaha cos its damn super ultra boring and it seems like kinda of a common sense thing most of the time that is also when i first discover this game
which ever since, got everyone sitting around me watch me play which ever since, got everyone sitting around me start to play
hahaha imba sia.
anyways i just had a fulfilling dinner with a super big plate of sahimi so much that i feel like a swimming polar bear now omgggxx
and before that i just had a super long and shiok nap/sleep i reached home at 10am hurhur
heres what happen last night. or rather yesterday:
i overslept, didnt go for geog lecture (atmo! wooh!) rushed down to take my final theory trials, which i got 47-50 for so i hope i pass tmr!! :D:D:D and then i had to LANGBEI again BUT, i overcame it by studying myself at amk macs and i manage to get some productive reading done yay! not so guilty
then i met victor at chinatown and we continue to langbei cos everyone else was LATE LATE LATEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE from SEX SHOP to transformer watch to eating in the "rain" wahhhhhh that was the first time i "Hangout" with that guy ha. then bestie finish langbei-ing also and came to meet us, followed by 8-30-yiyun-who-came-at-10-30 even day boyfriend came so late, that it became odd day already :S
errrrrrrrr we headed straight to kster and did some serious singing. yeah damn bloody serious anyways afterall, it was my virgin overnight singing experience (OMG I WANT TO MARRY XIAO JING TENG hahahaha) bad joke :S
then then then we walked over to SGH for some sotong misi to collect her misplaced and highly important flowery printed pencil case (Which look more like a makeup case to me) and then we continue to langbei, at the taxi stand, on 2 benches the taxi uncle waited until he fell asleep hahahah we took like more than an hour to decide where to go and by the time we decided, the want of immediately catching a bad home to sleep faded thats how long we took so we left of and walked aimlessly but the walk was really good cos the weather was cooling and with great comany and conversational topics (: so we walked from no men's land (outram) to tiko men's land (chinatown) to drunk men's land (clarkequay) and to working men's land (city hall)
and we finally reached our destination - MARINA SQUARE HONGKONG CAFE yayyyy :D:D:D where they had breakfast and i had my supper hahahaha SHIOK.
that was like 6am already. we eat eat eat and talk talk talk alot of fond memories and HTHT we ended the session at 9am
WOAHHHHHHH. great day. great activites (urgh ya). and great people. i like!
problem: piling up assignments and test on friday. and FTT tmr argh stresssssssssssssssssssssss
By post:
play harder
recess week
towel; googles; swimming pool
shut up and drive
the week has been busy busy busybut it was alright...
a mix of emotions; day
wooh!nothing beats eating sashimi in the own comfo...
yay an update for my frequent readers! hahaoh yes ...
this is independence
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