preferrably known as taa
learn to love her and her world
the other me
design blog
church clique
29 November 2008
MAMBO MAMBO MAMBO i want to mambo somemore!!!
ever since geo-fucking-graphy ended "holidays" started for me wahooo!
managed to convince some people to go mambo! initially abit dulan la the queue so freaking long our dearest ACE CARD gone in the end had to rely on the many just-finised-A-levels-cj-people (maybe that was the reason why zouk was so bloody crowded)
rocks la came my turn cannot go in phuture without having to pay so its was zouk gahhhh
but drinks came and so did happiness thats where some serious dancing started havent been so serious in a longgggg while haha in addition there were HEELS (its been long too man) which explains the horrible sore of my legs now :S

okok fantastic now cant wait for bthe remaining 3 papers to end and freedom to come back not as if i lock myself at home mugging what am i doing blogging now..
but anyways IM GOING TO TAKE REVENGE ON MASSIVE HSU AND MELVIN AKA RONALD u all watch out ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
29 November 2008
MAMBO MAMBO MAMBO i want to mambo somemore!!!
ever since geo-fucking-graphy ended "holidays" started for me wahooo!
managed to convince some people to go mambo! initially abit dulan la the queue so freaking long our dearest ACE CARD gone in the end had to rely on the many just-finised-A-levels-cj-people (maybe that was the reason why zouk was so bloody crowded)
rocks la came my turn cannot go in phuture without having to pay so its was zouk gahhhh
but drinks came and so did happiness thats where some serious dancing started havent been so serious in a longgggg while haha in addition there were HEELS (its been long too man) which explains the horrible sore of my legs now :S

okok fantastic now cant wait for bthe remaining 3 papers to end and freedom to come back not as if i lock myself at home mugging what am i doing blogging now..
but anyways IM GOING TO TAKE REVENGE ON MASSIVE HSU AND MELVIN AKA RONALD u all watch out ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
By post:
am i glad or am i gladi couldnt be more gladgeo-fu...
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A levels has sort of endedand so finally a ecent m...
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zomgggi think at the end of the semim going to do ...
you had a bad dream
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