preferrably known as taa
learn to love her and her world
the other me
design blog
church clique
28 December 2008 post christmas nuahing
hello im back with an update! infact its going to be a pretty long one haha
1) the crazy "i fuck u" uncle on the bus
hahahaha basically i was on 167 with the girls from t9 heading towards thomson this old man that was seated at the 4-seats-that-face-each-other was trying to get down the bus. so he squeezed past val and some other random people when a working-dressed woman shouted at him. apparently he had touched her and they started quarelling. After he was done with his quarelling, he realised he missed his stop so he kept yelling at the driver to stop the bus. The driver obviously had to carry on towards the next bus stop before he could stop and open the doors. Then the old man, claimed to be drunk by the woman sitting directly opposite me who sat beside him before he got up, shouted damn loudly at the driver asking him to stop and let him go or else he would call LTA and lodge a complaint blah blah blah and the driver obviously had to explain why he couldnt stop.
the old man just started shouting "I FUCK YOU" at the driver haha goodness it was so funny, the whole bus started laughing. well the old man, despite the laughter was in his own world still shouting "i fuck you" haha yea thats pretty much it
its just that there and then when he's right infront of your face, its really quite hilarious :D:D:D
2) xmas eve mass and outing
this year i went for the 9pm mass hoping that it'll be less crowded than the midnight one. and to my surprise or rather awe, 9pm was packed even worse..worse than sardines even thanks to some connections here and there, my mom got us a seat hehe goodness the doors had to remain open for people that were squeezed out to hear/see the mass.
well it didnt feel like xmas mass to me though :S
and so after mass the usual calling and waiting and bussing down to yishun. and some aunty cheated my feelings cos she told me she was heading to the later mass but appeared in the earlier one. sigh
that aside, we headed down on a super empty train to clarke quay where everyone else were waiting for us! oh did i mention that the train ride was full of cough - gerald's thunderstorm cough
3) all the damn clubs
upon reaching clarke quay we headed to liangcourt to meet up with the rest more and more people kept coming so more and more tables were added from 3 it became 6!
i was sitting right as the side and everyone was starring at me WHY? cos the combination of people was simply awesome! and minus the fact that we couldnt decide where to go -.-
back to the awesome combination, it really was awesome i cant stand it myself man! i like it when my friends mix, and when i say mix, i mean MIXMIXMIX there were churchies - gerald, shawn, andrew, angie+vic there was chubi - the representative yink there were nus friends - xiangu, weijie, cyan+bev and well, others but with awesome connections too - anthonychang and peiling

well if you're wondering, peiling is shawn's girlfriend and in the meantime, is bestfriends with bev, means the 2 couples know each other how small this world is aint it
OKAY anyways the main point is we couldnt find anywhere to go afraid that zouk was full, we didnt even try (damnit ended up reasonably crowded should have kena there) alot of clubs were being bitches by having so many age limits here and there even butterfact failed -.- we nearly headed to some random bar but being afraid it will close early we went back to clarke quay we almost nearly kenaed club rebel but the cover was simply to ex in the end, we went to yello jello! the bar that replaces kandi pretty decent place though with nuts all over the floor -.-
4) yello jello; the bill drinks and uncle waiter i took photo with
yello jello had good music! was it was practically mambo without a podium and dancers but it was a good enough replacement for mambo (: i was happy, at least.
festive season ah, we didnt think much and ordered a hell lot
theres moet's rose champaigne, theres beer, theres shots (cowboy!) and more beer and whisky which this picture didnt capture HOW TO NOT HIGH U TELL ME! but because of that random ordering the bill totalled up to $448 /-
zomg nearly died.
this is the nice uncle waiter that served us the whole time we were there although he never gave any free gifts :(
okay if you're wondering we managed to foot the bill lah and then we headed over to anthony's place with a van! how cool is that! okay it was found amongst the crowd in clarkequay
everyone spacious and comfy
and gerald lim, our tourguide for the night
and upon reaching chang's place, it was obviously more drinking; with one of the nicest ice wine and one of the worse tequila shot i ever had eyuerrkkkk
meanwhile others made themselves pretty much comfortable
andrew never left the bed, im so sure he's looking forward to a mattress endorsement haha
siangu gerald and isa took the windows/mini roof
well, weijie chubi and shawn went around erm, doing stuff heh and chubi must be so proud of me cos i didnt have to 230, we stayed till breakfast :D
5) the hangover and missed xmas lunch :D hehehe
reached home at 7+am i suppose at least by the time i washed up all was about 8. and it was a serious case of comatosation man. slept through mother-side-family-lunch however with a hangover in between wasnt as bad as the arts bash one la, so i could force myself to stay in bed and continue sleeping, which i eventually did succeed in hehe.
but it also means, no presents for me :S
6) christmas dinner
right on. it was father-side dinner/steamboat in the night the same coffeeshop-restaurant and as attention seeking as ever goodness my family -.- and guess what la apart from their usual bring-your-own wine and nuts all this round they brought PRAWNS (steamboat remember) however i must say the prawns were fresh and yummy hehehe BUT STILL, abit paiseh no no not abit, very paiseh..
the table when we were about to leave, imagine about 5 or more big plates that were cleared already
my cousins, the Vs. just nice i replaced the middle one
yes and this is my ever-acting-hilarious dad driving with this angmoh santa hat wahlau every car that drove past was starring at him so paisehhhhhhhhh!
yay. that basically sums up my christmas eve and day. pretty much intensive activities eh (:
for those that are still reading, heres more Behind-the-Scenes photos hahaha

here comes the not so normal photos :S
seriously, i dont know what he was doing
shawn displaying his gay+horny tendencies
well lets just say, the guys went wild :D
oh before i leave, i must say that i'm damn sad at this moment
BAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH cos little nyonya is ending :( i left one more episode to watch boohooo and yueniang didnt end up with chenxi darn darn darn
thanks to little nyonya there has been some quality nya-and-daughter time oh man, i feel as if a part of me is going missinggggg...........
28 December 2008 post christmas nuahing
hello im back with an update! infact its going to be a pretty long one haha
1) the crazy "i fuck u" uncle on the bus
hahahaha basically i was on 167 with the girls from t9 heading towards thomson this old man that was seated at the 4-seats-that-face-each-other was trying to get down the bus. so he squeezed past val and some other random people when a working-dressed woman shouted at him. apparently he had touched her and they started quarelling. After he was done with his quarelling, he realised he missed his stop so he kept yelling at the driver to stop the bus. The driver obviously had to carry on towards the next bus stop before he could stop and open the doors. Then the old man, claimed to be drunk by the woman sitting directly opposite me who sat beside him before he got up, shouted damn loudly at the driver asking him to stop and let him go or else he would call LTA and lodge a complaint blah blah blah and the driver obviously had to explain why he couldnt stop.
the old man just started shouting "I FUCK YOU" at the driver haha goodness it was so funny, the whole bus started laughing. well the old man, despite the laughter was in his own world still shouting "i fuck you" haha yea thats pretty much it
its just that there and then when he's right infront of your face, its really quite hilarious :D:D:D
2) xmas eve mass and outing
this year i went for the 9pm mass hoping that it'll be less crowded than the midnight one. and to my surprise or rather awe, 9pm was packed even worse..worse than sardines even thanks to some connections here and there, my mom got us a seat hehe goodness the doors had to remain open for people that were squeezed out to hear/see the mass.
well it didnt feel like xmas mass to me though :S
and so after mass the usual calling and waiting and bussing down to yishun. and some aunty cheated my feelings cos she told me she was heading to the later mass but appeared in the earlier one. sigh
that aside, we headed down on a super empty train to clarke quay where everyone else were waiting for us! oh did i mention that the train ride was full of cough - gerald's thunderstorm cough
3) all the damn clubs
upon reaching clarke quay we headed to liangcourt to meet up with the rest more and more people kept coming so more and more tables were added from 3 it became 6!
i was sitting right as the side and everyone was starring at me WHY? cos the combination of people was simply awesome! and minus the fact that we couldnt decide where to go -.-
back to the awesome combination, it really was awesome i cant stand it myself man! i like it when my friends mix, and when i say mix, i mean MIXMIXMIX there were churchies - gerald, shawn, andrew, angie+vic there was chubi - the representative yink there were nus friends - xiangu, weijie, cyan+bev and well, others but with awesome connections too - anthonychang and peiling

well if you're wondering, peiling is shawn's girlfriend and in the meantime, is bestfriends with bev, means the 2 couples know each other how small this world is aint it
OKAY anyways the main point is we couldnt find anywhere to go afraid that zouk was full, we didnt even try (damnit ended up reasonably crowded should have kena there) alot of clubs were being bitches by having so many age limits here and there even butterfact failed -.- we nearly headed to some random bar but being afraid it will close early we went back to clarke quay we almost nearly kenaed club rebel but the cover was simply to ex in the end, we went to yello jello! the bar that replaces kandi pretty decent place though with nuts all over the floor -.-
4) yello jello; the bill drinks and uncle waiter i took photo with
yello jello had good music! was it was practically mambo without a podium and dancers but it was a good enough replacement for mambo (: i was happy, at least.
festive season ah, we didnt think much and ordered a hell lot
theres moet's rose champaigne, theres beer, theres shots (cowboy!) and more beer and whisky which this picture didnt capture HOW TO NOT HIGH U TELL ME! but because of that random ordering the bill totalled up to $448 /-
zomg nearly died.
this is the nice uncle waiter that served us the whole time we were there although he never gave any free gifts :(
okay if you're wondering we managed to foot the bill lah and then we headed over to anthony's place with a van! how cool is that! okay it was found amongst the crowd in clarkequay
everyone spacious and comfy
and gerald lim, our tourguide for the night
and upon reaching chang's place, it was obviously more drinking; with one of the nicest ice wine and one of the worse tequila shot i ever had eyuerrkkkk
meanwhile others made themselves pretty much comfortable
andrew never left the bed, im so sure he's looking forward to a mattress endorsement haha
siangu gerald and isa took the windows/mini roof
well, weijie chubi and shawn went around erm, doing stuff heh and chubi must be so proud of me cos i didnt have to 230, we stayed till breakfast :D
5) the hangover and missed xmas lunch :D hehehe
reached home at 7+am i suppose at least by the time i washed up all was about 8. and it was a serious case of comatosation man. slept through mother-side-family-lunch however with a hangover in between wasnt as bad as the arts bash one la, so i could force myself to stay in bed and continue sleeping, which i eventually did succeed in hehe.
but it also means, no presents for me :S
6) christmas dinner
right on. it was father-side dinner/steamboat in the night the same coffeeshop-restaurant and as attention seeking as ever goodness my family -.- and guess what la apart from their usual bring-your-own wine and nuts all this round they brought PRAWNS (steamboat remember) however i must say the prawns were fresh and yummy hehehe BUT STILL, abit paiseh no no not abit, very paiseh..
the table when we were about to leave, imagine about 5 or more big plates that were cleared already
my cousins, the Vs. just nice i replaced the middle one
yes and this is my ever-acting-hilarious dad driving with this angmoh santa hat wahlau every car that drove past was starring at him so paisehhhhhhhhh!
yay. that basically sums up my christmas eve and day. pretty much intensive activities eh (:
for those that are still reading, heres more Behind-the-Scenes photos hahaha

here comes the not so normal photos :S
seriously, i dont know what he was doing
shawn displaying his gay+horny tendencies
well lets just say, the guys went wild :D
oh before i leave, i must say that i'm damn sad at this moment
BAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH cos little nyonya is ending :( i left one more episode to watch boohooo and yueniang didnt end up with chenxi darn darn darn
thanks to little nyonya there has been some quality nya-and-daughter time oh man, i feel as if a part of me is going missinggggg...........
By post:
messy xmas 2008
moodless moddles moddles moodlesssssssstotally moo...
OMG TAA GOT INSPIRATION!i've decided for my 20 bir...
yes must blog about this must blog about this!mamb...
TAA IS A CERTIFIED FIRST AIDERhow cool is that?ble...
ZOUKOUT WAS .......lets just say zouk should just ...
yes everyone its MAMBO again yay :Dphotos up on fa...
okay enough of partiesim back to sober me and doin...
get smashed
yay one more downdamn doing this everyday makes ti...
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