17 May 2009
yes im currently in Fukuoka, japan and its only the night of Day 1
i guess i made the right decision to LUP my laptop all the way hehe
the flight was torturous: it being a night flight, damn uncomfortable for sleeping and no freaking interactive games and i only had a singapore sling cos i was too shag for more :S so currently i think i only had 3-4 hours of sleep im SHAG.
at the airport waiting for the rest of the girls to change into their contact lenses so they will look pretty in photos lol
this is my homestay host!NAHO (:  her apartment is small but super cool and cosy at least its much nicer than pgp :S
i totally KO-ed when we went back to put down my luggages. and then they had some mini international students dunno what BBQ lol goodness the food was great!  their way of bbq just felt so different from ours! i had some cocktail and a few beers wooh! in the bright but super windy-that-made-my-nose-run afternoon
kyushu university looks super old and retro but super cool gives u the countryside feeling (compared to our university of stairs -.-)   whats more shiok than to KO when u see a sofa LOL  dinner was great too!  aight more photos up on facebook (day one only though)
i hope i can maintain this daily uploading of photos i should return the internet connection to my host soon! :S hehe