preferrably known as taa
learn to love her and her world
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church clique
28 March 2008
spotted. Y T and S at cineleisure watching step up 2 eating lunch IN the theatre T tapaoed chicken rice Y and S tapao long johns silver it was quite a scent i must say
T commented, "step up 2 is not bad. very up beat and all, with many hot bods. and that asian girl is damn cute! ooohhhhh he got the keyssssss. i love ah-meh-ri-ka!!!!
Y T and S was also spotted doing S's favourite 'low low low' action. hilarious.
Y and T were then spotted, trying to take a bus down to suntec where their singaporean kiasuism appeared and they strayed off to the bodyshop massive sale at level 3 but there were apparently many more ppl that were more kiasu than them so they squeezed out and left to level 6 where KT TUNSTALL CONCERT was held
it is heard that the concert was not bad. as so it seems, T and Y had fun and finally saw what they were waiting to see they came out satisfied
as Y, preferrred to be known as chubi yong, was buying the tshirt T, aka chubi taa, ran out of sight and back into the concert hall thats when she discovered KT TUNSTALL was around, taking photos and signing autographs so the kiasuism appeared again and to their amazement they managed to take a photo with the star of the night and got their concert tickets autographed now how cool is that huh?

did you drool? xoxo
28 March 2008
spotted. Y T and S at cineleisure watching step up 2 eating lunch IN the theatre T tapaoed chicken rice Y and S tapao long johns silver it was quite a scent i must say
T commented, "step up 2 is not bad. very up beat and all, with many hot bods. and that asian girl is damn cute! ooohhhhh he got the keyssssss. i love ah-meh-ri-ka!!!!
Y T and S was also spotted doing S's favourite 'low low low' action. hilarious.
Y and T were then spotted, trying to take a bus down to suntec where their singaporean kiasuism appeared and they strayed off to the bodyshop massive sale at level 3 but there were apparently many more ppl that were more kiasu than them so they squeezed out and left to level 6 where KT TUNSTALL CONCERT was held
it is heard that the concert was not bad. as so it seems, T and Y had fun and finally saw what they were waiting to see they came out satisfied
as Y, preferrred to be known as chubi yong, was buying the tshirt T, aka chubi taa, ran out of sight and back into the concert hall thats when she discovered KT TUNSTALL was around, taking photos and signing autographs so the kiasuism appeared again and to their amazement they managed to take a photo with the star of the night and got their concert tickets autographed now how cool is that huh?

did you drool? xoxo
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