29 May 2009
hellooooooooooooooooooo yes taaaaaaaaaaa is back home in singaporeeeeeeeeeee
been too lazy to update this blog cos facebook time is precious in japan hahahaha wah shagggggg man!
its only a day but im missing everything about japan alr :S oh wells.
let me give a brief description of my holiday :)
theres good food!zomg i ate really alot alot alot alot however if find it quite epic that i didnt get to eat sushi at all :S
and i choose to believe that all the walking burnt the food calories so my weight remains... hmphhhhh
 good view!  and good people (the fukuoka people whom i really miss alot)  MY FIRST TIME SKINNY DIPPING (onsen = hotsprings)  first time in a yukata and traditional tea ceremony which i stepped into the green tea while trying to take photo of epic large kois which caused my yukata and jeans to stain and smell like green tea up till now but i manage to bring it home!  and of course EPIC MANY CUTE GUYS AND EPIC HAIR check out the guy in far right hahaha epic hair
wahlau tokyo has freaking hell alot of cute guys so much that in every bunch, theres a cute one we (esp ben) took so many sneaks shots hehe one day in tokyo had more cute guys than 6 days in fukuoka :S