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18 April 2008
camp was alright primary kids are i mean they are really KIDS! kids with so much energy literally never ending energy and that makes me feel old they can run around non stop and they dont sleep on time
but my kids are really cute the girls are..a form of lovable and the boys are...super rascals and they are never on time :S they run around when im talking and they like to talk back
ok anyways, few highlights of the camp for me first time into nature rumble got freaking muddy cos i went in the mudpool with them see instructor so wei da! super black natural dye! :DDD
next, damn lot of belaying which is causing massive aching especially in my neck, shoulders, arms and legs im not exaggerating la and i got like skin tears as a result of friction while adjusting harnessess for all my kids and that includes 2 slots of crc, rockwall, abseil wahlau fingers dead alr la and i got some bruise which looks like internal bleeding from the karabiners haha ok sucks but i like belaying! actually its tiring if u belay for too long i like pulling the rope so taut that it forces my camper to move haha damn fun damn fun but rockwall is the most tiring cos its really pull them up until i have to remain in squatting position and many times got dragged and almost got lifted even though im fat and my camper is just a scrawny p5 kid amazing huh
last thing.. POWER campfire's fireball totally completely absolutely FAILED hahaha 'it flew down for a second or two and then i dropped like literally drop, bounce abit and roll everyone stunned stop and stare
campfire was damn long 20 groups hurhur i cheated off item so rendall danced both tarzan and jane's parts while i sat there and action cool cool first time finale performance
for your eyes, i present to you maha bodhi p5 camp group 3!

and my cute cute girls i like felicia the most thats the white shirt girl directly above me with the "twist" she's damn adorable!!! and she damn cute oh yes, she suddenly randomly wrote across her arm "instructor ta rocks" SO CUTE RIGHT!!!! hahaha (:
18 April 2008
camp was alright primary kids are i mean they are really KIDS! kids with so much energy literally never ending energy and that makes me feel old they can run around non stop and they dont sleep on time
but my kids are really cute the girls are..a form of lovable and the boys are...super rascals and they are never on time :S they run around when im talking and they like to talk back
ok anyways, few highlights of the camp for me first time into nature rumble got freaking muddy cos i went in the mudpool with them see instructor so wei da! super black natural dye! :DDD
next, damn lot of belaying which is causing massive aching especially in my neck, shoulders, arms and legs im not exaggerating la and i got like skin tears as a result of friction while adjusting harnessess for all my kids and that includes 2 slots of crc, rockwall, abseil wahlau fingers dead alr la and i got some bruise which looks like internal bleeding from the karabiners haha ok sucks but i like belaying! actually its tiring if u belay for too long i like pulling the rope so taut that it forces my camper to move haha damn fun damn fun but rockwall is the most tiring cos its really pull them up until i have to remain in squatting position and many times got dragged and almost got lifted even though im fat and my camper is just a scrawny p5 kid amazing huh
last thing.. POWER campfire's fireball totally completely absolutely FAILED hahaha 'it flew down for a second or two and then i dropped like literally drop, bounce abit and roll everyone stunned stop and stare
campfire was damn long 20 groups hurhur i cheated off item so rendall danced both tarzan and jane's parts while i sat there and action cool cool first time finale performance
for your eyes, i present to you maha bodhi p5 camp group 3!

and my cute cute girls i like felicia the most thats the white shirt girl directly above me with the "twist" she's damn adorable!!! and she damn cute oh yes, she suddenly randomly wrote across her arm "instructor ta rocks" SO CUTE RIGHT!!!! hahaha (:
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