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18 May 2008 Welcome To NDP 2008
well its just leaders' training actually but it went quite smoothly no major hiccups no major problems
stayedover on friday at some ulu room the rooms nice though every table had a powerpoint so we called it a "can charge alot of things at the same time" room hahaha
watched 'What Happens In Vegas' and 'Iron Man' well i didnt quite watch Iron man though i went to sleep halfway through apparently the log boys didnt sleep the whole night this is because they are also called the PSP Boys so u get it the room was freezing like mad, LIKE MAD my sleeping bag wasnt powerful enough to block off the cold air i had to wear my jacket inside, tighten all the strings and i was still shivering
and i had a hard time waking up apparently so bad that almost everyone tried and unsuccessful haha until they had to blast the national anthem, play the trumpet, and bring out the MOTHER of all loud hailers, right in front of my head woke up with a super stoned condition
so then we headed to the LT where we had our trng it started on time ice breakers ended up as a massive session of whacko and then everyone started forfeiting and soboing everyone but somehow the final victim was ME basket! i shant mentioned what i had to do or did cos its really quite embarrassing until photos and videos come up but thanks to me! my forfiets somehow broke all the ice yeah! yay for me :D haha and during the teambonding games, yaoxing and I started a cheer war which is actually quite high! group 4 rocks! group 4 zai! but please stay like that until NDP itself ok? (:
----------------------------- camping next tues to thurs stayin over on fri till sat just in case you're interested in asking me out
18 May 2008 Welcome To NDP 2008
well its just leaders' training actually but it went quite smoothly no major hiccups no major problems
stayedover on friday at some ulu room the rooms nice though every table had a powerpoint so we called it a "can charge alot of things at the same time" room hahaha
watched 'What Happens In Vegas' and 'Iron Man' well i didnt quite watch Iron man though i went to sleep halfway through apparently the log boys didnt sleep the whole night this is because they are also called the PSP Boys so u get it the room was freezing like mad, LIKE MAD my sleeping bag wasnt powerful enough to block off the cold air i had to wear my jacket inside, tighten all the strings and i was still shivering
and i had a hard time waking up apparently so bad that almost everyone tried and unsuccessful haha until they had to blast the national anthem, play the trumpet, and bring out the MOTHER of all loud hailers, right in front of my head woke up with a super stoned condition
so then we headed to the LT where we had our trng it started on time ice breakers ended up as a massive session of whacko and then everyone started forfeiting and soboing everyone but somehow the final victim was ME basket! i shant mentioned what i had to do or did cos its really quite embarrassing until photos and videos come up but thanks to me! my forfiets somehow broke all the ice yeah! yay for me :D haha and during the teambonding games, yaoxing and I started a cheer war which is actually quite high! group 4 rocks! group 4 zai! but please stay like that until NDP itself ok? (:
----------------------------- camping next tues to thurs stayin over on fri till sat just in case you're interested in asking me out
By post:
fucking cheebye
they want me
it goes way back to 1998
Please do LOLdid you manage to see anything wrong?...
worriedz worzzzmore and more ppl are getting accep...
damn accurate!
TIRED TIRED TIREDthis time is really damn tiredand...
yay new template!still kinda simple i like :Djust ...
im back to civilisation againaloha changi was...lo...
camp was alrightprimary kids are so....kidsi mean ...
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