2 July 2010
what a summer, indeedcurrently, i am one-quarter bedridden all thanks to the accident last night for memories sake i should totally blog this down...
On the way back home when our car flipped.. yeah FLIPPED. two times 360 degrees and we landed upside down with a last burst of effort i managed to crawl out on my own grass had never feel more comfortable than that
with loads of screaming and movement going on i laid there motionless it felt like forever before help came to us with groggy mind and blurry vision, i totally gave myself in to the angels of rescue they rolled me here, toss me there, lifted me up, strapped me up a sense of relieve came when it felt like i was pushed into the ambulance hell no, torture just started...
i was flooded with questions, mostly which are "what is your first, last name", "when is your birthday", probably by almost every single person in that vehicle i was strapped in so tightly, i couldnt move my feet, body, shoulders, neck, forehead and the oxygen mask was cutting into my face some guy left ice on my forehead almost the whole journey, which totally did not help
like finally, i reached the hospital it really did feel like what you see in those drama shows as they rolled you along, you see passing lights, moving heads and hear much noises when they finally moved me to the bed, all i felt was pain pain and more pain people were all over my body they cut up my shirt and bra, stuck things all over my body poked needles and tied bands my head and eyes were so bad i couldnt open my eyes for a few hours i was puking and bleeding and totally full of grass goodness i felt so bad for the hospital staff
i went for like a million xrays and scan, including MRI which was not funny cos i kept wanting to puke but i had to remain bloody still finally, they told me what was wrong with me: I had 2 bumps on my forehead (which feels mushy), a broken bone somewhere behind my eye, sprained right ankle, loads of scratches and badly bruised shoulders, back and legs i couldnt even lift my left leg, felt so bloody useless and i was wheelchaired around
and then they discharged me. which was another hell cos all i did next was sat next to ruide in my stupid wheelchair and watch him snore for like 5,6 hours trying desperately to call for help at the great escape but no one picked up my calls felt like shit hopeless finally a doctor introduced me to a social worker who helped me call and arranged me to be fetched because rd had to stay in the hosp. i felt like i waited forever when ethel and a maintenance guy appeared, i totally sobbed a sense of relieve, help, familiarity and all... and i finally was on my way home..........
thank you God for being with us through these hard times thank you for keeping us safe and sound thank you for every single thing.
