preferrably known as taa
learn to love her and her world
the other me
design blog
church clique
28 February 2006
wahlau damn bitch lah grahhhh so irritating
i suddenly feel like a very deprived person of all the things going ard me klike this very moment grahhhh
i need some money i need some fun i need some company i need someone
(woohh it ryhmes, but it wasnt intentional =p)
yes yes i suddenly feel like i need someone anyone someone to love someone to talk to someone to go crazy with someone to admire just someone god give it to me?
26 February 2006
i promise anyday out with those ppl is going to be a funny day out hahas. went out with debs and sheens ytd. bloody hell me and debs were like talking nonstop in the train haha. came redhill and we were like wow so pink! and then we started talking bout cj hostel cool aye we missed the next stop, well out stop; queestown wahaha and so we had to take back
at the busstop we were like walking to the place where they show the bus routes when someone "ahem" us we were like wth lah and then we turn ard and saw sheena hahaha freaking funny lahs.
and i bought my PINK SHOEBAG!!!! wheee so happie can and the guy in the shop gave me a 2cent discount how cool is that lahs anyways debs is happie too she's finally got her heart shaped dunks hahas. and we bought footie! wahaha
so sheens left and we went down to town kelly was having auto session at wisma ohs lah not crowded lah ITS WAS LIKE FREAKING PATHETIC CAN smart gong zuo ren yuan hold it insuch small place so looks okay
anyways we went cine and debs wanted to buy earrings and i finally decided to heck all consequences and pierce my ear!!! haha its super sting can dunno who the hell tell me piercing up there is not as pain as the ear lobbbbb wtfh!!!
okay. after that we walked down to paragon i saw kimmie! haha we went to our crumper shop and then we started fantasising about our limited ed debs/taa/and maybe sheens if she change her mind version of our pink and orange crumpler wahhh it will be so nice can!
haha after that went down to cheenatown for truth reunion dinner well tt was rather pathetic lah so many ppl cancelled on us (esp doos) like 10 min before 7 wtf! so frm 2 tables we became less than one sigh oh who cares the food was REALLY GOOD and its was REALLY CHEAP i mean like 12.50 per person for like at least 10 dishes leh wahlau woohh!!! shiok ka lau sai ah! heehee well my bloody curfew ended the day in a not so nice way =s oh well its always like that
22 February 2006
ahhhh. weiqi just made me so freaking excited. she showed my adriano's frenster ahhhh. super cute can. *faints
haha. anyways. went to k with yink and doos today. haha shiok shiok and i got to sing meng bu luo! wooohhh
im freaking high now. tralalalaaaaaaaa
i was watching come project superstar videos just now it kinda brought back a little memories and its sweet. hahas
i remember waiting super eagerly on every wednesday night to watch it. and then the next day got school so mummy would watch the results show for me =) and then next morning she'll wake me up with shocking results. hahas.
and the super sinhuey craze! awww. she's so pretty and she can sing so well. wooohhh.
and then i saw the advertisement on channel u today! wahhh so happie. the superstar show is gonna start showing on 2nd of march! woohoo! cant wait to watch. it seriously looks good lah =)
went to yinkies hse today. woohhh. wad a funny day watched dirtydancing2 and girlnextdoor damn spastic we didn't record any songs afterall cos the songs we happened to choose today are either too high or unknown hahas.
and so we did our nails! woohoo. my nails are like SUPER DUPER BLINKBLINK now lah check them out;
okay maybe not this pic. hahas
left; yink's french glitter manicure, right; my blinkblink manicure! =)

yup those are mine. cool eh. but for the past few hours. loads of glitter has been dropping. hahas.
19 February 2006
okay i didnt make it to idol haha but tt isnt the point i seiously 'enjoyed' the whole waiting process well i met some reallie funny and cool ppl the cute and funny guy which is daniel ong's friend he's freaking funny lah and then this okay big size malay woman who can freaking sing! and this 'girl' in my group called juliana or smth omg!!! shes the girlfren of the cute guy's brother! ahhhh wad a small world and i found out tt his name is eliss wahhahaha. oh and theres jeremy (i think) he sings nice jazz! and he's frm sji i think i'll meet him in yishun someday i found out tt he lives in sembawang hehe
anyways the auditorium was FREAKING cold we kept going to the toilet lahs the 2 big guys in my grp not cool lah! bring laptop watch incredibles haha they finished the whole movie with like another 1+ to spare can
yup. it was super fun watching ppl get interview and sing everyone will just go crazy and start yay-ing hahas. and daniel ong is seriously spastic he entertained us, then he disppeared. hmph.
so the waiting was long but the sudition itself was super fast lah less than 2 min i think oh so great the producer ended up discussing bout my name
"my name is carmelita" "oh are you korean?" "no its chinese" "huh?" "i mean im chinese, the name's catholic" "OHHHH. you may sing now"
wth!!! haha damn funny lahs.
yup. okay next target. project superstar 06 woohoo. nothings impossible now all the maluation is like nth alr. wahaha okay i still feel the maluation but heck it ITS FUN. (well to the certain extent)
18 February 2006
hmm today was a sleepy day and a boring day
cant wait for mr though its gonna be a crazy day. IDOL here i come!!!
my love for you is like chicken rice you're the chicken, i'm the rice add some chilli, add some spice shiok shiok, so nice!
17 February 2006
omg. i not stupid too is seriously darn nice u just HAVE TO watch. out of the 2 hrs, im like crying for half of it lah its so sweettttt awwww
played pool with silly filly and friends their good lah well, besides fillieeeee wahahaha
14 February 2006
happie valentines! wad a day i see couples and flowers everywhere wooh today was one of the boring-est outings i had we HAD NTH TO DO hahas
our feelings got cheated by stupid ahbeng we waited for him for SO LONG to eat icecream and then he said he was not coming alr grahhhhh
anyways, i've submitted jae i put sa and cj afterall and bu si xing still must put sp courses after tt. which is like totally waste space hahahaha yup
13 February 2006
okay its valentines day tmr haha time passes so fast its alr been a year. cant help but thinking of wad happened last yr..
anyways im gonna spend i with my beloved og haha at least we dun feel tt bad no wait. correction. im gonna spend it with my og- those tt are single tt is haha
yay. fondue!!!
11 February 2006
woah! cant wait for the bbq! soon soon! im coming!
10 February 2006
13 points! 13 points! 13 points! wooohhhh wad a relief haha
totally dun feel like just received Os results lah so wrong so wrong so wrong!!!!
9 February 2006
yipeee. im in the library again. hahas. im ponning gp yupp so boring lah and the teacher always stare at me. tsktsk
ct was fun today hahas. okay there was no scandalous 'i like girls' but we were doing a video haha we were damn high lah singing and singing and singing and shouting acting all drunk hahaha and so we did the video! its lame we did some running girlfrens thing and i 'commited suicide' um, joannna pushed me 'down' actually hahahas shiok shiok
yippeeeee its my last day of school lar! hopefully the more i stay in sr the more i want to go poly its not tt sr sucks but i think jc life reallie dun suit me lahs its like so packed and fast-paced mmm mmm okay sp here i comeeeee!!!!!
6 February 2006
wth lah im in the library now and im freaking sleepy hahas. last nite talk to yink until 4 am. rocks now my eyes are bloody hell heavy esp just now during cheam prac wth lah i dun have a single fucking tutorial haha so i just copied all the ans and hand in now i still owe her tutorial one bloody shit other classes are like alr at tutorial no 6 haha rocks!
just ponned cham and maths lecture haha shiokshiok just now not abit sit in the canteen with jeremy ow! die i said smth wrong so now he knows i ponned lecture haha heck it and so we're planning to walk out at 12.30 to go k-ster! yayyy!!! damn long nv k alr! woohoo!!
was watching twelfth night but i got sian of it hhahaha the show yuting's watching looks good he keeps laughing haha okay. im offffffff
5 February 2006
ohman i totally overslept lah hahahas now have to go for evening mass alone =s
anyways im like totally aching from yesterday it was so freaking high lah haha well only the street party chingay itself was just okay haha made some frens though haha and my didi haha he's so cute we sprayed our hair pink woohhhh i like those guys i sprayed their hair for it was NICE hahas
but the bad thing was it rained i was like sharing the poncho with didi lah and we looked so retarded and the uncle standing in front of me kept laughing at us haha damn lame
and then we started doing the cheers ohwell it did entertain the crowd wahaha at the last part when the firewoks came on we didnt care and just ran across the road where i met debbie and king haha and so we didnt care and stayed there haha then they say time for street party!! woohoo!!! we did crazy stuff esp singing and cheering sr stuff in the middle of nowhere haha
and we caught the last train home!! haha yay
28 February 2006
wahlau damn bitch lah grahhhh so irritating
i suddenly feel like a very deprived person of all the things going ard me klike this very moment grahhhh
i need some money i need some fun i need some company i need someone
(woohh it ryhmes, but it wasnt intentional =p)
yes yes i suddenly feel like i need someone anyone someone to love someone to talk to someone to go crazy with someone to admire just someone god give it to me?
26 February 2006
i promise anyday out with those ppl is going to be a funny day out hahas. went out with debs and sheens ytd. bloody hell me and debs were like talking nonstop in the train haha. came redhill and we were like wow so pink! and then we started talking bout cj hostel cool aye we missed the next stop, well out stop; queestown wahaha and so we had to take back
at the busstop we were like walking to the place where they show the bus routes when someone "ahem" us we were like wth lah and then we turn ard and saw sheena hahaha freaking funny lahs.
and i bought my PINK SHOEBAG!!!! wheee so happie can and the guy in the shop gave me a 2cent discount how cool is that lahs anyways debs is happie too she's finally got her heart shaped dunks hahas. and we bought footie! wahaha
so sheens left and we went down to town kelly was having auto session at wisma ohs lah not crowded lah ITS WAS LIKE FREAKING PATHETIC CAN smart gong zuo ren yuan hold it insuch small place so looks okay
anyways we went cine and debs wanted to buy earrings and i finally decided to heck all consequences and pierce my ear!!! haha its super sting can dunno who the hell tell me piercing up there is not as pain as the ear lobbbbb wtfh!!!
okay. after that we walked down to paragon i saw kimmie! haha we went to our crumper shop and then we started fantasising about our limited ed debs/taa/and maybe sheens if she change her mind version of our pink and orange crumpler wahhh it will be so nice can!
haha after that went down to cheenatown for truth reunion dinner well tt was rather pathetic lah so many ppl cancelled on us (esp doos) like 10 min before 7 wtf! so frm 2 tables we became less than one sigh oh who cares the food was REALLY GOOD and its was REALLY CHEAP i mean like 12.50 per person for like at least 10 dishes leh wahlau woohh!!! shiok ka lau sai ah! heehee well my bloody curfew ended the day in a not so nice way =s oh well its always like that
22 February 2006
ahhhh. weiqi just made me so freaking excited. she showed my adriano's frenster ahhhh. super cute can. *faints
haha. anyways. went to k with yink and doos today. haha shiok shiok and i got to sing meng bu luo! wooohhh
im freaking high now. tralalalaaaaaaaa
i was watching come project superstar videos just now it kinda brought back a little memories and its sweet. hahas
i remember waiting super eagerly on every wednesday night to watch it. and then the next day got school so mummy would watch the results show for me =) and then next morning she'll wake me up with shocking results. hahas.
and the super sinhuey craze! awww. she's so pretty and she can sing so well. wooohhh.
and then i saw the advertisement on channel u today! wahhh so happie. the superstar show is gonna start showing on 2nd of march! woohoo! cant wait to watch. it seriously looks good lah =)
went to yinkies hse today. woohhh. wad a funny day watched dirtydancing2 and girlnextdoor damn spastic we didn't record any songs afterall cos the songs we happened to choose today are either too high or unknown hahas.
and so we did our nails! woohoo. my nails are like SUPER DUPER BLINKBLINK now lah check them out;
okay maybe not this pic. hahas
left; yink's french glitter manicure, right; my blinkblink manicure! =)

yup those are mine. cool eh. but for the past few hours. loads of glitter has been dropping. hahas.
19 February 2006
okay i didnt make it to idol haha but tt isnt the point i seiously 'enjoyed' the whole waiting process well i met some reallie funny and cool ppl the cute and funny guy which is daniel ong's friend he's freaking funny lah and then this okay big size malay woman who can freaking sing! and this 'girl' in my group called juliana or smth omg!!! shes the girlfren of the cute guy's brother! ahhhh wad a small world and i found out tt his name is eliss wahhahaha. oh and theres jeremy (i think) he sings nice jazz! and he's frm sji i think i'll meet him in yishun someday i found out tt he lives in sembawang hehe
anyways the auditorium was FREAKING cold we kept going to the toilet lahs the 2 big guys in my grp not cool lah! bring laptop watch incredibles haha they finished the whole movie with like another 1+ to spare can
yup. it was super fun watching ppl get interview and sing everyone will just go crazy and start yay-ing hahas. and daniel ong is seriously spastic he entertained us, then he disppeared. hmph.
so the waiting was long but the sudition itself was super fast lah less than 2 min i think oh so great the producer ended up discussing bout my name
"my name is carmelita" "oh are you korean?" "no its chinese" "huh?" "i mean im chinese, the name's catholic" "OHHHH. you may sing now"
wth!!! haha damn funny lahs.
yup. okay next target. project superstar 06 woohoo. nothings impossible now all the maluation is like nth alr. wahaha okay i still feel the maluation but heck it ITS FUN. (well to the certain extent)
18 February 2006
hmm today was a sleepy day and a boring day
cant wait for mr though its gonna be a crazy day. IDOL here i come!!!
my love for you is like chicken rice you're the chicken, i'm the rice add some chilli, add some spice shiok shiok, so nice!
17 February 2006
omg. i not stupid too is seriously darn nice u just HAVE TO watch. out of the 2 hrs, im like crying for half of it lah its so sweettttt awwww
played pool with silly filly and friends their good lah well, besides fillieeeee wahahaha
14 February 2006
happie valentines! wad a day i see couples and flowers everywhere wooh today was one of the boring-est outings i had we HAD NTH TO DO hahas
our feelings got cheated by stupid ahbeng we waited for him for SO LONG to eat icecream and then he said he was not coming alr grahhhhh
anyways, i've submitted jae i put sa and cj afterall and bu si xing still must put sp courses after tt. which is like totally waste space hahahaha yup
13 February 2006
okay its valentines day tmr haha time passes so fast its alr been a year. cant help but thinking of wad happened last yr..
anyways im gonna spend i with my beloved og haha at least we dun feel tt bad no wait. correction. im gonna spend it with my og- those tt are single tt is haha
yay. fondue!!!
11 February 2006
woah! cant wait for the bbq! soon soon! im coming!
10 February 2006
13 points! 13 points! 13 points! wooohhhh wad a relief haha
totally dun feel like just received Os results lah so wrong so wrong so wrong!!!!
9 February 2006
yipeee. im in the library again. hahas. im ponning gp yupp so boring lah and the teacher always stare at me. tsktsk
ct was fun today hahas. okay there was no scandalous 'i like girls' but we were doing a video haha we were damn high lah singing and singing and singing and shouting acting all drunk hahaha and so we did the video! its lame we did some running girlfrens thing and i 'commited suicide' um, joannna pushed me 'down' actually hahahas shiok shiok
yippeeeee its my last day of school lar! hopefully the more i stay in sr the more i want to go poly its not tt sr sucks but i think jc life reallie dun suit me lahs its like so packed and fast-paced mmm mmm okay sp here i comeeeee!!!!!
6 February 2006
wth lah im in the library now and im freaking sleepy hahas. last nite talk to yink until 4 am. rocks now my eyes are bloody hell heavy esp just now during cheam prac wth lah i dun have a single fucking tutorial haha so i just copied all the ans and hand in now i still owe her tutorial one bloody shit other classes are like alr at tutorial no 6 haha rocks!
just ponned cham and maths lecture haha shiokshiok just now not abit sit in the canteen with jeremy ow! die i said smth wrong so now he knows i ponned lecture haha heck it and so we're planning to walk out at 12.30 to go k-ster! yayyy!!! damn long nv k alr! woohoo!!
was watching twelfth night but i got sian of it hhahaha the show yuting's watching looks good he keeps laughing haha okay. im offffffff
5 February 2006
ohman i totally overslept lah hahahas now have to go for evening mass alone =s
anyways im like totally aching from yesterday it was so freaking high lah haha well only the street party chingay itself was just okay haha made some frens though haha and my didi haha he's so cute we sprayed our hair pink woohhhh i like those guys i sprayed their hair for it was NICE hahas
but the bad thing was it rained i was like sharing the poncho with didi lah and we looked so retarded and the uncle standing in front of me kept laughing at us haha damn lame
and then we started doing the cheers ohwell it did entertain the crowd wahaha at the last part when the firewoks came on we didnt care and just ran across the road where i met debbie and king haha and so we didnt care and stayed there haha then they say time for street party!! woohoo!!! we did crazy stuff esp singing and cheering sr stuff in the middle of nowhere haha
and we caught the last train home!! haha yay
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