preferrably known as taa
learn to love her and her world
the other me
design blog
church clique
25 March 2006
okay basically after this whole week of school im still not into my class i mean its like im totally not comfortable there everyone seem so fake including myself lah its just so unreal i miss truth like mad i miss all the times when we can just go crazy in class and either everyone joins in or tell u off even still u know tt ur surrounded by YOUR FRIENDS like in t09 i dunno what to say, how to respond and etc im so scared tt i'll say the wrong things and thats it- like hell for the next one and a half year? ann-marie made me feel bad for making her feel bad i was talking to tasha after trng and i accidentally blurted out in front of ann-marie tt i didnt like our class and then she started to feel bad cos she was the welfare head t09 went out on thrus to ikea i think to shop for some class decoration i was feeling so fucking moody and i decided not to go the last min (and thanks to anthea for keeping my company =D the mussles were nice, lets eat again!) the next day yunxin and minzhen told me tt the trip to ikea was "hell" they said tt the class was having a "dispute" in the middle of ikea because they couldnt agree on wad to buy thank god i wasnt there if not i'll sure feel damn extra its like in front of them u cant air ur views openly like i said above im so scared tt one wrong word and everyone's against me we just feel so bloody unwanted in conclusion, im kind of dreading my group for project work and life in class for the rest of my jc life
18 March 2006
some random t09 "outing" photos haha
wanrong looks weird. haha
kian looks weird too
half the girls in t09
minzhen; me; yunxin; and annmarie at the top
she was laughing; yes, she was
the MORNING bubbly girl
 anyways i woke up at like 1+ today damn shiok lah and i feel so accomplished cooking myself a tom yam bee hoon with extra prawns and meat woohhooo =)
17 March 2006
okay i decided to be gross and show u how disgusting my leg is now wahahahahaha
how great is that i got my ankle sprained and my left knee completely disfigured lah damn gross it has like a super huge scar-to-be goodness super embarassing can like its only my FIRST training and it was only WARM-UPS and i tripped and fell i looked so retarded lah and i was totally off form today so i looked like a bloody clown or rather an IDIOT whacking my racket into AIR like wth
i feel like crap now lah my eyes and super heavy but i cant fall asleep my ankle and knee is pain and stinging like HELL my friends all seem so du lan like wtf is wrong lah not like i did smth major in the last few days goodness im starting to dread wadever thats coming my way
in conclusion, its not my day/week/month/year
14 March 2006
wad the hell i seriously can only think of these 3 words to describe my day today lah i thought it wld be good but it was disappointing and boring afterall
the day started with me chionging down my nasilemak with no chicken wingjust to catch the damn bus and great lah i could have just brought it to school sit down and eat lah after drinking my milo my stomach seriously felt weird lahs thank god nth happen to me
then it was 5 hours straight into lectures lah geog and econs was okay reallie the lecturers were funny maths was a TORTURE lah so bloody boring and i started vandalising my notes all over again i shld seriously scan and post them here haha then u know how bored i was goodness i just realised all my lectureres today were guys haha randommmmm
and then i went down to town to meet them (ex-srjcians) so i couldnt join the guys for lunch and yay becky shared the super huge popcorn with me but it was not salty lah at least not as salty as gv ones nanny mcphee was seriously funny and i think ppl ard me was like wth-ing at my weird comments haha IT WAS FUNNY OKAY wahaha
then super lot of ppl start to pangseh lah bloody hell tong called me and say yanzi was in tangs i heard as taka so me and joanna chiong there sigh and tong was vividly describing her lah why always like that one always miss her by abit lah
i shall not describe further wad happen nxt all i could think of was like wth wtf wth wtf but collecting my baby made me happie again goodness 4 days and i miss it so much lahs
12 March 2006
okay cj is really not bad in fact im loving it like madd lah took a bus tt day with debbie to ms goodness how exciting can it only takes 10 min to get to town abt 15-20 min to get to bugis, cityhall mrt, and lastly ms wooohhhhh :DDD
the last 2 days of orientation wasnt tt bad we got our classes my class is okay i guess made some new good friends =) ahhaha. okays anyway, we went to police academy to play games goodness THEY made us walk so bloody far when we could just cross the overhead bridge and walk in wth!!! but tt walk allowed us to get to know each other better i guess in one game we were supposed to swim wooootttt my legs were aching like mad when i finished my turn completely numbed lah the other games were fun too ! and interesting like one game it was soccer but like the table way everyone stood in line and couldnt move forward or backwards and just kick hahaha
finale night was GOOD i was in orso house the cheers were nice lah "wa lang si kin ah wa lang si hor ah wa lang si ORSO pak buay tio ah" hahaha yes my house was yellow anthea sat with my class at the back and we were like COMPLETELY HIGH well, anthea was the highest boon kianong and nat became my good frens=) yes yes and mass dance! i swear its the nicest mass dance u can ever dance footloose and bungra everyone wanted an encore!! and nat was my partner =p super funny pls everyone was so high tt we were shaking like ' we never did before' super cool and the super nice sch song i dunno why manda call it gay
okay okay stnix funfair yesterday GOODNESS i didnt know stnix became so HIGH BUDGET lah there was the uncle ringo stuff this time much much more there was like AN ARCADE yes yes there was para and ddr and stuff and there was photo hunt! so sheena debbis and me wasted like 4 bucks on photohunt it was exceptionally difficult ytd lah haha there was swensons pastamania and macs orange juice haha im completely amazed lah
after that followed debbie to suntec wanting to see her odac stairs climbing thingy but we couldnt find anything so we went to the arcade GOODNESS i spent 8 bucks lah when yuting and adrian only spent like 4 bucks which lasted them like 2,3 shotting games for like more than an hour lah faints.
yay. waiting for our 'og' outing this thurs i miss everyone frm athens beta so badlyyyyy athens won in sr orientation2 !!! woohoo =) fly kite fly kiteeeee
7 March 2006
wheee school finally started and im loving it in cj though it still havent got to me tt im reallie staying there for 2 years
bought the uniform alr haha thought i cant decide whether i shld just stick with 2 suits or buy 3 and like bloody thick and hard the collar feels more like a neck brace and the skirt is sibei long lah the j2s i met all tell me alter haha omg its just super blue there lah
i've got to know my cg better today like wanli huiyi priscilla christine kawai song gab etc haha my ig is not bad afterall though it can get reallie quiet sometimes at least we go for breaks together =)
oh the games today are really sick lah okay, either sick or rather boring wth! got one telematch is like 1st stage ur supposed to giap the sponge in between ur armpit the bad thing is its soaked with flour water YUCK the 2nd stage's just melting ice the last stage is SUPER SICK lah u gotta stick ur hand into some gooeeeey stuff lah its brown and the 'thing' inside is soft and slicky we think its yeast and we gotta dig for soya bean found RIGHT WAY at the bottom then form the words cjc yuck lah
haha ig 15 are super cheats esp alvan lah almost every game we play we cheat haha like one game we were supposed to pick up 8 green clothes and we only got 7 he ripped on piece into 2 lah so we had 8 and we won haha
ohgosh im getting to see my classmates tmr haha wonder what kinda ppl are they..
anyways, had sr cg dinner on sat jeremy ow's treat woohh!! we went to some place at ps called manhattan smth smth haha the bill totalled up to 160+++ lah and he paid all awww so sweet of him ritee and we had a super embarassing time at the restaurant singing super loud sr songs (haha) taking blooody loads of photos with extra flash aiya wadever lah im gonna miss them =s
4 March 2006
i seriously think im good at convinving ppl ESPECIALLY DEBBIE hahaha. i convinced her like at 10 plus to come yishun watch final destination 3 with me and thank god she did lah if not i'd be pangsehed byJOSIAH thanks alot lah hahaha okay it was gory lah like out of the blue a head or body gets smashed and fly into ten thousand peieces and blood everywhere but most of the scenes are OVERDONE means the body being thrown around looks rather fake lah haha and i coudnt stop laughing in the theatre conclusion, i was tt freaked afterall its interesting anyway' haha
and because i got to cj debs have the excuse to get the pinky shoe bag wahaha and we're gonna carry it to CJ together!!! wahahahas every wed and fri
3 March 2006

2 March 2006
wth! i open this page for like 15 min alr wanting to blog but my msn keeps blinking haha super duper flooded then it goes all quiet so weird haha
oh my goodness lah me and debbie seriously have some prob when we talk haha we did it again lah! we talk talk talk until we walked towards the wrong escalator for the mrt hahaha madness
i think im so nice lah i "arranged" debs and ian to meet well i was supposed to bring debs to forum to see him then he ended work early so we sat in nydc, akwardly with his friends -.-'''
omg!! ms is seriously sucha damn nice place now lah! it reallie have almost everything and i mean ALMOST EVERYTHING theres so much to shop see buy eat play.. haha one areas mango, topshop, zara, miss selfiege etc and another area super duper loads of food and my fav area; movie bowling pool arcade woohoo!!! and the aircon's super freezing lahs oh and i bought my butterfly blinkblink belt! wahaha so happieeee
anyways, debs finally got to her candy empire i was going to puke from all tt sweet and choc smell lah it was quite gross but heck starbust is freaking sweet okay its not as nice as expected haha
so, today was quite a fun day lahs at least it wasnt tt boring haha though we didnt catch our movie yippeeee and i got a swenson treat from ahma!!! awwww
1 March 2006
okay well the bloody truth is i reallie am jealous of u why do u also seem to have lady luck shinning on u for these things its like so unfair lah i want it to i reallie want it too but just wanting isnt gonna get me anywhere either this round i reallie cant share ur joy or maybe u reallie didnt even spare a bloody thought for me in conclusion, im just freaking jealous
oh gosh i dun believe it i played netball today woohhh and it actually felt good lah its reallie been a long long time
and i met joanna rebecca and botak! like after so long haha and zoe lahs but idol saw her alr so heck
life is getting boring reallie like i've finally feel hows is it like when u dun have sch but most of ur frens do the feelings not reallie good lah thinking of wad to do tmr is like not so fun afterall and then u keep meeting the same ppl not tt im sick of tt its just starting to feel weird a weird feeling tt i reallie dunno how to put it into words so there
last nite's conference was funny haha and guess wad! we managed to squeeze it out from ian hahha debbiee!!! be happie okay wahahaha
ohkay and a confession to make... i made filly late wahaha
25 March 2006
okay basically after this whole week of school im still not into my class i mean its like im totally not comfortable there everyone seem so fake including myself lah its just so unreal i miss truth like mad i miss all the times when we can just go crazy in class and either everyone joins in or tell u off even still u know tt ur surrounded by YOUR FRIENDS like in t09 i dunno what to say, how to respond and etc im so scared tt i'll say the wrong things and thats it- like hell for the next one and a half year? ann-marie made me feel bad for making her feel bad i was talking to tasha after trng and i accidentally blurted out in front of ann-marie tt i didnt like our class and then she started to feel bad cos she was the welfare head t09 went out on thrus to ikea i think to shop for some class decoration i was feeling so fucking moody and i decided not to go the last min (and thanks to anthea for keeping my company =D the mussles were nice, lets eat again!) the next day yunxin and minzhen told me tt the trip to ikea was "hell" they said tt the class was having a "dispute" in the middle of ikea because they couldnt agree on wad to buy thank god i wasnt there if not i'll sure feel damn extra its like in front of them u cant air ur views openly like i said above im so scared tt one wrong word and everyone's against me we just feel so bloody unwanted in conclusion, im kind of dreading my group for project work and life in class for the rest of my jc life
18 March 2006
some random t09 "outing" photos haha
wanrong looks weird. haha
kian looks weird too
half the girls in t09
minzhen; me; yunxin; and annmarie at the top
she was laughing; yes, she was
the MORNING bubbly girl
 anyways i woke up at like 1+ today damn shiok lah and i feel so accomplished cooking myself a tom yam bee hoon with extra prawns and meat woohhooo =)
17 March 2006
okay i decided to be gross and show u how disgusting my leg is now wahahahahaha
how great is that i got my ankle sprained and my left knee completely disfigured lah damn gross it has like a super huge scar-to-be goodness super embarassing can like its only my FIRST training and it was only WARM-UPS and i tripped and fell i looked so retarded lah and i was totally off form today so i looked like a bloody clown or rather an IDIOT whacking my racket into AIR like wth
i feel like crap now lah my eyes and super heavy but i cant fall asleep my ankle and knee is pain and stinging like HELL my friends all seem so du lan like wtf is wrong lah not like i did smth major in the last few days goodness im starting to dread wadever thats coming my way
in conclusion, its not my day/week/month/year
14 March 2006
wad the hell i seriously can only think of these 3 words to describe my day today lah i thought it wld be good but it was disappointing and boring afterall
the day started with me chionging down my nasilemak with no chicken wingjust to catch the damn bus and great lah i could have just brought it to school sit down and eat lah after drinking my milo my stomach seriously felt weird lahs thank god nth happen to me
then it was 5 hours straight into lectures lah geog and econs was okay reallie the lecturers were funny maths was a TORTURE lah so bloody boring and i started vandalising my notes all over again i shld seriously scan and post them here haha then u know how bored i was goodness i just realised all my lectureres today were guys haha randommmmm
and then i went down to town to meet them (ex-srjcians) so i couldnt join the guys for lunch and yay becky shared the super huge popcorn with me but it was not salty lah at least not as salty as gv ones nanny mcphee was seriously funny and i think ppl ard me was like wth-ing at my weird comments haha IT WAS FUNNY OKAY wahaha
then super lot of ppl start to pangseh lah bloody hell tong called me and say yanzi was in tangs i heard as taka so me and joanna chiong there sigh and tong was vividly describing her lah why always like that one always miss her by abit lah
i shall not describe further wad happen nxt all i could think of was like wth wtf wth wtf but collecting my baby made me happie again goodness 4 days and i miss it so much lahs
12 March 2006
okay cj is really not bad in fact im loving it like madd lah took a bus tt day with debbie to ms goodness how exciting can it only takes 10 min to get to town abt 15-20 min to get to bugis, cityhall mrt, and lastly ms wooohhhhh :DDD
the last 2 days of orientation wasnt tt bad we got our classes my class is okay i guess made some new good friends =) ahhaha. okays anyway, we went to police academy to play games goodness THEY made us walk so bloody far when we could just cross the overhead bridge and walk in wth!!! but tt walk allowed us to get to know each other better i guess in one game we were supposed to swim wooootttt my legs were aching like mad when i finished my turn completely numbed lah the other games were fun too ! and interesting like one game it was soccer but like the table way everyone stood in line and couldnt move forward or backwards and just kick hahaha
finale night was GOOD i was in orso house the cheers were nice lah "wa lang si kin ah wa lang si hor ah wa lang si ORSO pak buay tio ah" hahaha yes my house was yellow anthea sat with my class at the back and we were like COMPLETELY HIGH well, anthea was the highest boon kianong and nat became my good frens=) yes yes and mass dance! i swear its the nicest mass dance u can ever dance footloose and bungra everyone wanted an encore!! and nat was my partner =p super funny pls everyone was so high tt we were shaking like ' we never did before' super cool and the super nice sch song i dunno why manda call it gay
okay okay stnix funfair yesterday GOODNESS i didnt know stnix became so HIGH BUDGET lah there was the uncle ringo stuff this time much much more there was like AN ARCADE yes yes there was para and ddr and stuff and there was photo hunt! so sheena debbis and me wasted like 4 bucks on photohunt it was exceptionally difficult ytd lah haha there was swensons pastamania and macs orange juice haha im completely amazed lah
after that followed debbie to suntec wanting to see her odac stairs climbing thingy but we couldnt find anything so we went to the arcade GOODNESS i spent 8 bucks lah when yuting and adrian only spent like 4 bucks which lasted them like 2,3 shotting games for like more than an hour lah faints.
yay. waiting for our 'og' outing this thurs i miss everyone frm athens beta so badlyyyyy athens won in sr orientation2 !!! woohoo =) fly kite fly kiteeeee
7 March 2006
wheee school finally started and im loving it in cj though it still havent got to me tt im reallie staying there for 2 years
bought the uniform alr haha thought i cant decide whether i shld just stick with 2 suits or buy 3 and like bloody thick and hard the collar feels more like a neck brace and the skirt is sibei long lah the j2s i met all tell me alter haha omg its just super blue there lah
i've got to know my cg better today like wanli huiyi priscilla christine kawai song gab etc haha my ig is not bad afterall though it can get reallie quiet sometimes at least we go for breaks together =)
oh the games today are really sick lah okay, either sick or rather boring wth! got one telematch is like 1st stage ur supposed to giap the sponge in between ur armpit the bad thing is its soaked with flour water YUCK the 2nd stage's just melting ice the last stage is SUPER SICK lah u gotta stick ur hand into some gooeeeey stuff lah its brown and the 'thing' inside is soft and slicky we think its yeast and we gotta dig for soya bean found RIGHT WAY at the bottom then form the words cjc yuck lah
haha ig 15 are super cheats esp alvan lah almost every game we play we cheat haha like one game we were supposed to pick up 8 green clothes and we only got 7 he ripped on piece into 2 lah so we had 8 and we won haha
ohgosh im getting to see my classmates tmr haha wonder what kinda ppl are they..
anyways, had sr cg dinner on sat jeremy ow's treat woohh!! we went to some place at ps called manhattan smth smth haha the bill totalled up to 160+++ lah and he paid all awww so sweet of him ritee and we had a super embarassing time at the restaurant singing super loud sr songs (haha) taking blooody loads of photos with extra flash aiya wadever lah im gonna miss them =s
4 March 2006
i seriously think im good at convinving ppl ESPECIALLY DEBBIE hahaha. i convinced her like at 10 plus to come yishun watch final destination 3 with me and thank god she did lah if not i'd be pangsehed byJOSIAH thanks alot lah hahaha okay it was gory lah like out of the blue a head or body gets smashed and fly into ten thousand peieces and blood everywhere but most of the scenes are OVERDONE means the body being thrown around looks rather fake lah haha and i coudnt stop laughing in the theatre conclusion, i was tt freaked afterall its interesting anyway' haha
and because i got to cj debs have the excuse to get the pinky shoe bag wahaha and we're gonna carry it to CJ together!!! wahahahas every wed and fri
3 March 2006

2 March 2006
wth! i open this page for like 15 min alr wanting to blog but my msn keeps blinking haha super duper flooded then it goes all quiet so weird haha
oh my goodness lah me and debbie seriously have some prob when we talk haha we did it again lah! we talk talk talk until we walked towards the wrong escalator for the mrt hahaha madness
i think im so nice lah i "arranged" debs and ian to meet well i was supposed to bring debs to forum to see him then he ended work early so we sat in nydc, akwardly with his friends -.-'''
omg!! ms is seriously sucha damn nice place now lah! it reallie have almost everything and i mean ALMOST EVERYTHING theres so much to shop see buy eat play.. haha one areas mango, topshop, zara, miss selfiege etc and another area super duper loads of food and my fav area; movie bowling pool arcade woohoo!!! and the aircon's super freezing lahs oh and i bought my butterfly blinkblink belt! wahaha so happieeee
anyways, debs finally got to her candy empire i was going to puke from all tt sweet and choc smell lah it was quite gross but heck starbust is freaking sweet okay its not as nice as expected haha
so, today was quite a fun day lahs at least it wasnt tt boring haha though we didnt catch our movie yippeeee and i got a swenson treat from ahma!!! awwww
1 March 2006
okay well the bloody truth is i reallie am jealous of u why do u also seem to have lady luck shinning on u for these things its like so unfair lah i want it to i reallie want it too but just wanting isnt gonna get me anywhere either this round i reallie cant share ur joy or maybe u reallie didnt even spare a bloody thought for me in conclusion, im just freaking jealous
oh gosh i dun believe it i played netball today woohhh and it actually felt good lah its reallie been a long long time
and i met joanna rebecca and botak! like after so long haha and zoe lahs but idol saw her alr so heck
life is getting boring reallie like i've finally feel hows is it like when u dun have sch but most of ur frens do the feelings not reallie good lah thinking of wad to do tmr is like not so fun afterall and then u keep meeting the same ppl not tt im sick of tt its just starting to feel weird a weird feeling tt i reallie dunno how to put it into words so there
last nite's conference was funny haha and guess wad! we managed to squeeze it out from ian hahha debbiee!!! be happie okay wahahaha
ohkay and a confession to make... i made filly late wahaha
By post:
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