preferrably known as taa
learn to love her and her world
the other me
design blog
church clique
23 April 2006
oh goodness i just completed my PI draft one AGAIN haha i decided to cahnge topic cos i really get to SHIT out of traditions so im swtiching to momentum and im starting to like my topic actually haha its quite cool wad wheelchair sports. wahooo !!!! goodness but i think i'll still fail lah afterall PI only one small section of the marks
oh wells..
21 April 2006
tennis nats are on lately we just won acs'intl today yay =) and its the 1st sch we won and mainly cos they decided to sent their sec sch players over also dunno wads wrong with them as for the other matches haha sr - lost, raffles - TRASHED uh, 3-2 and 5-0 respectively like omg lah how could we lose to sr have i bloged about this ? oh wells
anyways i love my tennis pals loads =) and we're like alr planning bout nxt yr when this yr is like barely halfway thru lah and we came up with team skirt (we will order DAMN early) team tennis bag same nike bands omg lah i dun believe this haha but sounds fun yea
da chang jin is showing on my tv now omg if its gonna be like 200 episodes long its gonna last for like a few mths rite means tt "HEY YA" song will be stuck lah omgoodness haha
okay yea back to tennis pals we went for 'dinner' today and we had sucha great time talking bout sch, lectures and sec sch haha and i realised lectures actually have alot of fun stuff to do esp to disturb and prank others haha we talked about the note passing that says smth like "footprints on the ceiling" or if u want a more real one, then its "butterfly on the ceiling" haha and ppl really got fooled esp mz hahahahaha and then everyone looks up wahooo yea and we talked abit loud lah haha
oh oh i was telling tash and michelle on our way to the mrt bout angela teh saying that "teachers who go into teaching single will either remain single or marry a colleague" cos michelle didnt catch it the 1st time round, i repeated again and then this woman who was trying to cut my path suddenly turned around, pointed to me and say "thats true" omg! i was like super freaked lah so embarassing goodness and maybe she was a teacher haha guessed i voiced out her problem wahahaha
16 April 2006
happy easter to all i had my chicken alr not fantastic here comes the pool this is the big one :D
14 April 2006
oh boy good friday today so freaking sleepy can last nite went church visiting with the jnr cats yep end up only THEY came my hse hahahas well we started off at blessed sacrement goodness we nearly missed the stop lah haha okay actually we missed the stop i was talking to andrew then suddenly from the corner of the window i saw "blessed sacrement" and i found it damn familiar haha then i realsied omg tt is the church we're going to wahahaha damn funny lah then we woke brenda up and all of us became so nervous but its a good thing haha dun need to cross overhead bridge yep so we went for the service there and then to sacred heart, st stevens, OLPS, holy trinity and st annes by the time we got back it was like 1 alr
everyone was like super sleepy so gerald and angie took the sofa andrew had the computer and the mattress aunty and i sleep inthe room shiok shiok haha goodness we must be REALLY SLEEPY we didnt even hear the alarm ring lah and when we woke up it was alr off haha
it feels like sunday today it doesnt feel like good friday but in anyway easter hurry come!!! oh my chickens and pool hurry come my way!!!
9 April 2006
gosh the week past damn fast lah in a blink of an eye its monday again sigh sigh sigh anyways i hada rather good and funny day today had jnr cats retreat greatness ALL of us waited for gerald for 20 min next time better tell him come 30 min earlier lah at least my 10 min plan worked for shawn and angie wahahahas and we pulled a quick one on edmund by replying him the same thing hahahas. damn funny and when we reach there we couldnt see him but he could see us damn spy lahs then he say look at this man tt lady this car tt van alamak anyways the retreat was okay but somehow there will always be a point of time when ur eyes get really droopy okay besides tt it was rather interesting at least we gotta experience wad passover meal is like yea tt was cool and we gotta drink WINE hahahaha tt was the best part lahs food was okay though it was BREAD day today breakfast bread lunch pizza aka bread then passover and mass got the unleavened bread wad sia i had fun making twists haha apple mix pepsi is nice OKAY!!! im gonna do tt more often and we had loads of time to take photo but im lazy to slowly click so heres the photo of the day:
 yea the clique =) everyone's got it as wallpaper :D
8 April 2006
yay. did cip with the tennis team today we went to this black of flats at toa payoh to help clean those one room flats the only bad thing was that it was INVESTED with cockroaches like really a hell lot lah we sat at the "meeting" area and in like 10 min there were like more than 5 roaches alr lahs goodness i was screaming like mad and i got told off =s cos we were too loud hahas. so we decided to go to the coffee shop ohs lah drink halfway ben tan called not abit rush back aiya damn tired wei i hands aching like shit also help to clean lah! im so niceeeeee :D ahhahaha here are some photos taken during free time ( yea u can see how free we were)
yifei!!! she's the prettiest china girl i've ever met seriously =)
yeah the alliance. shhhhh ( clara tasha yifei and ME )
check out my neck. wahooo
i look spastic here but i just had to upload this cos yifei looks so freaking cool please *faints
alliance minus one
check out the following background lah. so naturally cool! wahahah :)
that is wad i call cool
okay this is spastic too. but i jsut like the background taken in black and white :D
anyways i had chinese tuition today. OMGOODNESS.......... u get wad i mean
7 April 2006
goodness im aching like MADDD. those 60 dips and 60 pushups from pe nearly killed me haha our hands were all trembling terribly eyerrrr. i hate mass pe i cant wait for napfa to hurry up be done and over with i dun give a fuck bout my timing alr lah greatness i only ran twice this year lah once slow cos my ankle was screwed and another was time trail wahlau my whole body is aching i dunno how those odac or canoe ppl survive for goodness sake and i think doing those grandstands screwed my knee if i go to the sinseh now he'll prolly poke holes and draw blood from my knees again lah then how to run 2.4 on mon (or wed) wahlau i dun want to run another day lah! the torture goes on.. wth
i feel so accomplished. i finish my PI and gp essay on time haha but i didnt do my chem and econs ahahaha and omg geog is so hard lah at least for me i dunno a single shit about wad plate tectonics haha the best thing is i keep spelling "tectonics" and "tecHtonics" greatness ahhhhh the tests are coming in alr lah next week got chem and geog SO DEAD; SO FREAKING DEAD
tennis is okay the tennis ppl are fun infact well, they were mean to kick out 4 ppl but oh well the wall was flooded anyway if anyone reads this no offence okay yup tmr got cip with them to go and clean ahpek and ahma's hses in tpy ahhhhh someone teach me how to speak some dialect now pls!!!
2 April 2006
okay so the party wasnt that bad infact it was better than expected wad a pity if i didnt have my period i would go stright down into the pool her hse is seriously seriously seriously BIG nono change it to huge, gigantic, gagartuan!! like totally OMG breathless! and so had played truth or dare while playing un stacko they seriously came up with weird dares hahas at least mine was ohkay we didnt watch brokeback mountain okay i admit i was high okay like come on! wad is a party w/o alcohol i only drink like less than 2 cups lah ya ya ya 43% i was ONLY HIGH i wasnt DRUNK okay but i think i scared he hell out of nehneh haha he kept "okay are u sure ur okay?" haha i was seh-ded and tt feeling was good actually u just say wad u want and do wadever u felt like doing at tt instant thank god certain things didnt come out of my mouth
anyways me shawn and gerald helped out with the cat class today OMG i didnt know they were THAT ROWDY we were like tt? i cant even remember lah it wasnt tt bad rite? goodness i just dunno wad to say about the ppl i saw today im quite terrified actually haha
oh yea i finally satisfied my craving for pasta shiok shiok!!! go try the prawn and fish roe pasta! WAAHOOOO!!!!
1 April 2006

okay i dunno why the photos are like tt but yea the newspaper sculpture was creative thinking lesson and my group won =) the next 2 are someuno stacko fetish going in my class lately, though me and annmaire played it in mosburger it was like damn embarassing when it collapsed lah
goodness i had a weird dream last nite but thinking about it twice maybe its not weird afterall its wad i hope for deep down i guess i dreamt tt i met up with yink mich and doos and we were having a damn good time taking loads and loads of neoprints darn i so miss the times when we hanged out its so diff now everyone got their new lives and new friends and it seems like im the only one that misses the past i dunno whybut if anyone one of u reads this i really want to say i miss u all alot pls dun forget me
class party later seriously dunno how its gonna turn out it will either make our class more bonded if not, its THE END
my new friends all dun seem true they seem like just ppl where u go to sch hang out with then thats it sometimes i really dunno whether to trust them or not its like there a shiled in front of everyone u just cant let loose sometimes they seem like they care after awhile, they just go off with some other friends who knows if they're backstabbing or gossiping bout u i guess im just still praying for smth to happen to really change my classs god pls tell me wad to do im really lost i feel super lost
23 April 2006
oh goodness i just completed my PI draft one AGAIN haha i decided to cahnge topic cos i really get to SHIT out of traditions so im swtiching to momentum and im starting to like my topic actually haha its quite cool wad wheelchair sports. wahooo !!!! goodness but i think i'll still fail lah afterall PI only one small section of the marks
oh wells..
21 April 2006
tennis nats are on lately we just won acs'intl today yay =) and its the 1st sch we won and mainly cos they decided to sent their sec sch players over also dunno wads wrong with them as for the other matches haha sr - lost, raffles - TRASHED uh, 3-2 and 5-0 respectively like omg lah how could we lose to sr have i bloged about this ? oh wells
anyways i love my tennis pals loads =) and we're like alr planning bout nxt yr when this yr is like barely halfway thru lah and we came up with team skirt (we will order DAMN early) team tennis bag same nike bands omg lah i dun believe this haha but sounds fun yea
da chang jin is showing on my tv now omg if its gonna be like 200 episodes long its gonna last for like a few mths rite means tt "HEY YA" song will be stuck lah omgoodness haha
okay yea back to tennis pals we went for 'dinner' today and we had sucha great time talking bout sch, lectures and sec sch haha and i realised lectures actually have alot of fun stuff to do esp to disturb and prank others haha we talked about the note passing that says smth like "footprints on the ceiling" or if u want a more real one, then its "butterfly on the ceiling" haha and ppl really got fooled esp mz hahahahaha and then everyone looks up wahooo yea and we talked abit loud lah haha
oh oh i was telling tash and michelle on our way to the mrt bout angela teh saying that "teachers who go into teaching single will either remain single or marry a colleague" cos michelle didnt catch it the 1st time round, i repeated again and then this woman who was trying to cut my path suddenly turned around, pointed to me and say "thats true" omg! i was like super freaked lah so embarassing goodness and maybe she was a teacher haha guessed i voiced out her problem wahahaha
16 April 2006
happy easter to all i had my chicken alr not fantastic here comes the pool this is the big one :D
14 April 2006
oh boy good friday today so freaking sleepy can last nite went church visiting with the jnr cats yep end up only THEY came my hse hahahas well we started off at blessed sacrement goodness we nearly missed the stop lah haha okay actually we missed the stop i was talking to andrew then suddenly from the corner of the window i saw "blessed sacrement" and i found it damn familiar haha then i realsied omg tt is the church we're going to wahahaha damn funny lah then we woke brenda up and all of us became so nervous but its a good thing haha dun need to cross overhead bridge yep so we went for the service there and then to sacred heart, st stevens, OLPS, holy trinity and st annes by the time we got back it was like 1 alr
everyone was like super sleepy so gerald and angie took the sofa andrew had the computer and the mattress aunty and i sleep inthe room shiok shiok haha goodness we must be REALLY SLEEPY we didnt even hear the alarm ring lah and when we woke up it was alr off haha
it feels like sunday today it doesnt feel like good friday but in anyway easter hurry come!!! oh my chickens and pool hurry come my way!!!
9 April 2006
gosh the week past damn fast lah in a blink of an eye its monday again sigh sigh sigh anyways i hada rather good and funny day today had jnr cats retreat greatness ALL of us waited for gerald for 20 min next time better tell him come 30 min earlier lah at least my 10 min plan worked for shawn and angie wahahahas and we pulled a quick one on edmund by replying him the same thing hahahas. damn funny and when we reach there we couldnt see him but he could see us damn spy lahs then he say look at this man tt lady this car tt van alamak anyways the retreat was okay but somehow there will always be a point of time when ur eyes get really droopy okay besides tt it was rather interesting at least we gotta experience wad passover meal is like yea tt was cool and we gotta drink WINE hahahaha tt was the best part lahs food was okay though it was BREAD day today breakfast bread lunch pizza aka bread then passover and mass got the unleavened bread wad sia i had fun making twists haha apple mix pepsi is nice OKAY!!! im gonna do tt more often and we had loads of time to take photo but im lazy to slowly click so heres the photo of the day:
 yea the clique =) everyone's got it as wallpaper :D
8 April 2006
yay. did cip with the tennis team today we went to this black of flats at toa payoh to help clean those one room flats the only bad thing was that it was INVESTED with cockroaches like really a hell lot lah we sat at the "meeting" area and in like 10 min there were like more than 5 roaches alr lahs goodness i was screaming like mad and i got told off =s cos we were too loud hahas. so we decided to go to the coffee shop ohs lah drink halfway ben tan called not abit rush back aiya damn tired wei i hands aching like shit also help to clean lah! im so niceeeeee :D ahhahaha here are some photos taken during free time ( yea u can see how free we were)
yifei!!! she's the prettiest china girl i've ever met seriously =)
yeah the alliance. shhhhh ( clara tasha yifei and ME )
check out my neck. wahooo
i look spastic here but i just had to upload this cos yifei looks so freaking cool please *faints
alliance minus one
check out the following background lah. so naturally cool! wahahah :)
that is wad i call cool
okay this is spastic too. but i jsut like the background taken in black and white :D
anyways i had chinese tuition today. OMGOODNESS.......... u get wad i mean
7 April 2006
goodness im aching like MADDD. those 60 dips and 60 pushups from pe nearly killed me haha our hands were all trembling terribly eyerrrr. i hate mass pe i cant wait for napfa to hurry up be done and over with i dun give a fuck bout my timing alr lah greatness i only ran twice this year lah once slow cos my ankle was screwed and another was time trail wahlau my whole body is aching i dunno how those odac or canoe ppl survive for goodness sake and i think doing those grandstands screwed my knee if i go to the sinseh now he'll prolly poke holes and draw blood from my knees again lah then how to run 2.4 on mon (or wed) wahlau i dun want to run another day lah! the torture goes on.. wth
i feel so accomplished. i finish my PI and gp essay on time haha but i didnt do my chem and econs ahahaha and omg geog is so hard lah at least for me i dunno a single shit about wad plate tectonics haha the best thing is i keep spelling "tectonics" and "tecHtonics" greatness ahhhhh the tests are coming in alr lah next week got chem and geog SO DEAD; SO FREAKING DEAD
tennis is okay the tennis ppl are fun infact well, they were mean to kick out 4 ppl but oh well the wall was flooded anyway if anyone reads this no offence okay yup tmr got cip with them to go and clean ahpek and ahma's hses in tpy ahhhhh someone teach me how to speak some dialect now pls!!!
2 April 2006
okay so the party wasnt that bad infact it was better than expected wad a pity if i didnt have my period i would go stright down into the pool her hse is seriously seriously seriously BIG nono change it to huge, gigantic, gagartuan!! like totally OMG breathless! and so had played truth or dare while playing un stacko they seriously came up with weird dares hahas at least mine was ohkay we didnt watch brokeback mountain okay i admit i was high okay like come on! wad is a party w/o alcohol i only drink like less than 2 cups lah ya ya ya 43% i was ONLY HIGH i wasnt DRUNK okay but i think i scared he hell out of nehneh haha he kept "okay are u sure ur okay?" haha i was seh-ded and tt feeling was good actually u just say wad u want and do wadever u felt like doing at tt instant thank god certain things didnt come out of my mouth
anyways me shawn and gerald helped out with the cat class today OMG i didnt know they were THAT ROWDY we were like tt? i cant even remember lah it wasnt tt bad rite? goodness i just dunno wad to say about the ppl i saw today im quite terrified actually haha
oh yea i finally satisfied my craving for pasta shiok shiok!!! go try the prawn and fish roe pasta! WAAHOOOO!!!!
1 April 2006

okay i dunno why the photos are like tt but yea the newspaper sculpture was creative thinking lesson and my group won =) the next 2 are someuno stacko fetish going in my class lately, though me and annmaire played it in mosburger it was like damn embarassing when it collapsed lah
goodness i had a weird dream last nite but thinking about it twice maybe its not weird afterall its wad i hope for deep down i guess i dreamt tt i met up with yink mich and doos and we were having a damn good time taking loads and loads of neoprints darn i so miss the times when we hanged out its so diff now everyone got their new lives and new friends and it seems like im the only one that misses the past i dunno whybut if anyone one of u reads this i really want to say i miss u all alot pls dun forget me
class party later seriously dunno how its gonna turn out it will either make our class more bonded if not, its THE END
my new friends all dun seem true they seem like just ppl where u go to sch hang out with then thats it sometimes i really dunno whether to trust them or not its like there a shiled in front of everyone u just cant let loose sometimes they seem like they care after awhile, they just go off with some other friends who knows if they're backstabbing or gossiping bout u i guess im just still praying for smth to happen to really change my classs god pls tell me wad to do im really lost i feel super lost
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