preferrably known as taa
learn to love her and her world
the other me
design blog
church clique
31 August 2006
FARKKKKK i just uploaded so many photos and then my com crashed on me ohkay, not my com, BLOGGER rahhhhhhh i dun want to upload alr lah
25 August 2006
emotions of your love
its all cropped up inside i feel like exploding
19 August 2006
As an ENTP, you can be the life of the party. Most people are apt to be immediately taken with your enthusiasm and friendly nature. You're the kind who always seems to have a good story or anecdote on hand to reveal your charm and wit. However, that's not to imply that you're simply a jokester. You also seem to enjoy thinking deeply and creatively on any number of topics. ENTPs like you can have a knack for coming up with novel ways of looking at the world. This usually makes your type more open-minded than lots of other people are. Your rare combination of social skills and common sense can make you a winning catch. In relationships, part of what often excites you is sharing your ideas about the world. You can be one smooth talker and at times, a masterful negotiator. You also seem to be the kind of social person who can make friends in a roomful of strangers. This is a rare talent.
faster come to the computer (:
why must time pass so fast i want this moment to stay foreverrr (:
18 August 2006
CANNOT TAKE IT ALR arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh (:
I MUST FREAKING PROMOTE i want to go for ocip i want to go for geog aust field trip i want to be a facil i want to faster take As i want to go for graduation holiday
ARGHHHHHHHHHHH i like to study i love to study i want to study i need to study
12 August 2006
wahlau damn irritating for goodness sake u stop bugging me u faster pay settle WTF LAH 谈钱伤感情
im gonna blog in purple purple is an emo colour and im freaking emo now and partly cos i think too much at least tts wad they say maybe i do not like i can help it but it just goes this way its freaking out of my control lah and i didnt expect it to be so bad maybe it aint tt bad maybe its me tts making things look bad or maybe it is very bad i dunno maybe tts the problem i want to know i want to freaking know what u're thinking and is it wad i think of wad i see im hoping it is, seriously meanwhile, i'll prepare my mind and heart for the worse *fingers crossed
9 August 2006
i realised im quite a loved girl =)
i received my present from yunxin wanrong and minzhen yesterday wooot i love it like maddddd alrite =) its so nice in fact im wearing them now to american club
yesterday was a tiring day lol because of the stupid double whammy thingy i mean which school walks 7 km for national celebration --> CJ does but it was ohkay cos of all the stupid things we did during the walk how bout singing school songs literally school songs started with cj one and then the sji boys started singing theirs and then nehneh and andrew sang acs then me wanrong and andrew sang SRJC and then ccc and nehneh sang marist cool huh how sad, joanne wasnt there to sing stnix one with me but oh wells and tt wad made it fun
ohya ohya the houses we passed after malcolm road were simply gorgeous lah! so huge SHIOK SHIOK its like.. ohkay no words of description but just damn huge and nice u get the point we feel so inspired alrite lol
supposed to chiong suki sushi but apparently didnt chiong gerald came late, shawn didnt eat how bout tt our stack was pathetic but heck and we played pool!!! yay we had this challenge thing I WON GERALD!!! and gerald's fren won shawn so for once it was an all girls championship (hurhur) and i won! haha so glam
alrites before i leave.. happy national day y'all =)
7 August 2006
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!! =) and to daddy rachel and many others
OH WHAT A HAPPY DAY =) im super high today u gotta excuse me im naturally high on my birthdays hahas
somethings really wrong this birthday loads of my friends want to give me a surprise but fail terribly (hehe)
1st was obvious minzhen and her questions bout flats next was the church gang who chased me out of my own room and then 1T09 who chase me and rachel out of the class
goodness so embarrassing soming to think of it nehneh bluntly said "lets get mushu out of his class" right in front of my face oh wells he did came out and shake my hand =) *melts away yesyes anwyays the class bought us pizza haha
annmarie was damn funny during geog lecture she ask me and yunxin if we were going down to eat in the 1st break i said yes and she answered "good cos theres a surprise in the next" i so did not hear anything and before the next break joanne asked "wheres the opizza" right in front of my face and the rest started patching it up by saying "wheres lisa" LOL i tell u
but it was an unforgettable birthday thanks y'all for the AHEM sweet surprises =) LOVE <3
6 August 2006
ohkay photo time some pictures taken last sat an apparent birthday outing for me =) with truthians that is enjoy =p
neoprint lightings are just good gotta admit
i wasnt sleeping!! iwas just reading menu!!!
sweet =)
we were almost stuck!
goodness, i feel like whacking myself everytime i see this pic. so act innocent. lol
a blurry group photo. (damn the waiter)

yuans and yanggs
check my eyeliner! aint it dark!
yuans and yanggs again
ohyea. thanks guys for the CAR and the KEY (apparently its a bottle openr)
haha tonite has been funnayeee at least a decent gathering after so long and yet again how time flies a few hours of fun and joy just fly pass like that and its time to say goodbye gee im feeling damn emo now i dunno why (carmelita stop rhyming)
so this post is dedicated to those who came tonite brenda, shawn, gerald, claire, joshua, xuan and andrew goodness i just love u guys to bits every moment with u guys is just crazy and funny (and spastically fun) but yes i love them all thank god for giving me u all and the funny card, the tennis cap and the abit tight shoes but i'll love them anyway BUT u guys are damn bloody obvious lah i'll teach u all how to be more discreet hehe =p
5 August 2006
A Psychological Tip
Whenever you're called on to make up your mind, and you're hampered by not having any, the best way to solve the dilemma, you'll find, is simply by spinning a penny. No - not so that chance shall decide the affair while you're passively standing there moping; but the moment the penny is up in the air, you suddenly know what you're hoping - Piet Hein
something interesting copied from one of yanzi's msgs lol
oh gosh, 36 days left and counting its like so fast yet so slow i dunno if i should be stress, or if im already feeling stress i dunno how am i gonna do for promos its like really a piece of shit lah straight Ds and then i'll get Es goodness even now straight Ds isnt very safe lah oh gosh i will study i will study i will study
after my birthday celebration tonite that is =) church friends, tv, trtuh or dare and DRINKS after tonite i dont think i can touch alcohol until after promos is that sad or is that sad 忍!!!
31 August 2006
FARKKKKK i just uploaded so many photos and then my com crashed on me ohkay, not my com, BLOGGER rahhhhhhh i dun want to upload alr lah
25 August 2006
emotions of your love
its all cropped up inside i feel like exploding
19 August 2006
As an ENTP, you can be the life of the party. Most people are apt to be immediately taken with your enthusiasm and friendly nature. You're the kind who always seems to have a good story or anecdote on hand to reveal your charm and wit. However, that's not to imply that you're simply a jokester. You also seem to enjoy thinking deeply and creatively on any number of topics. ENTPs like you can have a knack for coming up with novel ways of looking at the world. This usually makes your type more open-minded than lots of other people are. Your rare combination of social skills and common sense can make you a winning catch. In relationships, part of what often excites you is sharing your ideas about the world. You can be one smooth talker and at times, a masterful negotiator. You also seem to be the kind of social person who can make friends in a roomful of strangers. This is a rare talent.
faster come to the computer (:
why must time pass so fast i want this moment to stay foreverrr (:
18 August 2006
CANNOT TAKE IT ALR arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh (:
I MUST FREAKING PROMOTE i want to go for ocip i want to go for geog aust field trip i want to be a facil i want to faster take As i want to go for graduation holiday
ARGHHHHHHHHHHH i like to study i love to study i want to study i need to study
12 August 2006
wahlau damn irritating for goodness sake u stop bugging me u faster pay settle WTF LAH 谈钱伤感情
im gonna blog in purple purple is an emo colour and im freaking emo now and partly cos i think too much at least tts wad they say maybe i do not like i can help it but it just goes this way its freaking out of my control lah and i didnt expect it to be so bad maybe it aint tt bad maybe its me tts making things look bad or maybe it is very bad i dunno maybe tts the problem i want to know i want to freaking know what u're thinking and is it wad i think of wad i see im hoping it is, seriously meanwhile, i'll prepare my mind and heart for the worse *fingers crossed
9 August 2006
i realised im quite a loved girl =)
i received my present from yunxin wanrong and minzhen yesterday wooot i love it like maddddd alrite =) its so nice in fact im wearing them now to american club
yesterday was a tiring day lol because of the stupid double whammy thingy i mean which school walks 7 km for national celebration --> CJ does but it was ohkay cos of all the stupid things we did during the walk how bout singing school songs literally school songs started with cj one and then the sji boys started singing theirs and then nehneh and andrew sang acs then me wanrong and andrew sang SRJC and then ccc and nehneh sang marist cool huh how sad, joanne wasnt there to sing stnix one with me but oh wells and tt wad made it fun
ohya ohya the houses we passed after malcolm road were simply gorgeous lah! so huge SHIOK SHIOK its like.. ohkay no words of description but just damn huge and nice u get the point we feel so inspired alrite lol
supposed to chiong suki sushi but apparently didnt chiong gerald came late, shawn didnt eat how bout tt our stack was pathetic but heck and we played pool!!! yay we had this challenge thing I WON GERALD!!! and gerald's fren won shawn so for once it was an all girls championship (hurhur) and i won! haha so glam
alrites before i leave.. happy national day y'all =)
7 August 2006
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!! =) and to daddy rachel and many others
OH WHAT A HAPPY DAY =) im super high today u gotta excuse me im naturally high on my birthdays hahas
somethings really wrong this birthday loads of my friends want to give me a surprise but fail terribly (hehe)
1st was obvious minzhen and her questions bout flats next was the church gang who chased me out of my own room and then 1T09 who chase me and rachel out of the class
goodness so embarrassing soming to think of it nehneh bluntly said "lets get mushu out of his class" right in front of my face oh wells he did came out and shake my hand =) *melts away yesyes anwyays the class bought us pizza haha
annmarie was damn funny during geog lecture she ask me and yunxin if we were going down to eat in the 1st break i said yes and she answered "good cos theres a surprise in the next" i so did not hear anything and before the next break joanne asked "wheres the opizza" right in front of my face and the rest started patching it up by saying "wheres lisa" LOL i tell u
but it was an unforgettable birthday thanks y'all for the AHEM sweet surprises =) LOVE <3
6 August 2006
ohkay photo time some pictures taken last sat an apparent birthday outing for me =) with truthians that is enjoy =p
neoprint lightings are just good gotta admit
i wasnt sleeping!! iwas just reading menu!!!
sweet =)
we were almost stuck!
goodness, i feel like whacking myself everytime i see this pic. so act innocent. lol
a blurry group photo. (damn the waiter)

yuans and yanggs
check my eyeliner! aint it dark!
yuans and yanggs again
ohyea. thanks guys for the CAR and the KEY (apparently its a bottle openr)
haha tonite has been funnayeee at least a decent gathering after so long and yet again how time flies a few hours of fun and joy just fly pass like that and its time to say goodbye gee im feeling damn emo now i dunno why (carmelita stop rhyming)
so this post is dedicated to those who came tonite brenda, shawn, gerald, claire, joshua, xuan and andrew goodness i just love u guys to bits every moment with u guys is just crazy and funny (and spastically fun) but yes i love them all thank god for giving me u all and the funny card, the tennis cap and the abit tight shoes but i'll love them anyway BUT u guys are damn bloody obvious lah i'll teach u all how to be more discreet hehe =p
5 August 2006
A Psychological Tip
Whenever you're called on to make up your mind, and you're hampered by not having any, the best way to solve the dilemma, you'll find, is simply by spinning a penny. No - not so that chance shall decide the affair while you're passively standing there moping; but the moment the penny is up in the air, you suddenly know what you're hoping - Piet Hein
something interesting copied from one of yanzi's msgs lol
oh gosh, 36 days left and counting its like so fast yet so slow i dunno if i should be stress, or if im already feeling stress i dunno how am i gonna do for promos its like really a piece of shit lah straight Ds and then i'll get Es goodness even now straight Ds isnt very safe lah oh gosh i will study i will study i will study
after my birthday celebration tonite that is =) church friends, tv, trtuh or dare and DRINKS after tonite i dont think i can touch alcohol until after promos is that sad or is that sad 忍!!!
By post:
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