preferrably known as taa
learn to love her and her world
the other me
design blog
church clique
28 October 2006
taken from olsen's blog found it quite interesting
put your ipod on shuffle. press forward at the next question. use the song title as the ans for each question. NO CHEATING!
How are you feeling today?: wo men de ai (who's WO MEN) Will you get far in life?: yu jian (once i meet the person i die??) How do your friends see you?: tian hei hei (im not the sky and im not black ohaky) Will you get married?: bo li si wa (-.-) What is your best friend's theme song?: yuan you hui (???) What is the story of your life?: home (okay im a homie!) What was high school like?: back at one (LOL!) How can you get ahead in life?: gua zai ban meng bai xing zi jian (not bad) What is the best thing about your friends?: ai qing xuan ya What is today going to be like?: sui oh sui oh (sui ah!) What is in store for this weekend?: hai dao (im gonna get robbed by pirates? oh wow) What song describes you?: xing fu de di tu (lol whoever finds me that is) To describe your grandparents?: feeling hypnotized (cool seh! i wished) How is your life going?: wo men de gu shi What song will they play at your funeral?: movement 2, prokofiev (oh my tian! thats slow!) How does the world see you?: sha shi bi ya de tian fen (if im shakespear's talent, how come my lit got c5?!!!) Will you have a happy life?: wo de fan nao jiu shi ni What do your friends really think of you?: ra-men song (okay i love to eat right) Do people secretly lust after you?: jiang jun ling (erm, general tell them to like me???) How can I make myself happy?: yi zhi shen gong What should you do with your life?: duan xian (NONONO! i dun want to die!) Will you ever have children?: bu yao wang le wo (oh no! does this means my children will forget me when they grow up? so scary!)
woah woah woah. well it was more "accurate" the 2nd time i did it. hahaha try it! its fun!
27 October 2006
i know why i can clique so well with the church ppl cos we can talk about almost anything and everything in the whole universe and i really treasure that love (:
26 October 2006
the god of death, ryuk is so cute esp when he desperately wants an apple wahaha

 ahhh damn cool damn cool
cant wait for part 2 to come out!
25 October 2006
aye. last day of school tmr how time flies
the list of ppl qualified for sub papers are out oh my tian so many ppl, and so many i love all the best guys!!!
anyways all wanrong's fault im now in youtube watching finish ai qing mo fa shi blog while loading oh my tian so nice!!! hahahaha
if only such things happen in real life *dream*
20 October 2006
im so sick of coming online like i got nth better to do well i really got nth better to do
my hand's damn pain cos i went for blood test not long ago haha the doc say he cant find my vein okay cos im too fat :x
and then after he drew finish one sringe of blood he ask me to press i was like my other hand's still pain from the other jab where got strength to press wahaha
and now my both hands are like numb/aching oh wells
cant wait till leehom concert (:
19 October 2006

my lantern festival
that mean is fucking irritating i swear!!! i wish i could like strangle him or smth lah kp my hair today lah "your hair you dye ah?" i was like thinking DUH "never get caught? you know you're not supposed to come to school like that" yea fuck off lah "who's your ht?" act blur "ms wang" "who is your pe teacher?" act even more blur, turn to pal "who's our pe teacher ah" freaking annmarie just walked off with michelle lah after super long "oh, mr wong" "you dont even know your pe teacher, you should just quit tennis and cj" wtf is ur problem!!!!!! "why your ht never advice you about your hair? you know you cannot come to school like that" "i never get caught so nevermind" "you are not supposed to come school like that" "i stubborn lah, get caught already then dye back" and then i freaking walk off ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH damn wth wth wth wth wth
had tennis exco voting today congrats to yifei and clara!!!
anyways im not going to school tmr they freaking dont let me leave early from the cat retreat crazy i freaking paid 130 bucks for my dearest leehom theres no way im missing it OHKAY so might as well dont go tmr go doc take mc meanwhile i gotta test my blood like finally
shall update more tmr laters
18 October 2006
school is boring why must they force u to go to school for lessons when everyone has only mood for partying its so freaking anti-climax lah sit in class and get so freaking bored listen until want to fall asleep
anyways, yx tegong mz and pal just left my house well, mz came to do pw but very got thing done well just the 1st 3 slides but yea. haha it was a hard time getting that friggin annmarie to come that stupid pig sleep wake up eat sleep wake up eat oh my tian lah
anyways my show is here. laters
17 October 2006
i passed chem! and did rather well actually (: and im happy with that, considering i did not really study and still had the cheeks to go out playing truth or dare. thats cool but i promise i wont do that again. anyways im also happy that our whole class passed chem too :) yay! esp for the little J & J. lol
promote alr promote alr promote alr!
but im still rather screwed. how about i handed my facil form like super late and i dont think i can get squeezed in for an interview. sigh im also hand in my ocip form late, but since moeny is involved, i dont think i'll get booted out lah but prolly get like a scolding or smth? and because of the damn ocip trip i gotta miss my family holiday to chiangm/rai also the friggin geog trip is like cancelled! bloody hell i promoted for that, mainly that seriously and now they friggin tell us its cancelled basket lah
if i had knew i dont promote
to claire and shawn: pls accpet my apology, i guess i was really tired that day, explaining the horrible mood. oh wells.
15 October 2006
my name is eunice wee zee yin im 18 this year my nric no is 87149**C my birthday is 226/5/1987
HAHAHAHA private joke if u want to know, ask me personally
it was good tonight happy birthday anthea (: and thanks for such a great time!
13 October 2006
oh my tian i dunno why i keep looking at OLD stuffs lately but its hilarious and i mean HILARIOUS dont believe check this out:
i look freaking retarded, double-chined and my hair is bloody short. oh yea check the teachers out too hahahahaha its FREAKING FUNNY REALLY
12 October 2006
when ur bored, what do u do? lol, i just read my old friendster testimonials those long winding ones that was in "fashion" about 2 years ago its cool lah and i realise one thing
im really loud, hyper-active, sing non-stop, cheerful and bubbly and mad about yanzi at least hats what most of my previous testis said ohkay its quite true lah hahaha
ahhh so nice brings u back in time so when ur bored, i recommend u read your old testis (or even old letters, blog entry etc)
11 October 2006
how about this I CAN ALMOST FREAKING PROMOTE and no im not the emo girl that uses "almost" cos i flucked 2 subs
i passed maths and econs just as predicted and failed geog as anticipated but damn! i didnt expect to fail so well! lol i only failed by 2 freaking 2!!! that means if i did study, i could have redeemed that 2 damn it yea the IF IF IF its all over subpassed gp that was close boy
i used the word almost cos i havent got back chem so there
im actually damn happy bout my results but seeing the ppl i love around me all screw up there seem to be nothing left to be happy about whats school when your friends are all gone i dont want to fight a lonely battle i want my friends!
if you are my friend and reading this please know that i'll seriously pray for everyone single one of you and believe in god and the school something (though icant say what) will be done
*all the best mates (:
the complete group picture (:
10 October 2006
 the group photo (w/o shawn) at claire's birthday celebration
this post shall be totally dedicated to my beloved and dearest shukkun cos i just read this:
"starting from the subj combi, to accepting our fate, getting into the same class, get along well, hp craze... the prank we played, the phone conv, crazy photo taking days, neoprints, outings, tablemates, graduation, world cup craze and so on. it was probably fate how we got to knw each other, how we're suppose to be in truth and how the last two years of st nicks was such a blast with the fantastic class. the secondary school days were the days of my life"
and if shawn and mummy weren't beside me, i would have cried by now came upon it be accident cos its been a long time i've read her blog how bout its been a long time since i last talked and met her damn thinking about it life has been so crazy and fast that i kinda forget about her :( well this is life but ppl u love who love u wont slip by that quickly they will stay forever even not beside u but in your heart and treasure and appreciate them before its too late (: love u shuk
9 October 2006
sun was great lah though most of my walking time was spent on staring at the 2 fucking pages of chem periodicity (and i still fucking didnt write it correctly today. read on..)
anyways good things everyone finally came together again to "celebrate" claires birthday well it was rather meaningful cos she "crasehed" jnr cats meeting and was made to say a rosary. hahahahaha anyways, headed to city hall and ate NEWYORKNEWYORK oh my tian u should seriously get at least 5 ppl with u and go get the "room-like" table its cosy (well abit squeesy) the foods there is good harcore american dishes lah and u must SHARE. thats the scret recipe to a delicious meal goodness we were like scavengers that didnt ate for decades or smth lah our dishes were really SNAPPED up quickly right we had prawn and chicken, many burgers and sandwiches, pasta, ribs and pork chop well angie downed all our salads. LOL!
right took loads of lame photos and vids and we made cotton candy ourselves!!! and it was green apple flavour. YUMYUM! it was damn cool lah
next stop was esplanade to ROKROK. haha took photos again and played truth or dare damn why do we play so big and why my mouth must be so big i should just keep it shut next time and study my chem lol no chem lah i'll just sing. ohkay good idea taa
well about chem. damn! why do i always spot the right stuff but am always the least prepared for it i freaking thought that it was hydroxides that need to undergo hydrolysis, not freaking chlorides! arghhhhhh damn it!!!!!!
i think i made loads of booboo in that paper cross fingers and hope to pass. Amen
7 October 2006
i dunno if blogger will screw up and let me not update again but oh wells i'll just try lah somehow it works if i dont uplaod photos :s
the haze is getting horrible i actually breathe heavily these days
lantern festival was not bad had fun playing candles though the beginning of it werent exactly very "in the mood"
got burnt by wax - yea the feelings back i think i should make it a point to play with candles every year anyways i spent it with gerald and andrew we made formations like star, heart, cat high badge, cj flame and fuck. woohoo!
okay i shall praise gerald cos he suggested that we stick candles to stones instead of the ground so it was easier to make the diff formations thats all ohkay, thats all
and then we tried taking photos of us jumping it was almost a complete failure cos i, the professional photographer managed to capture gerald in the air.
shall upload photos soon.
meanwhile, im kinda lovesick :(
happy birthday claire!!!
oh my tian im aching like fuck haha but its the shiok kind lah though i wonder how much energy left i have for tmr
cant say chiong tennis lah but can say chiong-ed gym with shawn today he thought me this crunch cum leg lift exercise so tiring!!! and then i did pushups he did 10 times of wad i did he freaking did 300 pushups!! siao lah btw i didnt do 30 only i did 60 ohkay its just that i decided to do extra
and now im kinda regreting so tired!!! nvm nvm jian chi dao di i'll freaking lose 5 kg by xmas i hope..
2 October 2006
1st batch of outing photos, with gerald and shawn HERE
im screwed, im freaking screwed. i didnt know i could screw things up so badly
28 October 2006
taken from olsen's blog found it quite interesting
put your ipod on shuffle. press forward at the next question. use the song title as the ans for each question. NO CHEATING!
How are you feeling today?: wo men de ai (who's WO MEN) Will you get far in life?: yu jian (once i meet the person i die??) How do your friends see you?: tian hei hei (im not the sky and im not black ohaky) Will you get married?: bo li si wa (-.-) What is your best friend's theme song?: yuan you hui (???) What is the story of your life?: home (okay im a homie!) What was high school like?: back at one (LOL!) How can you get ahead in life?: gua zai ban meng bai xing zi jian (not bad) What is the best thing about your friends?: ai qing xuan ya What is today going to be like?: sui oh sui oh (sui ah!) What is in store for this weekend?: hai dao (im gonna get robbed by pirates? oh wow) What song describes you?: xing fu de di tu (lol whoever finds me that is) To describe your grandparents?: feeling hypnotized (cool seh! i wished) How is your life going?: wo men de gu shi What song will they play at your funeral?: movement 2, prokofiev (oh my tian! thats slow!) How does the world see you?: sha shi bi ya de tian fen (if im shakespear's talent, how come my lit got c5?!!!) Will you have a happy life?: wo de fan nao jiu shi ni What do your friends really think of you?: ra-men song (okay i love to eat right) Do people secretly lust after you?: jiang jun ling (erm, general tell them to like me???) How can I make myself happy?: yi zhi shen gong What should you do with your life?: duan xian (NONONO! i dun want to die!) Will you ever have children?: bu yao wang le wo (oh no! does this means my children will forget me when they grow up? so scary!)
woah woah woah. well it was more "accurate" the 2nd time i did it. hahaha try it! its fun!
27 October 2006
i know why i can clique so well with the church ppl cos we can talk about almost anything and everything in the whole universe and i really treasure that love (:
26 October 2006
the god of death, ryuk is so cute esp when he desperately wants an apple wahaha

 ahhh damn cool damn cool
cant wait for part 2 to come out!
25 October 2006
aye. last day of school tmr how time flies
the list of ppl qualified for sub papers are out oh my tian so many ppl, and so many i love all the best guys!!!
anyways all wanrong's fault im now in youtube watching finish ai qing mo fa shi blog while loading oh my tian so nice!!! hahahaha
if only such things happen in real life *dream*
20 October 2006
im so sick of coming online like i got nth better to do well i really got nth better to do
my hand's damn pain cos i went for blood test not long ago haha the doc say he cant find my vein okay cos im too fat :x
and then after he drew finish one sringe of blood he ask me to press i was like my other hand's still pain from the other jab where got strength to press wahaha
and now my both hands are like numb/aching oh wells
cant wait till leehom concert (:
19 October 2006

my lantern festival
that mean is fucking irritating i swear!!! i wish i could like strangle him or smth lah kp my hair today lah "your hair you dye ah?" i was like thinking DUH "never get caught? you know you're not supposed to come to school like that" yea fuck off lah "who's your ht?" act blur "ms wang" "who is your pe teacher?" act even more blur, turn to pal "who's our pe teacher ah" freaking annmarie just walked off with michelle lah after super long "oh, mr wong" "you dont even know your pe teacher, you should just quit tennis and cj" wtf is ur problem!!!!!! "why your ht never advice you about your hair? you know you cannot come to school like that" "i never get caught so nevermind" "you are not supposed to come school like that" "i stubborn lah, get caught already then dye back" and then i freaking walk off ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH damn wth wth wth wth wth
had tennis exco voting today congrats to yifei and clara!!!
anyways im not going to school tmr they freaking dont let me leave early from the cat retreat crazy i freaking paid 130 bucks for my dearest leehom theres no way im missing it OHKAY so might as well dont go tmr go doc take mc meanwhile i gotta test my blood like finally
shall update more tmr laters
18 October 2006
school is boring why must they force u to go to school for lessons when everyone has only mood for partying its so freaking anti-climax lah sit in class and get so freaking bored listen until want to fall asleep
anyways, yx tegong mz and pal just left my house well, mz came to do pw but very got thing done well just the 1st 3 slides but yea. haha it was a hard time getting that friggin annmarie to come that stupid pig sleep wake up eat sleep wake up eat oh my tian lah
anyways my show is here. laters
17 October 2006
i passed chem! and did rather well actually (: and im happy with that, considering i did not really study and still had the cheeks to go out playing truth or dare. thats cool but i promise i wont do that again. anyways im also happy that our whole class passed chem too :) yay! esp for the little J & J. lol
promote alr promote alr promote alr!
but im still rather screwed. how about i handed my facil form like super late and i dont think i can get squeezed in for an interview. sigh im also hand in my ocip form late, but since moeny is involved, i dont think i'll get booted out lah but prolly get like a scolding or smth? and because of the damn ocip trip i gotta miss my family holiday to chiangm/rai also the friggin geog trip is like cancelled! bloody hell i promoted for that, mainly that seriously and now they friggin tell us its cancelled basket lah
if i had knew i dont promote
to claire and shawn: pls accpet my apology, i guess i was really tired that day, explaining the horrible mood. oh wells.
15 October 2006
my name is eunice wee zee yin im 18 this year my nric no is 87149**C my birthday is 226/5/1987
HAHAHAHA private joke if u want to know, ask me personally
it was good tonight happy birthday anthea (: and thanks for such a great time!
13 October 2006
oh my tian i dunno why i keep looking at OLD stuffs lately but its hilarious and i mean HILARIOUS dont believe check this out:
i look freaking retarded, double-chined and my hair is bloody short. oh yea check the teachers out too hahahahaha its FREAKING FUNNY REALLY
12 October 2006
when ur bored, what do u do? lol, i just read my old friendster testimonials those long winding ones that was in "fashion" about 2 years ago its cool lah and i realise one thing
im really loud, hyper-active, sing non-stop, cheerful and bubbly and mad about yanzi at least hats what most of my previous testis said ohkay its quite true lah hahaha
ahhh so nice brings u back in time so when ur bored, i recommend u read your old testis (or even old letters, blog entry etc)
11 October 2006
how about this I CAN ALMOST FREAKING PROMOTE and no im not the emo girl that uses "almost" cos i flucked 2 subs
i passed maths and econs just as predicted and failed geog as anticipated but damn! i didnt expect to fail so well! lol i only failed by 2 freaking 2!!! that means if i did study, i could have redeemed that 2 damn it yea the IF IF IF its all over subpassed gp that was close boy
i used the word almost cos i havent got back chem so there
im actually damn happy bout my results but seeing the ppl i love around me all screw up there seem to be nothing left to be happy about whats school when your friends are all gone i dont want to fight a lonely battle i want my friends!
if you are my friend and reading this please know that i'll seriously pray for everyone single one of you and believe in god and the school something (though icant say what) will be done
*all the best mates (:
the complete group picture (:
10 October 2006
 the group photo (w/o shawn) at claire's birthday celebration
this post shall be totally dedicated to my beloved and dearest shukkun cos i just read this:
"starting from the subj combi, to accepting our fate, getting into the same class, get along well, hp craze... the prank we played, the phone conv, crazy photo taking days, neoprints, outings, tablemates, graduation, world cup craze and so on. it was probably fate how we got to knw each other, how we're suppose to be in truth and how the last two years of st nicks was such a blast with the fantastic class. the secondary school days were the days of my life"
and if shawn and mummy weren't beside me, i would have cried by now came upon it be accident cos its been a long time i've read her blog how bout its been a long time since i last talked and met her damn thinking about it life has been so crazy and fast that i kinda forget about her :( well this is life but ppl u love who love u wont slip by that quickly they will stay forever even not beside u but in your heart and treasure and appreciate them before its too late (: love u shuk
9 October 2006
sun was great lah though most of my walking time was spent on staring at the 2 fucking pages of chem periodicity (and i still fucking didnt write it correctly today. read on..)
anyways good things everyone finally came together again to "celebrate" claires birthday well it was rather meaningful cos she "crasehed" jnr cats meeting and was made to say a rosary. hahahahaha anyways, headed to city hall and ate NEWYORKNEWYORK oh my tian u should seriously get at least 5 ppl with u and go get the "room-like" table its cosy (well abit squeesy) the foods there is good harcore american dishes lah and u must SHARE. thats the scret recipe to a delicious meal goodness we were like scavengers that didnt ate for decades or smth lah our dishes were really SNAPPED up quickly right we had prawn and chicken, many burgers and sandwiches, pasta, ribs and pork chop well angie downed all our salads. LOL!
right took loads of lame photos and vids and we made cotton candy ourselves!!! and it was green apple flavour. YUMYUM! it was damn cool lah
next stop was esplanade to ROKROK. haha took photos again and played truth or dare damn why do we play so big and why my mouth must be so big i should just keep it shut next time and study my chem lol no chem lah i'll just sing. ohkay good idea taa
well about chem. damn! why do i always spot the right stuff but am always the least prepared for it i freaking thought that it was hydroxides that need to undergo hydrolysis, not freaking chlorides! arghhhhhh damn it!!!!!!
i think i made loads of booboo in that paper cross fingers and hope to pass. Amen
7 October 2006
i dunno if blogger will screw up and let me not update again but oh wells i'll just try lah somehow it works if i dont uplaod photos :s
the haze is getting horrible i actually breathe heavily these days
lantern festival was not bad had fun playing candles though the beginning of it werent exactly very "in the mood"
got burnt by wax - yea the feelings back i think i should make it a point to play with candles every year anyways i spent it with gerald and andrew we made formations like star, heart, cat high badge, cj flame and fuck. woohoo!
okay i shall praise gerald cos he suggested that we stick candles to stones instead of the ground so it was easier to make the diff formations thats all ohkay, thats all
and then we tried taking photos of us jumping it was almost a complete failure cos i, the professional photographer managed to capture gerald in the air.
shall upload photos soon.
meanwhile, im kinda lovesick :(
happy birthday claire!!!
oh my tian im aching like fuck haha but its the shiok kind lah though i wonder how much energy left i have for tmr
cant say chiong tennis lah but can say chiong-ed gym with shawn today he thought me this crunch cum leg lift exercise so tiring!!! and then i did pushups he did 10 times of wad i did he freaking did 300 pushups!! siao lah btw i didnt do 30 only i did 60 ohkay its just that i decided to do extra
and now im kinda regreting so tired!!! nvm nvm jian chi dao di i'll freaking lose 5 kg by xmas i hope..
2 October 2006
1st batch of outing photos, with gerald and shawn HERE
im screwed, im freaking screwed. i didnt know i could screw things up so badly
By post:
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central forum, once so big and foreignas1 walkway,...
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