preferrably known as taa
learn to love her and her world
the other me
design blog
church clique
30 November 2006

argh! so nice!
i gotta blog about today and i was told to blog about today cos today's another crazy day well and more of a lup sup day! woot!!!!
met shawn gerald and josh for breakfast at 7am haha damn i got my morning call at 6.30 -.- and great shawn and gerald are ALWAYS late heng got josh's company
since both josh and shawn left me and gerald were bored and guess what we decided to do damn we followed shawn to the mrt and then take train with him all the way to clementi hahaha and then take a train down to cityhall and up to town right so we reach town at like 9.30?! not much things to do at that time and we were dressed in horrible tshirt and shots and slippers okay i was damn horrible lah
we sat at cine box office the palce where u get to see the trailers haha for like more than a hour waiting for wanrong and josh to come down >.<
and then went to pool at moneter when it strike 12 (cos monster opens at 12) and the uncle was like wah so early ah! hahahaha
we made gerald late for trng to eat oyster meesua for lunch so he decided not to go (hohoho as usual) but to come my house "work out" so we gymed tennis and "swim" he swam, i only soaked my leg hahahaha and like that can waste the whole day away thats just so cool!
ps: gerald your tennis improved seh! hahaha and thanks for being such a "PAL" I LOVE YOU "PAL"!!! but u better not leak my secrets or else............
28 November 2006
today's shopping day!! went bugis to shop with my ma and my aunt oooh shiok shiok everything bought today was for me haha and so i bought 2 tops 2 skirts and a wedge and it totalled to 200+ bucks dont need to do xmas and newyear shopping alr hahaha
oh and i tried on my wetseal clothes they look not bad actually! hahaha cant wait till i get a chance to wear everything which wont be anytime soon oh wells
meeting them for breakfast tmr at 7 oh gosh 7! but its fun the old times are back! oh yay! (:
wtf i got kp cos of my hair the 1st thing in the morning i freaking woke up early to make it on time for trng and then stupid that mean kp me right after i put on my shoes "i told you before sch ended. this colour is not acceptable in school. you must be properly attired. you are not trng today" wtf!!!! i wasted my time lah sit there and rotted for freaking 3 hours! could have went off for breakfast or stayed at home and sleep im not going on wed cos GOLDEN HAIR CANNOT TRAIN bugger
anyways pooled again haha the uncle was like "wah! xia yu hai ke yi lai ah. ni li hai ah" hahaha (wah raining also can come ah, u best lor) for those who seriously cant read hanyu hahaha
met yinkies mich and ant in the evening oh my tian i was so broke! i didnt even have a 10 cent coin in my wallet and my ezlink was left with 20cents inside so yink bought me a milo and that was my "dinner" hahaha went to mich house like after dunno how long! and just did almost nth but stalking and stupid stuffs, as usual yeah i really missed it and it felt good hahaha i love their company
if you guys are reading this: i love u loads and loads and never ending loads! (: and yuanshan who wasnt there
to yinks: damn u little rascal. i'll keep you your dirty little secret :X
the walk to the busstop was horrible cos of the rain haha so everything was wet damn gross!
and my clothes from wetseal finally came! and i thank god i could fit perfectly into both of them though they say one of them make me look abit aunty hahaha shall see about it
26 November 2006
i dyed my hair again!!! wahahahas check it out! its gold again

i think its looks quite coo lah its not as ahbeng as it 1st seemed okay
anyways me and gerald decided to dye on the spur of the moment wahahahs we were stoning at far east when we came out with that idea palty's a good brand but dont add the bleach though yeah gerald's hair didnt turn out that golden wahahahs
anyways celebrated angie's birthday this afternoon went to the sakura in town the spread there is good seh! should go more often! we ate SOOOO MUCHHHH i almost burst erm i almost puked damn i cant eat buffets i always go over my limit poor andrew couldnt chiong cos he was recovering from food poisoning (take care buddy!)
errr pooled shopped and dyed hair lol today was fun (:
25 November 2006
right done with the birthday wishings today was a terribly lazy day wahahahs woke up at 12 plus ate lunch and a little tv and then headed back to sleep watched like 3 movies since then haha damn starmovies are showing good stuff these days haha watched robots and some johnsons family reunion thingy now its playing the fast and the furious damn cool seh!
apparently we're gonna celebrate angie's birthday tmr but its seems like alot of ppl are busy i hope it doesnt turn out too pathetic hahahas.
ps: if you're reading this, i miss you
24 November 2006
The Movie Of Your Life Is A Black Comedy |  In your life, things are so twisted that you just have to laugh. You may end up insane, but you'll have fun on the way to the asylum.
Your best movie matches: Being John Malkovich, The Royal Tenenbaums, American Psycho |
You Were a Swan |  You are a spiritual soul who sees into the future. You are also good at interpreting dreams - those of yourself and others. |
oh cool! lol
23 November 2006
today's another tennis day played more and played better damn!! hahaha i feel the adrenaline rush and its shiok i didnt to seem that tired thats good i guess (:
had yong tow foo at lucky plaza for lunch it was good lahs!
and cos it started raining which forced us to stop our mixed doubles match -.- we chionged cards in the class which was actually fun! a kind of bonding indeed! bridge is getting more fun! damn michelle yifei and tommy are actually damn fun to play bridge with muahaha
anyways rachel was going on about her "y'all" and her englang pronounciations and her angland slang her england slang is actually good lah and she sounds like hermione!!
well accompanied tasha to ntuc and we decided to hold a "cooking day"! yeah man go someone's house and just cook cook cook and obviously eat after that lahs and thay day is dedicated to tash cos she really seem to love cooking! i gotta start thinking wad i can actually cook besides maggi mee omelete and suasages wahahaha
im gonna rest and decide if i shld go tmr! (:
do i look burnt? yeah damn i look burnt -.-
damn i look fat here! but i like the background -.-
we gave him tits and cockk!!
yeah my homies!
love y'all
canoe canoe

22 November 2006
okay today was fun gotta admit lahs hahaha
damn i went too early i dunno why i didnt see apparently that trng started at 9 -.- so i reached at 8 and micheal tan was starring at me ahha
damn i played better than usual today muahaha
we had like 3 hrs of break so i went monster with the guys cos the girls wanted to eat seould garden and i had not enough money :s hahaha anyways i rather spent it on pool than food
damn! our bill was like 30 odd bucks lah thats my most expensive pool bill to date? i guess haha not sure lah
damn my burnt is damn frigging pain especially my shoulders arghhhh the pain only started to set in this morning and i think i got darker from tennis damn! tmr also hahaha thats good thats good at least i look fitter!
21 November 2006
today was fun fun fun really fun
met gerald shawn and olsen in the early morning and left for sentosa!!! goodness we reach siloso beach at like 9+?
played loads of volleyball hahaha omg my cute hot orange board shorts guy!! hes so cute please
tan swim tan swim
we buried gerald in sand and we gave him a super standing d*ck and boobs hahahahha
and we went to canoe! damn shiok lah we rented 2 single and 1 double canoe and we were like swopping in the middle of the "sea"
and guess what we met joshua neubronner there!
anyways im rather burnt now my shoulders and face are burnt not really serious though
but damn theres trng tmr arghhhhhhhhh dont wanna go i wanna vivo grahhhhhhhhhh
oh yeah photos are with gerald so wait wait
20 November 2006
take it slow go with the flow and then lay low
i bought my webcam YAY like finally hahaha its 29 bucks and it rocks big time muahaha (: anyone want to webcam with me?
CONGRATS CONGRATS CONGRATS esp to: olsen anthea annmarie rachel jonnie valerie petrina.. (sorry if i missed out anyone)
YOU GUYS PROMOTED!!! im bloody bloody bloody happy for u guys and i mean it (: HOORAY!!!
the past few days has been busy, busy looking for a job this weeks gonna be rather busy too beaching vivo-ing and chilling (?!) oh yeah
im gonna chill COMPLETELY and enjoy life as much as possible time flies too quickly and soon i'll be a freaking j2 :(
alright gotta go have to attend this wedding dinner muahaha FREE FOOD here i comeeeeeeeeee
19 November 2006
everytime things start to turn for the better something else will happen why the fuck is it always always always like that why can't i just get what i want for the first freaking time in my freaking life is it that hard to ask for? oh god why are u like kidding around with me i feel so horrible like a hell lot of emotions stuck inside waiting to explode yes i feel like exploding but i can't it always at this time of the day the feeling is so strong is it wrong to want? then send me a sign im tired, so tired, very tired i just want to go home to go home and find repost
if music be the food of love play on give me excess of it, that surfeiting, the appetite may sicken and so die ENOUGH! NO MORE TWAS WAS NOT AS SWEET AS BEFORE
in love with the idea of being in love?
O time, thou must entangle this not I its too hard a knot for me to untie
taken from twelfth night if u happen to find it familiar, everything seems so familiar
things happen so fast and so quick too fast that i did not have time to take a breather and all of a sudden things start to slow down and my decision suddenly became clear and i was sure i am sure i think i know what i want though it may not be forever at least its fine now yes, its fine now
thank you people who really cared and listen to me repeat the same things over and over again and venting my stupid frustrations on you especially shawn gerald and claire <3
18 November 2006
when your pass haunts you like a shadow, always there even in the dark, sometimes hitting you like a train in the face, its hard to stay sober and sane
i just need a chill
16 November 2006
oh yay. im blogging again haha i havent blogged about my waking up time today its 2pm!! wahahaha damn im so piggified
anyways olsen came over cos she finally finished SUPS haha and we went to satisfy our chicken craving yay okay it wasnt exactly satisfied but it was better than NOTHING but damn aint not touching that for at least one more month man!
reduced the redness of the template cos of SOMEONE.
ciao all
that picture was meant to be today's post but since it turned out so fitting with this template it shall be there for as long as i like it muahahaha. so the point of this post is in that note
15 November 2006
why am i updating about my waking up time? hahahaha cos i dont get to do that during sch days decided to wake up abit earlier today 12.50 wahahaha rock right
i shall be busily typing to get my money today no distractions!!
but it seems like a boring day
i woke up at 1.20pm today hahaha its getting later lah! terrible
thought i could stay home and type and get some money but i typed for barely 15 min and kangster called me out to acc take photos
well i had quite abit of fun i must say it was rather interesting wahlau he everything also take lah and his camera is cool ohkay fine im noob but its cool lah haha
met gerald and shawn for prata after that hahahaha kua wan hornay sallymolly wrong came down for nothing cos she wanted to see kangster (EHH???) but yeah haha
shawn and oyster came over to my pool after that well i cant say house cos its the 1st time they didnt enter my house hahahaha we sat by the pool and chat and we found out ANOTHER DIRTY LITTLE SECRET tsk tsk tsk
damn the photos I took were damn cool lah! but shall upload another day muahahaha
right off to bed i dont think i should wake up at 1+pm again tmr hahaha
14 November 2006
how shiok is thati woke up at 1pm today!! wahaha wanrong had a hard time calling me anyways met them to apply for this job in ntuc income its a data entry job so we had to go for this typing test hahaha so fun lah! i typed 50 words per min i hope i get the job at hq and not TAMPINES!!
was late in meeting kang muahaha went to watch step up arghhhhhhhhhhhhhso nice!!! haha the leads are HOT lah but i was freezing like mad as usual
well we had dinner at taka shiok lah so long nv eat takopachi and yakitori he bought this chocolate crossant for me (: oh yea and today's the 1st time i tried chicken skin OMGso guilty i shall nv touch that ever again
kangster sent me home ater that (:
photos another day. wahaha
13 November 2006
oh yeah forgot to blog about this anyways i almost decided wad i wanted to do and one freaking msg just melted me terribly bloody hell but i wished this dont happen to often feels horrible man really horrible
some bowling photos lol
damn i do not look pro haha

 im the 119 okay! im the 119!!! hahah
12 November 2006
today's sibei slack lah didnt do MUCH hw haha but the fact that im doing hw comforts me
played pool YEAH PLAYED POOL okay man its holidays and its time to chiong pool again but i cant afford to keep going monster cos its actually a little bit more ex and elsewhere DUH its in town okay, so maybe i shall frequent kpool and mainly cos they play CHINESE songs there. so i can sing along! wahoooo!
okay i dont know what kinda hols i have man but it feels quite long alr although hols just started like last week? no this week apparently wahahah
conclusion? im sibei slack
ps: if you're reading this, im talking to you yet im missing you loads :D
10 November 2006
wanrong dont be sad you can cheer up by reading my blog
check this out: 1) think of 15 short bits of interesting stuff about yourself and they gotta be true 2)come up with 5 false statements regarding yourself, but for fun's sake keep them in the threshold of possibility 3) jumble all of them up and list them in any order 4) post in your blog and let people guess which are fake 5)get 5 others to do the same
1) i got fatter over the years 2) i think yanzi is super ugly but i just love her songs 3) im addicted to dying my hair 4) i love taiwan vareity shows 5) im crazy over princess hours 6) i think yida cant sing now 7) i want to get a tattoo 8) i dont like "happily ever after" stories 9) i think gays are disgusting, but lesbians are okay 10) the guy i like is in cj 11) i knew jieying before primary school 12) me and michele had a little rough friendship 13) i talk on the phone too much that the phone plug in my room burnt 14) i love st nicks alot 15) i love eating meat 16) my tennis suck more than my netball 17) i've never wore a thong before 18) i got a bikini chucked somewhere in my drawers cos i dont dare to wear 19) i got a bronze in swimming lessons 20) i cam-whore
so? good luck its quite obvious though
and i choose.. yink, shukkun, anthea, noel and andrew
9 November 2006
op's finally over!! down with all those essays and presentation! i dunno if i did well but its over so i shall not think about it anyways im too happy today to think about it
hanged out with wanrong yunxin and minzhen before meeting kang with wr and yx for a movie haha all the timings were horrible so we ended up watching a good yea which ended up not bad afterall! nicer than i expected actually hahaha it was sweet (: and it was sweet watching wtih someone sweet (:
i shall start doing a little holiday homework tmr haha im gonna be the new age good girl man! wish me luck
oh and i shall TRY once again to go on a diet cos im afraid to get diabetic (pun intended, dont understand can ask me, i shall see if i wanna tell. lol)
8 November 2006
yunxin and wanrong are over lol cos we couldnt decide wad to do so we watched harry potter and played pool and now watching princess hours -.- cant wait for project superstar 2 hahaha
ever since last night after what he said i've been so so soooooo happy (: and every single word is engraved in my mind
7 November 2006
okay life is tonning down lately
went american club with anthea yesterday to tan swim and do everything there was there lol the weather wasnt on our side lah it rained and when it finally stop we 2 look like some ppl desperate of the sun after applying sun tan lotion for like 10-15 min the sun went to hide again so we wasted time and tanning lotion hahahaha
but we went to swim and it was quite good goodness i didnt know american club's swimming pool was so deep lah the diving area is like 2.7m deep hahaha okay damn noob but it was fun we did swim properly okay! but it was horrible w/o goggles
and the toilets are damn cool! the door is damn liberal haha cos it has no lock and its nearly transparent and it has soap shampoo hairspray mousse deodorant and hairdryer!! haha damn how come i nv seem to step in the swimming pool toilet before hahahaha
and then we chiong time crisis 2, pool, air hockey, pingpong and bowling damn shiok sia!
thanks ant yesterday was great i had a great time (:
and i must mention yink cos she wants me to blog about her okay your turn
6 November 2006
i dont want this to end cos im loving this and i dont want it to end not so soon let it continue for as long as possible cos this is the real you and me and i love it (:
5 November 2006
i feel much better now after a nice dinner with daddy and mummy loads of good food and talking
maybe i was just tired and thinking too much afterall but i cant help right after all these and still going i just hope its not turning bad cos it really seemed positive
whatever that is learn to relax and take things in your stride taa its not everything
damn horrible lah it was like a bad day for me yesterday
while going over to shawn's hse i freaking fell down the bus i was like rushing to get out of my seat and faster tap ezlink and get down cos everyone seemed like i was hogging the line the next thing i knew my heels accidentally kick the bumpy like thing on the top stair and then i "flew" down abit like i crashed my knee, knock my shin my legs were like on the bus and on the road and my hands were on the busstop curb how graceful indeed so embarrasing please the whole bus stop was staring at me
but this nice couple from church came and help me up and i thank god for that (: and teacher julie, rocks lah abit across the busstop shout "are you ohkay" that added to my embarrasment
and now my knee hurts like fuck as well as my shin - it has a horrible bump and a blueblack and random skin all over my hands and leg were scraped
and then we couldnt find the place we were supposed to go for the ac thing! anyways after the ac drama thing (it was good btw) not abit hard to find our way out from mohamad sultan walk like damn faraway to city hall mrt and i was constantly bugged by my great mother not like im not tired enough walk the whole day around the same places again and again and by the time we reached city hall mrt my heel's rubber thing at the bottom totally came off so i couldnt walk properly
so tired thank god my great father came to fetch me
and alongside someone said he had a rubbish day too but it cant be as bad as mine right
4 November 2006
photos from last night well it doesnt feel like last night cos of today but anyways lol the kang!
i waited with this girl for 2 1/2 hours at immigration just for her freaking passport she only waited 1 hour for me at the mrt who wins??? actually we're rather even
at dinner.
camera phones exist for a purpose!
edited in my phone ohkay!
2 November 2006
photos from the 6th Global Chinese Music Awards on sat (: enjoy!
Andy Lau!!! He's actually quite hot lah. heehee
 Pretty babe! yanzi :) (thats her 3rd outfit)

Fish Liang Jing Ru
Guang Liang
Yanzi! 2nd outfit. lv okay! i thought that was hot!
(i dont have a picture of her 1st outfit cos it was in red carpet, but it was also lv! oh my goodness)
typo error from last post and lazy to go there to edit haha its *angry* by the way
i dont want to try uploading my gcma pictures cos im scared blogger will hang on me again. lol
theres chi As tmr and i cant wait for it to end theres chi As tmr and i cant wait for it to end cos it means time is drawing nearer theres chi As tmr and i cant wait for it to end cos it means time is drawing nearer to meet you (:
i dont understand what you're trying to say but be comforted that i'll be there when things gets rough
1 November 2006
and yet again im angey at blogger cos i cant uplaod my gcma pictures sigh another day i guess
meanwhile i've found out something and it seems quite positive so im hoping for the best i shall see how things develop and decide to blog later on
meanwhile, goodluck to all taking exams and myself for chi As and pw oral presentation (: im gonnna give the speech of my life
30 November 2006

argh! so nice!
i gotta blog about today and i was told to blog about today cos today's another crazy day well and more of a lup sup day! woot!!!!
met shawn gerald and josh for breakfast at 7am haha damn i got my morning call at 6.30 -.- and great shawn and gerald are ALWAYS late heng got josh's company
since both josh and shawn left me and gerald were bored and guess what we decided to do damn we followed shawn to the mrt and then take train with him all the way to clementi hahaha and then take a train down to cityhall and up to town right so we reach town at like 9.30?! not much things to do at that time and we were dressed in horrible tshirt and shots and slippers okay i was damn horrible lah
we sat at cine box office the palce where u get to see the trailers haha for like more than a hour waiting for wanrong and josh to come down >.<
and then went to pool at moneter when it strike 12 (cos monster opens at 12) and the uncle was like wah so early ah! hahahaha
we made gerald late for trng to eat oyster meesua for lunch so he decided not to go (hohoho as usual) but to come my house "work out" so we gymed tennis and "swim" he swam, i only soaked my leg hahahaha and like that can waste the whole day away thats just so cool!
ps: gerald your tennis improved seh! hahaha and thanks for being such a "PAL" I LOVE YOU "PAL"!!! but u better not leak my secrets or else............
28 November 2006
today's shopping day!! went bugis to shop with my ma and my aunt oooh shiok shiok everything bought today was for me haha and so i bought 2 tops 2 skirts and a wedge and it totalled to 200+ bucks dont need to do xmas and newyear shopping alr hahaha
oh and i tried on my wetseal clothes they look not bad actually! hahaha cant wait till i get a chance to wear everything which wont be anytime soon oh wells
meeting them for breakfast tmr at 7 oh gosh 7! but its fun the old times are back! oh yay! (:
wtf i got kp cos of my hair the 1st thing in the morning i freaking woke up early to make it on time for trng and then stupid that mean kp me right after i put on my shoes "i told you before sch ended. this colour is not acceptable in school. you must be properly attired. you are not trng today" wtf!!!! i wasted my time lah sit there and rotted for freaking 3 hours! could have went off for breakfast or stayed at home and sleep im not going on wed cos GOLDEN HAIR CANNOT TRAIN bugger
anyways pooled again haha the uncle was like "wah! xia yu hai ke yi lai ah. ni li hai ah" hahaha (wah raining also can come ah, u best lor) for those who seriously cant read hanyu hahaha
met yinkies mich and ant in the evening oh my tian i was so broke! i didnt even have a 10 cent coin in my wallet and my ezlink was left with 20cents inside so yink bought me a milo and that was my "dinner" hahaha went to mich house like after dunno how long! and just did almost nth but stalking and stupid stuffs, as usual yeah i really missed it and it felt good hahaha i love their company
if you guys are reading this: i love u loads and loads and never ending loads! (: and yuanshan who wasnt there
to yinks: damn u little rascal. i'll keep you your dirty little secret :X
the walk to the busstop was horrible cos of the rain haha so everything was wet damn gross!
and my clothes from wetseal finally came! and i thank god i could fit perfectly into both of them though they say one of them make me look abit aunty hahaha shall see about it
26 November 2006
i dyed my hair again!!! wahahahas check it out! its gold again

i think its looks quite coo lah its not as ahbeng as it 1st seemed okay
anyways me and gerald decided to dye on the spur of the moment wahahahs we were stoning at far east when we came out with that idea palty's a good brand but dont add the bleach though yeah gerald's hair didnt turn out that golden wahahahs
anyways celebrated angie's birthday this afternoon went to the sakura in town the spread there is good seh! should go more often! we ate SOOOO MUCHHHH i almost burst erm i almost puked damn i cant eat buffets i always go over my limit poor andrew couldnt chiong cos he was recovering from food poisoning (take care buddy!)
errr pooled shopped and dyed hair lol today was fun (:
25 November 2006
right done with the birthday wishings today was a terribly lazy day wahahahs woke up at 12 plus ate lunch and a little tv and then headed back to sleep watched like 3 movies since then haha damn starmovies are showing good stuff these days haha watched robots and some johnsons family reunion thingy now its playing the fast and the furious damn cool seh!
apparently we're gonna celebrate angie's birthday tmr but its seems like alot of ppl are busy i hope it doesnt turn out too pathetic hahahas.
ps: if you're reading this, i miss you
24 November 2006
The Movie Of Your Life Is A Black Comedy |  In your life, things are so twisted that you just have to laugh. You may end up insane, but you'll have fun on the way to the asylum.
Your best movie matches: Being John Malkovich, The Royal Tenenbaums, American Psycho |
You Were a Swan |  You are a spiritual soul who sees into the future. You are also good at interpreting dreams - those of yourself and others. |
oh cool! lol
23 November 2006
today's another tennis day played more and played better damn!! hahaha i feel the adrenaline rush and its shiok i didnt to seem that tired thats good i guess (:
had yong tow foo at lucky plaza for lunch it was good lahs!
and cos it started raining which forced us to stop our mixed doubles match -.- we chionged cards in the class which was actually fun! a kind of bonding indeed! bridge is getting more fun! damn michelle yifei and tommy are actually damn fun to play bridge with muahaha
anyways rachel was going on about her "y'all" and her englang pronounciations and her angland slang her england slang is actually good lah and she sounds like hermione!!
well accompanied tasha to ntuc and we decided to hold a "cooking day"! yeah man go someone's house and just cook cook cook and obviously eat after that lahs and thay day is dedicated to tash cos she really seem to love cooking! i gotta start thinking wad i can actually cook besides maggi mee omelete and suasages wahahaha
im gonna rest and decide if i shld go tmr! (:
do i look burnt? yeah damn i look burnt -.-
damn i look fat here! but i like the background -.-
we gave him tits and cockk!!
yeah my homies!
love y'all
canoe canoe

22 November 2006
okay today was fun gotta admit lahs hahaha
damn i went too early i dunno why i didnt see apparently that trng started at 9 -.- so i reached at 8 and micheal tan was starring at me ahha
damn i played better than usual today muahaha
we had like 3 hrs of break so i went monster with the guys cos the girls wanted to eat seould garden and i had not enough money :s hahaha anyways i rather spent it on pool than food
damn! our bill was like 30 odd bucks lah thats my most expensive pool bill to date? i guess haha not sure lah
damn my burnt is damn frigging pain especially my shoulders arghhhh the pain only started to set in this morning and i think i got darker from tennis damn! tmr also hahaha thats good thats good at least i look fitter!
21 November 2006
today was fun fun fun really fun
met gerald shawn and olsen in the early morning and left for sentosa!!! goodness we reach siloso beach at like 9+?
played loads of volleyball hahaha omg my cute hot orange board shorts guy!! hes so cute please
tan swim tan swim
we buried gerald in sand and we gave him a super standing d*ck and boobs hahahahha
and we went to canoe! damn shiok lah we rented 2 single and 1 double canoe and we were like swopping in the middle of the "sea"
and guess what we met joshua neubronner there!
anyways im rather burnt now my shoulders and face are burnt not really serious though
but damn theres trng tmr arghhhhhhhhh dont wanna go i wanna vivo grahhhhhhhhhh
oh yeah photos are with gerald so wait wait
20 November 2006
take it slow go with the flow and then lay low
i bought my webcam YAY like finally hahaha its 29 bucks and it rocks big time muahaha (: anyone want to webcam with me?
CONGRATS CONGRATS CONGRATS esp to: olsen anthea annmarie rachel jonnie valerie petrina.. (sorry if i missed out anyone)
YOU GUYS PROMOTED!!! im bloody bloody bloody happy for u guys and i mean it (: HOORAY!!!
the past few days has been busy, busy looking for a job this weeks gonna be rather busy too beaching vivo-ing and chilling (?!) oh yeah
im gonna chill COMPLETELY and enjoy life as much as possible time flies too quickly and soon i'll be a freaking j2 :(
alright gotta go have to attend this wedding dinner muahaha FREE FOOD here i comeeeeeeeeee
19 November 2006
everytime things start to turn for the better something else will happen why the fuck is it always always always like that why can't i just get what i want for the first freaking time in my freaking life is it that hard to ask for? oh god why are u like kidding around with me i feel so horrible like a hell lot of emotions stuck inside waiting to explode yes i feel like exploding but i can't it always at this time of the day the feeling is so strong is it wrong to want? then send me a sign im tired, so tired, very tired i just want to go home to go home and find repost
if music be the food of love play on give me excess of it, that surfeiting, the appetite may sicken and so die ENOUGH! NO MORE TWAS WAS NOT AS SWEET AS BEFORE
in love with the idea of being in love?
O time, thou must entangle this not I its too hard a knot for me to untie
taken from twelfth night if u happen to find it familiar, everything seems so familiar
things happen so fast and so quick too fast that i did not have time to take a breather and all of a sudden things start to slow down and my decision suddenly became clear and i was sure i am sure i think i know what i want though it may not be forever at least its fine now yes, its fine now
thank you people who really cared and listen to me repeat the same things over and over again and venting my stupid frustrations on you especially shawn gerald and claire <3
18 November 2006
when your pass haunts you like a shadow, always there even in the dark, sometimes hitting you like a train in the face, its hard to stay sober and sane
i just need a chill
16 November 2006
oh yay. im blogging again haha i havent blogged about my waking up time today its 2pm!! wahahaha damn im so piggified
anyways olsen came over cos she finally finished SUPS haha and we went to satisfy our chicken craving yay okay it wasnt exactly satisfied but it was better than NOTHING but damn aint not touching that for at least one more month man!
reduced the redness of the template cos of SOMEONE.
ciao all
that picture was meant to be today's post but since it turned out so fitting with this template it shall be there for as long as i like it muahahaha. so the point of this post is in that note
15 November 2006
why am i updating about my waking up time? hahahaha cos i dont get to do that during sch days decided to wake up abit earlier today 12.50 wahahaha rock right
i shall be busily typing to get my money today no distractions!!
but it seems like a boring day
i woke up at 1.20pm today hahaha its getting later lah! terrible
thought i could stay home and type and get some money but i typed for barely 15 min and kangster called me out to acc take photos
well i had quite abit of fun i must say it was rather interesting wahlau he everything also take lah and his camera is cool ohkay fine im noob but its cool lah haha
met gerald and shawn for prata after that hahahaha kua wan hornay sallymolly wrong came down for nothing cos she wanted to see kangster (EHH???) but yeah haha
shawn and oyster came over to my pool after that well i cant say house cos its the 1st time they didnt enter my house hahahaha we sat by the pool and chat and we found out ANOTHER DIRTY LITTLE SECRET tsk tsk tsk
damn the photos I took were damn cool lah! but shall upload another day muahahaha
right off to bed i dont think i should wake up at 1+pm again tmr hahaha
14 November 2006
how shiok is thati woke up at 1pm today!! wahaha wanrong had a hard time calling me anyways met them to apply for this job in ntuc income its a data entry job so we had to go for this typing test hahaha so fun lah! i typed 50 words per min i hope i get the job at hq and not TAMPINES!!
was late in meeting kang muahaha went to watch step up arghhhhhhhhhhhhhso nice!!! haha the leads are HOT lah but i was freezing like mad as usual
well we had dinner at taka shiok lah so long nv eat takopachi and yakitori he bought this chocolate crossant for me (: oh yea and today's the 1st time i tried chicken skin OMGso guilty i shall nv touch that ever again
kangster sent me home ater that (:
photos another day. wahaha
13 November 2006
oh yeah forgot to blog about this anyways i almost decided wad i wanted to do and one freaking msg just melted me terribly bloody hell but i wished this dont happen to often feels horrible man really horrible
some bowling photos lol
damn i do not look pro haha

 im the 119 okay! im the 119!!! hahah
12 November 2006
today's sibei slack lah didnt do MUCH hw haha but the fact that im doing hw comforts me
played pool YEAH PLAYED POOL okay man its holidays and its time to chiong pool again but i cant afford to keep going monster cos its actually a little bit more ex and elsewhere DUH its in town okay, so maybe i shall frequent kpool and mainly cos they play CHINESE songs there. so i can sing along! wahoooo!
okay i dont know what kinda hols i have man but it feels quite long alr although hols just started like last week? no this week apparently wahahah
conclusion? im sibei slack
ps: if you're reading this, im talking to you yet im missing you loads :D
10 November 2006
wanrong dont be sad you can cheer up by reading my blog
check this out: 1) think of 15 short bits of interesting stuff about yourself and they gotta be true 2)come up with 5 false statements regarding yourself, but for fun's sake keep them in the threshold of possibility 3) jumble all of them up and list them in any order 4) post in your blog and let people guess which are fake 5)get 5 others to do the same
1) i got fatter over the years 2) i think yanzi is super ugly but i just love her songs 3) im addicted to dying my hair 4) i love taiwan vareity shows 5) im crazy over princess hours 6) i think yida cant sing now 7) i want to get a tattoo 8) i dont like "happily ever after" stories 9) i think gays are disgusting, but lesbians are okay 10) the guy i like is in cj 11) i knew jieying before primary school 12) me and michele had a little rough friendship 13) i talk on the phone too much that the phone plug in my room burnt 14) i love st nicks alot 15) i love eating meat 16) my tennis suck more than my netball 17) i've never wore a thong before 18) i got a bikini chucked somewhere in my drawers cos i dont dare to wear 19) i got a bronze in swimming lessons 20) i cam-whore
so? good luck its quite obvious though
and i choose.. yink, shukkun, anthea, noel and andrew
9 November 2006
op's finally over!! down with all those essays and presentation! i dunno if i did well but its over so i shall not think about it anyways im too happy today to think about it
hanged out with wanrong yunxin and minzhen before meeting kang with wr and yx for a movie haha all the timings were horrible so we ended up watching a good yea which ended up not bad afterall! nicer than i expected actually hahaha it was sweet (: and it was sweet watching wtih someone sweet (:
i shall start doing a little holiday homework tmr haha im gonna be the new age good girl man! wish me luck
oh and i shall TRY once again to go on a diet cos im afraid to get diabetic (pun intended, dont understand can ask me, i shall see if i wanna tell. lol)
8 November 2006
yunxin and wanrong are over lol cos we couldnt decide wad to do so we watched harry potter and played pool and now watching princess hours -.- cant wait for project superstar 2 hahaha
ever since last night after what he said i've been so so soooooo happy (: and every single word is engraved in my mind
7 November 2006
okay life is tonning down lately
went american club with anthea yesterday to tan swim and do everything there was there lol the weather wasnt on our side lah it rained and when it finally stop we 2 look like some ppl desperate of the sun after applying sun tan lotion for like 10-15 min the sun went to hide again so we wasted time and tanning lotion hahahaha
but we went to swim and it was quite good goodness i didnt know american club's swimming pool was so deep lah the diving area is like 2.7m deep hahaha okay damn noob but it was fun we did swim properly okay! but it was horrible w/o goggles
and the toilets are damn cool! the door is damn liberal haha cos it has no lock and its nearly transparent and it has soap shampoo hairspray mousse deodorant and hairdryer!! haha damn how come i nv seem to step in the swimming pool toilet before hahahaha
and then we chiong time crisis 2, pool, air hockey, pingpong and bowling damn shiok sia!
thanks ant yesterday was great i had a great time (:
and i must mention yink cos she wants me to blog about her okay your turn
6 November 2006
i dont want this to end cos im loving this and i dont want it to end not so soon let it continue for as long as possible cos this is the real you and me and i love it (:
5 November 2006
i feel much better now after a nice dinner with daddy and mummy loads of good food and talking
maybe i was just tired and thinking too much afterall but i cant help right after all these and still going i just hope its not turning bad cos it really seemed positive
whatever that is learn to relax and take things in your stride taa its not everything
damn horrible lah it was like a bad day for me yesterday
while going over to shawn's hse i freaking fell down the bus i was like rushing to get out of my seat and faster tap ezlink and get down cos everyone seemed like i was hogging the line the next thing i knew my heels accidentally kick the bumpy like thing on the top stair and then i "flew" down abit like i crashed my knee, knock my shin my legs were like on the bus and on the road and my hands were on the busstop curb how graceful indeed so embarrasing please the whole bus stop was staring at me
but this nice couple from church came and help me up and i thank god for that (: and teacher julie, rocks lah abit across the busstop shout "are you ohkay" that added to my embarrasment
and now my knee hurts like fuck as well as my shin - it has a horrible bump and a blueblack and random skin all over my hands and leg were scraped
and then we couldnt find the place we were supposed to go for the ac thing! anyways after the ac drama thing (it was good btw) not abit hard to find our way out from mohamad sultan walk like damn faraway to city hall mrt and i was constantly bugged by my great mother not like im not tired enough walk the whole day around the same places again and again and by the time we reached city hall mrt my heel's rubber thing at the bottom totally came off so i couldnt walk properly
so tired thank god my great father came to fetch me
and alongside someone said he had a rubbish day too but it cant be as bad as mine right
4 November 2006
photos from last night well it doesnt feel like last night cos of today but anyways lol the kang!
i waited with this girl for 2 1/2 hours at immigration just for her freaking passport she only waited 1 hour for me at the mrt who wins??? actually we're rather even
at dinner.
camera phones exist for a purpose!
edited in my phone ohkay!
2 November 2006
photos from the 6th Global Chinese Music Awards on sat (: enjoy!
Andy Lau!!! He's actually quite hot lah. heehee
 Pretty babe! yanzi :) (thats her 3rd outfit)

Fish Liang Jing Ru
Guang Liang
Yanzi! 2nd outfit. lv okay! i thought that was hot!
(i dont have a picture of her 1st outfit cos it was in red carpet, but it was also lv! oh my goodness)
typo error from last post and lazy to go there to edit haha its *angry* by the way
i dont want to try uploading my gcma pictures cos im scared blogger will hang on me again. lol
theres chi As tmr and i cant wait for it to end theres chi As tmr and i cant wait for it to end cos it means time is drawing nearer theres chi As tmr and i cant wait for it to end cos it means time is drawing nearer to meet you (:
i dont understand what you're trying to say but be comforted that i'll be there when things gets rough
1 November 2006
and yet again im angey at blogger cos i cant uplaod my gcma pictures sigh another day i guess
meanwhile i've found out something and it seems quite positive so im hoping for the best i shall see how things develop and decide to blog later on
meanwhile, goodluck to all taking exams and myself for chi As and pw oral presentation (: im gonnna give the speech of my life
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