preferrably known as taa
learn to love her and her world
the other me
design blog
church clique
30 December 2006
yes miss write about so you can reaed my blog see im so nice to you must treat me to a sotong meal okay hahahaha
fine fine i'll date you soon
29 December 2006
these few days have been rather fun lol went bowling on wed, thurs with josh b2 and wrongster quite worth lah occ has this 10 bucks for 5 games thingy so we decided to chiong abit
went to josh house yesterday ended up playing mahjong which make me finger itchy now tsk tsk we're playing again tmr hohoho
meanwhile, heres wishing everyone a happy new year
27 December 2006
carmelita tan what the fuck is wrong with you why are you so bloody indecisive when it was far away from you, you wanted it so badly now that its right in front of you, you just want to leave aside and walk away you're damn selfish are you sure this is what you really want cos once decided, there is no return you better be bloody sure
26 December 2006
right all that i just typed disappeared again
25 December 2006
tata n gerald slpin like a pig now... n they cope ALL e place to slp.. so i tink i slpin on e floor or smthg later~ bleahx well this yr was kinda a quiet n borin christmas start miss all of ur man! y didnt come? tsk... must stayover!!! haha!!
anywayz.. tink i go slp le... tata~
~ DrOfLa ~
i'm sleepy. lol
23 December 2006

19 dec attica (:
okay this is funny can change template settings cannot blog grahhhhh
17 December 2006
today's been damn damn damn slack haha its to church, meeting and the home home sweet home cos i wanna watch star awards repeat telecast and that took up the whole day
and now im being nagged at again
so i guess i better go do some ironing before i get nagged at even more
16 December 2006
i dont think its blogger i think its my com bloody irritating come to blogger cannot post more than 5 pictures and longer than dunno how many minutes if not i'll be bonked out and cannot come back in grahhhhhhhhhhhh
so i've 2 things to blog about my ocip trip and yesterday
and i dont think i shall blog now cos i dun even know if this post will be published
15 December 2006
i wanted to blog about my trip today but im seriously shagged so this shall be a really short post as i go sleep
ps: please dont tire yourself out too much kay. your mom and i needs you (:
13 December 2006
taa is finally home!! indo was good i meant project nemo was good
but since im so frekaing tired now i shant go into the details
meanwhile IM HOME! and im sleepy :s
8 December 2006
hold my hand and lean close so close that i can feel your warmth
went to sch for ocip meeting haha like 5 min to 10 it wasonly 3 ppl rocks right haha it wasnt full attendance but it was okay and the ppl there seem fun alr the leader seemed serious though
we had some last min discussion abt the activities and then headed to tow to eat lunch and buy some last min materials ohhhhhhhhhhhhh chicken rice was GOOOOODDD baby hahaha
left them at popular to meet kangster (: and we finally watched happy feet!! haha okay it wasnt as fantastic as i thought it wld be but it was interesting
someones damn jian. hahaha
starbucks was giving out free coffee from 5-7pm didnt go queue so long lahhhh but we got a tiny cup of coffee which i thought the cup was cute :D
the trip to hmv today was sweet also (: and i like that xmas jazz i listened to haha it was good lah
left him and met wrongster and xinxin! then went monster meet gerald and his friends and then kangster came to monster!
and since no one wanted to eat we left for home
ps: buddy ah. hanky panky ah. hands cannot stop moving ah. lips also cannot stop moving ah. tsk tsk. while im gona u better take good care of her and miss me ALOT.
ps: take care of yourself when im gone. i cant be here to remind u not to sleep too late. oh and your back (: remember my electricity. hohoho. hugs :D
(im only gone for 6 days but it feels like its gonna be longggggg)
6 December 2006
dance on and never stop all i want is to hold your hand and dance with you

flow was alright lah wasnt' that fantastic cos no alcohol and my cigarettes got fucking confiscated underage ownage wtf?! met so so sooooo many ppl, esp cj ppl -.-
well the rock gig was okay got tired after standing so long the security so freaking strict they keep scolding and warning ppl who were jumping and pushing around but it was really rough though and that smart paul twohill got himself lifted by the crowd and then got fucking pulled down by the fucking black security guards hahahaha and kana warning the next guy that got himself lifted was bounced out of mos HAHAHA it was hilarious i tell you
and then smoove finally opened and it was damn bloody crowded cant even get into the dancing area but it was okay after awhile

bring friends meet friends meet friend's friends and then another friend's friend and then someone got interested in someone's friends hahahaha
smoove was playing hiphop/rnb the main area was playing more trance-like music but we went both lah different genres aye! kangster prefer the main area one so we stayed there
and i feel so freaking loser cos i was high on sugar heck lah abit high better than nth right hahahaha
im going to nightlife at sg to find for my photo hahaha
ps: rest well okay. so we can hang out more when im back! (:
5 December 2006
i feel like a good girl i'm almost done with acjc maths paper and i've just finished chem hw so left econs (cos im gonna totally heck about gp) yayness
went to watch "THREE" with kangster ys and kang's friend yesterday at esplanade its this singapore/phillipines/japan choir show it was not bad lah the singapore choir was boring though :s they keep singing baroque-like latino songs and it was like repetative repetative and repetative like i havent had enough of that hahahaha
japan's was interesting and funny cos of this funny song they sang and the conductor started doing silly movements on stage phillipines is damn POWER. its almost proportionate to their size hehe but yeah. they were power and those pleasantly plump women were freaking HIGH. arghhhh
oh theres on piece where they had ppl standing surrounding the bottom seats so it was like completely surround sound shiokness
and now im eagerly waiting for the hour to pass so that i can leave home and meet kangster soon
wonder how flow's gonna turn out >.< <3
3 December 2006
i'm so leftover tired lolol
lets start with yesterday went out with kangster gerald and wrongster O.O!!! haha
congrats buddy! u finally did it one scratch i see on her and you're dead. muahahaha
kangster was nice to walk me to cathedral (:
churchies came over at night to camp we left my house like at 1.30+ omg so early can no time to sleep lahs and to think i can tahan until now -.-
we were like in-charge of the runners bags so tiring can! collecting bags is A HELL LOT easier than returning them their bags so many bagggs everywhere and standard chartered is so smart year after year they use cardboard boxes stack on top of each other to store bags and every year (apparently), they collapse and then we have to take out more cardboard boxes, tear them into peices, lay on the floor and put the bags out how smart
it was rather fun though at least it felt like i was "working out" wahahahas
kangster ran 10km aye what happen to your 50 minutes! hahaha but you did well (: and im sorry if i pangsehed you to go to explanade toilet :s muahaha
oh and i managed to get my volunteer shirt like at the LAST minute the guy freaking make us wait so long
conclusion, standard chartered marathon as a volunteer can be fun oh oh i met darren's little bro, dewey haha though he looked older than darren -.- what a small small world yeah and we were like trying to stay awake by craking "your momma's so fat" jokes which totally didnt link hohoho he's nice
anyways as i was concluding, im gonna join as volunteer next year again! but not as baggage crew seh one experience is more than enough
and i shall really go sleep now
ps: i dunno let shawn and gerald in my house anymore. gerald whoe day whole life never clear up his mess. shawn whole day whole life come my house and spoil things. wtf is wrong with you two lah. if u two didnt realise, i was fucking pissed. and i still am, minus the fucking now.
1 December 2006
haha deathnote again i found this while going to the toilet in vivo cinema (:
30 December 2006
yes miss write about so you can reaed my blog see im so nice to you must treat me to a sotong meal okay hahahaha
fine fine i'll date you soon
29 December 2006
these few days have been rather fun lol went bowling on wed, thurs with josh b2 and wrongster quite worth lah occ has this 10 bucks for 5 games thingy so we decided to chiong abit
went to josh house yesterday ended up playing mahjong which make me finger itchy now tsk tsk we're playing again tmr hohoho
meanwhile, heres wishing everyone a happy new year
27 December 2006
carmelita tan what the fuck is wrong with you why are you so bloody indecisive when it was far away from you, you wanted it so badly now that its right in front of you, you just want to leave aside and walk away you're damn selfish are you sure this is what you really want cos once decided, there is no return you better be bloody sure
26 December 2006
right all that i just typed disappeared again
25 December 2006
tata n gerald slpin like a pig now... n they cope ALL e place to slp.. so i tink i slpin on e floor or smthg later~ bleahx well this yr was kinda a quiet n borin christmas start miss all of ur man! y didnt come? tsk... must stayover!!! haha!!
anywayz.. tink i go slp le... tata~
~ DrOfLa ~
i'm sleepy. lol
23 December 2006

19 dec attica (:
okay this is funny can change template settings cannot blog grahhhhh
17 December 2006
today's been damn damn damn slack haha its to church, meeting and the home home sweet home cos i wanna watch star awards repeat telecast and that took up the whole day
and now im being nagged at again
so i guess i better go do some ironing before i get nagged at even more
16 December 2006
i dont think its blogger i think its my com bloody irritating come to blogger cannot post more than 5 pictures and longer than dunno how many minutes if not i'll be bonked out and cannot come back in grahhhhhhhhhhhh
so i've 2 things to blog about my ocip trip and yesterday
and i dont think i shall blog now cos i dun even know if this post will be published
15 December 2006
i wanted to blog about my trip today but im seriously shagged so this shall be a really short post as i go sleep
ps: please dont tire yourself out too much kay. your mom and i needs you (:
13 December 2006
taa is finally home!! indo was good i meant project nemo was good
but since im so frekaing tired now i shant go into the details
meanwhile IM HOME! and im sleepy :s
8 December 2006
hold my hand and lean close so close that i can feel your warmth
went to sch for ocip meeting haha like 5 min to 10 it wasonly 3 ppl rocks right haha it wasnt full attendance but it was okay and the ppl there seem fun alr the leader seemed serious though
we had some last min discussion abt the activities and then headed to tow to eat lunch and buy some last min materials ohhhhhhhhhhhhh chicken rice was GOOOOODDD baby hahaha
left them at popular to meet kangster (: and we finally watched happy feet!! haha okay it wasnt as fantastic as i thought it wld be but it was interesting
someones damn jian. hahaha
starbucks was giving out free coffee from 5-7pm didnt go queue so long lahhhh but we got a tiny cup of coffee which i thought the cup was cute :D
the trip to hmv today was sweet also (: and i like that xmas jazz i listened to haha it was good lah
left him and met wrongster and xinxin! then went monster meet gerald and his friends and then kangster came to monster!
and since no one wanted to eat we left for home
ps: buddy ah. hanky panky ah. hands cannot stop moving ah. lips also cannot stop moving ah. tsk tsk. while im gona u better take good care of her and miss me ALOT.
ps: take care of yourself when im gone. i cant be here to remind u not to sleep too late. oh and your back (: remember my electricity. hohoho. hugs :D
(im only gone for 6 days but it feels like its gonna be longggggg)
6 December 2006
dance on and never stop all i want is to hold your hand and dance with you

flow was alright lah wasnt' that fantastic cos no alcohol and my cigarettes got fucking confiscated underage ownage wtf?! met so so sooooo many ppl, esp cj ppl -.-
well the rock gig was okay got tired after standing so long the security so freaking strict they keep scolding and warning ppl who were jumping and pushing around but it was really rough though and that smart paul twohill got himself lifted by the crowd and then got fucking pulled down by the fucking black security guards hahahaha and kana warning the next guy that got himself lifted was bounced out of mos HAHAHA it was hilarious i tell you
and then smoove finally opened and it was damn bloody crowded cant even get into the dancing area but it was okay after awhile

bring friends meet friends meet friend's friends and then another friend's friend and then someone got interested in someone's friends hahahaha
smoove was playing hiphop/rnb the main area was playing more trance-like music but we went both lah different genres aye! kangster prefer the main area one so we stayed there
and i feel so freaking loser cos i was high on sugar heck lah abit high better than nth right hahahaha
im going to nightlife at sg to find for my photo hahaha
ps: rest well okay. so we can hang out more when im back! (:
5 December 2006
i feel like a good girl i'm almost done with acjc maths paper and i've just finished chem hw so left econs (cos im gonna totally heck about gp) yayness
went to watch "THREE" with kangster ys and kang's friend yesterday at esplanade its this singapore/phillipines/japan choir show it was not bad lah the singapore choir was boring though :s they keep singing baroque-like latino songs and it was like repetative repetative and repetative like i havent had enough of that hahahaha
japan's was interesting and funny cos of this funny song they sang and the conductor started doing silly movements on stage phillipines is damn POWER. its almost proportionate to their size hehe but yeah. they were power and those pleasantly plump women were freaking HIGH. arghhhh
oh theres on piece where they had ppl standing surrounding the bottom seats so it was like completely surround sound shiokness
and now im eagerly waiting for the hour to pass so that i can leave home and meet kangster soon
wonder how flow's gonna turn out >.< <3
3 December 2006
i'm so leftover tired lolol
lets start with yesterday went out with kangster gerald and wrongster O.O!!! haha
congrats buddy! u finally did it one scratch i see on her and you're dead. muahahaha
kangster was nice to walk me to cathedral (:
churchies came over at night to camp we left my house like at 1.30+ omg so early can no time to sleep lahs and to think i can tahan until now -.-
we were like in-charge of the runners bags so tiring can! collecting bags is A HELL LOT easier than returning them their bags so many bagggs everywhere and standard chartered is so smart year after year they use cardboard boxes stack on top of each other to store bags and every year (apparently), they collapse and then we have to take out more cardboard boxes, tear them into peices, lay on the floor and put the bags out how smart
it was rather fun though at least it felt like i was "working out" wahahahas
kangster ran 10km aye what happen to your 50 minutes! hahaha but you did well (: and im sorry if i pangsehed you to go to explanade toilet :s muahaha
oh and i managed to get my volunteer shirt like at the LAST minute the guy freaking make us wait so long
conclusion, standard chartered marathon as a volunteer can be fun oh oh i met darren's little bro, dewey haha though he looked older than darren -.- what a small small world yeah and we were like trying to stay awake by craking "your momma's so fat" jokes which totally didnt link hohoho he's nice
anyways as i was concluding, im gonna join as volunteer next year again! but not as baggage crew seh one experience is more than enough
and i shall really go sleep now
ps: i dunno let shawn and gerald in my house anymore. gerald whoe day whole life never clear up his mess. shawn whole day whole life come my house and spoil things. wtf is wrong with you two lah. if u two didnt realise, i was fucking pissed. and i still am, minus the fucking now.
1 December 2006
haha deathnote again i found this while going to the toilet in vivo cinema (:
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