preferrably known as taa
learn to love her and her world
the other me
design blog
church clique
30 January 2007
haha im in the com lab listening to mr kwee talk some chim stuff about econs hoho wanrong is on my right stalking some random girl (as usual) yunxin.. haha idont know wad shes doing LOL!
i brought american club's popcorn to school today and the whole world is loving it! hoho! told u its NICE yay but its not salty enough for me -.- so i like the "pop-yourself" cold storage ones super duper buttered shiokshiok
not much emotions lately just super duper tired i also dont know why
why why tell me why because the sky so high
27 January 2007
i admit defeat, im shagged like mad and its only this week but the thing is i've only been trying to look busy while studying for econs and geog but im still so drained even 8 hours of sleep a day is not enough grahhhh school sucks to the core
if this is jc2 life getting to me I HATE IT i wanna go back to secondary school where everything was just fun fun fun oh bother
and that reminds me we're turning legal this year so young yet so old
ahhhhhh whats wrong with me im getting a bitch fit hahaha i needa chill
sisters yo?!
26 January 2007
daddy's back from australia!!! and back with surprise present for me (: well i did hint i wanted a surprise so check it out yo!

now thats what you call sexy and hot stuff okay everything smells sweet besides the DUNES one mummy say it smells a little indian :s (with no mean of insult)
18 January 2007
my back is still hurting and all the swimming, pe and training is not helping at all grahhhhhh
im starting to really like my class after so long it finally seem like we are the best small group, everyone got closer gatherings, chatting and laughing i love them all
this indicident today was really funny; this group of j1 came to our class saying that their teacher want this figurine that was in our j1 class back but the thing is we didnt take it at all so we were rather puzzled when they left thinking about it we didnt know how the figurine got up to our speakers in the first place! and then yunxin turn to the j block classes and she realise the figurine was standing at the window and we all FREAKED OUT big time hahaha that was so funny omg and then we started talking how the thing wld disappear and appear again and then at night open our bag and find it inside hahaha so scary
econs lesson was funny cos we were high from our tiredness (btw the figurine thing happen during econs) yeah and all of us were whining complaning and laughing so today was fun (:
16 January 2007

hahaha. new spasticness of a new day in school the middle picture of the lowest row is btw all the girls of 2T09 (:
alright i have been catching NO balls of school its boring and and and (the list goes on)
trng is now 3 days a week thank you very much and alternate days of swimming for me -.-
shall update more soon
13 January 2007
boohoo i dont walk properly! :( haha thats wad mich says i thought it was much better already but i guess its still @#$%^&! screwed up
so for the 3rd time in 2 days i was at j8 again had dinner with mich and walked around
hahaha i feel so rich around her! cos she keeps buying RANDOM stuff and i kinda benefits cos lately the stuffs are all going for 3 for 5 or 10 bucks hahaha so i picked out this nice necklace for her and she kinda chose one bracelet for me yays
and now im sleepy AGAIN.
11 January 2007

10 January 2007
let me rant let me rant let me rant GRAHHHHHHHHHH
pe was horrendous today the teachers are not human lah we had pe yesterday and they still make us run 10 rounds and then 5 grandstands plus those conditioning stuff pushups is horrible also lah
nvm lose weight lose weight
then come trng, with a new coach and then she made us run 2 rounds AROUND the school wahlau like pe is not enough
and she must tell us that she is accessing us bloody hell okay i may be lousy but not that lousy lah i was seriuosly tired that i wasnt even myself infact i was too tired to even bother abt wad ppl ard me are talking about hahaha super stoned
and so yes im waiting to wake up tmr to get horrible muscle aches tmr morning and im going to school and rant somemore BLEAH
9 January 2007

dedicated to my beloved brenda (: for the eleven years
and so lifes like that rush finish homework, slack one day
i keep thinking today's wed and so i ironed my sch uniform for nothing
mass pe was horribly okay hahaha 8 rounds at very comfortable pace with yunxin it was only the pushups that was horrible infact, today's grandstand was okay too!
the bad thing is, there's pe again tmr and so if i happen to ache tonight its GG tmr hahaha so wish me luck that i wouldnt ache? alright
i've just applied to change group for chingay and i gave the weirdest reason why i shant say here in case some ppl stumble to my blog and read this ask me personally if u HAPPEN to be interested
and lastly, this is to YOU if YOU are reading this: YOU'RE DAMN JIAN
8 January 2007
fuck lah fuck geog pbl fuck econs newspaper article fuck school
how bout its only the 4th day of school and im dreading it no i've been dreading it from the start it just got worse today KNNBCCBFYGAD!!!!
and then theres pe tmr oh my goodness physical is starting alr
anyways bout yesterday went to bomb to celebrate brenda and olsen's birthday oh shit BRENDA IS 18 YRS OLD NOW hahahaha bought their present hanged around then they came over to my place to try out the new kbox system quite cool i must say!
7 January 2007
somethings just cannot be forgotten no matter how hard you try it just stays at the back of your head and at random times it appears in your mind then you'll feel as horrible as before u tried to put it aside
going to places and doing things we used to do bring me back to those days those days when we were both happy those little things we did stays deeply etched in my mind no matter how hard i try to let go it never goes and now that you're gone i miss it bad but it was my fault anyways it was my decision and i gotta stick to it right i've only got myself to blame for what things are like now i'm sorry i'm sorry
i really miss you
6 January 2007
happy birthday brenda (:
had the first chingay meeting today went back to SRJC OMGGGGGGG all the memories :) the place felt so awfully familliar sitting in the canteen, drinking my 40 cents lychee (now increase price to 50!!!)
but the chingay meeting felt so diff last year it was flooded with 1st 3 mths srjcians this year its almost all cjc!! so weird lah maybe cos of last year
and last year at this time was when i got to meet my little boy and his friends (: (oei until now say want to go kbox still havent go. haha. nvm studies more impt, big sister will wait for u)
and thats how all the fun started. yay (:
and so as i was saying, this yr chingay's gonna be darn diff with ppl like olsen, ant and mich ard yeah, its just going to be diff hahahaha until then (:
5 January 2007
i guess ill be blogging elss cos blogger's screwed and i dont want to get pissed each time i try to blog but fail terribly damn fed out one lah LOL
hmmm school has been rather ohkay
bloodyhell igot caught for my hair and they all say LIKE FINALLY hahaha yeah lah it was time and it was BROWN
so my ezlink was taken away by tanjeksuan but it was not give to michael tan before i left school grah so i had to make do with no ezlink for one trip home and one trip to school so ma fun dunno how ppl like anthea tan tahan
and now my hair's black fucking black
meanwhile, there was cca bazaar today and ohshit i found out that someone's damn cool oh man
and im quite freaked out by it! lol
2 January 2007
wan yu is showing this year's 4 most suay horoscope for this year hahaha so scary!
okay a brief summary of the past few day's activities
had countdown in josh's house a very different countdown from previous years and we had fun playing all those games (:
supposedly had truth gathering yesterday the turnout wasnt fantastic but it was better than previous times everyone has grown what a difference a year makes i miss all those times in 2004 and 2005 but life has to move on
after like everyone left, then my clique came how fantastic but we also had fun cos it has been a long time since we went out like that walk walk with not much worries and a hell lot of laughter yeah i like that
and we headed to ant's hse after that with mahjong in mind but i could only stay for like an hour
i've really spent a hell lot of money on midnight taxi charges this holiday time to save money
and tomorrow, i'll be a jc2 girl already
30 January 2007
haha im in the com lab listening to mr kwee talk some chim stuff about econs hoho wanrong is on my right stalking some random girl (as usual) yunxin.. haha idont know wad shes doing LOL!
i brought american club's popcorn to school today and the whole world is loving it! hoho! told u its NICE yay but its not salty enough for me -.- so i like the "pop-yourself" cold storage ones super duper buttered shiokshiok
not much emotions lately just super duper tired i also dont know why
why why tell me why because the sky so high
27 January 2007
i admit defeat, im shagged like mad and its only this week but the thing is i've only been trying to look busy while studying for econs and geog but im still so drained even 8 hours of sleep a day is not enough grahhhh school sucks to the core
if this is jc2 life getting to me I HATE IT i wanna go back to secondary school where everything was just fun fun fun oh bother
and that reminds me we're turning legal this year so young yet so old
ahhhhhh whats wrong with me im getting a bitch fit hahaha i needa chill
sisters yo?!
26 January 2007
daddy's back from australia!!! and back with surprise present for me (: well i did hint i wanted a surprise so check it out yo!

now thats what you call sexy and hot stuff okay everything smells sweet besides the DUNES one mummy say it smells a little indian :s (with no mean of insult)
18 January 2007
my back is still hurting and all the swimming, pe and training is not helping at all grahhhhhh
im starting to really like my class after so long it finally seem like we are the best small group, everyone got closer gatherings, chatting and laughing i love them all
this indicident today was really funny; this group of j1 came to our class saying that their teacher want this figurine that was in our j1 class back but the thing is we didnt take it at all so we were rather puzzled when they left thinking about it we didnt know how the figurine got up to our speakers in the first place! and then yunxin turn to the j block classes and she realise the figurine was standing at the window and we all FREAKED OUT big time hahaha that was so funny omg and then we started talking how the thing wld disappear and appear again and then at night open our bag and find it inside hahaha so scary
econs lesson was funny cos we were high from our tiredness (btw the figurine thing happen during econs) yeah and all of us were whining complaning and laughing so today was fun (:
16 January 2007

hahaha. new spasticness of a new day in school the middle picture of the lowest row is btw all the girls of 2T09 (:
alright i have been catching NO balls of school its boring and and and (the list goes on)
trng is now 3 days a week thank you very much and alternate days of swimming for me -.-
shall update more soon
13 January 2007
boohoo i dont walk properly! :( haha thats wad mich says i thought it was much better already but i guess its still @#$%^&! screwed up
so for the 3rd time in 2 days i was at j8 again had dinner with mich and walked around
hahaha i feel so rich around her! cos she keeps buying RANDOM stuff and i kinda benefits cos lately the stuffs are all going for 3 for 5 or 10 bucks hahaha so i picked out this nice necklace for her and she kinda chose one bracelet for me yays
and now im sleepy AGAIN.
11 January 2007

10 January 2007
let me rant let me rant let me rant GRAHHHHHHHHHH
pe was horrendous today the teachers are not human lah we had pe yesterday and they still make us run 10 rounds and then 5 grandstands plus those conditioning stuff pushups is horrible also lah
nvm lose weight lose weight
then come trng, with a new coach and then she made us run 2 rounds AROUND the school wahlau like pe is not enough
and she must tell us that she is accessing us bloody hell okay i may be lousy but not that lousy lah i was seriuosly tired that i wasnt even myself infact i was too tired to even bother abt wad ppl ard me are talking about hahaha super stoned
and so yes im waiting to wake up tmr to get horrible muscle aches tmr morning and im going to school and rant somemore BLEAH
9 January 2007

dedicated to my beloved brenda (: for the eleven years
and so lifes like that rush finish homework, slack one day
i keep thinking today's wed and so i ironed my sch uniform for nothing
mass pe was horribly okay hahaha 8 rounds at very comfortable pace with yunxin it was only the pushups that was horrible infact, today's grandstand was okay too!
the bad thing is, there's pe again tmr and so if i happen to ache tonight its GG tmr hahaha so wish me luck that i wouldnt ache? alright
i've just applied to change group for chingay and i gave the weirdest reason why i shant say here in case some ppl stumble to my blog and read this ask me personally if u HAPPEN to be interested
and lastly, this is to YOU if YOU are reading this: YOU'RE DAMN JIAN
8 January 2007
fuck lah fuck geog pbl fuck econs newspaper article fuck school
how bout its only the 4th day of school and im dreading it no i've been dreading it from the start it just got worse today KNNBCCBFYGAD!!!!
and then theres pe tmr oh my goodness physical is starting alr
anyways bout yesterday went to bomb to celebrate brenda and olsen's birthday oh shit BRENDA IS 18 YRS OLD NOW hahahaha bought their present hanged around then they came over to my place to try out the new kbox system quite cool i must say!
7 January 2007
somethings just cannot be forgotten no matter how hard you try it just stays at the back of your head and at random times it appears in your mind then you'll feel as horrible as before u tried to put it aside
going to places and doing things we used to do bring me back to those days those days when we were both happy those little things we did stays deeply etched in my mind no matter how hard i try to let go it never goes and now that you're gone i miss it bad but it was my fault anyways it was my decision and i gotta stick to it right i've only got myself to blame for what things are like now i'm sorry i'm sorry
i really miss you
6 January 2007
happy birthday brenda (:
had the first chingay meeting today went back to SRJC OMGGGGGGG all the memories :) the place felt so awfully familliar sitting in the canteen, drinking my 40 cents lychee (now increase price to 50!!!)
but the chingay meeting felt so diff last year it was flooded with 1st 3 mths srjcians this year its almost all cjc!! so weird lah maybe cos of last year
and last year at this time was when i got to meet my little boy and his friends (: (oei until now say want to go kbox still havent go. haha. nvm studies more impt, big sister will wait for u)
and thats how all the fun started. yay (:
and so as i was saying, this yr chingay's gonna be darn diff with ppl like olsen, ant and mich ard yeah, its just going to be diff hahahaha until then (:
5 January 2007
i guess ill be blogging elss cos blogger's screwed and i dont want to get pissed each time i try to blog but fail terribly damn fed out one lah LOL
hmmm school has been rather ohkay
bloodyhell igot caught for my hair and they all say LIKE FINALLY hahaha yeah lah it was time and it was BROWN
so my ezlink was taken away by tanjeksuan but it was not give to michael tan before i left school grah so i had to make do with no ezlink for one trip home and one trip to school so ma fun dunno how ppl like anthea tan tahan
and now my hair's black fucking black
meanwhile, there was cca bazaar today and ohshit i found out that someone's damn cool oh man
and im quite freaked out by it! lol
2 January 2007
wan yu is showing this year's 4 most suay horoscope for this year hahaha so scary!
okay a brief summary of the past few day's activities
had countdown in josh's house a very different countdown from previous years and we had fun playing all those games (:
supposedly had truth gathering yesterday the turnout wasnt fantastic but it was better than previous times everyone has grown what a difference a year makes i miss all those times in 2004 and 2005 but life has to move on
after like everyone left, then my clique came how fantastic but we also had fun cos it has been a long time since we went out like that walk walk with not much worries and a hell lot of laughter yeah i like that
and we headed to ant's hse after that with mahjong in mind but i could only stay for like an hour
i've really spent a hell lot of money on midnight taxi charges this holiday time to save money
and tomorrow, i'll be a jc2 girl already
By post:
So the end of the world didn't come, yet
central forum, once so big and foreignas1 walkway,...
Oh my, too long never updateand reason for doing s...
Happy Cheena New Year!This year i wish to be huat ...
The Day After was a success :)So after Volcanic Di...
A day worth to remember.The rain finally stopped a...
Its probably inauspicious to look back at 2010 now...
Thanks to Iwabuchi and his whole lot of NOSTALGIA,...
This has to come sooner or later. LOLRight now I'm...
update update!Here's what I caught today :D(ps: aw...
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