preferrably known as taa
learn to love her and her world
the other me
design blog
church clique
25 February 2007
"hi welcome to chingay, how can i help? okay your seat is ... enjoy your show!!!"
chingay was good good GOOD damn good uh, maybe the post party hahaha
we didnt go to the floats display area and the hip hop area was pathetic with like 2 big groups of breakdance showdown and a few random girls trying to look sexy ewwww, nah not today
so we headed over to the RETRO area and it was a blast!!! the songs they played was like hell great! not all were retro lah, they also played stuff like lets get loud, she bangs and she bangs ( william hung's version!) and many more lah so one group of us from cj ended up jumping like some mad ppl and it was so fun!
oh and jo should be there, haha, they played her mickie song
crap it was so fun! but im damn bloody tired now haha i dont know where am i going to find that little bit energy to study that little bit for CTs hhahahaha, so screwed :D
i wanna go back to chingay next year!!!
20 February 2007
promiscuous @ dxo yesterday was not bad, good infact with a little small hiccups before the party started but it was ohkay
i think i got pretty high cos i roughly remember whats going on and i think i did something that shocked the whole world gee. u all shut up okay, its not funny but anyways since my memory is blurry i shall heck it hahaha
well i sober quite quickly :D
lastly, BON VOYAGE shukkun!!! hope u had fun yesterday (i think u all had fun watching me making a fool out of myself, haha) but anyways, see u soon alright! :D and u'll get ur moeny back soon i promise. haha
from tmr onwards, carmelita is a good girl again (:
18 February 2007
(taken from brenda's blog)

The results of your analysis say:
You plan ahead, and are interested in beauty, design, outward appearance, and symmetry. You are a person who thinks before acting, intelligent and thorough. You are diplomatic, objective, and live in the present. You are not very reserved, impatient, self-confident and fond of action. You are self-confident and like to bring attention to yourself.

happy cny to all :D
new year overall has been fine although i have been rather unlucky on the eve :S i had been banging into ALOT of stuffs and the worse one was "kiapping" me poor last finger in the door while trying to close it OUCH i tell u teras almost burst out of my eyes and now its red and swollen still sadness :(
but other than that, cny is good i happen to make my grandma super happy this year with all my wishes haha how great well it feels great making some one feel great yayness
tmr's gonna be slack just one house to visit and then its promiscuous at night wheeee :D until then, ciao (:
16 February 2007
today was one of those very little days where i never eat for 7 hours straight in the morning
cny in cj is not fun at all :s lessons lesson lesson celebration concert lesson oh and damn i almost failed chem cos i screwd up equilibria haha but it was funny
so my very first meal was like at 2+pm i think i had gastric there was this horrible sharp pain on the left of my tummy but anyways, i had one of the best oily chicken the one at chinatown highly supremely recommended ohkay! :D
cny is coming ang pows ang pows!!
15 February 2007
valentines this year was a complete blast one of the best ever! :D
i love everyone!! esp to 2T09 you guys are so so so great everything is just a blessing in disguise and i thank god for having all of u as classmates (:
if u guys didnt happen to see the msg, this is it: 2T09!!! you guys are my unintended and forever will be! love, welfare (:
anyways, met up with shuk today! and a funny incident happened we were queueing for bubble tea when this woman started starring at us then she walked pass us and started scolding us in canto shukkun regconised the word "say" which is like die in canto hahaha she walked off and then walked back and shouted "SHIT" at us we were like wtf lah so i immediately replied,"go toilet shit lah" and everyone choruses "BITCH" wtf wtf wtf lah! haha
watched 'just follow law' its quite good actually and fann wong's eng improved ALOT (:
13 February 2007
since i prolly wont come online tmr so i wish u here now :D
treid updating a few times but blogger always kick me out
so i shall try to keep this short and sweet
its valentines tmr!!
happy valentines!!
especially to the ppl i love (:
3 February 2007
yay im finally receiving new songs thanks filly (: hohoho
today has been rather slack i used the word "rather" cos i wiped the tv console, so i cant say i did nothing hahaha ohkay thats lame but yeah
practically im bored thats why im here blogging again :s
im nagged at everyday to get my work done and to study hell its j2 but i dont feel the stress im still taking things easy hahaha and im planning to chiong only after cny, and maybe for common tests
and well i was given a warning not long ago if i screw up CT, aint no more tv watching for me
but like what i always say, HECK IT and the point of this post is: im really quite free and im not that tired anymore cos i had like 12 hours of sleep today so WOOHOO! cheers to me (:
2 February 2007
haha chingay - kana sabo go on stage roleplay
this is for my churchies (:
it was supposed to be on our blog but i dunno why i cant get it up :S
happy birthday kianlong (: and happy paktor-ing tmr. hohoho :D
tried to give him a surprise birthday celebration but as usual annmarie pal ng must spoil everything lousy welfare :D haha but i still love you
hmmm this week has been another week of a whirlpool of emotions seeing people around me going through different emotions make me feel it too and as soon as i feel it, everything comes back to me no no, im not giving in so easily i must be firm, and stick to my decisions dont be so softhearted or fickle minded alright ta (:
well i passed my maths fa dont know whether to be surprised or not but heck its ONLY FA
to wanrong and annmarie: even if the going gets even tougher im always there i may the smelliest and the biggest mouth ever but i promise to be the bestest friend also im on all ears and i'll always be there for u 2 ohkay?
ps: remind me if im NOT SUPPOSED TO TELL ANYONE (:
valentines is coming time to get all the presents for my loves :D
photos soon. promise
25 February 2007
"hi welcome to chingay, how can i help? okay your seat is ... enjoy your show!!!"
chingay was good good GOOD damn good uh, maybe the post party hahaha
we didnt go to the floats display area and the hip hop area was pathetic with like 2 big groups of breakdance showdown and a few random girls trying to look sexy ewwww, nah not today
so we headed over to the RETRO area and it was a blast!!! the songs they played was like hell great! not all were retro lah, they also played stuff like lets get loud, she bangs and she bangs ( william hung's version!) and many more lah so one group of us from cj ended up jumping like some mad ppl and it was so fun!
oh and jo should be there, haha, they played her mickie song
crap it was so fun! but im damn bloody tired now haha i dont know where am i going to find that little bit energy to study that little bit for CTs hhahahaha, so screwed :D
i wanna go back to chingay next year!!!
20 February 2007
promiscuous @ dxo yesterday was not bad, good infact with a little small hiccups before the party started but it was ohkay
i think i got pretty high cos i roughly remember whats going on and i think i did something that shocked the whole world gee. u all shut up okay, its not funny but anyways since my memory is blurry i shall heck it hahaha
well i sober quite quickly :D
lastly, BON VOYAGE shukkun!!! hope u had fun yesterday (i think u all had fun watching me making a fool out of myself, haha) but anyways, see u soon alright! :D and u'll get ur moeny back soon i promise. haha
from tmr onwards, carmelita is a good girl again (:
18 February 2007
(taken from brenda's blog)

The results of your analysis say:
You plan ahead, and are interested in beauty, design, outward appearance, and symmetry. You are a person who thinks before acting, intelligent and thorough. You are diplomatic, objective, and live in the present. You are not very reserved, impatient, self-confident and fond of action. You are self-confident and like to bring attention to yourself.

happy cny to all :D
new year overall has been fine although i have been rather unlucky on the eve :S i had been banging into ALOT of stuffs and the worse one was "kiapping" me poor last finger in the door while trying to close it OUCH i tell u teras almost burst out of my eyes and now its red and swollen still sadness :(
but other than that, cny is good i happen to make my grandma super happy this year with all my wishes haha how great well it feels great making some one feel great yayness
tmr's gonna be slack just one house to visit and then its promiscuous at night wheeee :D until then, ciao (:
16 February 2007
today was one of those very little days where i never eat for 7 hours straight in the morning
cny in cj is not fun at all :s lessons lesson lesson celebration concert lesson oh and damn i almost failed chem cos i screwd up equilibria haha but it was funny
so my very first meal was like at 2+pm i think i had gastric there was this horrible sharp pain on the left of my tummy but anyways, i had one of the best oily chicken the one at chinatown highly supremely recommended ohkay! :D
cny is coming ang pows ang pows!!
15 February 2007
valentines this year was a complete blast one of the best ever! :D
i love everyone!! esp to 2T09 you guys are so so so great everything is just a blessing in disguise and i thank god for having all of u as classmates (:
if u guys didnt happen to see the msg, this is it: 2T09!!! you guys are my unintended and forever will be! love, welfare (:
anyways, met up with shuk today! and a funny incident happened we were queueing for bubble tea when this woman started starring at us then she walked pass us and started scolding us in canto shukkun regconised the word "say" which is like die in canto hahaha she walked off and then walked back and shouted "SHIT" at us we were like wtf lah so i immediately replied,"go toilet shit lah" and everyone choruses "BITCH" wtf wtf wtf lah! haha
watched 'just follow law' its quite good actually and fann wong's eng improved ALOT (:
13 February 2007
since i prolly wont come online tmr so i wish u here now :D
treid updating a few times but blogger always kick me out
so i shall try to keep this short and sweet
its valentines tmr!!
happy valentines!!
especially to the ppl i love (:
3 February 2007
yay im finally receiving new songs thanks filly (: hohoho
today has been rather slack i used the word "rather" cos i wiped the tv console, so i cant say i did nothing hahaha ohkay thats lame but yeah
practically im bored thats why im here blogging again :s
im nagged at everyday to get my work done and to study hell its j2 but i dont feel the stress im still taking things easy hahaha and im planning to chiong only after cny, and maybe for common tests
and well i was given a warning not long ago if i screw up CT, aint no more tv watching for me
but like what i always say, HECK IT and the point of this post is: im really quite free and im not that tired anymore cos i had like 12 hours of sleep today so WOOHOO! cheers to me (:
2 February 2007
haha chingay - kana sabo go on stage roleplay
this is for my churchies (:
it was supposed to be on our blog but i dunno why i cant get it up :S
happy birthday kianlong (: and happy paktor-ing tmr. hohoho :D
tried to give him a surprise birthday celebration but as usual annmarie pal ng must spoil everything lousy welfare :D haha but i still love you
hmmm this week has been another week of a whirlpool of emotions seeing people around me going through different emotions make me feel it too and as soon as i feel it, everything comes back to me no no, im not giving in so easily i must be firm, and stick to my decisions dont be so softhearted or fickle minded alright ta (:
well i passed my maths fa dont know whether to be surprised or not but heck its ONLY FA
to wanrong and annmarie: even if the going gets even tougher im always there i may the smelliest and the biggest mouth ever but i promise to be the bestest friend also im on all ears and i'll always be there for u 2 ohkay?
ps: remind me if im NOT SUPPOSED TO TELL ANYONE (:
valentines is coming time to get all the presents for my loves :D
photos soon. promise
By post:
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Happy Cheena New Year!This year i wish to be huat ...
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