preferrably known as taa
learn to love her and her world
the other me
design blog
church clique
26 April 2007
haha im on tv!! did u seeeeeeeeee

just a little short post
TAA is going overseas! actually its just m'sia and its survival tinggi so u better hope i survive if not theres no more taa :(
will be back on tues!
shall update in detail SOON.
ciao yo! :D
18 April 2007
taa is online!! SHHHHHHHHH no one's home, there you go
and enough! no more! taa aint no designing anymore class tee design reject design reject think so easy u do yourself but im quite happy with this:
that is if no one rejects it this time
meanwhile, taa has been couping herself in her room forcin herself do hw for the past 2 days and i think at this rate i'll really go bonkers cos all i see is 2 walls and hear music nonstop
hiho to the new life
14 April 2007
hahahaha star movies is showing jumanji or at least it just screened finish and i watched it!! i remember last time when ch 5 showed it when i was like rather young i didnt dare to watch hahaha, cos it was scary well its quite exciting! and im glad i watched it hahaha
ptm today uh uh, no good sigh im thereby declaring im gonna be lifeless and seldomly online or on tv so bid me farewell :S i'll update as often as i can man :(
13 April 2007
aight havent been here for awhile but anyways not many ppl come here beside my few regulars, i know who u are but u guys dont tag! grahhhhhhh wadever lah i shall blog for my own remembrance
anyways we won nj today! yay (: much much much better than expected lah but i think they didnt put in their best players? whatever, we WON
ptm tmr oh wow we're gonna hear the same stuffs again "carmelita needs to put in more effort in her work, she needs to revise more and hand in her work on time, she needs to pay more attention, talk less"... BLAH BLAH BLAH they're always the same i know but u really cant change a leopard's spots can u
well im still sick but i finished my 2.4 WOW! with like a timing thats like the best in the past 3 years hahaha that was an accomplishment :D
to those who are still sick like kua fat face, get well soon and PAL, u played well today :D
10 April 2007
check it out yo!!! hahaha

i think i fell sick cos i was too high the past few days :D anyways on mc for the 2nd day and i know im missing alot in school oh wells
was just reading forum and everyone is still so high and excited haha i like that feeling feels good all the thanks here and there its like for one moment, all the politics are just thrown one side cos our dearest aunty ahzi comes first (:
can't wait for more stuff after she finish promo in tw, mainland, msia!
a brief writeup on how i spent my weekends:
thurs: maundy thurs mass and then adoration fri: good fri mass at st joseph, we went super early and sat for like 7 hours in total sat: tuition, then to mediacorp! woot! and thanks olsen for acc me during supper sun: CHINESE MASS at christ the king :s and then down to clarke quay!!!
and then i fell sick but its worth :D
8 April 2007
YANZI AUTO SESSION AT CLARKE QUAY TODAY! oh my tian im so happy :D yanzi's as pretty as ever well saw her last night at mediacorp too (: went for the superstar show filming so we'll all be on teeveeeee!!
it was good today yanzi was happy we were happy and had flying ksises again (:
picture of the day
 check out the "fan club area" woot!!!
4 April 2007
i met shukkun today!!! yay :D shes back AGAIN hahaha feels like she hasnt been gone thats good (:
hope u liked ur present shukkun!! great minds think alike yeah!
went suki and unexpextedly had buffet we were like, uh okay i was like i want this this this this this that that that that that and literally like that hahaha and it took so long to come! hmphhh
we walked to cine and i saw cai min you! this new taiwanese singer my he's quite cute! even shukkun thought so!
yeah we had a good time walking and talking well the main point is that we had a good time catching up feels good yeah
2 April 2007
WHAT A DAY well its only towards the end of the day :S
okay guess what its napfa 5 items today first station shuttle run, just as i was abt to cross the finishing line, i slipped and flew and i flew exactly how superwoman wld fly so my arms and legs both scrap the rough rough floor and i have 6 bruises and a screwed knee in total how nice right and that was the first station but it was RATHER good lah cos it gave me the adrenaline to actually do 7 inclines and get a silver!
and then guess what my freaking jump was 161!!! damn it 2 cm to pass me and wanrong lah so we jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump and then i got 167 and she got 164!!! so happy lah omg like the happiest napfa of our lives hahahaha
okay nvm went to amk to eat with olsen took 853 home and then GUESS WHAT theres this middle aged yalam woman with her son, playing some portable tv cum vcfd player making so much noise (yalam songs) and then this freaking mat started playing some frekaing video on his phone and the freaking vid had like so many girls screaming and cheering and then this 4 yalam girls came in 2 were a lesbian couple and they were like touching touching the toher two sat behind me and started singing yalam songs WTF and thats not the end this late 40s, 50 woman in front of me had her freaking hp ringing to the tune of "cant get you outta my head" and its those mono ringtone and it kept ringing omg she refused to pick it up! so it like rang from khatib to yishun until the freaking underpass i still can hear lah!
tell me why i shldnt dislike yalams oh but i still love my yalam tom lah :D he's an exception
1 April 2007
i only remembered when keefeee tried to fool me hohoho
and so i tried to fool the following ppl
nicole: i said smth like me and olsen had smth in church and holy spirit involved damn it must be olsen's msg she wasnt exactly fooled nvm nvm
olsen: i told her im pangsehing her cos im going out with * and that we're attached her reaction: wtf! pangseh her, zhong se qing you
janan: i told him i like him his reaction: oh my tian immediately know, so i thought keep insisting maybe still can. but he keep "you april fooling me right" oh well so sigh, didnt work
wanrong: i told her that im atached to * too her reaction: the best of all. hahahaha "so you mean he knows u like him and that he ask you! why now then tell me!!!" hahahaha it was soooo funny esp after i told her its april fool's
oh wells i hope u guys had fun today too :D
oh my tian i think amadea is the cause of all weird things we've been seeing lah hahahaha or maybe it me to like patch up for our horrible history boys
haha went out with aye ghee threeeeee yesterday (: to boon's gig but we ended up sitting at pastamania the whole day tlaking and gossiping hahahah
and we took a neoprint! that could be infared toour phone now how cool is that man!
anyways about our good show first when we reached duxton hill this group of "mud" (haha) started shouting and tabby got scared hahahaha
nvm then as we were leaving duxton hill, this group of ahebngs started shouting so we detoured
at maxwell, this weird abit old man kept starring at us so we went to the middle lane the seats were like fixed so one of us had no seat we wanted to borrow from the fishabll aunty but she so giam oh my tian must buy fishball soup then can lend the stupid stool we bought like 12 bucks worth of hokkien mee, biggest carrot cake, 5 bucks oyster and many cups of sugar cane. SHIOK SHIOK! but thats not the point
as we were leaving maxwell, we saw this old middle aged mad man peeing into the grass at the side YUCK! and great amadea can still comment "why his piss like host can shoot so far" hahaha WTF!!!
but we all had fun lah and kudos to boon! he's really a great drummer! :D i love my ayeeee gheeeee
26 April 2007
haha im on tv!! did u seeeeeeeeee

just a little short post
TAA is going overseas! actually its just m'sia and its survival tinggi so u better hope i survive if not theres no more taa :(
will be back on tues!
shall update in detail SOON.
ciao yo! :D
18 April 2007
taa is online!! SHHHHHHHHH no one's home, there you go
and enough! no more! taa aint no designing anymore class tee design reject design reject think so easy u do yourself but im quite happy with this:
that is if no one rejects it this time
meanwhile, taa has been couping herself in her room forcin herself do hw for the past 2 days and i think at this rate i'll really go bonkers cos all i see is 2 walls and hear music nonstop
hiho to the new life
14 April 2007
hahahaha star movies is showing jumanji or at least it just screened finish and i watched it!! i remember last time when ch 5 showed it when i was like rather young i didnt dare to watch hahaha, cos it was scary well its quite exciting! and im glad i watched it hahaha
ptm today uh uh, no good sigh im thereby declaring im gonna be lifeless and seldomly online or on tv so bid me farewell :S i'll update as often as i can man :(
13 April 2007
aight havent been here for awhile but anyways not many ppl come here beside my few regulars, i know who u are but u guys dont tag! grahhhhhhh wadever lah i shall blog for my own remembrance
anyways we won nj today! yay (: much much much better than expected lah but i think they didnt put in their best players? whatever, we WON
ptm tmr oh wow we're gonna hear the same stuffs again "carmelita needs to put in more effort in her work, she needs to revise more and hand in her work on time, she needs to pay more attention, talk less"... BLAH BLAH BLAH they're always the same i know but u really cant change a leopard's spots can u
well im still sick but i finished my 2.4 WOW! with like a timing thats like the best in the past 3 years hahaha that was an accomplishment :D
to those who are still sick like kua fat face, get well soon and PAL, u played well today :D
10 April 2007
check it out yo!!! hahaha

i think i fell sick cos i was too high the past few days :D anyways on mc for the 2nd day and i know im missing alot in school oh wells
was just reading forum and everyone is still so high and excited haha i like that feeling feels good all the thanks here and there its like for one moment, all the politics are just thrown one side cos our dearest aunty ahzi comes first (:
can't wait for more stuff after she finish promo in tw, mainland, msia!
a brief writeup on how i spent my weekends:
thurs: maundy thurs mass and then adoration fri: good fri mass at st joseph, we went super early and sat for like 7 hours in total sat: tuition, then to mediacorp! woot! and thanks olsen for acc me during supper sun: CHINESE MASS at christ the king :s and then down to clarke quay!!!
and then i fell sick but its worth :D
8 April 2007
YANZI AUTO SESSION AT CLARKE QUAY TODAY! oh my tian im so happy :D yanzi's as pretty as ever well saw her last night at mediacorp too (: went for the superstar show filming so we'll all be on teeveeeee!!
it was good today yanzi was happy we were happy and had flying ksises again (:
picture of the day
 check out the "fan club area" woot!!!
4 April 2007
i met shukkun today!!! yay :D shes back AGAIN hahaha feels like she hasnt been gone thats good (:
hope u liked ur present shukkun!! great minds think alike yeah!
went suki and unexpextedly had buffet we were like, uh okay i was like i want this this this this this that that that that that and literally like that hahaha and it took so long to come! hmphhh
we walked to cine and i saw cai min you! this new taiwanese singer my he's quite cute! even shukkun thought so!
yeah we had a good time walking and talking well the main point is that we had a good time catching up feels good yeah
2 April 2007
WHAT A DAY well its only towards the end of the day :S
okay guess what its napfa 5 items today first station shuttle run, just as i was abt to cross the finishing line, i slipped and flew and i flew exactly how superwoman wld fly so my arms and legs both scrap the rough rough floor and i have 6 bruises and a screwed knee in total how nice right and that was the first station but it was RATHER good lah cos it gave me the adrenaline to actually do 7 inclines and get a silver!
and then guess what my freaking jump was 161!!! damn it 2 cm to pass me and wanrong lah so we jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump and then i got 167 and she got 164!!! so happy lah omg like the happiest napfa of our lives hahahaha
okay nvm went to amk to eat with olsen took 853 home and then GUESS WHAT theres this middle aged yalam woman with her son, playing some portable tv cum vcfd player making so much noise (yalam songs) and then this freaking mat started playing some frekaing video on his phone and the freaking vid had like so many girls screaming and cheering and then this 4 yalam girls came in 2 were a lesbian couple and they were like touching touching the toher two sat behind me and started singing yalam songs WTF and thats not the end this late 40s, 50 woman in front of me had her freaking hp ringing to the tune of "cant get you outta my head" and its those mono ringtone and it kept ringing omg she refused to pick it up! so it like rang from khatib to yishun until the freaking underpass i still can hear lah!
tell me why i shldnt dislike yalams oh but i still love my yalam tom lah :D he's an exception
1 April 2007
i only remembered when keefeee tried to fool me hohoho
and so i tried to fool the following ppl
nicole: i said smth like me and olsen had smth in church and holy spirit involved damn it must be olsen's msg she wasnt exactly fooled nvm nvm
olsen: i told her im pangsehing her cos im going out with * and that we're attached her reaction: wtf! pangseh her, zhong se qing you
janan: i told him i like him his reaction: oh my tian immediately know, so i thought keep insisting maybe still can. but he keep "you april fooling me right" oh well so sigh, didnt work
wanrong: i told her that im atached to * too her reaction: the best of all. hahahaha "so you mean he knows u like him and that he ask you! why now then tell me!!!" hahahaha it was soooo funny esp after i told her its april fool's
oh wells i hope u guys had fun today too :D
oh my tian i think amadea is the cause of all weird things we've been seeing lah hahahaha or maybe it me to like patch up for our horrible history boys
haha went out with aye ghee threeeeee yesterday (: to boon's gig but we ended up sitting at pastamania the whole day tlaking and gossiping hahahah
and we took a neoprint! that could be infared toour phone now how cool is that man!
anyways about our good show first when we reached duxton hill this group of "mud" (haha) started shouting and tabby got scared hahahaha
nvm then as we were leaving duxton hill, this group of ahebngs started shouting so we detoured
at maxwell, this weird abit old man kept starring at us so we went to the middle lane the seats were like fixed so one of us had no seat we wanted to borrow from the fishabll aunty but she so giam oh my tian must buy fishball soup then can lend the stupid stool we bought like 12 bucks worth of hokkien mee, biggest carrot cake, 5 bucks oyster and many cups of sugar cane. SHIOK SHIOK! but thats not the point
as we were leaving maxwell, we saw this old middle aged mad man peeing into the grass at the side YUCK! and great amadea can still comment "why his piss like host can shoot so far" hahaha WTF!!!
but we all had fun lah and kudos to boon! he's really a great drummer! :D i love my ayeeee gheeeee
By post:
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