preferrably known as taa
learn to love her and her world
the other me
design blog
church clique
21 July 2007
oh my whats wrong with me i have been going mad over cars lately must be all the sitting and staring at the busstop outside PA its becoming a habit check them out!!!! hahahaha car fanatics see if u can regconise them!
the most ultimate dream car!!! i present to you merz SLK!!! (:
yikes! so sexy :D
okay in order from top to bottom porshe carrera, merz benz SLR, Nissan Altima Coupe, Peugeot 908, Ferrari 612 and Ferrari F430 wahh too sexy too sexy!!! (:
20 July 2007
yay im online like finally and updating and dunno wad to update haha i can only update about how screwed i am la
oh my tian i gotta rush my nyaa report and i should be typing there not here im left with skills, sports and adventure trip wahhh so much lahhhh how siallll
i havent been studying lately or at least nothing much has been going in and my econs essays are still so superficial sighness
and im not in gp clinic cos they do not have enough teachers hahahaha so im in remedial only
wad else wad else okay nothing else but in any way, im still very screwed oh ya theres the 4 geog essays OH MY TIAN they're due on mon wahhhhhh
el nino la nina la!!!
15 July 2007
yesssssss back from retreat and slept one whole day so dead for the 4 geog essays hahahaha
retreat was good esp the recon at least i got to let out all my "troubles" and so the taa is back again and this time going strong i'll show u for As you discouragement is only going to encourage me more hua bei fen wei li liang u know hahahaha
i'll smile and move one
21 July 2007
oh my whats wrong with me i have been going mad over cars lately must be all the sitting and staring at the busstop outside PA its becoming a habit check them out!!!! hahahaha car fanatics see if u can regconise them!
the most ultimate dream car!!! i present to you merz SLK!!! (:
yikes! so sexy :D
okay in order from top to bottom porshe carrera, merz benz SLR, Nissan Altima Coupe, Peugeot 908, Ferrari 612 and Ferrari F430 wahh too sexy too sexy!!! (:
20 July 2007
yay im online like finally and updating and dunno wad to update haha i can only update about how screwed i am la
oh my tian i gotta rush my nyaa report and i should be typing there not here im left with skills, sports and adventure trip wahhh so much lahhhh how siallll
i havent been studying lately or at least nothing much has been going in and my econs essays are still so superficial sighness
and im not in gp clinic cos they do not have enough teachers hahahaha so im in remedial only
wad else wad else okay nothing else but in any way, im still very screwed oh ya theres the 4 geog essays OH MY TIAN they're due on mon wahhhhhh
el nino la nina la!!!
15 July 2007
yesssssss back from retreat and slept one whole day so dead for the 4 geog essays hahahaha
retreat was good esp the recon at least i got to let out all my "troubles" and so the taa is back again and this time going strong i'll show u for As you discouragement is only going to encourage me more hua bei fen wei li liang u know hahahaha
i'll smile and move one
By post:
So the end of the world didn't come, yet
central forum, once so big and foreignas1 walkway,...
Oh my, too long never updateand reason for doing s...
Happy Cheena New Year!This year i wish to be huat ...
The Day After was a success :)So after Volcanic Di...
A day worth to remember.The rain finally stopped a...
Its probably inauspicious to look back at 2010 now...
Thanks to Iwabuchi and his whole lot of NOSTALGIA,...
This has to come sooner or later. LOLRight now I'm...
update update!Here's what I caught today :D(ps: aw...
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