preferrably known as taa
learn to love her and her world
the other me
design blog
church clique
30 January 2008
the evolution of taa's hairssssss i just had the strong urge to do this :D
finally pink (:
after As, wanted pink but refused to bleach.
became this:
its like red la
and then it faded to brown -.-
end of promos: the golden fringe
ya this was the day i got banned from trng and started to camwhore :S
before the golden patch, still in school
brown highlights

after Os, dye + highlight haha SHIOK not!

yeah baby thats what i call sexy :D
yay taa finally has PINK, i mean PINK hair super duper huge YAYNESS after waiting for like how damn long and screwing the first time of pink up although everyone says its nicer -.- i still like my PINK hair, whether u think its ahbeng or not
tired, still had CHA trng today, hoping to get to some assignments soon still working at taka square though today i just contributed to my commision met up with chubis, the WHOLE group of chubis today which is super cool like finally and celebrated yuanshan's birthday which reminds me i have to wish her now :D
and the wishes come in purple cos she just dyed her hair purple! her purple is DAMN NICE, really
so now we're the chubis with a patch in their hair (well minus ant and mich who refuses to dye her hair)
oh hornylicks visited my house today and i had fun walking him to eat and back home
i feel like going escape i need to escape awhile escape from this hectic schedule now work and chingay after chingay its camps camps and more camps i'll die of exhuastion of public speaking my goodness
speaking of which chingay is going all well and im ENJOYING, i really am la, most of the times, my role as a SIC its tiring yea but its.. fulfilling? i dunno if thats the right word but something like that la huh
and then there's you which a simple "how was your day" puts a nice conclusion to my day and a smile on my face before i sleep thats enough, for now i shant get too greedy :D
20 January 2008
yes TAA is back muahahaha indeed i've been gone for long
and im super duper tired i've nv felt this drained in such a long time came back on tues night start work on wed all the way till fri which was HAHA fulltime -.- at least my boss which is xinrong's sister's fiancee's sister gave us a lift home then sat it was up and early off to rj for chingay and 5 of us (celestine, kaiping, yongjian and tattoo) got promoted to SICs hahahaha but we had to go for recce -.- so it was a super long 4 days until now which i glady say i woke up about 2 odd pm and just watched finish eragon on tv i miss these kinda days man wake up alr immediately switch on tv and computer!
yes yes and i miss my chubis loads we should have a chubi gathering! and go clubbing OMG go clubbing guess what, i havent clubbed for like 1234567890 mnths! haha okay soon man
oh yea korea was alright la it was super cold temp ranged from -5 to 5 degrees while i was there and it was freezing cold wind was more cold than snow yea i saw falling snow! infact i was woken up the snow cos my mom and cousin were like shouting "ITS SNOWING" in the hotel room a million times yup and i skiied, visited many places where shows are filmed and ate pretty good food (i didnt eat kimchi although there was for EVERY MEAL) not much shopping cos it was winter and expensive apart from stocking up from faceshop (SHIOK) there were cute guys WOOOOOOHHH felt like taking photos with them man and went to 2 theme parks but only satisfied my craving for thrilling rides on the 2nd one saw someone filming a show and slept in different hotel room almost every night but ritz calton on the last was the best :D and i seriously think i put on weight (duh so much good food and RICE omg the RICE)
lazy to upload photos so photos whill be shown only on request (ya like who wants them right.haha) okay taa will be working the next few days come and visit me!
7 January 2008
like seriously la we shop until we literally dropped everynight reach hotel like 3,4 am woke up at 7am ( only first day la) the next 2 days we overslept -.- but still the stuff were like cheapcheapcheap (of cos got a few wth ripoffs) and we were literally stocking up i bought like about 10 tops, 2 pumps, 2 slippers, 3 bags and other random stuffs ya and i blasted like 400 bucks, completely left dry before our last lunch and the best is i found my paradise! hahaha, ask me if u wanna know platinum's like far east and chatuchak is like a super duper BIGGGGG flea market and OMG they have all kinds of stuff there, i really mean all kinds from clothes to shoes, to household stuff to ANIMALS and a hell lot of DOGS!!!!!!!!!!! SUPER CUTE OKAY!!!! wahlau they're like small and puny and so freaking cute! felt like buying a few for one day then give away
 cute right cute right!
but anyways, we left chatuchuk early cos 2 ppl got sick and puked in the taxi back -.- shibei drama cos they were asking for plastic bags and puking one after another IN THE CAB the sun was quite hot so we presumed that was the cause of the puking (although i was seriously enjoying the sun la) and because of them we headed back to hotel, instead of kenaing more platinum zzz
yea so u can prolly imagined how we spent our three days la waking up to the stupid PHANTOM OF THE ZOO was torturous, it repeated like wad, more than 5 times every morning? and then going shopping was like madness finding food just to fill our stomachs actually (beisdes shukkun who ate phad thai everyday) and then it was night life from suanlum to patpong to khaosan omg the club we went to, was literally EMPTY (suanlum) only for a few angmoh who came in, danced awhile and then left super empty, but damn nice to shuffle! heh apparently no one really clubs cos the princess passed away and they're mounrning this also explains why whilte clothes can discount but black cant really okay yes, and the clubs close rather early especially khaosan! it looked decently good and alot of chinese face but english coming out of mouth ppl which obviously was better at the time we reached it was like closing alr, left high/drunkard on the roads the roads were also super messy cos of the markets which was closing also but clubbing is cheap its like 100 baht for a drink ( to get in) and then drinks are averaged between 150 to 250 baht (which is almost normal la) cheaper than sg at least. HA
the 2nd night we went to watch the pussy show. hahahaha it was like OMGly, weirdly, horribly entertaining their cb is like invincible man try watching man the one we went to was called SUPER PUSSY hahaha wtf right but we got ripped off damn it the guy said 100, in the end he ran away and we paid 300 baht and wads the best, most of us got touched/grouped wtf this fat bikini woman was trying to touch my back like up and down DO I LOOK LIKE A FUCKING GUY TO YOU??!!! and then this trannie waitress who was trying to pass some money to the bar, she freaking pasted her boobs (probably plastic boobs) on my back YUCKS LA i should have turned around and tell her fuck off cos mines bigger and not plastic wahlau eh, wad an experience!
wads the best is, while we were kenaing some green curry, tomyam and friend chicken with sweet chilli at the airport, we almost missed our flight WTF!!!!! eat so full, ran like some mad fucks we were like wearing either slippers or heels, im sure can run! plus the airport so bloody big we ran at least 400 m to reach our freaking gate which was near the end -.- a few min after we got in the gate close super heng, but i nearly puked la swiss airlines was ok, though the games were abit little and they didnt have cards but the chocolate was nice and the baileys bottle damn cute!
our hotel was okayokay la in the end i was the one who slept on the extra bed cos i didnt want to sleep beside the wall or curtain -.- BUT i apparently, was the only who didnt kena bed bugs bite! hahahahaha shiok the hotel looks a little old la but not that bad at least i didnt see any bugs or cockroaches the only that i want to complain is there was no freaking HOT WATER on the first night i bathed fucking cold ok, plus it was 4am and we were sleepy and im damn angry at myself cos i left my fucking esprit tshirt there lah :( damn sad can, thats like my new favourite black tshirt :S but oh wells
and so 3 days came to an end very quickly and im damn glad we did it la like finally no more empty talk CHUBIS OR CHIBUS i love them all <3
eh shukkun! meter or what! FOR-GET-IT! shi bei cooooooooooooooool!
and for photos, go to yinks blog. haha!
hahahahaha next up yo, KOREA baby! somehow im not as excited as i was for bangkok man its the feeling the ppl ur going with that gives u i better hope and pray to kena some young and fun tour group sia! and i hope i can meet audrey there! but now please help me and tell me wads the country code -.-
3 January 2008
im damn excited im damn excited im damn bloody excited!!!
finally flying off to BANGKOK with my girlfriends at least the few months of talking were not empty talk (for once) heh SHIOK! and my luggage is actually kinda huge, for a person going overseas for three days HAHAHAHA who cares
and after bangkok, im going KOREA!!! yay yay yay although it was supposed to be japan, well who cares im gonna see snow and ski! hahaha i wonder if i'll meet any korean stars but yet again, even if i meet them, i'd prolly wouldnt even know that they're some star unless they're like super famous like the song girl or the song guy OR RAIN. yea rain oh man
haha so there taa's gone! dont miss me its only 2 weeks hahaha and to those schooling, HEH ENJOY SCHOOL
30 January 2008
the evolution of taa's hairssssss i just had the strong urge to do this :D
finally pink (:
after As, wanted pink but refused to bleach.
became this:
its like red la
and then it faded to brown -.-
end of promos: the golden fringe
ya this was the day i got banned from trng and started to camwhore :S
before the golden patch, still in school
brown highlights

after Os, dye + highlight haha SHIOK not!

yeah baby thats what i call sexy :D
yay taa finally has PINK, i mean PINK hair super duper huge YAYNESS after waiting for like how damn long and screwing the first time of pink up although everyone says its nicer -.- i still like my PINK hair, whether u think its ahbeng or not
tired, still had CHA trng today, hoping to get to some assignments soon still working at taka square though today i just contributed to my commision met up with chubis, the WHOLE group of chubis today which is super cool like finally and celebrated yuanshan's birthday which reminds me i have to wish her now :D
and the wishes come in purple cos she just dyed her hair purple! her purple is DAMN NICE, really
so now we're the chubis with a patch in their hair (well minus ant and mich who refuses to dye her hair)
oh hornylicks visited my house today and i had fun walking him to eat and back home
i feel like going escape i need to escape awhile escape from this hectic schedule now work and chingay after chingay its camps camps and more camps i'll die of exhuastion of public speaking my goodness
speaking of which chingay is going all well and im ENJOYING, i really am la, most of the times, my role as a SIC its tiring yea but its.. fulfilling? i dunno if thats the right word but something like that la huh
and then there's you which a simple "how was your day" puts a nice conclusion to my day and a smile on my face before i sleep thats enough, for now i shant get too greedy :D
20 January 2008
yes TAA is back muahahaha indeed i've been gone for long
and im super duper tired i've nv felt this drained in such a long time came back on tues night start work on wed all the way till fri which was HAHA fulltime -.- at least my boss which is xinrong's sister's fiancee's sister gave us a lift home then sat it was up and early off to rj for chingay and 5 of us (celestine, kaiping, yongjian and tattoo) got promoted to SICs hahahaha but we had to go for recce -.- so it was a super long 4 days until now which i glady say i woke up about 2 odd pm and just watched finish eragon on tv i miss these kinda days man wake up alr immediately switch on tv and computer!
yes yes and i miss my chubis loads we should have a chubi gathering! and go clubbing OMG go clubbing guess what, i havent clubbed for like 1234567890 mnths! haha okay soon man
oh yea korea was alright la it was super cold temp ranged from -5 to 5 degrees while i was there and it was freezing cold wind was more cold than snow yea i saw falling snow! infact i was woken up the snow cos my mom and cousin were like shouting "ITS SNOWING" in the hotel room a million times yup and i skiied, visited many places where shows are filmed and ate pretty good food (i didnt eat kimchi although there was for EVERY MEAL) not much shopping cos it was winter and expensive apart from stocking up from faceshop (SHIOK) there were cute guys WOOOOOOHHH felt like taking photos with them man and went to 2 theme parks but only satisfied my craving for thrilling rides on the 2nd one saw someone filming a show and slept in different hotel room almost every night but ritz calton on the last was the best :D and i seriously think i put on weight (duh so much good food and RICE omg the RICE)
lazy to upload photos so photos whill be shown only on request (ya like who wants them right.haha) okay taa will be working the next few days come and visit me!
7 January 2008
like seriously la we shop until we literally dropped everynight reach hotel like 3,4 am woke up at 7am ( only first day la) the next 2 days we overslept -.- but still the stuff were like cheapcheapcheap (of cos got a few wth ripoffs) and we were literally stocking up i bought like about 10 tops, 2 pumps, 2 slippers, 3 bags and other random stuffs ya and i blasted like 400 bucks, completely left dry before our last lunch and the best is i found my paradise! hahaha, ask me if u wanna know platinum's like far east and chatuchak is like a super duper BIGGGGG flea market and OMG they have all kinds of stuff there, i really mean all kinds from clothes to shoes, to household stuff to ANIMALS and a hell lot of DOGS!!!!!!!!!!! SUPER CUTE OKAY!!!! wahlau they're like small and puny and so freaking cute! felt like buying a few for one day then give away
 cute right cute right!
but anyways, we left chatuchuk early cos 2 ppl got sick and puked in the taxi back -.- shibei drama cos they were asking for plastic bags and puking one after another IN THE CAB the sun was quite hot so we presumed that was the cause of the puking (although i was seriously enjoying the sun la) and because of them we headed back to hotel, instead of kenaing more platinum zzz
yea so u can prolly imagined how we spent our three days la waking up to the stupid PHANTOM OF THE ZOO was torturous, it repeated like wad, more than 5 times every morning? and then going shopping was like madness finding food just to fill our stomachs actually (beisdes shukkun who ate phad thai everyday) and then it was night life from suanlum to patpong to khaosan omg the club we went to, was literally EMPTY (suanlum) only for a few angmoh who came in, danced awhile and then left super empty, but damn nice to shuffle! heh apparently no one really clubs cos the princess passed away and they're mounrning this also explains why whilte clothes can discount but black cant really okay yes, and the clubs close rather early especially khaosan! it looked decently good and alot of chinese face but english coming out of mouth ppl which obviously was better at the time we reached it was like closing alr, left high/drunkard on the roads the roads were also super messy cos of the markets which was closing also but clubbing is cheap its like 100 baht for a drink ( to get in) and then drinks are averaged between 150 to 250 baht (which is almost normal la) cheaper than sg at least. HA
the 2nd night we went to watch the pussy show. hahahaha it was like OMGly, weirdly, horribly entertaining their cb is like invincible man try watching man the one we went to was called SUPER PUSSY hahaha wtf right but we got ripped off damn it the guy said 100, in the end he ran away and we paid 300 baht and wads the best, most of us got touched/grouped wtf this fat bikini woman was trying to touch my back like up and down DO I LOOK LIKE A FUCKING GUY TO YOU??!!! and then this trannie waitress who was trying to pass some money to the bar, she freaking pasted her boobs (probably plastic boobs) on my back YUCKS LA i should have turned around and tell her fuck off cos mines bigger and not plastic wahlau eh, wad an experience!
wads the best is, while we were kenaing some green curry, tomyam and friend chicken with sweet chilli at the airport, we almost missed our flight WTF!!!!! eat so full, ran like some mad fucks we were like wearing either slippers or heels, im sure can run! plus the airport so bloody big we ran at least 400 m to reach our freaking gate which was near the end -.- a few min after we got in the gate close super heng, but i nearly puked la swiss airlines was ok, though the games were abit little and they didnt have cards but the chocolate was nice and the baileys bottle damn cute!
our hotel was okayokay la in the end i was the one who slept on the extra bed cos i didnt want to sleep beside the wall or curtain -.- BUT i apparently, was the only who didnt kena bed bugs bite! hahahahaha shiok the hotel looks a little old la but not that bad at least i didnt see any bugs or cockroaches the only that i want to complain is there was no freaking HOT WATER on the first night i bathed fucking cold ok, plus it was 4am and we were sleepy and im damn angry at myself cos i left my fucking esprit tshirt there lah :( damn sad can, thats like my new favourite black tshirt :S but oh wells
and so 3 days came to an end very quickly and im damn glad we did it la like finally no more empty talk CHUBIS OR CHIBUS i love them all <3
eh shukkun! meter or what! FOR-GET-IT! shi bei cooooooooooooooool!
and for photos, go to yinks blog. haha!
hahahahaha next up yo, KOREA baby! somehow im not as excited as i was for bangkok man its the feeling the ppl ur going with that gives u i better hope and pray to kena some young and fun tour group sia! and i hope i can meet audrey there! but now please help me and tell me wads the country code -.-
3 January 2008
im damn excited im damn excited im damn bloody excited!!!
finally flying off to BANGKOK with my girlfriends at least the few months of talking were not empty talk (for once) heh SHIOK! and my luggage is actually kinda huge, for a person going overseas for three days HAHAHAHA who cares
and after bangkok, im going KOREA!!! yay yay yay although it was supposed to be japan, well who cares im gonna see snow and ski! hahaha i wonder if i'll meet any korean stars but yet again, even if i meet them, i'd prolly wouldnt even know that they're some star unless they're like super famous like the song girl or the song guy OR RAIN. yea rain oh man
haha so there taa's gone! dont miss me its only 2 weeks hahaha and to those schooling, HEH ENJOY SCHOOL
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