preferrably known as taa
learn to love her and her world
the other me
design blog
church clique
29 February 2008
blog abt camp blog about latest chingay stuff blog about 200+++ emails! blog about 200+ photo tag request blog about ndp??? blog abt kt tunstall blog abt chubis!
after i come back from my movie muahahaha
ohkay camp was alright, quite high actually although most of the time watching those few buggers lol im SUPER SLEEPY!!! everday sleep at like 2+++ am, wake up halfway do and hours century duty and then sleep again.. which is like less than 2 hours cos ppl start waking up as early as 530am to washup
didnt know bottle tree park had place for camping sia but we didnt get to sleep on tents but i guess i could get use to those safari beds
aight about camp everything was quite smooth the timings were seriously MORE THAN PERFECT the most perfect timings of activities i ever experiece yayness (: small hiccups here and there but its okay cos we're new hehe group 1 was more or less fine except the poor girl being left out (i shant blog abt her, details ask me) campfire was... ok didnt even have a fire cos rain so it was like massive rarrar session indoors and i guess the students did enjoy themselves :D
hahaha the bathing part was HILARIOUS!!! the toilets had indoor bathing cubicles and outdoor shower areas girls just went outside in groups stripped to their undergarments and started bathing super funny and R21 esp today cos some underwear were transparent and some bras werent in the right position LOL LAH! u can imagine.. but the girls bath BLOODY FAST! wahlau i dunno why so fast sia! seriously about 100+ girls can finish bathing in less than 45 min is damn POWER!
hahahaha learnt new cheers and new songs yay although certain cheers must get used to guess wad i love! "gimme one merlion cheer.... BLEAHHHHHHHH!"
so thats for camp came home, on computer, sign in to msn... 200++ emails, mostly from dreamteam :S hotmail hang like mad change to gmail no one emails -.- go out for dinner come back.. 100 new emails wahlau eh!!! these ppl all too free sia!!! sigh still need to plan for lan.. haha
in addition, went into facebook OMG. olsen amanda mary sent me 200+ tag requests!!! O.o she holds a record seriously 2 shocks in a night. power
righto im uper tired i dunno how i had the energy to leave hse for so long this evening hahahaha! cut hair, wah finally met 2 ppl + 1 im dying to meet, eat dinner (lol) which makes me happy happy watch movie; 2 faces of my girlfriend funny yet touching played arcade although not the games i had in mind received a ride home gorgeous company (:
hey hey you you all the best for tmr i believe in u :D
lastly, plan to go watch kt tunstall concert with chubi joeyong dunno if its a right 'investment' but..we shall see (:
26 February 2008
a new gang was borned today!!! hahahaha a new new gang :DDD
its called the TY gang
hahaha and it consist of only 3 ppl currently, until we can find more members include: Tan Yen Soon (TYS aka ty small) Tan Ying Xiu (TYX aka ty extra) Tan Yan Ling (TYL aka ty large)
HAHAHAHA SO COOL RIGHT!!!!!!!! yayyyyy (:
ok taa is officially going mad due to planning of the leaders appreciation night (l.a.n) which the very first thing, ie DATE is not confirmed :S how to book pit sia but yet again, the plans we have sounds good!! yayy yay yay! oh and so is the dream team awards thingy hahaha cant wait for those days to come! <3 dreamteam
today has been shopproductive lol went shopping with my marder at tangs (i obviously bought stuff but im not saying hah) and then met THE STUPID BOY to shop at queenstown which sucks cos i spent more moneh than him but yat again, im happy with my new shoes!!! 144 bucks for asics (cant rmb the model) is sure a good buy
oh ya. i also bought a hell lot of socks haha and i was being psychoed to get pink and red socks -.- i only got the red one if ur wondering 19 bucks for 3 pairs of adidas is that worth ? i cant really remember if it is cos i havent bought socks for more than a year i promise man
oh ya if ur wondering too, THE STUPID BOY bought 2 singlet hahahahaha someone tried on a GIRL'S SINGLET HAHAHAHAHA wooh sexaayyeee
had HK CAFE for dinner! yea again but this was my first trying the MEESUA and its damn delicious!!!! really i dunno how the i-presume-is-chilli-sauce tasted like vinegar in the end 0.0 but we ordered too much food :S in addition to our meals, we had.. no i had a stupid milk tea which tasted like yuan yang and it shld be HIS fault and then we had siewmai, hagao, guotie and a complimentary plate of friend wanton HOW NOT TO BE FULL TELL ME
so we started playing scissors paper stone to finish up the food WHICH BLOODY HELL WAS ME :S i got bullied lah :(
ok so i came home to see my email inbox being flooded like mad again my goodness chingay ppl are..... hahaha every night 60+ emails how siao ah!
ok no photos of today but photos of dreamteam massive camwhore after AAR is in my facebook!!! :D
20 February 2008
great. today dance team has just formed a new team....
it couldnt be funnier that this la this is called MO QI wahahahaha
hope everyone is well :D
19 February 2008
today was another good day since when days were bad when you're around the dream/scream/dance team haha i wonder whats next really. they're the best give (one of the best) ever since As ended (:
before going on about them, must scold someone first wahlau stupid boy pangseh me @#$%^&*()_+! if my mom wasnt there i swear i'd be left alone la :S but at least i got some shopping down i'll buy my coat/jacket/blazaar soon :D yay
so went off to meet the dance team! had dinner in powerhouse the food was good man! and its been a long time since i last drank cranberry w/o vodka hahaha so today was the first time i went into a club, ate dinner, danced and drink non-alcoholic drinks oh and we left at 9+pm if i rmb correctly power sia!
and thats how the dance team was formed the scream team was still in action though :D super fun and we were dancing purely on carbo/sugar/self highness! the best were the nj ppl how about underage + school uniform in powerhouse? double shiok
okay photos are in facebook help yourself hahaha im lazy to copy link and paste here hahahaha (:
18 February 2008
CHINGAY DREAM TEAM 2008 especially all excos/SICs/area junction volunteers thank u thank u thank u thank u
another set of memories and experience that will never ever be forgotten and i thank god that everything went well junction rocked! especially cos we're the link between area A and area B <3
after about 3 months of hanging out, interaction, going out, meetings, trainings, lunches, recces, back to office to help out chingay dream team has became a big part of my life im sure its the same for every single one of u check out msn! everyone has chingay stuff on their nicks

chingay was all good screw ups are inevitable but they made us stronger hotel was even better the long emo talks which end up bursting out in laughter and omg, the snoring symphony those were the highlights really (supper gang vs hotel gang!)
padang and LTA concourse became our new homes and being able to hear the dream team from any other parts of the world became a trademark try me, i can tell u every bloody exit of lta concourse :D
chingay dream team'08 is love
so its enough rest and back to daily life. a pretty interesting one
why do we look like kukus?
8 February 2008
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! shu nian xing da yun! hahaha
new year has been smoothhhhh yeahh hahahaha
reunion at some coffeeshop restaurant at katong as usual family as wayyy rowdy but it was cool super embarrasing but fun and they were having fun telling story about they're kampong life about school to their dogs to food i never felt my family was that tight before it was a weird tingly feeling of "tan"ness, yeah hard to explain but ya hahaha
couldnt wake up for mass on chu yi forced myself out of bed sooooo sleepy until i couldnt be bothered to makeup la and that startedmy angbao collection yay :D headed to moms side grandma house to eat "zap chai" eat it every year and it tastes best at newyear (:
evening was to the other grandma's house! where i finally met my GREAT NURSE COUSIN whom i havent seen for like literally a year! (shes always working -.-) and everyone was entertained by joseph aka zunzunboy first putting coins into his doreamon pigy bang then running into the room every 10 min to "BAI BAI JESUS" and then out to snatch and play with random toys pushing chairs all around i swear his gonna be a big rascal! im gonna meet him tmr night damn i gotta start my warm up already
left early to meet CHUBIS and isa and barron! went to zouk to partaayyeee! great ant brought us to vip bar, got a table and open a bottle champagne rose if i remember correctly and it was gone fast so we decided, since there was 1-for-1, might as well order more so we ordered: -cranberry vodka which means 2 jugs -3 shots of apple shooters since apple shooters came in pairs, it was X4 so it was 12 shots -a bottle of SOURZ (the main ingredient of apple shooters) (its freaking nice!!! that explains the tarring) isa ordered 4 midori which he finished himself, and 2 flaming lambo h=which he had one and i shared the other with barron (:
(by this time the rose was alr gone) and we tarred the shots cranberry v. was like a quenching drink sia lol so our dearest shukkun was like "damn shiok ah lets order 5" lets do maths: 5 X 2 X 2 = 20!!! it came and so we tarred again being in the tarring mood, we tarred one jug of cranberry v. (so in total can u figure out how much we drink? if u dont, here it is again: one bottle champagne rose, 2 bottle sourz, 32 apple shooters, 4 midori, 2 flaming lambo, 2 cranberry vodka) it sounds scary O.O
then all cannot take it alr all chiong to toilet to pee by then, my dearest BARRON was drunk omg. he was falling all over the place and laughing like some idiot we went to the toilet and he freaking puked into the sink while some spilled out onto my shoe! stupid drunk boy i'll get you for this man! so the whole night he was in the drunk/stone/coma condition he was like a zombie on the dance floor! damn it yink deposited bag so didnt take photo of his unglam moment!
ok after he puked, i puked too and then soon after i was sober thank god, no chubi and penis this time WAHAHAHAHA only embarrasing moment was that i met ketsu but i cldnt recognise him and he was like "shes high ah" DAMN IT! i was on my way o sobering alr ok
after dancing awhile we went back back to members area, got a table AND OPEN ANOTHER BOTTLE OF SOURZ and continued tarring (the sprite was klike left untouch and the water only went down by half) chubis are crazy tarrers man! hahaha
and then everyone was in a screwed up condition so we all left shared a cab back with isa and guess what??!! in 2 months, i've seen 3 ppl puked in a taxi yup, after yink and shukkun isa was next it was JING DIAN MAN "eh plastic bag" "huh! uncle you mei you plastic bag" before i could finish uncle stuck his hand out with bag before i could even open the bag, isa snatched it with abit of puke on his hand alr then....BLEAHHHHHHHHH omg la hahahaha but cant blame that poor boy, he was sick (boy his gf is gonna kill him)
woke up at 3pm today! wow la my parents left for 2 houses and i didnt even know how bout they didnt even bother to wake me up haha so i woke up at 3pm after receiving a few smses quickly dressed up and left for cousin's hse to bainian my uncle cooked maggi mee for me cos i havent ate and GOSH, he cooked 2 packets i didnt even realise -.- (still in the after clubbing and waking up stone mode)
ok fast forward just came home from KUNGFU DUNK! its damn nice lah! go watch jay chou is super act cool, but i like haha and the other basketball guys in his team are damn cute also! esp bo lin with his long hair drunkard look hahahaha wheeeeeeee :D
oh i forgot to mention when mich and i stood up from our seats, we immediately saw leeweisong it was like face to face hahahaha and then we walked out and saw leesisong with a whole gang of ppl music school gathering sia! lololol
okay end of post happy new year once again :D (edited*)
6 February 2008
woooh. tired, but i'll still blog anyway haha came home late again from chingay meeting hahahaha it was like madness i tell u! everyone was like shouting and shouting and shouting as we stick the names and photos it was as high as a market place! haha but we're still not done :S so its back to office tmr to continue sticking i love exco/sics <3 haha
and i did more shopping today! i bought 2 pink underwear 3 black tops -.- (yea i know) 1 pump SHIOK SIA but 150 bucks flew away~~~~ that was like half of my pay! gulps i tell u if my nets didnt DECLINE i would have bought more man!
day before was "reunion dinner" with keewah ppl! at vienna buffet also SHIOK sia whack sashimi like MAD me and xinrong camped there la (in front of sashimi plate) waiting for it to be refilled hahahaha and for the first in 18 years i ate FUO TIAO QIANG and its nice lah! oh oh before i forget, the CHEESECAKE was damn rich and good too wad a pity SOMEONE didnt eat it hahaha
damn it im hungry now :(
5 February 2008
woohhhh taa is happy cos its pay day! although so far i think i've spend more than wad i've earned hahaha not that tired alr cos i finally had some good rest = sleeping until 2pm = SHIOKNESS
and i've finally uploaded pics from my cam and hp yay! and i shall post some now (i.e blogger doesnt hang on me =p)
chingay has been fun, well as an SIC we are like quite tight and bonded and coming in late didnt really make the 5 of us very left out aka we felt welcomed and comfortable la afterall we alr knew a few of them before we got promoted but, high ranking also has its fair share of duties loads of meetings/emails/admin stuff to do attire, attendance and attitude must also be there it gets kinda tiring after awhile but its nice to see everyone pressing on hard, together! 2 more weeks baby! to our destination (: and the best thing, new good friends love the company <3 href="">

kaiping and pathma! pathma: TARRRRRRR! haha
SICs recce: all in red yo!
 MITSOUKA BABY! but it looks like rolls royce to me tell me about doing carpark duties
 left: quan yi feng's car (with bryan wong inside) right: michelle chia's car and i talked to them!!!! hahaha "please leave by the back gate" HAHA quan yi feng was like daoed -.- michelle was smiley! but her hair abit....
 i present to you, CHINGAY 2008 exco, sics, gics :D

yea okay thats for chingay stay tune for more (aka preview and parade) oh and if anyone wants to go for after party please tell me!
next up, CHUBIS yo! as usual, favourite hangout is still...... *drumroll*************** CLARKE QUAY!!! how bout like shukkun's office is there leong and my cha hq is there and most of all, our drinks are there esp PUMP ROOM! (not really for me though -.-) i think we're there often enough... hahaha ok blogger is screwing with me now trying to get photos up -.-
ok got it!
please be able to save :S
its always like that: shukkun and yink beer, poor me drink cocktail which is damn little and ex :(
kandi bar! finally :D
clubnana: it was a re-experience of thailand again, i promise

yeah my chubis (mochele like huo meo mia though) <3
29 February 2008
blog abt camp blog about latest chingay stuff blog about 200+++ emails! blog about 200+ photo tag request blog about ndp??? blog abt kt tunstall blog abt chubis!
after i come back from my movie muahahaha
ohkay camp was alright, quite high actually although most of the time watching those few buggers lol im SUPER SLEEPY!!! everday sleep at like 2+++ am, wake up halfway do and hours century duty and then sleep again.. which is like less than 2 hours cos ppl start waking up as early as 530am to washup
didnt know bottle tree park had place for camping sia but we didnt get to sleep on tents but i guess i could get use to those safari beds
aight about camp everything was quite smooth the timings were seriously MORE THAN PERFECT the most perfect timings of activities i ever experiece yayness (: small hiccups here and there but its okay cos we're new hehe group 1 was more or less fine except the poor girl being left out (i shant blog abt her, details ask me) campfire was... ok didnt even have a fire cos rain so it was like massive rarrar session indoors and i guess the students did enjoy themselves :D
hahaha the bathing part was HILARIOUS!!! the toilets had indoor bathing cubicles and outdoor shower areas girls just went outside in groups stripped to their undergarments and started bathing super funny and R21 esp today cos some underwear were transparent and some bras werent in the right position LOL LAH! u can imagine.. but the girls bath BLOODY FAST! wahlau i dunno why so fast sia! seriously about 100+ girls can finish bathing in less than 45 min is damn POWER!
hahahaha learnt new cheers and new songs yay although certain cheers must get used to guess wad i love! "gimme one merlion cheer.... BLEAHHHHHHHH!"
so thats for camp came home, on computer, sign in to msn... 200++ emails, mostly from dreamteam :S hotmail hang like mad change to gmail no one emails -.- go out for dinner come back.. 100 new emails wahlau eh!!! these ppl all too free sia!!! sigh still need to plan for lan.. haha
in addition, went into facebook OMG. olsen amanda mary sent me 200+ tag requests!!! O.o she holds a record seriously 2 shocks in a night. power
righto im uper tired i dunno how i had the energy to leave hse for so long this evening hahahaha! cut hair, wah finally met 2 ppl + 1 im dying to meet, eat dinner (lol) which makes me happy happy watch movie; 2 faces of my girlfriend funny yet touching played arcade although not the games i had in mind received a ride home gorgeous company (:
hey hey you you all the best for tmr i believe in u :D
lastly, plan to go watch kt tunstall concert with chubi joeyong dunno if its a right 'investment' but..we shall see (:
26 February 2008
a new gang was borned today!!! hahahaha a new new gang :DDD
its called the TY gang
hahaha and it consist of only 3 ppl currently, until we can find more members include: Tan Yen Soon (TYS aka ty small) Tan Ying Xiu (TYX aka ty extra) Tan Yan Ling (TYL aka ty large)
HAHAHAHA SO COOL RIGHT!!!!!!!! yayyyyy (:
ok taa is officially going mad due to planning of the leaders appreciation night (l.a.n) which the very first thing, ie DATE is not confirmed :S how to book pit sia but yet again, the plans we have sounds good!! yayy yay yay! oh and so is the dream team awards thingy hahaha cant wait for those days to come! <3 dreamteam
today has been shopproductive lol went shopping with my marder at tangs (i obviously bought stuff but im not saying hah) and then met THE STUPID BOY to shop at queenstown which sucks cos i spent more moneh than him but yat again, im happy with my new shoes!!! 144 bucks for asics (cant rmb the model) is sure a good buy
oh ya. i also bought a hell lot of socks haha and i was being psychoed to get pink and red socks -.- i only got the red one if ur wondering 19 bucks for 3 pairs of adidas is that worth ? i cant really remember if it is cos i havent bought socks for more than a year i promise man
oh ya if ur wondering too, THE STUPID BOY bought 2 singlet hahahahaha someone tried on a GIRL'S SINGLET HAHAHAHAHA wooh sexaayyeee
had HK CAFE for dinner! yea again but this was my first trying the MEESUA and its damn delicious!!!! really i dunno how the i-presume-is-chilli-sauce tasted like vinegar in the end 0.0 but we ordered too much food :S in addition to our meals, we had.. no i had a stupid milk tea which tasted like yuan yang and it shld be HIS fault and then we had siewmai, hagao, guotie and a complimentary plate of friend wanton HOW NOT TO BE FULL TELL ME
so we started playing scissors paper stone to finish up the food WHICH BLOODY HELL WAS ME :S i got bullied lah :(
ok so i came home to see my email inbox being flooded like mad again my goodness chingay ppl are..... hahaha every night 60+ emails how siao ah!
ok no photos of today but photos of dreamteam massive camwhore after AAR is in my facebook!!! :D
20 February 2008
great. today dance team has just formed a new team....
it couldnt be funnier that this la this is called MO QI wahahahaha
hope everyone is well :D
19 February 2008
today was another good day since when days were bad when you're around the dream/scream/dance team haha i wonder whats next really. they're the best give (one of the best) ever since As ended (:
before going on about them, must scold someone first wahlau stupid boy pangseh me @#$%^&*()_+! if my mom wasnt there i swear i'd be left alone la :S but at least i got some shopping down i'll buy my coat/jacket/blazaar soon :D yay
so went off to meet the dance team! had dinner in powerhouse the food was good man! and its been a long time since i last drank cranberry w/o vodka hahaha so today was the first time i went into a club, ate dinner, danced and drink non-alcoholic drinks oh and we left at 9+pm if i rmb correctly power sia!
and thats how the dance team was formed the scream team was still in action though :D super fun and we were dancing purely on carbo/sugar/self highness! the best were the nj ppl how about underage + school uniform in powerhouse? double shiok
okay photos are in facebook help yourself hahaha im lazy to copy link and paste here hahahaha (:
18 February 2008
CHINGAY DREAM TEAM 2008 especially all excos/SICs/area junction volunteers thank u thank u thank u thank u
another set of memories and experience that will never ever be forgotten and i thank god that everything went well junction rocked! especially cos we're the link between area A and area B <3
after about 3 months of hanging out, interaction, going out, meetings, trainings, lunches, recces, back to office to help out chingay dream team has became a big part of my life im sure its the same for every single one of u check out msn! everyone has chingay stuff on their nicks

chingay was all good screw ups are inevitable but they made us stronger hotel was even better the long emo talks which end up bursting out in laughter and omg, the snoring symphony those were the highlights really (supper gang vs hotel gang!)
padang and LTA concourse became our new homes and being able to hear the dream team from any other parts of the world became a trademark try me, i can tell u every bloody exit of lta concourse :D
chingay dream team'08 is love
so its enough rest and back to daily life. a pretty interesting one
why do we look like kukus?
8 February 2008
HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! shu nian xing da yun! hahaha
new year has been smoothhhhh yeahh hahahaha
reunion at some coffeeshop restaurant at katong as usual family as wayyy rowdy but it was cool super embarrasing but fun and they were having fun telling story about they're kampong life about school to their dogs to food i never felt my family was that tight before it was a weird tingly feeling of "tan"ness, yeah hard to explain but ya hahaha
couldnt wake up for mass on chu yi forced myself out of bed sooooo sleepy until i couldnt be bothered to makeup la and that startedmy angbao collection yay :D headed to moms side grandma house to eat "zap chai" eat it every year and it tastes best at newyear (:
evening was to the other grandma's house! where i finally met my GREAT NURSE COUSIN whom i havent seen for like literally a year! (shes always working -.-) and everyone was entertained by joseph aka zunzunboy first putting coins into his doreamon pigy bang then running into the room every 10 min to "BAI BAI JESUS" and then out to snatch and play with random toys pushing chairs all around i swear his gonna be a big rascal! im gonna meet him tmr night damn i gotta start my warm up already
left early to meet CHUBIS and isa and barron! went to zouk to partaayyeee! great ant brought us to vip bar, got a table and open a bottle champagne rose if i remember correctly and it was gone fast so we decided, since there was 1-for-1, might as well order more so we ordered: -cranberry vodka which means 2 jugs -3 shots of apple shooters since apple shooters came in pairs, it was X4 so it was 12 shots -a bottle of SOURZ (the main ingredient of apple shooters) (its freaking nice!!! that explains the tarring) isa ordered 4 midori which he finished himself, and 2 flaming lambo h=which he had one and i shared the other with barron (:
(by this time the rose was alr gone) and we tarred the shots cranberry v. was like a quenching drink sia lol so our dearest shukkun was like "damn shiok ah lets order 5" lets do maths: 5 X 2 X 2 = 20!!! it came and so we tarred again being in the tarring mood, we tarred one jug of cranberry v. (so in total can u figure out how much we drink? if u dont, here it is again: one bottle champagne rose, 2 bottle sourz, 32 apple shooters, 4 midori, 2 flaming lambo, 2 cranberry vodka) it sounds scary O.O
then all cannot take it alr all chiong to toilet to pee by then, my dearest BARRON was drunk omg. he was falling all over the place and laughing like some idiot we went to the toilet and he freaking puked into the sink while some spilled out onto my shoe! stupid drunk boy i'll get you for this man! so the whole night he was in the drunk/stone/coma condition he was like a zombie on the dance floor! damn it yink deposited bag so didnt take photo of his unglam moment!
ok after he puked, i puked too and then soon after i was sober thank god, no chubi and penis this time WAHAHAHAHA only embarrasing moment was that i met ketsu but i cldnt recognise him and he was like "shes high ah" DAMN IT! i was on my way o sobering alr ok
after dancing awhile we went back back to members area, got a table AND OPEN ANOTHER BOTTLE OF SOURZ and continued tarring (the sprite was klike left untouch and the water only went down by half) chubis are crazy tarrers man! hahaha
and then everyone was in a screwed up condition so we all left shared a cab back with isa and guess what??!! in 2 months, i've seen 3 ppl puked in a taxi yup, after yink and shukkun isa was next it was JING DIAN MAN "eh plastic bag" "huh! uncle you mei you plastic bag" before i could finish uncle stuck his hand out with bag before i could even open the bag, isa snatched it with abit of puke on his hand alr then....BLEAHHHHHHHHH omg la hahahaha but cant blame that poor boy, he was sick (boy his gf is gonna kill him)
woke up at 3pm today! wow la my parents left for 2 houses and i didnt even know how bout they didnt even bother to wake me up haha so i woke up at 3pm after receiving a few smses quickly dressed up and left for cousin's hse to bainian my uncle cooked maggi mee for me cos i havent ate and GOSH, he cooked 2 packets i didnt even realise -.- (still in the after clubbing and waking up stone mode)
ok fast forward just came home from KUNGFU DUNK! its damn nice lah! go watch jay chou is super act cool, but i like haha and the other basketball guys in his team are damn cute also! esp bo lin with his long hair drunkard look hahahaha wheeeeeeee :D
oh i forgot to mention when mich and i stood up from our seats, we immediately saw leeweisong it was like face to face hahahaha and then we walked out and saw leesisong with a whole gang of ppl music school gathering sia! lololol
okay end of post happy new year once again :D (edited*)
6 February 2008
woooh. tired, but i'll still blog anyway haha came home late again from chingay meeting hahahaha it was like madness i tell u! everyone was like shouting and shouting and shouting as we stick the names and photos it was as high as a market place! haha but we're still not done :S so its back to office tmr to continue sticking i love exco/sics <3 haha
and i did more shopping today! i bought 2 pink underwear 3 black tops -.- (yea i know) 1 pump SHIOK SIA but 150 bucks flew away~~~~ that was like half of my pay! gulps i tell u if my nets didnt DECLINE i would have bought more man!
day before was "reunion dinner" with keewah ppl! at vienna buffet also SHIOK sia whack sashimi like MAD me and xinrong camped there la (in front of sashimi plate) waiting for it to be refilled hahahaha and for the first in 18 years i ate FUO TIAO QIANG and its nice lah! oh oh before i forget, the CHEESECAKE was damn rich and good too wad a pity SOMEONE didnt eat it hahaha
damn it im hungry now :(
5 February 2008
woohhhh taa is happy cos its pay day! although so far i think i've spend more than wad i've earned hahaha not that tired alr cos i finally had some good rest = sleeping until 2pm = SHIOKNESS
and i've finally uploaded pics from my cam and hp yay! and i shall post some now (i.e blogger doesnt hang on me =p)
chingay has been fun, well as an SIC we are like quite tight and bonded and coming in late didnt really make the 5 of us very left out aka we felt welcomed and comfortable la afterall we alr knew a few of them before we got promoted but, high ranking also has its fair share of duties loads of meetings/emails/admin stuff to do attire, attendance and attitude must also be there it gets kinda tiring after awhile but its nice to see everyone pressing on hard, together! 2 more weeks baby! to our destination (: and the best thing, new good friends love the company <3 href="">

kaiping and pathma! pathma: TARRRRRRR! haha
SICs recce: all in red yo!
 MITSOUKA BABY! but it looks like rolls royce to me tell me about doing carpark duties
 left: quan yi feng's car (with bryan wong inside) right: michelle chia's car and i talked to them!!!! hahaha "please leave by the back gate" HAHA quan yi feng was like daoed -.- michelle was smiley! but her hair abit....
 i present to you, CHINGAY 2008 exco, sics, gics :D

yea okay thats for chingay stay tune for more (aka preview and parade) oh and if anyone wants to go for after party please tell me!
next up, CHUBIS yo! as usual, favourite hangout is still...... *drumroll*************** CLARKE QUAY!!! how bout like shukkun's office is there leong and my cha hq is there and most of all, our drinks are there esp PUMP ROOM! (not really for me though -.-) i think we're there often enough... hahaha ok blogger is screwing with me now trying to get photos up -.-
ok got it!
please be able to save :S
its always like that: shukkun and yink beer, poor me drink cocktail which is damn little and ex :(
kandi bar! finally :D
clubnana: it was a re-experience of thailand again, i promise

yeah my chubis (mochele like huo meo mia though) <3
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