preferrably known as taa
learn to love her and her world
the other me
design blog
church clique
28 March 2008
spotted. Y T and S at cineleisure watching step up 2 eating lunch IN the theatre T tapaoed chicken rice Y and S tapao long johns silver it was quite a scent i must say
T commented, "step up 2 is not bad. very up beat and all, with many hot bods. and that asian girl is damn cute! ooohhhhh he got the keyssssss. i love ah-meh-ri-ka!!!!
Y T and S was also spotted doing S's favourite 'low low low' action. hilarious.
Y and T were then spotted, trying to take a bus down to suntec where their singaporean kiasuism appeared and they strayed off to the bodyshop massive sale at level 3 but there were apparently many more ppl that were more kiasu than them so they squeezed out and left to level 6 where KT TUNSTALL CONCERT was held
it is heard that the concert was not bad. as so it seems, T and Y had fun and finally saw what they were waiting to see they came out satisfied
as Y, preferrred to be known as chubi yong, was buying the tshirt T, aka chubi taa, ran out of sight and back into the concert hall thats when she discovered KT TUNSTALL was around, taking photos and signing autographs so the kiasuism appeared again and to their amazement they managed to take a photo with the star of the night and got their concert tickets autographed now how cool is that huh?

did you drool? xoxo
26 March 2008
these 2 days has been good much better at least a new environment, an old one both made me happy
lets start with monday
wanted to go escape with audrey travelled all the way down and it was CLOSED har har har very funny couldnt go wild wild wet for various reasons for that moment almost stuck with nothing to do after barron came we decided to go pasir ris park for a walk we stopped by some area that had pathment, grass, sand and sea and thats where the fun began (: ended up camwhoring (will upload picture soon!)
havent felt so close to nature for a long time for that moment i had a peaceful tingy feeling inside me i felt happiness i had good company, lovely environment and the sun dried all my troubles away or maybe i screamed so hard that the waves washed it away fantastic and so the moody me was blown away by the wind too thanks for being there for me you 2, especially you i really appreciate it it made my day :D
we then met up with jc for some bowling fun and then down to jalan kayu to eat prata! and that is when we realised 3/4 of us knows kingsly hahahaha oh forgot to mention barron drove thanks for going the extra mile to send me home (:
on the other hand, made up with chubis what is done is done and it shall be forgotten "we're here for each other" always chubis always.
so the tablemates was spotted at 'the pump room' bar drinking a tower or PRL (pump room lager) but they couldnt finish lahhhhh :SSSS however it was a good day of catch up and hang out chubis Y T and S xoxo
23 March 2008
life is full of ups and downs and it sucks when your brought to heaven only to find yourself instantly falling down to hell again
your mood is made of many small things little things makes you easily happy yet little things makes you easily sad
people disappoints but the disappointment is greater when your expectations are higher especially from people closer to you
i have a patience ok and it can hit its limit anytime
LAN started out great but it didnt quite work out for me in the end it was just the sequence of events that happened to me
reach there, not raining yet put down things start to dristle hurry up set up tent, slack awhile started to pour some of us entered the tent (bloody 2man tent) the rest of the guys took our umbrellas and left greatness, he touch my umbrella and it spoiled instantly we sat in the tent, it started leaking from all different directions kp and olsen were drenched INSIDE the tent the left and the tent situation was literally flooding
rain stopped, more ppl start to come the fires were finally started and i had to leave cousin was sick, had to attend mass alone walk damn far, got a taxi great taxi driver didnt know how to get there started walkie-ing all his friends finally found out, costed me TIME and MONEY reached there late, looking super underdressed had to stand and the corner warden kept starring, didnt have a candle looked like a goon stood for 3 hours
however besides the mass being very long and draggy it was an interesting experience baptism was the original dipping whole body in font choir was really good it became more of a spiritual musical for me really loved the music and the priest was really funny father boscow i think
so mass finish, cabbed back to pasir ris park met huilin and raymond, leaving cut across the grass, 'plunged' into a pool mud -.- it literally splashed up to my thighs... reached the pits, could find faces i wanted to see most those that were there were leaving too they didnt say much more and left
seriously thank god for alan, don the porn, cheryl, shiyong and daryl alan obviously had to wait for me hehe but yea they were the last company i had i only managed to eat chicken wings and friedrice/beehoon thank god for the chicken wings they were great but its kinda sad "who ask u go to church" huh WE had to clean the whole damn place bloody 2 pits full of rubbish all over the place and full of mud in between, i keep stepping on
at least they got to try my na shou chicken wings those that left too bad but i really felt very sad waiting so long to see everyone and then got held up by mass :( so we packed up, carry all the stupid things home
went to bed and got up damn early today considering i slept at almost 5 called chubi for 4 fucking hours with no respond couldnt plan anything original plan failed and thats when i exploded im sorry i sound damn fucked but sorry it came at this time when everything is accumulated and my mood went crashing down to rock bottom didnt want to do anything but to stay home and sleep i guess i was tired, too tired
i am actually i seem to have to many things, yet too much time yet again not enough time i dont even know whats going on in my life waiting like a hopeless idiot for that one guy always being there for friends when i dont feel like they're there for me always planning/organising things and ending up doing most of the things, and sai kang and it feels like if im not around they dont know how to ask everyone else out themselves it is a pleasure initially however its TIRING u hear me? tiring.
i feel so bloody empty
21 March 2008
i can swear to god, i've got the coolest church friends on earth and the best thing? catholics arent supposed to swear
so read on...
Firstly, we hardly meet IN CHURCH that means, we only meet AFTER mass, which only one or two people came from
Next, our conversation topics are considered X-rated, especially for catholics Since we're not supposed to have such unruly thoughts in the first place
Thirdly, we're alcohol induced, which is sadly dissolving in recent times there left to two good sister souls with the booze why how sad
Lastly, we haven't met for like 19287391826481725417825648712 years but it takes less than 0.00000000000000000000007 secons to melt the ice
thats how coolz we arexxx, aint we?


nah nah happy now???
19 March 2008
finally watched leap years with chubi its nice, and certainly many things to think about i really love the "poem" Li-Ann wrote to Jeremy the one about st Bridget thingy. sweet.
and it really made me think do you really wait for the one to come by or do you be with someone just because u long to but it doesnt really make sense to wait for someone isnt it? what if it takes forever? can you really give up everything for that one man you long to love? i dont think i can really. i think its only human to long to be wanted and loved but theres a difference between that and loneliness which is sadly hard to differentiate sometimes even i get confuse most of the times
why love is such a simple yet complicated thing maybe its just luck that you meet someone that shares the same opinions with you about love i guess thats the one for you?
love live and live to love
16 March 2008
why are CHUBIS so fucked up? hahahaha seriously maybe because being fucked up is how we stay close
lets start with myself waking up at 4.30pm is damn fucked up holy macaroni my bio clock is screwed
chubi joeyong called me at 4am wahlau get me woried for nothing haha bu initially i thought she was laughing lol -.-''' dont worry chubi yong i love u muchx muchx those ppl are more fucked up than us and u know it
everybody misses chubi kun although shes one that comes back the MOST OFTEN as compared to ppl who go overseas to study that makes things mre fucked up chubi kun!!! faster come back with our SOURZ more meter or what, for-get-it and dont siao and stop gambling ok! oh and remember to try our milo mix baileys i just had another one O.O

CHUBI TABLEMATES <3 lager beer when chubi kun comes back chubi taa is ready ho! (:
ps: i love the other chubis too, although u guys mia and kkbz alot :S
14 March 2008

this is what you get when u put two hungry chubis together on the phone er. after satisfying their hunger that is so maybe i should change it to this is what you get when u put two thirsty chubis together
MILO + BAILEYS ( optional caramel) = <3 <3 <3
get the point (: shukkun try it!
11 March 2008
these few days has been hmmmm relatively wasted and super slack been bumming around since saturday
had first ndp meeting on sat and got pangsehed after that so went home
went smu open house on sun with gerald (after much persuasion and force lol) kenaed a glass of hoegarden myself fir the 1st time! (chubis are so proud of me)
went out with brenda on mon (we agreed like 10pm at night??!!) catch AUGUST RUSH fucking gd la seriously i highly recommend it esp if you're a music student its just AMAZING
suppsoed to meet some chingay ppl today for discuss about lan and 'watch' them study lol in the end i woke up at 2 plus cos i was on the phone with chubi till 4am last night (its been a long time since we did that huh) and then it was raining heavily so... the laziness set in stayed home and finished watching DOU NIU YAO BU YAO (:
eye candy; instructors of fajar camp (:
9 March 2008
okay, so results have been released this made time past evern more quickly yet slowly yather yather u'll know when u experience it
had "class" lunch in the afternoon while we were having soup restaurant we decided that we wanted to turn up late hahaha so we wasted ALOT of time talk started at 2.30 while we were still shopping lol we only reached the school at about 3.30
annry had to pay school fees so i followed her and then the woman gave her two slips of paper we were like stoned la "what was that" and then i realised OMG THATS HER RESULTS hahaha yea it was its amazing la haha i shant reveal anything further
ok so went to class and waited like super long cos i missed my register no. so i had to wait till the last and then without warning, mswang shove a photocopied paper into my face and i realised that was my results -.- wahlau all no warning one la i look and i got a freaking B for gp WTF WTF WTF! hahahaha i see until scared ah wth is B for gp??!!!! my entire life i never got beyond E for gp haha greatness la, i damn stunnnn
and then i looked down the paper and i didnt know what to feel happiness cos i got B for chem, which i never studied finish and thought the paper was damn hard and i got C for geog omgomgomg hahahaha the never once pass geog before got a C! studying in library helps yea :DDDD
and then i look further down and disappointment starts to set in i GOT A FREAKING C FOR ECONS wahlau eh i studied the hardest for that had 2 tuitions ( i can explain this) did a STACK of essays and thats wad i fucking got? and so was maths, i got a fucking B my one chance of getting an A..... saying that the cohort did very well and results were moderated is just deceiving yourself, seriously i want my A. i want my A. i want my A. fuck
its over uh huh its over so just thank god fo whatever you got and tell yourself that it could have been worse
and nows the problem with my results..can i even go uni not ok how bout can is can just that at the rate of the popularity of business courses im damn bloody unsure if i can get in PLEASE GOD OH PLEASE I REALLY WANT BUSINESS AND BASE ON ME BEING VERY SURE OF WHAT I WANT PLEASE GRANT ME THIS WISH/HOPE
6 March 2008
camp2 check. its good its better than good
its tired but not as tiring as camp1
4 days 3 nights it always have to end when the bond gets stronger thats life. they're werent exactly very obedient and cooperative but at least they tried i saw their efforts and thats enough
im glad that at least some of them were touched the tears explain all
their disappointment with not being able to do alot of things were all paid back at campfire campfire was a huge blast it was fantastic fabulous faba-licious!
THANK YOU GROUP 1 AND CHIWAWA you guys really gave me sweet memories i'll try to forget the bad ones though! lol hope u all really enjoyed yourselfs (:
meanwhile i miss chubi joeyong and chubi shockkorn sigh, tablemates wont meet up until months later :( so the next chubi apart from joeyong i'll meet the most often is leong yay go campfire tmr!!!
and a must mention: RESULTS ARE FINALLY OUT TOMORROW i dont know to be happy or to be scared fates are sealed, cross my fingers and prepare for the worse goodnight world
28 March 2008
spotted. Y T and S at cineleisure watching step up 2 eating lunch IN the theatre T tapaoed chicken rice Y and S tapao long johns silver it was quite a scent i must say
T commented, "step up 2 is not bad. very up beat and all, with many hot bods. and that asian girl is damn cute! ooohhhhh he got the keyssssss. i love ah-meh-ri-ka!!!!
Y T and S was also spotted doing S's favourite 'low low low' action. hilarious.
Y and T were then spotted, trying to take a bus down to suntec where their singaporean kiasuism appeared and they strayed off to the bodyshop massive sale at level 3 but there were apparently many more ppl that were more kiasu than them so they squeezed out and left to level 6 where KT TUNSTALL CONCERT was held
it is heard that the concert was not bad. as so it seems, T and Y had fun and finally saw what they were waiting to see they came out satisfied
as Y, preferrred to be known as chubi yong, was buying the tshirt T, aka chubi taa, ran out of sight and back into the concert hall thats when she discovered KT TUNSTALL was around, taking photos and signing autographs so the kiasuism appeared again and to their amazement they managed to take a photo with the star of the night and got their concert tickets autographed now how cool is that huh?

did you drool? xoxo
26 March 2008
these 2 days has been good much better at least a new environment, an old one both made me happy
lets start with monday
wanted to go escape with audrey travelled all the way down and it was CLOSED har har har very funny couldnt go wild wild wet for various reasons for that moment almost stuck with nothing to do after barron came we decided to go pasir ris park for a walk we stopped by some area that had pathment, grass, sand and sea and thats where the fun began (: ended up camwhoring (will upload picture soon!)
havent felt so close to nature for a long time for that moment i had a peaceful tingy feeling inside me i felt happiness i had good company, lovely environment and the sun dried all my troubles away or maybe i screamed so hard that the waves washed it away fantastic and so the moody me was blown away by the wind too thanks for being there for me you 2, especially you i really appreciate it it made my day :D
we then met up with jc for some bowling fun and then down to jalan kayu to eat prata! and that is when we realised 3/4 of us knows kingsly hahahaha oh forgot to mention barron drove thanks for going the extra mile to send me home (:
on the other hand, made up with chubis what is done is done and it shall be forgotten "we're here for each other" always chubis always.
so the tablemates was spotted at 'the pump room' bar drinking a tower or PRL (pump room lager) but they couldnt finish lahhhhh :SSSS however it was a good day of catch up and hang out chubis Y T and S xoxo
23 March 2008
life is full of ups and downs and it sucks when your brought to heaven only to find yourself instantly falling down to hell again
your mood is made of many small things little things makes you easily happy yet little things makes you easily sad
people disappoints but the disappointment is greater when your expectations are higher especially from people closer to you
i have a patience ok and it can hit its limit anytime
LAN started out great but it didnt quite work out for me in the end it was just the sequence of events that happened to me
reach there, not raining yet put down things start to dristle hurry up set up tent, slack awhile started to pour some of us entered the tent (bloody 2man tent) the rest of the guys took our umbrellas and left greatness, he touch my umbrella and it spoiled instantly we sat in the tent, it started leaking from all different directions kp and olsen were drenched INSIDE the tent the left and the tent situation was literally flooding
rain stopped, more ppl start to come the fires were finally started and i had to leave cousin was sick, had to attend mass alone walk damn far, got a taxi great taxi driver didnt know how to get there started walkie-ing all his friends finally found out, costed me TIME and MONEY reached there late, looking super underdressed had to stand and the corner warden kept starring, didnt have a candle looked like a goon stood for 3 hours
however besides the mass being very long and draggy it was an interesting experience baptism was the original dipping whole body in font choir was really good it became more of a spiritual musical for me really loved the music and the priest was really funny father boscow i think
so mass finish, cabbed back to pasir ris park met huilin and raymond, leaving cut across the grass, 'plunged' into a pool mud -.- it literally splashed up to my thighs... reached the pits, could find faces i wanted to see most those that were there were leaving too they didnt say much more and left
seriously thank god for alan, don the porn, cheryl, shiyong and daryl alan obviously had to wait for me hehe but yea they were the last company i had i only managed to eat chicken wings and friedrice/beehoon thank god for the chicken wings they were great but its kinda sad "who ask u go to church" huh WE had to clean the whole damn place bloody 2 pits full of rubbish all over the place and full of mud in between, i keep stepping on
at least they got to try my na shou chicken wings those that left too bad but i really felt very sad waiting so long to see everyone and then got held up by mass :( so we packed up, carry all the stupid things home
went to bed and got up damn early today considering i slept at almost 5 called chubi for 4 fucking hours with no respond couldnt plan anything original plan failed and thats when i exploded im sorry i sound damn fucked but sorry it came at this time when everything is accumulated and my mood went crashing down to rock bottom didnt want to do anything but to stay home and sleep i guess i was tired, too tired
i am actually i seem to have to many things, yet too much time yet again not enough time i dont even know whats going on in my life waiting like a hopeless idiot for that one guy always being there for friends when i dont feel like they're there for me always planning/organising things and ending up doing most of the things, and sai kang and it feels like if im not around they dont know how to ask everyone else out themselves it is a pleasure initially however its TIRING u hear me? tiring.
i feel so bloody empty
21 March 2008
i can swear to god, i've got the coolest church friends on earth and the best thing? catholics arent supposed to swear
so read on...
Firstly, we hardly meet IN CHURCH that means, we only meet AFTER mass, which only one or two people came from
Next, our conversation topics are considered X-rated, especially for catholics Since we're not supposed to have such unruly thoughts in the first place
Thirdly, we're alcohol induced, which is sadly dissolving in recent times there left to two good sister souls with the booze why how sad
Lastly, we haven't met for like 19287391826481725417825648712 years but it takes less than 0.00000000000000000000007 secons to melt the ice
thats how coolz we arexxx, aint we?


nah nah happy now???
19 March 2008
finally watched leap years with chubi its nice, and certainly many things to think about i really love the "poem" Li-Ann wrote to Jeremy the one about st Bridget thingy. sweet.
and it really made me think do you really wait for the one to come by or do you be with someone just because u long to but it doesnt really make sense to wait for someone isnt it? what if it takes forever? can you really give up everything for that one man you long to love? i dont think i can really. i think its only human to long to be wanted and loved but theres a difference between that and loneliness which is sadly hard to differentiate sometimes even i get confuse most of the times
why love is such a simple yet complicated thing maybe its just luck that you meet someone that shares the same opinions with you about love i guess thats the one for you?
love live and live to love
16 March 2008
why are CHUBIS so fucked up? hahahaha seriously maybe because being fucked up is how we stay close
lets start with myself waking up at 4.30pm is damn fucked up holy macaroni my bio clock is screwed
chubi joeyong called me at 4am wahlau get me woried for nothing haha bu initially i thought she was laughing lol -.-''' dont worry chubi yong i love u muchx muchx those ppl are more fucked up than us and u know it
everybody misses chubi kun although shes one that comes back the MOST OFTEN as compared to ppl who go overseas to study that makes things mre fucked up chubi kun!!! faster come back with our SOURZ more meter or what, for-get-it and dont siao and stop gambling ok! oh and remember to try our milo mix baileys i just had another one O.O

CHUBI TABLEMATES <3 lager beer when chubi kun comes back chubi taa is ready ho! (:
ps: i love the other chubis too, although u guys mia and kkbz alot :S
14 March 2008

this is what you get when u put two hungry chubis together on the phone er. after satisfying their hunger that is so maybe i should change it to this is what you get when u put two thirsty chubis together
MILO + BAILEYS ( optional caramel) = <3 <3 <3
get the point (: shukkun try it!
11 March 2008
these few days has been hmmmm relatively wasted and super slack been bumming around since saturday
had first ndp meeting on sat and got pangsehed after that so went home
went smu open house on sun with gerald (after much persuasion and force lol) kenaed a glass of hoegarden myself fir the 1st time! (chubis are so proud of me)
went out with brenda on mon (we agreed like 10pm at night??!!) catch AUGUST RUSH fucking gd la seriously i highly recommend it esp if you're a music student its just AMAZING
suppsoed to meet some chingay ppl today for discuss about lan and 'watch' them study lol in the end i woke up at 2 plus cos i was on the phone with chubi till 4am last night (its been a long time since we did that huh) and then it was raining heavily so... the laziness set in stayed home and finished watching DOU NIU YAO BU YAO (:
eye candy; instructors of fajar camp (:
9 March 2008
okay, so results have been released this made time past evern more quickly yet slowly yather yather u'll know when u experience it
had "class" lunch in the afternoon while we were having soup restaurant we decided that we wanted to turn up late hahaha so we wasted ALOT of time talk started at 2.30 while we were still shopping lol we only reached the school at about 3.30
annry had to pay school fees so i followed her and then the woman gave her two slips of paper we were like stoned la "what was that" and then i realised OMG THATS HER RESULTS hahaha yea it was its amazing la haha i shant reveal anything further
ok so went to class and waited like super long cos i missed my register no. so i had to wait till the last and then without warning, mswang shove a photocopied paper into my face and i realised that was my results -.- wahlau all no warning one la i look and i got a freaking B for gp WTF WTF WTF! hahahaha i see until scared ah wth is B for gp??!!!! my entire life i never got beyond E for gp haha greatness la, i damn stunnnn
and then i looked down the paper and i didnt know what to feel happiness cos i got B for chem, which i never studied finish and thought the paper was damn hard and i got C for geog omgomgomg hahahaha the never once pass geog before got a C! studying in library helps yea :DDDD
and then i look further down and disappointment starts to set in i GOT A FREAKING C FOR ECONS wahlau eh i studied the hardest for that had 2 tuitions ( i can explain this) did a STACK of essays and thats wad i fucking got? and so was maths, i got a fucking B my one chance of getting an A..... saying that the cohort did very well and results were moderated is just deceiving yourself, seriously i want my A. i want my A. i want my A. fuck
its over uh huh its over so just thank god fo whatever you got and tell yourself that it could have been worse
and nows the problem with my results..can i even go uni not ok how bout can is can just that at the rate of the popularity of business courses im damn bloody unsure if i can get in PLEASE GOD OH PLEASE I REALLY WANT BUSINESS AND BASE ON ME BEING VERY SURE OF WHAT I WANT PLEASE GRANT ME THIS WISH/HOPE
6 March 2008
camp2 check. its good its better than good
its tired but not as tiring as camp1
4 days 3 nights it always have to end when the bond gets stronger thats life. they're werent exactly very obedient and cooperative but at least they tried i saw their efforts and thats enough
im glad that at least some of them were touched the tears explain all
their disappointment with not being able to do alot of things were all paid back at campfire campfire was a huge blast it was fantastic fabulous faba-licious!
THANK YOU GROUP 1 AND CHIWAWA you guys really gave me sweet memories i'll try to forget the bad ones though! lol hope u all really enjoyed yourselfs (:
meanwhile i miss chubi joeyong and chubi shockkorn sigh, tablemates wont meet up until months later :( so the next chubi apart from joeyong i'll meet the most often is leong yay go campfire tmr!!!
and a must mention: RESULTS ARE FINALLY OUT TOMORROW i dont know to be happy or to be scared fates are sealed, cross my fingers and prepare for the worse goodnight world
By post:
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