preferrably known as taa
learn to love her and her world
the other me
design blog
church clique
28 April 2008 damn accurate!
You scored as Visual&PerformingArts You should strongly consider majoring (or minoring) in the Visual or Performing Arts (e.g., Art, Art Education, Art History, Ceramics, Culinary Arts, Dance, Drawing, Fashion Design, Film, Graphic Design, Interior Design, Marketing (advertising), Music, Music Education, Music Theory, Painting, Photography, Theatre).
It is possible that the best major for you is your 2nd, 3rd, or even 5th listed category, so be sure to consider ALL majors in your OTHER high scoring categories (below). You may score high in a category you didnt think you would--it is possible that a great major for you is something you once dismissed as not for you. The right major for you will be something 1) you love and enjoy and 2) are really great at it.
Consider adding a minor or double majoring to make yourself standout and to combine your interests. Please post your results in your myspace/blog/journal.
Visual&PerformingArts |
| 94% | Accounting/Finance/Marketing |
| 81% | HR/BusinessManagement |
| 63% | Psychology/Sociology |
| 63% | Education/Counseling |
| 50% | Mathematics/Statistics |
| 50% | Biology/Chemistry/Geology |
| 50% | French/Spanish/OtherLanguage |
| 44% | Religion/Theology |
| 38% | Nursing/AthleticTraining/Health |
| 38% | History/Anthropology/LiberalArts |
| 38% | English/Journalism/Comm |
| 31% | Physics/Engineering/Computer |
| 31% | PoliticalScience/Philosophy |
| 25% |
26 April 2008
TIRED TIRED TIRED this time is really damn tired and its the whole body work to the last bit of strength such that its full of lactic acid now and aching to the core
my neck hurts my back is sore my shoulders are freaking stiff my hands are aching and my shin hurts like fuck i even got a butt cheek cram -.-
lets see my first time in SJI my first time as runner stnix first time camp with campha i've never done so much first aid in my entire life (i had like more than 20 casualties seriously) i've never filled up so much water i've never carried so much heavy stuff consistently for 2 days i've never walked so much in these recent days
but still i got to say this st nix camp was just amazing la brought back so much memories and its damn fun seeing the teachers' expression "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!!!!!!!!" i heard that like at least 5 times and its like a weird thingly feeling of having your teachers watch you at work super weird i wished i had a group though :S i dont want to be runner, esp not at SJI wahlau so tiring :((((( although somehow theres still a sense of accomplishment
campfire was good although i chose wrong major to sit in cos they ahem abit boring during transition time the performances were good almost totally original - stnix style hell yea the st nix culture was there and strong and i bet the other instructors could feel it as compared to other camps where its all the same old stuff the most interesting thing i heard so far? one girl wanted to burp as her campfire talent performance LOL interesting thing no2 the girls actually used mrs yeo's x = minus b....formula song as a cheer! hahahahaa and they made her go up and "dance"
and, i must keep learning i am still learning alot of things are just mind over matter watching the kids do monster inc upslope really did touch me it was that tingly feeling again its whether u want to push on and perservere dont let any other things/one affect you yeah!
ok im seriously tired and going into a black/coma state i'll be back
22 April 2008
yay new template! still kinda simple i like :D
just feeling kinda grey lately so both lj and blogger are all grey yay! :D
ok anyone wala wala on thurs??? call me!!!
yay pretty pretty! everythings pretty pretty!
so i finally downloaded messenger plus and i downloaded this super cute skin! wheeeeeeee
i guess im really too free :P
20 April 2008
im back to civilisation again aloha changi was...lostable hahaha almost everyone got lost while trying to make their way there tsk tsk tsk
right. im like damn tired now but so tired until the highness is like appearing and disappearing you know that kinda feeling had one hour of sleep last night (this morning rather)
cant say CAG was damn successful but neither can i say it failed cos at least the few of us got to meet and hang out all over again meanwhile get to know someone ppl not initially close to better yup yup it was good and i bbqed my zhao pai none marinated chicken wings for everyone and response was overwhelming wahaha
since there werent many ppl we ended up playing mahjong... playing psp... playing random hand games...(moo moo! ask me i teach u!) i watched meet the spartans haha... learnt 2nd layer of rubriks yay! and of course catch up!!
and in a blink of an eye these random stuffs kept us awake till 6+ am that explains the one hour of sleep alan sy and kk prepared breakfast!!! it was quite a spread haha and we had too many chips left and since we were all leftover high i started making yingxiu do all camp cheers and dance and now she's addicted to parapara hahaha! meanwhile joel and christina were busy taking down snippets of memories
ehhhhh and then we checked out and headed to starbucks in some mall in tampines to celebrate christina's birthday the cake was nice lah!
ok abit overly detailed already oh anyways.. i was supposed to receive the "dreamteam PINK GIRL" award why am i not surprise -.-
alright. long enough, photos another day :D im off yo~
---------------edited esp for yingxiu-----------------
ok early in the morning 7am when we were all stonage after being forced to wake up yingxiu and i went to the room to join christina the 2 single beds were joined so chris was on the right one, i was on the left and yingxiu was across both then she moved over to chris one i saw a gap in between so i tried to use my butt to move it closer guess what the bed craaaaak and one quarter when down we were like omg alr so i tried to climb out i moved a leg and the whole bed - the wooden plank and mattress literally sank down hahahaha causing a loud boom followed by lots of screaming and laughter i literally sat there, legs folded, stunned hahahahaha it was super funny should have seen everyone's reaction
so the guys, upon hearing all the screams rushed into the room to find all of us laughing and me sitting on the floor still yingxiu started proclaiming to the world "taa broke the bed" i climbed out and the guys tried to fix it (it did not break, the corner got detached) they moved the mattress out first then alan and yensoon lifted the heavy wooden plank and guess what the moment alan touched the plank he immediately let go "ahhhhh splinter!!!!" LOSER!!!!! hahahaha
so that was the morning's drama basically :D just imagine.....unforgetable
18 April 2008
camp was alright primary kids are i mean they are really KIDS! kids with so much energy literally never ending energy and that makes me feel old they can run around non stop and they dont sleep on time
but my kids are really cute the girls are..a form of lovable and the boys are...super rascals and they are never on time :S they run around when im talking and they like to talk back
ok anyways, few highlights of the camp for me first time into nature rumble got freaking muddy cos i went in the mudpool with them see instructor so wei da! super black natural dye! :DDD
next, damn lot of belaying which is causing massive aching especially in my neck, shoulders, arms and legs im not exaggerating la and i got like skin tears as a result of friction while adjusting harnessess for all my kids and that includes 2 slots of crc, rockwall, abseil wahlau fingers dead alr la and i got some bruise which looks like internal bleeding from the karabiners haha ok sucks but i like belaying! actually its tiring if u belay for too long i like pulling the rope so taut that it forces my camper to move haha damn fun damn fun but rockwall is the most tiring cos its really pull them up until i have to remain in squatting position and many times got dragged and almost got lifted even though im fat and my camper is just a scrawny p5 kid amazing huh
last thing.. POWER campfire's fireball totally completely absolutely FAILED hahaha 'it flew down for a second or two and then i dropped like literally drop, bounce abit and roll everyone stunned stop and stare
campfire was damn long 20 groups hurhur i cheated off item so rendall danced both tarzan and jane's parts while i sat there and action cool cool first time finale performance
for your eyes, i present to you maha bodhi p5 camp group 3!

and my cute cute girls i like felicia the most thats the white shirt girl directly above me with the "twist" she's damn adorable!!! and she damn cute oh yes, she suddenly randomly wrote across her arm "instructor ta rocks" SO CUTE RIGHT!!!! hahaha (:
13 April 2008
hello testing this is a testing post hahah did some changes to the font but i dont think anyone can tell -.-
anyways Definitely, Maybe is nice a super schweet cheesy love show i like (:
i liked today's drinking session you can say it was quite massive one of the most massived one i've ever had with my family
went for mass and then headed down to dempsey went to wala wala for dinner and drinks started the night with a chocolate martini food was good oh yea had mushroom pizza, calamari rings, short ribs, chicken chop and then a cosmo
since they had limited cocktails i decided to go for the kill i had a glass of erdinger black and i LOVED IT well my dad was the one drinking initially after those few sips that WOW-ED me i went for the kill haha its damn nice la!
and then the live band started and they started with 'suddenly i see" what a good start haha and they sang really good songs *good songs = songs i know and like lol from maroon five to whatsup! and its really cool cos they were like damn close to the crowd all one of the better live bands i've ever came across
and then we ordered a plate of chicken wings gosh i was really joking; my dad ordered whack ah and guess what? i finished my mom's hoegaarden haha damn shiok la
if this tummy will never go away :S but this lifestyle is...shiok haha
ps: things are goin fine with my computer although i still feel like my eyes are gonna pop out
10 April 2008
hello world i finally got my new computer! after 7- years of lagging
and guess what? the screen is too big until now im still not used to it (ok its been 7 hours of usage)
a little bit more bigger and it wont be able to fit my tAble ha!

look at it yourself the pink thingy is a highlighter the normal fat one from stabilo and the end of the lighted part, is also the end of my computer table haha
so now is massive installing programms goodness just for phone, camera and ipod alone takes up alot of time and space ok dont complain im contented for now (:
other updates... oh yes i finally applied for jobs! but somehow the first one i got the pay abit low $4/hr leh see how la
missed chubi Y as she was out with shrooms massive outings before sara leaves missed chubi S as she was busy getting high and gambling
meanwhile im gonna watch stuff on my com ITS DAMN SHIOK!!! wahaha but i still must get used to the uber super mega big screen i feel like my eyes are gonna pop out soon
6 April 2008
congratulate me you seriously need to congratulate me from your utmost sincere bottom of your heart especially if you're a victim of my ever lagging computer
the good news? i did 2 minutes of shopping at funan went toilet for some big business transaction came back stoned another 5 minutes and then i got myself a new computer throw in some free cable, wireless stuff and a PRINTER -.-
well i should be happy but at that moment i was more OH MY TIAN-nish with my more aunty than my aunty mother, father power i say power
after that i had a super nice and filling mc flurry and got myself a 160 gb external hardrive
indeed a fulfilling day anyways you should have realised by now, i didnt not stay in funan for more than an hour like seriously haha :D
so now its massive transferring and deleting and WOW i just freed 10gb off my current computer and it feels like a F1 now so imagine my new hp 24 inch.. it will be like a rocket blasting into the sky Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
5 April 2008
im in the fucked up mood. again. bumming ard everyday is seriously not the solution i need a job fast and quick and also because im near to bankrupt once again
oh if you didnt know im not doing camps anymore not in the near future at least why? cos its fucked up i seriously dont know what did i do or who i fucking offended such that some irritants who dont even know me, are passing rumours abt me whats with the sucking attitude and all like hello even if its an one-off incident it doesnt mean one thing totally right who cant have minor screw ups you, whom i dont even know is making things so big spreading around spoiling my fucking reputation even if i did something wrong its just not fair to me right secondly, you dont even know me well or worse still personally how you know wads going on if its in the attitude, then why cant u come and fucking HELP ME when u see that im heading in the wrong direction being new doesnt deserved to be judged not especially when i was only give 2 fucking chances i only did 2 damn camps there is only that many people i know so please, if you dont know me just shut up and stay out of it if its a mistake on my part tell it to my face i will think about it and apologise using low down means behind my back wont work ok
who wldnt be pissed after hearing such things about themselves i have that right dont i if its going to be like that why stay on a reputable company pasing such jokes around is just simple degrading la come on i just want my pay and i'll move on
and if theres any follow up or misunderstanding to this issue i will blog about it and apologise if i have to meanwhile stop it already im not even near
on a lighter note im seriously broke why? cos thanks to barron
its not his fault actually considering he spent quite alot also
but thinking back it was quite a waste spending on food and useless entertainment play so much arcade got what use in the end it doesnt create another path to uni doesnt it?
however, i must mention this "japanese" restaurant we came across its not even a restaurant its so small and tiny it should probably be called an eatery its located at meridien shopping center, the corner opposite monster cue the whole atmosphere simply made me feel like i was in japan for a moment hahaha although i think the shopkeeper were chinese no if they were watching NHK, they shld know jap right? maybe they're japanese who knows chinese ok whatever
the foods...alright la although the yakitori was quite small and salty i dunno its just the whole feel i guess u can go try it out
photos soon after some navy boy uploads it until then ciao baby ciao
1 April 2008
mylifes stagnant. again.
however, at least before hitting the stagnating situation it reached a high higher than a high ha.
the weekends were great filled with fun joy and laughter, and of course CHUBI love this is because our beloved chubi kun was in singapore
so after the kt tunstall concert ( i mean days after) it was crazzaayyee
started out with a fantastic bowl of BA CHOR MEE FEN MIAN BU YAO ZHU GAN DUO DIAN CU with barron at s11 and then heading to SUPER ntuc to stock up on bbq stuff it was really fun pushing a cart going round and round hahaha i could do that longer so we paid (b paid) and we headed back to chubi Y's talk about smuggling a small cake ha! we were quite succesful i guess
ended up not using the pit we booked but some aluminium tray food was good too much though we didnt touch a whole pack of wings and SMART B went to buy WASABI nuggets :S
so our 5 ppl bbq was considered a success chicken, sour monkey, beer, baileys, chubis + B + S = <3<3<3 cleared up and headed back to stnix
we had a school tour and then back down to the track to support our beloved sch in breaking the record of "most no. of ppl running on a 400m track in 24 hrs" so chubis + b + s contributed 5 rounds on the average and guess what tar and alcohol started choking the blood system although some chubi hit a worser situation lol
oh did i mention that this run thingy was done around 1am to 3am. yup okay mentioned
CANNOT WAKE UP THE NEXT DAY AS USUAL plans pushed back for at least 3 hours (ended up reaching stnix at 2..) had a massive fight with the sleeping god it was massive i repeat
funfair was not bad quite massive also actually but it felt like it was being taken over by outside ppl rather than kids cooking/doing their own stuff sigh schools these days... but THANK GOD and i say THANK GOD for the fried chicken wings of the mushroom rice stall it tasted like heaven :D goodness havent ate that for 123456789 years
however it was stone for the first half of the funfair we had a battle against sleeping god remember actually it was quite stone la lol ended up trying to finish the coupons by playing arcade er..arcade set up in the lower concourse catch up abit with yeoyeo found msho but everyone had to leave anyways fair was over
oh must i mention that B was being a super darling by literally being our AHMAD for those 2 days he drove around, sending almost everyone thanks DUDE :D but it will become a bad habit lol
sun was church, 1015 after another 123456789 years and the Alevel gang - angie + olsen.5 + pathma.25 ended up playing guitar heroes (is that wad its called?) at cine's E2max
and then we had project run-away-to-topshop/men we dressed up andrew but was a horrible failure due to size and a horribly transparent shirt(LOLOL) went upstairs and claire and I picked out clothes for each other conclusion: failure.5 actually it was more ????? haha
had sakura buffet for dinner well it was MY TREAT damn it but sashimi tasted like i went to heaven again ate too full! too full! so the 3 buldging tummies took train home together and the centurian.5 was acting like a small kid -.-
and thats where all the action ended :( today was.. submit stuff to smu rush to paragon but SIA closed on us WE REACHED AT 1759 hours (WTF) went tangs to use the expiring vouchers and finally bought my swommong costume only to know wild wild wet is closed tmr :S
meanwhile chubi Y and B have displayed their disappearing act again.
28 April 2008 damn accurate!
You scored as Visual&PerformingArts You should strongly consider majoring (or minoring) in the Visual or Performing Arts (e.g., Art, Art Education, Art History, Ceramics, Culinary Arts, Dance, Drawing, Fashion Design, Film, Graphic Design, Interior Design, Marketing (advertising), Music, Music Education, Music Theory, Painting, Photography, Theatre).
It is possible that the best major for you is your 2nd, 3rd, or even 5th listed category, so be sure to consider ALL majors in your OTHER high scoring categories (below). You may score high in a category you didnt think you would--it is possible that a great major for you is something you once dismissed as not for you. The right major for you will be something 1) you love and enjoy and 2) are really great at it.
Consider adding a minor or double majoring to make yourself standout and to combine your interests. Please post your results in your myspace/blog/journal.
Visual&PerformingArts |
| 94% | Accounting/Finance/Marketing |
| 81% | HR/BusinessManagement |
| 63% | Psychology/Sociology |
| 63% | Education/Counseling |
| 50% | Mathematics/Statistics |
| 50% | Biology/Chemistry/Geology |
| 50% | French/Spanish/OtherLanguage |
| 44% | Religion/Theology |
| 38% | Nursing/AthleticTraining/Health |
| 38% | History/Anthropology/LiberalArts |
| 38% | English/Journalism/Comm |
| 31% | Physics/Engineering/Computer |
| 31% | PoliticalScience/Philosophy |
| 25% |
26 April 2008
TIRED TIRED TIRED this time is really damn tired and its the whole body work to the last bit of strength such that its full of lactic acid now and aching to the core
my neck hurts my back is sore my shoulders are freaking stiff my hands are aching and my shin hurts like fuck i even got a butt cheek cram -.-
lets see my first time in SJI my first time as runner stnix first time camp with campha i've never done so much first aid in my entire life (i had like more than 20 casualties seriously) i've never filled up so much water i've never carried so much heavy stuff consistently for 2 days i've never walked so much in these recent days
but still i got to say this st nix camp was just amazing la brought back so much memories and its damn fun seeing the teachers' expression "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!!!!!!!!" i heard that like at least 5 times and its like a weird thingly feeling of having your teachers watch you at work super weird i wished i had a group though :S i dont want to be runner, esp not at SJI wahlau so tiring :((((( although somehow theres still a sense of accomplishment
campfire was good although i chose wrong major to sit in cos they ahem abit boring during transition time the performances were good almost totally original - stnix style hell yea the st nix culture was there and strong and i bet the other instructors could feel it as compared to other camps where its all the same old stuff the most interesting thing i heard so far? one girl wanted to burp as her campfire talent performance LOL interesting thing no2 the girls actually used mrs yeo's x = minus b....formula song as a cheer! hahahahaa and they made her go up and "dance"
and, i must keep learning i am still learning alot of things are just mind over matter watching the kids do monster inc upslope really did touch me it was that tingly feeling again its whether u want to push on and perservere dont let any other things/one affect you yeah!
ok im seriously tired and going into a black/coma state i'll be back
22 April 2008
yay new template! still kinda simple i like :D
just feeling kinda grey lately so both lj and blogger are all grey yay! :D
ok anyone wala wala on thurs??? call me!!!
yay pretty pretty! everythings pretty pretty!
so i finally downloaded messenger plus and i downloaded this super cute skin! wheeeeeeee
i guess im really too free :P
20 April 2008
im back to civilisation again aloha changi was...lostable hahaha almost everyone got lost while trying to make their way there tsk tsk tsk
right. im like damn tired now but so tired until the highness is like appearing and disappearing you know that kinda feeling had one hour of sleep last night (this morning rather)
cant say CAG was damn successful but neither can i say it failed cos at least the few of us got to meet and hang out all over again meanwhile get to know someone ppl not initially close to better yup yup it was good and i bbqed my zhao pai none marinated chicken wings for everyone and response was overwhelming wahaha
since there werent many ppl we ended up playing mahjong... playing psp... playing random hand games...(moo moo! ask me i teach u!) i watched meet the spartans haha... learnt 2nd layer of rubriks yay! and of course catch up!!
and in a blink of an eye these random stuffs kept us awake till 6+ am that explains the one hour of sleep alan sy and kk prepared breakfast!!! it was quite a spread haha and we had too many chips left and since we were all leftover high i started making yingxiu do all camp cheers and dance and now she's addicted to parapara hahaha! meanwhile joel and christina were busy taking down snippets of memories
ehhhhh and then we checked out and headed to starbucks in some mall in tampines to celebrate christina's birthday the cake was nice lah!
ok abit overly detailed already oh anyways.. i was supposed to receive the "dreamteam PINK GIRL" award why am i not surprise -.-
alright. long enough, photos another day :D im off yo~
---------------edited esp for yingxiu-----------------
ok early in the morning 7am when we were all stonage after being forced to wake up yingxiu and i went to the room to join christina the 2 single beds were joined so chris was on the right one, i was on the left and yingxiu was across both then she moved over to chris one i saw a gap in between so i tried to use my butt to move it closer guess what the bed craaaaak and one quarter when down we were like omg alr so i tried to climb out i moved a leg and the whole bed - the wooden plank and mattress literally sank down hahahaha causing a loud boom followed by lots of screaming and laughter i literally sat there, legs folded, stunned hahahahaha it was super funny should have seen everyone's reaction
so the guys, upon hearing all the screams rushed into the room to find all of us laughing and me sitting on the floor still yingxiu started proclaiming to the world "taa broke the bed" i climbed out and the guys tried to fix it (it did not break, the corner got detached) they moved the mattress out first then alan and yensoon lifted the heavy wooden plank and guess what the moment alan touched the plank he immediately let go "ahhhhh splinter!!!!" LOSER!!!!! hahahaha
so that was the morning's drama basically :D just imagine.....unforgetable
18 April 2008
camp was alright primary kids are i mean they are really KIDS! kids with so much energy literally never ending energy and that makes me feel old they can run around non stop and they dont sleep on time
but my kids are really cute the girls are..a form of lovable and the boys are...super rascals and they are never on time :S they run around when im talking and they like to talk back
ok anyways, few highlights of the camp for me first time into nature rumble got freaking muddy cos i went in the mudpool with them see instructor so wei da! super black natural dye! :DDD
next, damn lot of belaying which is causing massive aching especially in my neck, shoulders, arms and legs im not exaggerating la and i got like skin tears as a result of friction while adjusting harnessess for all my kids and that includes 2 slots of crc, rockwall, abseil wahlau fingers dead alr la and i got some bruise which looks like internal bleeding from the karabiners haha ok sucks but i like belaying! actually its tiring if u belay for too long i like pulling the rope so taut that it forces my camper to move haha damn fun damn fun but rockwall is the most tiring cos its really pull them up until i have to remain in squatting position and many times got dragged and almost got lifted even though im fat and my camper is just a scrawny p5 kid amazing huh
last thing.. POWER campfire's fireball totally completely absolutely FAILED hahaha 'it flew down for a second or two and then i dropped like literally drop, bounce abit and roll everyone stunned stop and stare
campfire was damn long 20 groups hurhur i cheated off item so rendall danced both tarzan and jane's parts while i sat there and action cool cool first time finale performance
for your eyes, i present to you maha bodhi p5 camp group 3!

and my cute cute girls i like felicia the most thats the white shirt girl directly above me with the "twist" she's damn adorable!!! and she damn cute oh yes, she suddenly randomly wrote across her arm "instructor ta rocks" SO CUTE RIGHT!!!! hahaha (:
13 April 2008
hello testing this is a testing post hahah did some changes to the font but i dont think anyone can tell -.-
anyways Definitely, Maybe is nice a super schweet cheesy love show i like (:
i liked today's drinking session you can say it was quite massive one of the most massived one i've ever had with my family
went for mass and then headed down to dempsey went to wala wala for dinner and drinks started the night with a chocolate martini food was good oh yea had mushroom pizza, calamari rings, short ribs, chicken chop and then a cosmo
since they had limited cocktails i decided to go for the kill i had a glass of erdinger black and i LOVED IT well my dad was the one drinking initially after those few sips that WOW-ED me i went for the kill haha its damn nice la!
and then the live band started and they started with 'suddenly i see" what a good start haha and they sang really good songs *good songs = songs i know and like lol from maroon five to whatsup! and its really cool cos they were like damn close to the crowd all one of the better live bands i've ever came across
and then we ordered a plate of chicken wings gosh i was really joking; my dad ordered whack ah and guess what? i finished my mom's hoegaarden haha damn shiok la
if this tummy will never go away :S but this lifestyle is...shiok haha
ps: things are goin fine with my computer although i still feel like my eyes are gonna pop out
10 April 2008
hello world i finally got my new computer! after 7- years of lagging
and guess what? the screen is too big until now im still not used to it (ok its been 7 hours of usage)
a little bit more bigger and it wont be able to fit my tAble ha!

look at it yourself the pink thingy is a highlighter the normal fat one from stabilo and the end of the lighted part, is also the end of my computer table haha
so now is massive installing programms goodness just for phone, camera and ipod alone takes up alot of time and space ok dont complain im contented for now (:
other updates... oh yes i finally applied for jobs! but somehow the first one i got the pay abit low $4/hr leh see how la
missed chubi Y as she was out with shrooms massive outings before sara leaves missed chubi S as she was busy getting high and gambling
meanwhile im gonna watch stuff on my com ITS DAMN SHIOK!!! wahaha but i still must get used to the uber super mega big screen i feel like my eyes are gonna pop out soon
6 April 2008
congratulate me you seriously need to congratulate me from your utmost sincere bottom of your heart especially if you're a victim of my ever lagging computer
the good news? i did 2 minutes of shopping at funan went toilet for some big business transaction came back stoned another 5 minutes and then i got myself a new computer throw in some free cable, wireless stuff and a PRINTER -.-
well i should be happy but at that moment i was more OH MY TIAN-nish with my more aunty than my aunty mother, father power i say power
after that i had a super nice and filling mc flurry and got myself a 160 gb external hardrive
indeed a fulfilling day anyways you should have realised by now, i didnt not stay in funan for more than an hour like seriously haha :D
so now its massive transferring and deleting and WOW i just freed 10gb off my current computer and it feels like a F1 now so imagine my new hp 24 inch.. it will be like a rocket blasting into the sky Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
5 April 2008
im in the fucked up mood. again. bumming ard everyday is seriously not the solution i need a job fast and quick and also because im near to bankrupt once again
oh if you didnt know im not doing camps anymore not in the near future at least why? cos its fucked up i seriously dont know what did i do or who i fucking offended such that some irritants who dont even know me, are passing rumours abt me whats with the sucking attitude and all like hello even if its an one-off incident it doesnt mean one thing totally right who cant have minor screw ups you, whom i dont even know is making things so big spreading around spoiling my fucking reputation even if i did something wrong its just not fair to me right secondly, you dont even know me well or worse still personally how you know wads going on if its in the attitude, then why cant u come and fucking HELP ME when u see that im heading in the wrong direction being new doesnt deserved to be judged not especially when i was only give 2 fucking chances i only did 2 damn camps there is only that many people i know so please, if you dont know me just shut up and stay out of it if its a mistake on my part tell it to my face i will think about it and apologise using low down means behind my back wont work ok
who wldnt be pissed after hearing such things about themselves i have that right dont i if its going to be like that why stay on a reputable company pasing such jokes around is just simple degrading la come on i just want my pay and i'll move on
and if theres any follow up or misunderstanding to this issue i will blog about it and apologise if i have to meanwhile stop it already im not even near
on a lighter note im seriously broke why? cos thanks to barron
its not his fault actually considering he spent quite alot also
but thinking back it was quite a waste spending on food and useless entertainment play so much arcade got what use in the end it doesnt create another path to uni doesnt it?
however, i must mention this "japanese" restaurant we came across its not even a restaurant its so small and tiny it should probably be called an eatery its located at meridien shopping center, the corner opposite monster cue the whole atmosphere simply made me feel like i was in japan for a moment hahaha although i think the shopkeeper were chinese no if they were watching NHK, they shld know jap right? maybe they're japanese who knows chinese ok whatever
the foods...alright la although the yakitori was quite small and salty i dunno its just the whole feel i guess u can go try it out
photos soon after some navy boy uploads it until then ciao baby ciao
1 April 2008
mylifes stagnant. again.
however, at least before hitting the stagnating situation it reached a high higher than a high ha.
the weekends were great filled with fun joy and laughter, and of course CHUBI love this is because our beloved chubi kun was in singapore
so after the kt tunstall concert ( i mean days after) it was crazzaayyee
started out with a fantastic bowl of BA CHOR MEE FEN MIAN BU YAO ZHU GAN DUO DIAN CU with barron at s11 and then heading to SUPER ntuc to stock up on bbq stuff it was really fun pushing a cart going round and round hahaha i could do that longer so we paid (b paid) and we headed back to chubi Y's talk about smuggling a small cake ha! we were quite succesful i guess
ended up not using the pit we booked but some aluminium tray food was good too much though we didnt touch a whole pack of wings and SMART B went to buy WASABI nuggets :S
so our 5 ppl bbq was considered a success chicken, sour monkey, beer, baileys, chubis + B + S = <3<3<3 cleared up and headed back to stnix
we had a school tour and then back down to the track to support our beloved sch in breaking the record of "most no. of ppl running on a 400m track in 24 hrs" so chubis + b + s contributed 5 rounds on the average and guess what tar and alcohol started choking the blood system although some chubi hit a worser situation lol
oh did i mention that this run thingy was done around 1am to 3am. yup okay mentioned
CANNOT WAKE UP THE NEXT DAY AS USUAL plans pushed back for at least 3 hours (ended up reaching stnix at 2..) had a massive fight with the sleeping god it was massive i repeat
funfair was not bad quite massive also actually but it felt like it was being taken over by outside ppl rather than kids cooking/doing their own stuff sigh schools these days... but THANK GOD and i say THANK GOD for the fried chicken wings of the mushroom rice stall it tasted like heaven :D goodness havent ate that for 123456789 years
however it was stone for the first half of the funfair we had a battle against sleeping god remember actually it was quite stone la lol ended up trying to finish the coupons by playing arcade er..arcade set up in the lower concourse catch up abit with yeoyeo found msho but everyone had to leave anyways fair was over
oh must i mention that B was being a super darling by literally being our AHMAD for those 2 days he drove around, sending almost everyone thanks DUDE :D but it will become a bad habit lol
sun was church, 1015 after another 123456789 years and the Alevel gang - angie + olsen.5 + pathma.25 ended up playing guitar heroes (is that wad its called?) at cine's E2max
and then we had project run-away-to-topshop/men we dressed up andrew but was a horrible failure due to size and a horribly transparent shirt(LOLOL) went upstairs and claire and I picked out clothes for each other conclusion: failure.5 actually it was more ????? haha
had sakura buffet for dinner well it was MY TREAT damn it but sashimi tasted like i went to heaven again ate too full! too full! so the 3 buldging tummies took train home together and the centurian.5 was acting like a small kid -.-
and thats where all the action ended :( today was.. submit stuff to smu rush to paragon but SIA closed on us WE REACHED AT 1759 hours (WTF) went tangs to use the expiring vouchers and finally bought my swommong costume only to know wild wild wet is closed tmr :S
meanwhile chubi Y and B have displayed their disappearing act again.
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