preferrably known as taa
learn to love her and her world
the other me
design blog
church clique
30 May 2008 brown brown baby
yay new look! i dont care if its damn ahbeng lah you're only young once more fanciful hairstyles to come in the following years :D wahhooo!!!

once again i got the bung look -.- i guess its time to dress up! (:
27 May 2008

you go googoogaagaa
a long sleep was what i need man
the sleepover at np wasnt exactly a sleepover i was coughing like some mad dog throughout the night haha cos i was mouth itchy and ate alot of tidbits
so i was another zombie the next morning and they didnt let me drink redbull!!!! @#$%^&*(! so i was on blood water and oxygen that morning and great yaoxing must sabo me once again banana dance bimbo cheer and PARA PARA! hahahaha oh well atleast it managed to wake ppl up
and hearts go out to the FR/mkting team dont give up till the end ok exco will support u guys all the way we've really seen alot of progress especially since the meeting day when almost everyone did was "shoot" you all you guys are great :D

NDP EXCO is love :)
23 May 2008 burning now; BURN BURN BURN
back from another camp; bedok view it aint too bade infact the 2nd day was power to the max we started so punctually! 7.33 am start morning exercise power not class 3N7 was also power enough to end campfire prep one hour in advance!
rafting ended up as beach activities but still damn shiok high tide! plus no psd!
welfare was good hahaha they had like 19 packets of maggi mee??!! and alot of cup noodles and chips and drinks that we couldnt finish stayed up in 7a talking and eating xuan and i were the last 2 women awake! we only slept at 5 but that nearly killed us totally shag the next morning actually can say later in the morning lol
after we break camp almost all instructors, joined with a few from bedok view sec 2 camp we headed down to tampines sec to support andrew for briefing *hits heart and does the downwards-2 sign* magnificant sia
that basically explains why i disappeared for quite a no of days
next coming up: going to stayover at np later theres 1st volunteer trng tmr!!!
and bloody hell so many chingay emails leave me out :S
18 May 2008 Welcome To NDP 2008
well its just leaders' training actually but it went quite smoothly no major hiccups no major problems
stayedover on friday at some ulu room the rooms nice though every table had a powerpoint so we called it a "can charge alot of things at the same time" room hahaha
watched 'What Happens In Vegas' and 'Iron Man' well i didnt quite watch Iron man though i went to sleep halfway through apparently the log boys didnt sleep the whole night this is because they are also called the PSP Boys so u get it the room was freezing like mad, LIKE MAD my sleeping bag wasnt powerful enough to block off the cold air i had to wear my jacket inside, tighten all the strings and i was still shivering
and i had a hard time waking up apparently so bad that almost everyone tried and unsuccessful haha until they had to blast the national anthem, play the trumpet, and bring out the MOTHER of all loud hailers, right in front of my head woke up with a super stoned condition
so then we headed to the LT where we had our trng it started on time ice breakers ended up as a massive session of whacko and then everyone started forfeiting and soboing everyone but somehow the final victim was ME basket! i shant mentioned what i had to do or did cos its really quite embarrassing until photos and videos come up but thanks to me! my forfiets somehow broke all the ice yeah! yay for me :D haha and during the teambonding games, yaoxing and I started a cheer war which is actually quite high! group 4 rocks! group 4 zai! but please stay like that until NDP itself ok? (:
----------------------------- camping next tues to thurs stayin over on fri till sat just in case you're interested in asking me out
16 May 2008 fucking cheebye
wahlau i ji tao sian can i dont believe my eyes lah i fucking failed my fucking basic theory a-fucking-gain NAO HIA LAH
like that must wait how long sia from decemeber to febuary from febuary to may basket now may to july for fucking BASIC THEORY
wahlau im like a major loser la go in uni already still dont know how to drive and my marrderr keep saying ITS FATED
knn lah arghhhhhh damn frustrating lah total i take 4 (2 trial 2 read test), i fail 3 times WHY CANT THAT ONE TIME I PASS BY THE OFFICIAL ONE arghhhhhhhhh
im damn tired once again im lacking of sleep
serangoon camp wasnt very good put it bluntly it was CUI wth sia, campers all bo chup campfire like sai even with zhongwen around still cui means really CUI. alamak quite demoralising ah
rafting session, 3 boys tying ropes, 1 girl "playing" with the barrels the others, which is like 12 people, all in the shelter 4 girls fell asleep POWER OR NOT student leader also sitting inside tiam tiam slacking all the way
no ice breakers, hardly any team bonding no flag creation, first thing they did was CRC wth man
however there were still fun stuff lah nature rumble was actually good especially the HORNET ATTACK! kena saboed like mad yay i like zhongwen's method of conducting i shall learn from him
OMG finally got to kayak in JBAC wahlau if not other times always rain or not enough time FINALLY! and we kayaked pretty far away, Shiok!
and joshua and i were finally in the same camp together! although he wasnt an instructor stupid boat man go around "vroom vroom vroom" if not flirt with campers if not sit in front of rockwall and slack slack, walk here walk there
but still..
THANK YOU JOSHUA THORLEY NEUBRONNER SI H!!! for taking over from area cleaning onwards :D must tell me the result of my CV ok
13 May 2008 they want me
first things first didnt really have a good day today
i fucked my FASS interview up and when i mean fuck, i really me FUCK i said things that put myself down and the more i say, the worse it got until the "what the fuck" look appeared on their faces
damn it i fucking hate politics the only reason why i want to get into FASS because i kinda realised business is not my kind after all all in all, its fucked for now until i receive a letter that starts with A
next up i failed my bsic trial test fuck la how long must i take to pass this stupid test by the time i ever get to drive people are probably driving spaceships alr -.-
however a bowl of ba chor mee made me happy with extra vinegar but a stupid %1.50 ice milo killed my joy went arcade to try to make myself happier favourite machine i accidentally tapped my card twice, it deducted 2 credits i pressed the wrong thing failed at 2nd and 1st stage respectively FUCK SIA
dragged myself to office and was super sleepy huiwen and i both fell asleep and found out a huge secret for now which i cannot reveal and its killing me already shit
i do sound pretty fucked dont i? please try to make me happy im like almost totally drained thank you, friend
10 May 2008 it goes way back to 1998
OMG OMG OMG facebook is the coolest shit alive well in my life, for today lol
I found my primary school favourite netball teacher/coach and then i found her good friend who was like our..nvm well she taught me geography in sec 3
yes im talking about ms chee and ms ng wahlau eh stunn sia! and they really look like they're having a good life hahaha thats good thats good i was like dozing off until i saw the name somewhere at the bottom of my screen
speaking of dozing off im tired. again interviews are extended to tuesday O.O well monday is my big day actually big busy day; nus interview in the morning (BLOODY 10am, means wake up 8am) theory trial test and then more interviews to the end of the day WOW
let me tell you a "joke" well it made ppl laugh at least: i'll always be punctual, or even early WHY? cos im COME-EARLY-TAA say it fast? CARMELITA
HAHA. laugh
6 May 2008
Please do LOL
 did you manage to see anything wrong? hahahaha check PIONT huhhhhhh hahaahaha wahlau eh embarrassing sial :S
anyways ndp's getting abit crazy haha i just did like 4 hours of non stop calling trying to get ppl slotted in for interviews and interviews has been going on everyday (gosh if i went everyday i'll be :S:S:S)
people are so interesting to watch, seriously maybe its a good thing that we did agree on interviewing everybody at least quality check's there :D
soon soon soon! this sat got games trial then got recce then got leaders trng yay (: cannot wait!
hate politics hate hate politics
1 May 2008
worriedz worzzz more and more ppl are getting accepted into uni worzzz sian i hope i can get into a decent course at least
but even if i were to look back i dont wish that i'd study harder infact i did study really hard before the exams at least the hardest in my entire life lah its just... dont know what happen during the exams ok this is actually applicable to maths and econs only la shit man each time i tell someone my results, i'd wish i did get my A and B if only i could get my paper back and see what went wrong yet again, if i missed A by a mark or two i'll go bonkers ok forget it, i take back what i said
aiya no use thinking like that now can only wait like an idiot
meanwhile, havent really went back to bummers life yet because of interviews -.- its not really the interviews that are tiring its travelling to np haha its so damn bloody far la and so out of the way i seirously hate bt timah area who cares if its rich or not yishuns da homez manz
and guess what?! i think my sorethroat is cured after singing a massive 5 hours yesterday with weiqi gee its been a year since i last met her yea its cool
and i see girls suffering the aftermaths of camps hahahahaha i miss it too actually :S
30 May 2008 brown brown baby
yay new look! i dont care if its damn ahbeng lah you're only young once more fanciful hairstyles to come in the following years :D wahhooo!!!

once again i got the bung look -.- i guess its time to dress up! (:
27 May 2008

you go googoogaagaa
a long sleep was what i need man
the sleepover at np wasnt exactly a sleepover i was coughing like some mad dog throughout the night haha cos i was mouth itchy and ate alot of tidbits
so i was another zombie the next morning and they didnt let me drink redbull!!!! @#$%^&*(! so i was on blood water and oxygen that morning and great yaoxing must sabo me once again banana dance bimbo cheer and PARA PARA! hahahaha oh well atleast it managed to wake ppl up
and hearts go out to the FR/mkting team dont give up till the end ok exco will support u guys all the way we've really seen alot of progress especially since the meeting day when almost everyone did was "shoot" you all you guys are great :D

NDP EXCO is love :)
23 May 2008 burning now; BURN BURN BURN
back from another camp; bedok view it aint too bade infact the 2nd day was power to the max we started so punctually! 7.33 am start morning exercise power not class 3N7 was also power enough to end campfire prep one hour in advance!
rafting ended up as beach activities but still damn shiok high tide! plus no psd!
welfare was good hahaha they had like 19 packets of maggi mee??!! and alot of cup noodles and chips and drinks that we couldnt finish stayed up in 7a talking and eating xuan and i were the last 2 women awake! we only slept at 5 but that nearly killed us totally shag the next morning actually can say later in the morning lol
after we break camp almost all instructors, joined with a few from bedok view sec 2 camp we headed down to tampines sec to support andrew for briefing *hits heart and does the downwards-2 sign* magnificant sia
that basically explains why i disappeared for quite a no of days
next coming up: going to stayover at np later theres 1st volunteer trng tmr!!!
and bloody hell so many chingay emails leave me out :S
18 May 2008 Welcome To NDP 2008
well its just leaders' training actually but it went quite smoothly no major hiccups no major problems
stayedover on friday at some ulu room the rooms nice though every table had a powerpoint so we called it a "can charge alot of things at the same time" room hahaha
watched 'What Happens In Vegas' and 'Iron Man' well i didnt quite watch Iron man though i went to sleep halfway through apparently the log boys didnt sleep the whole night this is because they are also called the PSP Boys so u get it the room was freezing like mad, LIKE MAD my sleeping bag wasnt powerful enough to block off the cold air i had to wear my jacket inside, tighten all the strings and i was still shivering
and i had a hard time waking up apparently so bad that almost everyone tried and unsuccessful haha until they had to blast the national anthem, play the trumpet, and bring out the MOTHER of all loud hailers, right in front of my head woke up with a super stoned condition
so then we headed to the LT where we had our trng it started on time ice breakers ended up as a massive session of whacko and then everyone started forfeiting and soboing everyone but somehow the final victim was ME basket! i shant mentioned what i had to do or did cos its really quite embarrassing until photos and videos come up but thanks to me! my forfiets somehow broke all the ice yeah! yay for me :D haha and during the teambonding games, yaoxing and I started a cheer war which is actually quite high! group 4 rocks! group 4 zai! but please stay like that until NDP itself ok? (:
----------------------------- camping next tues to thurs stayin over on fri till sat just in case you're interested in asking me out
16 May 2008 fucking cheebye
wahlau i ji tao sian can i dont believe my eyes lah i fucking failed my fucking basic theory a-fucking-gain NAO HIA LAH
like that must wait how long sia from decemeber to febuary from febuary to may basket now may to july for fucking BASIC THEORY
wahlau im like a major loser la go in uni already still dont know how to drive and my marrderr keep saying ITS FATED
knn lah arghhhhhh damn frustrating lah total i take 4 (2 trial 2 read test), i fail 3 times WHY CANT THAT ONE TIME I PASS BY THE OFFICIAL ONE arghhhhhhhhh
im damn tired once again im lacking of sleep
serangoon camp wasnt very good put it bluntly it was CUI wth sia, campers all bo chup campfire like sai even with zhongwen around still cui means really CUI. alamak quite demoralising ah
rafting session, 3 boys tying ropes, 1 girl "playing" with the barrels the others, which is like 12 people, all in the shelter 4 girls fell asleep POWER OR NOT student leader also sitting inside tiam tiam slacking all the way
no ice breakers, hardly any team bonding no flag creation, first thing they did was CRC wth man
however there were still fun stuff lah nature rumble was actually good especially the HORNET ATTACK! kena saboed like mad yay i like zhongwen's method of conducting i shall learn from him
OMG finally got to kayak in JBAC wahlau if not other times always rain or not enough time FINALLY! and we kayaked pretty far away, Shiok!
and joshua and i were finally in the same camp together! although he wasnt an instructor stupid boat man go around "vroom vroom vroom" if not flirt with campers if not sit in front of rockwall and slack slack, walk here walk there
but still..
THANK YOU JOSHUA THORLEY NEUBRONNER SI H!!! for taking over from area cleaning onwards :D must tell me the result of my CV ok
13 May 2008 they want me
first things first didnt really have a good day today
i fucked my FASS interview up and when i mean fuck, i really me FUCK i said things that put myself down and the more i say, the worse it got until the "what the fuck" look appeared on their faces
damn it i fucking hate politics the only reason why i want to get into FASS because i kinda realised business is not my kind after all all in all, its fucked for now until i receive a letter that starts with A
next up i failed my bsic trial test fuck la how long must i take to pass this stupid test by the time i ever get to drive people are probably driving spaceships alr -.-
however a bowl of ba chor mee made me happy with extra vinegar but a stupid %1.50 ice milo killed my joy went arcade to try to make myself happier favourite machine i accidentally tapped my card twice, it deducted 2 credits i pressed the wrong thing failed at 2nd and 1st stage respectively FUCK SIA
dragged myself to office and was super sleepy huiwen and i both fell asleep and found out a huge secret for now which i cannot reveal and its killing me already shit
i do sound pretty fucked dont i? please try to make me happy im like almost totally drained thank you, friend
10 May 2008 it goes way back to 1998
OMG OMG OMG facebook is the coolest shit alive well in my life, for today lol
I found my primary school favourite netball teacher/coach and then i found her good friend who was like our..nvm well she taught me geography in sec 3
yes im talking about ms chee and ms ng wahlau eh stunn sia! and they really look like they're having a good life hahaha thats good thats good i was like dozing off until i saw the name somewhere at the bottom of my screen
speaking of dozing off im tired. again interviews are extended to tuesday O.O well monday is my big day actually big busy day; nus interview in the morning (BLOODY 10am, means wake up 8am) theory trial test and then more interviews to the end of the day WOW
let me tell you a "joke" well it made ppl laugh at least: i'll always be punctual, or even early WHY? cos im COME-EARLY-TAA say it fast? CARMELITA
HAHA. laugh
6 May 2008
Please do LOL
 did you manage to see anything wrong? hahahaha check PIONT huhhhhhh hahaahaha wahlau eh embarrassing sial :S
anyways ndp's getting abit crazy haha i just did like 4 hours of non stop calling trying to get ppl slotted in for interviews and interviews has been going on everyday (gosh if i went everyday i'll be :S:S:S)
people are so interesting to watch, seriously maybe its a good thing that we did agree on interviewing everybody at least quality check's there :D
soon soon soon! this sat got games trial then got recce then got leaders trng yay (: cannot wait!
hate politics hate hate politics
1 May 2008
worriedz worzzz more and more ppl are getting accepted into uni worzzz sian i hope i can get into a decent course at least
but even if i were to look back i dont wish that i'd study harder infact i did study really hard before the exams at least the hardest in my entire life lah its just... dont know what happen during the exams ok this is actually applicable to maths and econs only la shit man each time i tell someone my results, i'd wish i did get my A and B if only i could get my paper back and see what went wrong yet again, if i missed A by a mark or two i'll go bonkers ok forget it, i take back what i said
aiya no use thinking like that now can only wait like an idiot
meanwhile, havent really went back to bummers life yet because of interviews -.- its not really the interviews that are tiring its travelling to np haha its so damn bloody far la and so out of the way i seirously hate bt timah area who cares if its rich or not yishuns da homez manz
and guess what?! i think my sorethroat is cured after singing a massive 5 hours yesterday with weiqi gee its been a year since i last met her yea its cool
and i see girls suffering the aftermaths of camps hahahahaha i miss it too actually :S
By post:
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