preferrably known as taa
learn to love her and her world
the other me
design blog
church clique
31 August 2008 omg
i do my new template until want to die already
few updates~~~
i've almost totally moved into pgp! i've cleaned up my room and ikeafy it a litttle bit already yay! its colourful and pretty :D:D:D but i still havent stock up finish haha imagine having to move out soon :S
we were stunned when the toilet suddenly cannot flush. but i solved it hohey
hmmmms. school has been. it became more interesting in week 2 but it went down again in week 3 and i got "scolded" in lecture grahhh cos i was getting restless and started to talk ha.
yup and once again i must show off how great my bestie is cos she accompany me to ikea (and quality check everything :S) bought all my stuff lug it back to pgp with me help me borrow cleaning devices and alot of other stuffs and help me clean my room
and OMG 2 of us can fit onto a single bed that was quite amazing (although she claims that i nearly bummed her off)
but anyways, where can u find a better bestie than her right?
oh yes before i forget the aircon was freezinggggggg cos some great person went to turn it down to 17 degrees :X
pgp wheeeeeeeee
although abit lonely...

we pick and place the pieces in our lifes

-updated one more time-
yay this is after today! i went to clean my room one more time' now its sparking clean :D
somehow the carlsberg towel is more attractive than my bed right hahahaha i think so too haha and if u noticed the small red thing at the bottom corner beside my bed, yes its insect repellent im FREAKING or rather, FUCKING scared of cockroaches i hope there will be none during my stay :X
but still my room looks pretty!!!

and its back to school~
27 August 2008
any crashers?

24 August 2008 chaos
last night was arts bash haha but the chaos only started after the pageant ended stupid one for one jugs and number guessing game that took everyone down crap forgot to take photos of the drinks this round haha
lets see ah i had a glass of vodka and a beer then the games started played the number game with terence one on one that was literally tar-ing the long island tea jugs then we recruited more ppl but basically we were just drinking and drinking 2 long island tea, 2 cranberry vodka, 2 redbull vodka
and then the rest of the night was pretty much interesting cos i dont quite remember what went on
what a phucker. says: anyway it was chaotic what a phucker. says: thank john,michele,hanjing,jeremy when you have the chance what a phucker. says: your friend eugenia too what a phucker. says: and anthea...hmmmm....quite pretty what a phucker. says: LOL taa; fucking hangover says: LOL WHAT THE HELL taa; fucking hangover says: whos hanjing what a phucker. says: hanjing..dunnoe which og leh taa; fucking hangover says: i roughly remember the chaos what a phucker. says: but yup...he was around what a phucker. says: not really what a phucker. says: she attended to you for awhile then she went in taa; fucking hangover says: she dont care one lah (anthea tan hint hint) taa; fucking hangover says: which is hanjing what a phucker. says: if i see him in sch or wad then i tell you taa; fucking hangover says: hahahha okay what a phucker. says: actually a few others were ard also what a phucker. says: cyan.....helped brought your shoes down from some high up ledge using dustpan taa; fucking hangover says: crap my hangover this morning was damn bad what a phucker. says: mao mao was there what a phucker. says: hazel was the worst during the stupor...but she recovered the fastest taa; fucking hangover says: she got recover meh what a phucker. says: like 30mins upon reaching her place...she took a nap at the void deck what a phucker. says: then she woke up.... taa; fucking hangover says: wah what a phucker. says: 3 of us went to eat macs after tt taa; fucking hangover says: haha ho seh taa; fucking hangover says: the cab ride home was fun what a phucker. says: cab ride? what a phucker. says: eugenia sent you home wad what a phucker. says: she fetched you home right? taa; fucking hangover says: eugeniEEEEE what a phucker. says: aiyah what a phucker. says: lol what a phucker. says: you almost got into a fight with terence last night what a phucker. says: if you rmb what a phucker. says: haha taa; fucking hangover says: roughly taa; fucking hangover says: for what sia what a phucker. says: i dunnoe what a phucker. says: lol what a phucker. says: at least i spelt "Anthea" correctly taa; fucking hangover says: but come to think of it right taa; fucking hangover says: the other girls drank very little what a phucker. says: lol taa; fucking hangover says: i DRANK ALOT LAH taa; fucking hangover says: haha what a phucker. says: oh right.... what a phucker. says: you said you took the fucking pepsi challenge as well what a phucker. says: lol what a phucker. says: wad was it abt? what a phucker. says: HAHA taa; fucking hangover says: haha taa; fucking hangover says: i think its your shit what a phucker. says: yah what a phucker. says: my tshirt what a phucker. says: sucka what a phucker. says: hazel is a trance of all sorts what a phucker. says: you were more to the violent side what a phucker. says: lol.....still "sorry lah"....insult my tshirt what a phucker. says: "you think you took the pepsi challeng you fucking zai is it?" what a phucker. says: LOL
` ` lezah. aluh + eagger says: DAMN FUNNY LEI U ` ` lezah. aluh + eagger says: i cannot rmember much abt u ` ` lezah. aluh + eagger says: u kept scolding me taa; hangover and chaotic says: hahaha ` ` lezah. aluh + eagger says: den u said u are married to a guy taa; hangover and chaotic says: i just rmb u kept sitting on the floor crying taa; hangover and chaotic says: siang also keep crying ` ` lezah. aluh + eagger says: yayayaya taa; hangover and chaotic says: i got say i married?! ` ` lezah. aluh + eagger says: YA! ` ` lezah. aluh + eagger says: LMAO taa; hangover and chaotic says: ok i dont rmb thaT ` ` lezah. aluh + eagger says: u told me o be yr bridesmaid
21 August 2008 remember
i was on my own blog surfing he archives
click DECEMBER 2005
click DECEMBER 2007
2005 was when i graduated from st nicks and there was prom where i looked like some wrapped up pink colour present 2007 was when i graduated from cjc and there was prom too and im prom there were boys! and looking at the photos again suddenly struck my head "damn i look good in 2007, prom" and i'm proud of that at least i didnt go to prom looking like some fashion disaster and best thing is; i did my own makeup yay! soon it would be "prom" of NUS arghhhhhhhh too fass to fass woops too fast fast! hahahahha cannot take it already ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
17 August 2008
hello!!! im currently at macs with handsome (ha) and olsen she's supposed to be studying history but i think she got stuck on one essay outline for damn long i feel like a good girl cos i finish my nm1101 readings for tmr's lecture woohoo :D
olsen is a pig she was supposed to gimme a morning call this morning at 11 so we could go for 1145 mass it ended up me msging her and finding out that she just woke up so she cant make it in time for mass and then i waited for her to come and eat with me but she ended up having her mommy buy her lunch so i had to "eat alone" bleah! do your history lah pigggg
im gonna meet the besties later for prata yay! (aka eugenie and victor) maybe i should call jc along too hmmmmm super last minute planning but i like (: and we're meeting tmr too to have some sophisticated chilling at mt faber wahhhhh solid sia dont jealous okay!
12 lotus has been stuck in my head for quite some time initially wanted to watch cos of yanzi (bloody hell 3 min) but the show turned out quite okay like some dark hokkien musical and you'll hear some familiar tunes (like small umbrella and 1million bucks if ya know what im talkin about)
LIAN HUA is abit too miserable right i find it too absurdly miserable i mean of cos there are some super suay ppl that are that miserable but i watch until buay tahan sia i feel like going in to slap those horrible ahbengs and her irritating father
"bo ai, ma na wu tia bo tia, ba lu wu ai" and "ti gong tia gong lang" but however, it really did get stuck in our heads for the past 2 days, it became like the main conversation topic of me and bestie nurse :D and the song, oh yes the song
so in conclusion if you're super curious after reading this, go watch it (although yanzi has bloody 3 min as a guanying HAHAHA and i burst out laughing like mad)
yay. life is pretty. interesting
15 August 2008
HELLO!!! I'm not Lindsay Lohan. but i'm taaaaa's best friend - EUGENIE!
guestblogging for her from Coffee Club White Sands since we have nothing to do except camwhoring and doing nothing and drinking coffee and doing nothing.
yes, and waiting for Victor's best friend to answer his freaking phone.
ANYWAY. this is a post to show you how happy we are while waiting for Yiyun, and speak of the devil!! SHe's here with her freaking short green tshirt!
be jealous, because we're happy. and we're going to watch 12 Lotus later!

13 August 2008 a happening life tamed down
okay okay i've accepted the fact that im 19 and ageing well hahaha!
i shall describe breifly how i spent my birthday lolwoke up late, didnt go for war games ended up meeting SHULI:
 at clementi for lunch i think i said that already haha so heres the birthday cake they surprised us with chocolate mango! quite yummy i must say

and then came the actual NDP 2008 but it didnt feel like it also maybe we got too used to the shows on every saturday that it doesnt become exciting anymore i think everyone felt like this too
but i must say im very proud of my beloved CONCOURSE they did so well that i got nothing else to say but thank you ndp makes you crazy i mean really crazy one minute you're so busy the next minute u feel empty without work it makes u high and happy the next minute u feel emotional it makes you angry and frustrated but you learn alot and move on
just when it started to become part of my life, its over :S i guess its always like that i'll be around for the next few years :D
chingay and ndp 2009 anyone??
above: a treat from AJ that got everyone crazy :p
7 August 2008 hap hap happy!
19 is a big number man the last of my teen years, which makes me feel old already :/ i dont feel the excitement, ok maybe now cos its like 20 minutes more but yea its not the same anymore, i guess. talk about feeling old yes yes i feel old cos im aching all over again i admit im super unfit imagine not working as an instructor, i'll be a freaking couch potato by now orientation is xiong yet slack games are not bad actually ahaha and i like our cheers la one day of captain's ball brought me down man unfit and rusty. oh boy but it did bring back some memories :D FIC was...HAHA i didnt sleep the night before and the dean was erm. very interesting! actually i dont know haha i was fast asleep before he even started talking man i only woke up during the singing parts lol here's ABTINI all dressed up (a few of us la) and our ogl and senior looking super underdressed haha :D:D:D
looking oh so brown (:
omg so touched la didnt expect a cake today, especially from ABTINI :D thanks guys, it was really unexpected especially when kenny walked down the staircase with the cake i was still thinking "wah another birthday" until he came close enough to recognise :p celebrated with rachelchiong for the 3rd time lol and apparently it was many many ppl's birthday but somehow it didnt feel like mine, like just any other ordinary day but in any other ways, i shall enjoy my last teen year, somehow someway :D
oh but in actual celebration i actually "celebrated" with shuli by eating SHIOKSHIOK you mian and botak jones cheese fries :D and we watched 'journey to center of the earth' and she's so tickled by the fact that i shouted/screamed when the pyranas-looking-fishes appeared they were scary ok, they scared me :/
on another note... ABTINI WONT BEST OG! yay for us! cos we're always winning our games as compared to other ogs in absolute yay i like abtini more and more each day
and to sam if you're reading this :D thanks for being our ogl! oweek would have definitely been different without you thanks for being so rar rar even though ur super shag thanks for being so understanding and caring! i love abtini and oweek ok! see u next year hahas :D:D:D and from now on, i officially upgrade your status to NEIGHBOURS (: yay!
2 August 2008 bidding
omg my new dreaded word lah imagine having to go through that the start of every semester i could soooo get used to it lah :x
the feeling of insecurity is so cool man and then you dump all your points in and probably give up some popular module cos u want the other module and then results come out and the winning bid is SHIPEI low
eg NM1101 Your Bid: 420 Winning Bid: 131
wahlau NBCB some idiot when to put like 400+++ points during open bidding make everyone kanchiong
but thank god, i got all my modules and thank god, the modules i chose were less popular therefore i got back 466 points HA
conclusion: i really dont like bidding, and so does the whole world bleah
on the other hand, im starting to like abtini (whats left of it haha) and the HUMPING CHEER :D:D:D oh and best friend!!!! <3
1 August 2008 yucks
bidding sucks i finally understand the pains for an NUS student nb cant everyone be friendly put 1 point? HA yea right there never will be such thing on earth thats the point of bidding but arghhhhhhh should i keep a close watch or just leave it as it is now and pray that it'll be fine and or maybe that i'll be lucky huh goodness i could SO get used to this man :/
so far oweek is erm... hopefully it'll be better!
31 August 2008 omg
i do my new template until want to die already
few updates~~~
i've almost totally moved into pgp! i've cleaned up my room and ikeafy it a litttle bit already yay! its colourful and pretty :D:D:D but i still havent stock up finish haha imagine having to move out soon :S
we were stunned when the toilet suddenly cannot flush. but i solved it hohey
hmmmms. school has been. it became more interesting in week 2 but it went down again in week 3 and i got "scolded" in lecture grahhh cos i was getting restless and started to talk ha.
yup and once again i must show off how great my bestie is cos she accompany me to ikea (and quality check everything :S) bought all my stuff lug it back to pgp with me help me borrow cleaning devices and alot of other stuffs and help me clean my room
and OMG 2 of us can fit onto a single bed that was quite amazing (although she claims that i nearly bummed her off)
but anyways, where can u find a better bestie than her right?
oh yes before i forget the aircon was freezinggggggg cos some great person went to turn it down to 17 degrees :X
pgp wheeeeeeeee
although abit lonely...

we pick and place the pieces in our lifes

-updated one more time-
yay this is after today! i went to clean my room one more time' now its sparking clean :D
somehow the carlsberg towel is more attractive than my bed right hahahaha i think so too haha and if u noticed the small red thing at the bottom corner beside my bed, yes its insect repellent im FREAKING or rather, FUCKING scared of cockroaches i hope there will be none during my stay :X
but still my room looks pretty!!!

and its back to school~
27 August 2008
any crashers?

24 August 2008 chaos
last night was arts bash haha but the chaos only started after the pageant ended stupid one for one jugs and number guessing game that took everyone down crap forgot to take photos of the drinks this round haha
lets see ah i had a glass of vodka and a beer then the games started played the number game with terence one on one that was literally tar-ing the long island tea jugs then we recruited more ppl but basically we were just drinking and drinking 2 long island tea, 2 cranberry vodka, 2 redbull vodka
and then the rest of the night was pretty much interesting cos i dont quite remember what went on
what a phucker. says: anyway it was chaotic what a phucker. says: thank john,michele,hanjing,jeremy when you have the chance what a phucker. says: your friend eugenia too what a phucker. says: and anthea...hmmmm....quite pretty what a phucker. says: LOL taa; fucking hangover says: LOL WHAT THE HELL taa; fucking hangover says: whos hanjing what a phucker. says: hanjing..dunnoe which og leh taa; fucking hangover says: i roughly remember the chaos what a phucker. says: but yup...he was around what a phucker. says: not really what a phucker. says: she attended to you for awhile then she went in taa; fucking hangover says: she dont care one lah (anthea tan hint hint) taa; fucking hangover says: which is hanjing what a phucker. says: if i see him in sch or wad then i tell you taa; fucking hangover says: hahahha okay what a phucker. says: actually a few others were ard also what a phucker. says: cyan.....helped brought your shoes down from some high up ledge using dustpan taa; fucking hangover says: crap my hangover this morning was damn bad what a phucker. says: mao mao was there what a phucker. says: hazel was the worst during the stupor...but she recovered the fastest taa; fucking hangover says: she got recover meh what a phucker. says: like 30mins upon reaching her place...she took a nap at the void deck what a phucker. says: then she woke up.... taa; fucking hangover says: wah what a phucker. says: 3 of us went to eat macs after tt taa; fucking hangover says: haha ho seh taa; fucking hangover says: the cab ride home was fun what a phucker. says: cab ride? what a phucker. says: eugenia sent you home wad what a phucker. says: she fetched you home right? taa; fucking hangover says: eugeniEEEEE what a phucker. says: aiyah what a phucker. says: lol what a phucker. says: you almost got into a fight with terence last night what a phucker. says: if you rmb what a phucker. says: haha taa; fucking hangover says: roughly taa; fucking hangover says: for what sia what a phucker. says: i dunnoe what a phucker. says: lol what a phucker. says: at least i spelt "Anthea" correctly taa; fucking hangover says: but come to think of it right taa; fucking hangover says: the other girls drank very little what a phucker. says: lol taa; fucking hangover says: i DRANK ALOT LAH taa; fucking hangover says: haha what a phucker. says: oh right.... what a phucker. says: you said you took the fucking pepsi challenge as well what a phucker. says: lol what a phucker. says: wad was it abt? what a phucker. says: HAHA taa; fucking hangover says: haha taa; fucking hangover says: i think its your shit what a phucker. says: yah what a phucker. says: my tshirt what a phucker. says: sucka what a phucker. says: hazel is a trance of all sorts what a phucker. says: you were more to the violent side what a phucker. says: lol.....still "sorry lah"....insult my tshirt what a phucker. says: "you think you took the pepsi challeng you fucking zai is it?" what a phucker. says: LOL
` ` lezah. aluh + eagger says: DAMN FUNNY LEI U ` ` lezah. aluh + eagger says: i cannot rmember much abt u ` ` lezah. aluh + eagger says: u kept scolding me taa; hangover and chaotic says: hahaha ` ` lezah. aluh + eagger says: den u said u are married to a guy taa; hangover and chaotic says: i just rmb u kept sitting on the floor crying taa; hangover and chaotic says: siang also keep crying ` ` lezah. aluh + eagger says: yayayaya taa; hangover and chaotic says: i got say i married?! ` ` lezah. aluh + eagger says: YA! ` ` lezah. aluh + eagger says: LMAO taa; hangover and chaotic says: ok i dont rmb thaT ` ` lezah. aluh + eagger says: u told me o be yr bridesmaid
21 August 2008 remember
i was on my own blog surfing he archives
click DECEMBER 2005
click DECEMBER 2007
2005 was when i graduated from st nicks and there was prom where i looked like some wrapped up pink colour present 2007 was when i graduated from cjc and there was prom too and im prom there were boys! and looking at the photos again suddenly struck my head "damn i look good in 2007, prom" and i'm proud of that at least i didnt go to prom looking like some fashion disaster and best thing is; i did my own makeup yay! soon it would be "prom" of NUS arghhhhhhhh too fass to fass woops too fast fast! hahahahha cannot take it already ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
17 August 2008
hello!!! im currently at macs with handsome (ha) and olsen she's supposed to be studying history but i think she got stuck on one essay outline for damn long i feel like a good girl cos i finish my nm1101 readings for tmr's lecture woohoo :D
olsen is a pig she was supposed to gimme a morning call this morning at 11 so we could go for 1145 mass it ended up me msging her and finding out that she just woke up so she cant make it in time for mass and then i waited for her to come and eat with me but she ended up having her mommy buy her lunch so i had to "eat alone" bleah! do your history lah pigggg
im gonna meet the besties later for prata yay! (aka eugenie and victor) maybe i should call jc along too hmmmmm super last minute planning but i like (: and we're meeting tmr too to have some sophisticated chilling at mt faber wahhhhh solid sia dont jealous okay!
12 lotus has been stuck in my head for quite some time initially wanted to watch cos of yanzi (bloody hell 3 min) but the show turned out quite okay like some dark hokkien musical and you'll hear some familiar tunes (like small umbrella and 1million bucks if ya know what im talkin about)
LIAN HUA is abit too miserable right i find it too absurdly miserable i mean of cos there are some super suay ppl that are that miserable but i watch until buay tahan sia i feel like going in to slap those horrible ahbengs and her irritating father
"bo ai, ma na wu tia bo tia, ba lu wu ai" and "ti gong tia gong lang" but however, it really did get stuck in our heads for the past 2 days, it became like the main conversation topic of me and bestie nurse :D and the song, oh yes the song
so in conclusion if you're super curious after reading this, go watch it (although yanzi has bloody 3 min as a guanying HAHAHA and i burst out laughing like mad)
yay. life is pretty. interesting
15 August 2008
HELLO!!! I'm not Lindsay Lohan. but i'm taaaaa's best friend - EUGENIE!
guestblogging for her from Coffee Club White Sands since we have nothing to do except camwhoring and doing nothing and drinking coffee and doing nothing.
yes, and waiting for Victor's best friend to answer his freaking phone.
ANYWAY. this is a post to show you how happy we are while waiting for Yiyun, and speak of the devil!! SHe's here with her freaking short green tshirt!
be jealous, because we're happy. and we're going to watch 12 Lotus later!

13 August 2008 a happening life tamed down
okay okay i've accepted the fact that im 19 and ageing well hahaha!
i shall describe breifly how i spent my birthday lolwoke up late, didnt go for war games ended up meeting SHULI:
 at clementi for lunch i think i said that already haha so heres the birthday cake they surprised us with chocolate mango! quite yummy i must say

and then came the actual NDP 2008 but it didnt feel like it also maybe we got too used to the shows on every saturday that it doesnt become exciting anymore i think everyone felt like this too
but i must say im very proud of my beloved CONCOURSE they did so well that i got nothing else to say but thank you ndp makes you crazy i mean really crazy one minute you're so busy the next minute u feel empty without work it makes u high and happy the next minute u feel emotional it makes you angry and frustrated but you learn alot and move on
just when it started to become part of my life, its over :S i guess its always like that i'll be around for the next few years :D
chingay and ndp 2009 anyone??
above: a treat from AJ that got everyone crazy :p
7 August 2008 hap hap happy!
19 is a big number man the last of my teen years, which makes me feel old already :/ i dont feel the excitement, ok maybe now cos its like 20 minutes more but yea its not the same anymore, i guess. talk about feeling old yes yes i feel old cos im aching all over again i admit im super unfit imagine not working as an instructor, i'll be a freaking couch potato by now orientation is xiong yet slack games are not bad actually ahaha and i like our cheers la one day of captain's ball brought me down man unfit and rusty. oh boy but it did bring back some memories :D FIC was...HAHA i didnt sleep the night before and the dean was erm. very interesting! actually i dont know haha i was fast asleep before he even started talking man i only woke up during the singing parts lol here's ABTINI all dressed up (a few of us la) and our ogl and senior looking super underdressed haha :D:D:D
looking oh so brown (:
omg so touched la didnt expect a cake today, especially from ABTINI :D thanks guys, it was really unexpected especially when kenny walked down the staircase with the cake i was still thinking "wah another birthday" until he came close enough to recognise :p celebrated with rachelchiong for the 3rd time lol and apparently it was many many ppl's birthday but somehow it didnt feel like mine, like just any other ordinary day but in any other ways, i shall enjoy my last teen year, somehow someway :D
oh but in actual celebration i actually "celebrated" with shuli by eating SHIOKSHIOK you mian and botak jones cheese fries :D and we watched 'journey to center of the earth' and she's so tickled by the fact that i shouted/screamed when the pyranas-looking-fishes appeared they were scary ok, they scared me :/
on another note... ABTINI WONT BEST OG! yay for us! cos we're always winning our games as compared to other ogs in absolute yay i like abtini more and more each day
and to sam if you're reading this :D thanks for being our ogl! oweek would have definitely been different without you thanks for being so rar rar even though ur super shag thanks for being so understanding and caring! i love abtini and oweek ok! see u next year hahas :D:D:D and from now on, i officially upgrade your status to NEIGHBOURS (: yay!
2 August 2008 bidding
omg my new dreaded word lah imagine having to go through that the start of every semester i could soooo get used to it lah :x
the feeling of insecurity is so cool man and then you dump all your points in and probably give up some popular module cos u want the other module and then results come out and the winning bid is SHIPEI low
eg NM1101 Your Bid: 420 Winning Bid: 131
wahlau NBCB some idiot when to put like 400+++ points during open bidding make everyone kanchiong
but thank god, i got all my modules and thank god, the modules i chose were less popular therefore i got back 466 points HA
conclusion: i really dont like bidding, and so does the whole world bleah
on the other hand, im starting to like abtini (whats left of it haha) and the HUMPING CHEER :D:D:D oh and best friend!!!! <3
1 August 2008 yucks
bidding sucks i finally understand the pains for an NUS student nb cant everyone be friendly put 1 point? HA yea right there never will be such thing on earth thats the point of bidding but arghhhhhhh should i keep a close watch or just leave it as it is now and pray that it'll be fine and or maybe that i'll be lucky huh goodness i could SO get used to this man :/
so far oweek is erm... hopefully it'll be better!
By post:
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central forum, once so big and foreignas1 walkway,...
Oh my, too long never updateand reason for doing s...
Happy Cheena New Year!This year i wish to be huat ...
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Its probably inauspicious to look back at 2010 now...
Thanks to Iwabuchi and his whole lot of NOSTALGIA,...
This has to come sooner or later. LOLRight now I'm...
update update!Here's what I caught today :D(ps: aw...
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