preferrably known as taa
learn to love her and her world
the other me
design blog
church clique
27 September 2008 play harder
yoyoyo its still recess week and im having a little too much fun i myself cannot take it hahahaha
play play play waste time dont study woah delinquent huh haha
ok basically after the beach my nose started peeling (damnit)
but my past few days were great too!
i like this picture quite alot haha
we went to dbl O! an og thing became a random friends mixing thing
my trump card! some stupid waiter took it away before i could use :S #$%^&*(!
well we had quite alot of drinks ah
let me see. cocktails, 2 cranberry vodkas (jug), tequila pop, 2 sex on the beach shot, few sips of long island tea then we went to dance and i was damn bloody stone cos i wasnt high, to my surprise haha but anyways we were left with one and a half jug on long island NOBODY WANTS TO DRINK me and leong bo bian must tar then mus appeared so i grabbed him along in the tarring process too
at least that bit of tarring got me high and then we dance dance dance the night away! i think we made friends with this bunch on ntu guys ah hahah quite funny i broke my curfew HAHA by saying the music was too loud and i had to send my drunk friend home wow. got shiok ah, everyone high BUT. for once im not the highest and infact, i was the one taking care of almost everyone WOW WOW.
haha alot happen but i shant put it up here IN CASE OF PRIVACY NM1101 lol
met up errrr i dont know what to call us. BESTIES? BESTIES4 hahaha thanks to eugenie's last min "CHOMP CHOMP" sms in the end it resulted in a bad case of dilemma and me langbei-ing alot again (shit i keep langbei-ing after i entered NUS. this has to change)
i took a mrt, bounced off marina bay got down at city hall changed to green line alighted at outram took nel bounced of habour front to get to sengkang by the time i reached sengkang EDBF was not even there yet hmphhhhhh so i langbei at the mrt - my poddy died -.-
followed him to beach road (my very first time there lol) got his stuff and got him to treat me to waffle with weird dragon druit ice cream and alot of hot fudge and ice milo we sat in front of the western food stall and after awhile gave into onion rings and sausages haha
took a slow walk to bugis from beach rd and end up discovering haji lane ok shit sounds damn noob and thats where the camwhoring started!
it was friday = odd day
however EDBF hanged out with me cos his ODGF was busy being a nurse and by the time she came he left alr (that explains more langbei-ing for me)
and it was a rare chance i watched people eat hurhur WOW WOW WOW
(thats 3 wows for the week alr) and and and i bought a new pair of shoes!
its those old school bata ones just that i got mine in black and then i painted the rim gold tadahhh!!! so pretty right :D:D:D
now thats WOW WOW WOW WOW woooooooooo!
yay TAA is very happy but damn screwed cos she's having too much fun and not studying :/
25 September 2008 recess week
im tired, from too much fun :D
i'll let the pictures do the talking
 yes im pretty much chao taaaaaaa
from the beach!
i've beeen chilling and drinking
and spending alot of time and money with many great people and great food!
i met my twin brother!
but i didnt forget to study still
although i still seem to catch no ball ah
studying never fails to drive you crazy :(
on another note, i do miss my bestie and even day boyfriend alot alot :S so this is what i do!
and i created a besties group in msn yay hurhur.
just for them + victor (haha)
okay so too much fun, time to rest its almost 2am (and the rain is goodnight worlddd :D
21 September 2008 towel; googles; swimming pool
hello worldddd i just came back from a swim now i feel slightly healtier and much much hungrier and atleast i feel much better after eating ice cream and chicken wing from church funfair hurhur :D
talk about funfair this year's one was small small cos they reduced the hours and the scale of it no more fanciful random games and other stuff and small cos only claire andrew shawn and I went we didnt stay too long as compared to year(s?) ago where almost everyone would meet for mass and then head down to funfair and i'll never forget the photo we took hai hai hai those were really the days and i really really miss them oh wells when exams are over, we will meet for a blast! oh and ya, my house has been empty for some time now (although i wouldnt want another broken lamp or spoilt fan)
anyways headed down to orchid country kiap with girlfriend for some catching up and pool
 ha the only picture i managed to get today dont u think the stick looks like coming out of his ass hahaha and woo girlfriend's biseps are getting big biggggg!!!! not bad aye :D
schools still boring but friends definitely make it better the few of them (from abtini) came over to pgp on thurs
 (okay another bad photo, its the only one i have too)
so it was a last minute warm rooming HA, room warming! we headed down to the gourmet cafe (still in pgp) to eat and it turned out the AMBIENT wasnt too bad, although the waitress were shouting non stop and food wasnt too bad! and the price wasnt too bad! and i bought them a pizza WOW. so we're planning to meet every thursday to eat there from now onwards hurhur
my friday wasnt too bad too timbred with weijie and mussie got an alright place considering we queued quite long there was good music - timbre musicfest and that nak guy was quite cool and weijie was like some super small excited boy seeing his idol driving me and mussie kinda mad aye. i introduced mussie to erdinger wooh! and he likes it
headed down to clarke after that to meet chubis to celebrate chubi yong's birthday! chilled at LAGUNA with a jug of margarita and alot of nachos! and then moch drove us back and we just konged at her house
SHIT im having too much fun hahahahahhaa
17 September 2008 shut up and drive
initially was just school then driving then study wah i sit until my backside felt like it was on fire; bused to amk, 2 hours driving, bused back to kap -.- couldn't study much; super restless got everyone restless actually it was laughing like mad cos of photobooth (never fails to entertain) then use too much energy laughing already so become restless hur.
then leong and lam came to find us
our intially supper plan ended up as some driving escapade
started with the stupid PARALLEL PARKING INCIDENT hahaha which was really damn bloody motherfather funny we went to the prata shop opp beauty world just nice as we reached in front of the stall there was a parking space for us
problem: not sure if michele loke can parallel park which turned out........
she took like damn long to reverse in, and super slowly that it caught the attention of like the whole freaking coffeeshop best thing: we were like screaming and laughing damn hard in the car as moch drove out and reverse in like MANY TIMES with little progression (oh gosh i was so worried she couldnt park) and guess what! due to the road being SINGLE LANE, she caused a hold up of like around 4 cars ah which made us all kanchiong even more hahahaha
by this time, almost the whole coffeeshop was really laughing and i mean REALLY STARING AT US AND LAUGHING. super paisehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
after the super chiok supper guess what. we ended up heading to SENTOSA (by the way, it was pass midnight already) and the reason why we headed to sentosa was: to drive. LOL thats why its called driving escapade yes i reached back pgp about 4+ SHAG AH.
oh and after listening in NM tutorial about privacy, i shall not continue the story so ask me personally if u want to know or maybe i would have told you already before u can ask knowing how excitable i can be hurhur
super wordy post haha but for memories and keepsake yay :D
and did i mention
15 September 2008
the week has been busy busy busy but it was alright. finally got myself down to studying did my community walk, completed my social work assignment and studied for nm2219 test! goodness i hate PUBLIC RELATIONS i cant imagine it being part of the rest of my life. argh. how?!
i saw candy in arts canteen yay :D i talked to candy woo! candy and i are now friends haha woosh! (:
anyways, university life is still too hectic for me to handle afterall from primary school, or rather nursery, i've been spoon fed all my life came jc where they emphasised on independent study was totaly crap right before As they'll still help you cos they dont want their report card to suck however, here in NUS we do it all ourselves, me me me, I I I, sometimes we we we in the end, its still ME MYSELF and I and i hate it, being the all time award winning procrastinator bahhhh, tell me its time to change.
anyways as i was saying, preparing for the 2219 51 MCQ test kinda screwed up my sleeping hours pretty badly and considering the test was on friday 8am boy we were all high on red bull.
and then came contrast, the 24 hour gaming creation competition nearly killed all of us, okay fine, me. i slept from 6 to 11am i think completely missed floorball IFG which i now feel so bad for pangsehing Lisa although she says its alright gahhh, i need some exercise still
but its okay, at least there was one more thing to make me look forward too after my "horrible" week ended! that is meeting bestie and the few others and my now EVEN-DAYs-BOYFRIEND hahahahaha :D
we are now currently involved in a even-odd-days-three-way-mutual-relationship! yay :D:D:D
oh boy, this picture rocks, check out the background yo:
lejiaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (wink wink ah)
 oh yes i shall formally introduce this super stiff guy who cheated my feelings; cos he introduced himself to me as AARON when he told the whole world(aka concourse) to call him AJ so therefore when i said AARON, NOBODY UNDERSTOOD ME. grahhhhh anyways he's my overall ALP for ndp concourse a pretty decent and nice guy! :D no wonder someone up there likes....hahaha
 so there goes my week 5
one more week to recess week however recess week = mugging week = week before midterms OMG SOMEONE SAVE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
7 September 2008 a mix of emotions; day
alright this is mysecond post cos i really have nothing better to do and secondly i got stuff to share
caught Boys Over Flower the movie at cathay just now I LIKE IT I LOVE SHUN OGURI! i want to marry him why is he so hot??? and i think RUI this character suits him well haha
and kudos to Jun Matsumoto!he looks hot in the movie haha. at least hotter than the drama  he actually looks weirdly better with wet straight hair
gosh sometimes i wishe i was japanese hot guys; good food; drools anyways before the movie, as we were walking around Cathay i went into three3three the stuff there are actually good (and expensive) but it did spark of some imaginations for my future home only being around bestie can give me such weird thoughts
some donut table cum chair caught my atention like MAD. its like some super big inflatable swimming float that has a plastic table attached to it pretty interesting
anyways i came back and did some surfing for my future home!
FIRSTLY; my home must have a sofa big enough to fit more than 10 drunk people. very good. this is how i analyse my sofas from now on (whalau i tell u, the hotel room's sofa in the movie was big enough to fit like more than 20 drunks -.- so nice!)
so it has to be something above or below :D
and then my house must have funky stuff like:
its not exactly a beanbag, but its almost the same lah :D
 i like weird weird chairs (althought the one above aint really weird)
oh, the blue is by coincidence.

check out the pink area on the right! i want my dining area to look something like that, just that in red! by the way the pic was taken from Hotel Re!'s website. they have pretty cool rooms! comparable to Gallery Hotel! ahaha guess what i found? something chubi might want to have at her house :P
right on. now i just need a man to provide me with all these. good plan.
wooh! nothing beats eating sashimi in the own comfort of home!
lunch was greaaaaaaaaaattttt! although it made me eat 3 kinds of fish ha!
started out with saba and unagi (and of course japanese rice)
then came the sashimi and guess what! i sliced it MYSELF

pretty right! :Di didnt know i was so pro!
and then my mom made sushi. but i was too full alreadyyyyyyyy
and then i headed out for a "class outing" which only 6 people turned up haha (at least there were representatives from almost every group in class) but it was pretty cool caught up over some great spicy indon food headed over to pump for some PRL and live band and started camwhoring with kudus's camera shiok aye

wasnt in the mood to partayeeeee so chubi and i just chilled around taking care of bags! (for the first time in my life)
and then it was to LAGUNA for some macho. and then homeeeeeeeeeeee
sheeeet. taa needs to study like now.
5 September 2008
yay an update for my frequent readers! haha
oh yes please do tag and leave your blog links if you want me to link you okay!
life is stressful or rather uni life is stressful im stressed at the fact that im not stressed by work arghhhh! its always like that taa -.-
meanwhile the bummer in me still lives predominantly almost every night since school started is food, entertainment or shopping!
been heading to vivo quite often cos theres straight bus from kent ridge ter haha oh ya the stupid ter before i came to NUS i used to think it was "terrace" hahaha until someone say terminal..oh wells we learn new things everyday hahaha
as i was saying. i was at vivo like on tues with siang cos hazel, my one and only fan, had to go off for some wake (god bless the guy) so we romantic abit and watched "Forgeting Sarah Marshall" its kinda rated but its freaking hilarious :D "put your P into a V" hahahahaha
and we went clothes fitting and i really like this one so im blogging it!
its from zara and its 19.90 arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i want to buy :S but i cant cos i just blew like 80 bucks on 5 threadless tshirts (: cant wait for them to come haha
anyways i love vivo toilets the tiles and lights are so pretty i wouldnt mind my future toilets looking like that! (which reminds me of the 'small tiles in toilet' talks with bestie! haha)

 yay and then we met jas and weijie for some hot dog hot dog!
oh ps: I am still looking for a boyfriend. just in case you're another one of those that thought the photos i took with eugenie are kinda lesbianic its okay.. i know..
2 September 2008 this is independence
hello world!
im in pgp now and this is my first night alone hohoho
im a big girl now and i can take care of myself hurhur
loneliness hasnt totally fill me in yet cos i have very nice friend(s)
mentionable one is yingqi! :D spending the first day of campus life with me we went to vivo, had a good dinner (oooh cheesy pork chop rice!) and went shopping saw this super duper expensive but freaking nice series of laptop bags branded "hello" went daiso to stock up which was fun fun fun!
and then got really stressed out looking for my quilt cover cos only giant and tangs were selling and its so freaking expensive the very first set i touched in tangs, flipped it over, saw the price $699 stunnnn.
in the end i decided to rush down to ikea and get my quilt set haha its nicely checked in black yay!
today's stocking up made me spend like another 70 bucks :S omggg taa is broke.
and my aircon is super duper colddddd im so glad i got my quilt all ready to put to use!
and and and im going out with my one and only fan and the rest tmr to watch movie after school yay i got something else to look forward tooo!
27 September 2008 play harder
yoyoyo its still recess week and im having a little too much fun i myself cannot take it hahahaha
play play play waste time dont study woah delinquent huh haha
ok basically after the beach my nose started peeling (damnit)
but my past few days were great too!
i like this picture quite alot haha
we went to dbl O! an og thing became a random friends mixing thing
my trump card! some stupid waiter took it away before i could use :S #$%^&*(!
well we had quite alot of drinks ah
let me see. cocktails, 2 cranberry vodkas (jug), tequila pop, 2 sex on the beach shot, few sips of long island tea then we went to dance and i was damn bloody stone cos i wasnt high, to my surprise haha but anyways we were left with one and a half jug on long island NOBODY WANTS TO DRINK me and leong bo bian must tar then mus appeared so i grabbed him along in the tarring process too
at least that bit of tarring got me high and then we dance dance dance the night away! i think we made friends with this bunch on ntu guys ah hahah quite funny i broke my curfew HAHA by saying the music was too loud and i had to send my drunk friend home wow. got shiok ah, everyone high BUT. for once im not the highest and infact, i was the one taking care of almost everyone WOW WOW.
haha alot happen but i shant put it up here IN CASE OF PRIVACY NM1101 lol
met up errrr i dont know what to call us. BESTIES? BESTIES4 hahaha thanks to eugenie's last min "CHOMP CHOMP" sms in the end it resulted in a bad case of dilemma and me langbei-ing alot again (shit i keep langbei-ing after i entered NUS. this has to change)
i took a mrt, bounced off marina bay got down at city hall changed to green line alighted at outram took nel bounced of habour front to get to sengkang by the time i reached sengkang EDBF was not even there yet hmphhhhhh so i langbei at the mrt - my poddy died -.-
followed him to beach road (my very first time there lol) got his stuff and got him to treat me to waffle with weird dragon druit ice cream and alot of hot fudge and ice milo we sat in front of the western food stall and after awhile gave into onion rings and sausages haha
took a slow walk to bugis from beach rd and end up discovering haji lane ok shit sounds damn noob and thats where the camwhoring started!
it was friday = odd day
however EDBF hanged out with me cos his ODGF was busy being a nurse and by the time she came he left alr (that explains more langbei-ing for me)
and it was a rare chance i watched people eat hurhur WOW WOW WOW
(thats 3 wows for the week alr) and and and i bought a new pair of shoes!
its those old school bata ones just that i got mine in black and then i painted the rim gold tadahhh!!! so pretty right :D:D:D
now thats WOW WOW WOW WOW woooooooooo!
yay TAA is very happy but damn screwed cos she's having too much fun and not studying :/
25 September 2008 recess week
im tired, from too much fun :D
i'll let the pictures do the talking
 yes im pretty much chao taaaaaaa
from the beach!
i've beeen chilling and drinking
and spending alot of time and money with many great people and great food!
i met my twin brother!
but i didnt forget to study still
although i still seem to catch no ball ah
studying never fails to drive you crazy :(
on another note, i do miss my bestie and even day boyfriend alot alot :S so this is what i do!
and i created a besties group in msn yay hurhur.
just for them + victor (haha)
okay so too much fun, time to rest its almost 2am (and the rain is goodnight worlddd :D
21 September 2008 towel; googles; swimming pool
hello worldddd i just came back from a swim now i feel slightly healtier and much much hungrier and atleast i feel much better after eating ice cream and chicken wing from church funfair hurhur :D
talk about funfair this year's one was small small cos they reduced the hours and the scale of it no more fanciful random games and other stuff and small cos only claire andrew shawn and I went we didnt stay too long as compared to year(s?) ago where almost everyone would meet for mass and then head down to funfair and i'll never forget the photo we took hai hai hai those were really the days and i really really miss them oh wells when exams are over, we will meet for a blast! oh and ya, my house has been empty for some time now (although i wouldnt want another broken lamp or spoilt fan)
anyways headed down to orchid country kiap with girlfriend for some catching up and pool
 ha the only picture i managed to get today dont u think the stick looks like coming out of his ass hahaha and woo girlfriend's biseps are getting big biggggg!!!! not bad aye :D
schools still boring but friends definitely make it better the few of them (from abtini) came over to pgp on thurs
 (okay another bad photo, its the only one i have too)
so it was a last minute warm rooming HA, room warming! we headed down to the gourmet cafe (still in pgp) to eat and it turned out the AMBIENT wasnt too bad, although the waitress were shouting non stop and food wasnt too bad! and the price wasnt too bad! and i bought them a pizza WOW. so we're planning to meet every thursday to eat there from now onwards hurhur
my friday wasnt too bad too timbred with weijie and mussie got an alright place considering we queued quite long there was good music - timbre musicfest and that nak guy was quite cool and weijie was like some super small excited boy seeing his idol driving me and mussie kinda mad aye. i introduced mussie to erdinger wooh! and he likes it
headed down to clarke after that to meet chubis to celebrate chubi yong's birthday! chilled at LAGUNA with a jug of margarita and alot of nachos! and then moch drove us back and we just konged at her house
SHIT im having too much fun hahahahahhaa
17 September 2008 shut up and drive
initially was just school then driving then study wah i sit until my backside felt like it was on fire; bused to amk, 2 hours driving, bused back to kap -.- couldn't study much; super restless got everyone restless actually it was laughing like mad cos of photobooth (never fails to entertain) then use too much energy laughing already so become restless hur.
then leong and lam came to find us
our intially supper plan ended up as some driving escapade
started with the stupid PARALLEL PARKING INCIDENT hahaha which was really damn bloody motherfather funny we went to the prata shop opp beauty world just nice as we reached in front of the stall there was a parking space for us
problem: not sure if michele loke can parallel park which turned out........
she took like damn long to reverse in, and super slowly that it caught the attention of like the whole freaking coffeeshop best thing: we were like screaming and laughing damn hard in the car as moch drove out and reverse in like MANY TIMES with little progression (oh gosh i was so worried she couldnt park) and guess what! due to the road being SINGLE LANE, she caused a hold up of like around 4 cars ah which made us all kanchiong even more hahahaha
by this time, almost the whole coffeeshop was really laughing and i mean REALLY STARING AT US AND LAUGHING. super paisehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
after the super chiok supper guess what. we ended up heading to SENTOSA (by the way, it was pass midnight already) and the reason why we headed to sentosa was: to drive. LOL thats why its called driving escapade yes i reached back pgp about 4+ SHAG AH.
oh and after listening in NM tutorial about privacy, i shall not continue the story so ask me personally if u want to know or maybe i would have told you already before u can ask knowing how excitable i can be hurhur
super wordy post haha but for memories and keepsake yay :D
and did i mention
15 September 2008
the week has been busy busy busy but it was alright. finally got myself down to studying did my community walk, completed my social work assignment and studied for nm2219 test! goodness i hate PUBLIC RELATIONS i cant imagine it being part of the rest of my life. argh. how?!
i saw candy in arts canteen yay :D i talked to candy woo! candy and i are now friends haha woosh! (:
anyways, university life is still too hectic for me to handle afterall from primary school, or rather nursery, i've been spoon fed all my life came jc where they emphasised on independent study was totaly crap right before As they'll still help you cos they dont want their report card to suck however, here in NUS we do it all ourselves, me me me, I I I, sometimes we we we in the end, its still ME MYSELF and I and i hate it, being the all time award winning procrastinator bahhhh, tell me its time to change.
anyways as i was saying, preparing for the 2219 51 MCQ test kinda screwed up my sleeping hours pretty badly and considering the test was on friday 8am boy we were all high on red bull.
and then came contrast, the 24 hour gaming creation competition nearly killed all of us, okay fine, me. i slept from 6 to 11am i think completely missed floorball IFG which i now feel so bad for pangsehing Lisa although she says its alright gahhh, i need some exercise still
but its okay, at least there was one more thing to make me look forward too after my "horrible" week ended! that is meeting bestie and the few others and my now EVEN-DAYs-BOYFRIEND hahahahaha :D
we are now currently involved in a even-odd-days-three-way-mutual-relationship! yay :D:D:D
oh boy, this picture rocks, check out the background yo:
lejiaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (wink wink ah)
 oh yes i shall formally introduce this super stiff guy who cheated my feelings; cos he introduced himself to me as AARON when he told the whole world(aka concourse) to call him AJ so therefore when i said AARON, NOBODY UNDERSTOOD ME. grahhhhh anyways he's my overall ALP for ndp concourse a pretty decent and nice guy! :D no wonder someone up there likes....hahaha
 so there goes my week 5
one more week to recess week however recess week = mugging week = week before midterms OMG SOMEONE SAVE MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
7 September 2008 a mix of emotions; day
alright this is mysecond post cos i really have nothing better to do and secondly i got stuff to share
caught Boys Over Flower the movie at cathay just now I LIKE IT I LOVE SHUN OGURI! i want to marry him why is he so hot??? and i think RUI this character suits him well haha
and kudos to Jun Matsumoto!he looks hot in the movie haha. at least hotter than the drama  he actually looks weirdly better with wet straight hair
gosh sometimes i wishe i was japanese hot guys; good food; drools anyways before the movie, as we were walking around Cathay i went into three3three the stuff there are actually good (and expensive) but it did spark of some imaginations for my future home only being around bestie can give me such weird thoughts
some donut table cum chair caught my atention like MAD. its like some super big inflatable swimming float that has a plastic table attached to it pretty interesting
anyways i came back and did some surfing for my future home!
FIRSTLY; my home must have a sofa big enough to fit more than 10 drunk people. very good. this is how i analyse my sofas from now on (whalau i tell u, the hotel room's sofa in the movie was big enough to fit like more than 20 drunks -.- so nice!)
so it has to be something above or below :D
and then my house must have funky stuff like:
its not exactly a beanbag, but its almost the same lah :D
 i like weird weird chairs (althought the one above aint really weird)
oh, the blue is by coincidence.

check out the pink area on the right! i want my dining area to look something like that, just that in red! by the way the pic was taken from Hotel Re!'s website. they have pretty cool rooms! comparable to Gallery Hotel! ahaha guess what i found? something chubi might want to have at her house :P
right on. now i just need a man to provide me with all these. good plan.
wooh! nothing beats eating sashimi in the own comfort of home!
lunch was greaaaaaaaaaattttt! although it made me eat 3 kinds of fish ha!
started out with saba and unagi (and of course japanese rice)
then came the sashimi and guess what! i sliced it MYSELF

pretty right! :Di didnt know i was so pro!
and then my mom made sushi. but i was too full alreadyyyyyyyy
and then i headed out for a "class outing" which only 6 people turned up haha (at least there were representatives from almost every group in class) but it was pretty cool caught up over some great spicy indon food headed over to pump for some PRL and live band and started camwhoring with kudus's camera shiok aye

wasnt in the mood to partayeeeee so chubi and i just chilled around taking care of bags! (for the first time in my life)
and then it was to LAGUNA for some macho. and then homeeeeeeeeeeee
sheeeet. taa needs to study like now.
5 September 2008
yay an update for my frequent readers! haha
oh yes please do tag and leave your blog links if you want me to link you okay!
life is stressful or rather uni life is stressful im stressed at the fact that im not stressed by work arghhhh! its always like that taa -.-
meanwhile the bummer in me still lives predominantly almost every night since school started is food, entertainment or shopping!
been heading to vivo quite often cos theres straight bus from kent ridge ter haha oh ya the stupid ter before i came to NUS i used to think it was "terrace" hahaha until someone say terminal..oh wells we learn new things everyday hahaha
as i was saying. i was at vivo like on tues with siang cos hazel, my one and only fan, had to go off for some wake (god bless the guy) so we romantic abit and watched "Forgeting Sarah Marshall" its kinda rated but its freaking hilarious :D "put your P into a V" hahahahaha
and we went clothes fitting and i really like this one so im blogging it!
its from zara and its 19.90 arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i want to buy :S but i cant cos i just blew like 80 bucks on 5 threadless tshirts (: cant wait for them to come haha
anyways i love vivo toilets the tiles and lights are so pretty i wouldnt mind my future toilets looking like that! (which reminds me of the 'small tiles in toilet' talks with bestie! haha)

 yay and then we met jas and weijie for some hot dog hot dog!
oh ps: I am still looking for a boyfriend. just in case you're another one of those that thought the photos i took with eugenie are kinda lesbianic its okay.. i know..
2 September 2008 this is independence
hello world!
im in pgp now and this is my first night alone hohoho
im a big girl now and i can take care of myself hurhur
loneliness hasnt totally fill me in yet cos i have very nice friend(s)
mentionable one is yingqi! :D spending the first day of campus life with me we went to vivo, had a good dinner (oooh cheesy pork chop rice!) and went shopping saw this super duper expensive but freaking nice series of laptop bags branded "hello" went daiso to stock up which was fun fun fun!
and then got really stressed out looking for my quilt cover cos only giant and tangs were selling and its so freaking expensive the very first set i touched in tangs, flipped it over, saw the price $699 stunnnn.
in the end i decided to rush down to ikea and get my quilt set haha its nicely checked in black yay!
today's stocking up made me spend like another 70 bucks :S omggg taa is broke.
and my aircon is super duper colddddd im so glad i got my quilt all ready to put to use!
and and and im going out with my one and only fan and the rest tmr to watch movie after school yay i got something else to look forward tooo!
By post:
So the end of the world didn't come, yet
central forum, once so big and foreignas1 walkway,...
Oh my, too long never updateand reason for doing s...
Happy Cheena New Year!This year i wish to be huat ...
The Day After was a success :)So after Volcanic Di...
A day worth to remember.The rain finally stopped a...
Its probably inauspicious to look back at 2010 now...
Thanks to Iwabuchi and his whole lot of NOSTALGIA,...
This has to come sooner or later. LOLRight now I'm...
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