preferrably known as taa
learn to love her and her world
the other me
design blog
church clique
31 October 2008 you had a bad dream
zomg i had a bad dream a pretty bad one gahhh
i dreamt that the arts open people were in 2 different classrooms and there was some conflict then someone accidentally spilled a bad news i cant remember what the news was though although it had something to do with alson and and and then ivan got so freaking agitated that he had to choose the largest knife around in the classroom (i dunno why there were so many knifes there also) so he chose the butcher one and freaking SLICED HIS THROAT aka commited suicide in front of us
omg omg omg i could freaking see the skin slicing apart and the blood dripping out in my dream damn bloody scary can. and then everyone got shocked and started crying
zomg the main point was the slitting of the throat FREAKING GORY i dont know why i got so many gory dreams its kinda scary. ggrahh. though its halloween but.. eyer the thought of it is really damn......
27 October 2008
wah tired tired tired the past few days were pretty much hectic and if i disappeared, this is the reason why
started the chioning on thursday night wait, chiong to study for 2219 exam ok i've blogged about that but anyways that means no sleep yay! 8am went for exam shagged ah. so after the chatting and meeting of ppl i went back to pgp and kong for about 5 hours until evening where we gathered at arts club meeting room to finish the last bit of prep for arts open which was the next day (bahh i had to cancel driving lah :X)
which means no sleep! i did fall asleep, for 15 min only to be awaken by sherman's and shuli's pestering calls and smses haha yay we were driven aorund by shuli hip hip hooray for YAAAAARISSSSSSS :D:D:D red somemore sia
so the day started at 6.30am for us sia setting up all then the participants slowly came and we started the day pretty much on time we were shagged.
play play play the sun got hotter and hotter lah which was amazing cos past few days were raining the tradition of putting 4 bags of garlic chilli and onion at the 4 corners of the area was way too effective man! haha the sun so freaking hot and yes we all got sun burnt and im chao taaaaaaaaaaaaaa again.
besides minor unhappiness which is unavoidable, everything went smooth no big fights, no big injuries yay! only sun burnt sun burnt sun buntsssssssssss i went back pgp and kong again.
forced myself up in an hours time to get dressed and head to meet the rest for ter's birthday party turns out that everyone forced themselves out of their houses too lol so tired and lazy us cabbed down from clementi to fetch siang and mus from aljunied guesss what? the taxi driver stopped us at eunos mrt so we were wondering why 2 of them take so long to walk to the taxi stand and then i saw the EUNOS sign. rocks
yes so headed down to ter's birthday late and everyone was like WOAH when we walked in 3 red girls hahaha we were really that tired. we just ate, watch them drink and nuah around the sofa so much that we looked drunk :S which was pretty funny photos of the apparently-drunk-yet-not-drunk us soon. ha
ter was gone man his birthday speech was damn bloody funny cos he was drunk and he went around shouting "WHOS THE BEST MAN" all his friends stun hahaha that was imba funny couldnt stop laughing haha so finally his speech (after a few repetition) ended and he cut the cake yay which makes me think what should i do for my 21 birthday man omg omg omg. thats like in 2 years timezzzz so exciting lalalalalalala
yea i was too freaking shag to head over to leong's for sean's birthday so i came home and kong from like 1am to 5+pm today FUCKING SHIOK SIA. never felt so shiok in awhile haha.
yea yea yea so thats what happened to me the past few days. yay oh ya, i finally met buddy in church today. WOW LA A levels in about a week's time, so exciting lalalalala ok im going back to sleep now goodbye world you have done me good the past few days.
24 October 2008 mugging for 2219
mugging to reach the level of monarchy LEEEEEEEEE can be quite disasterous and pretty detrimental to the mental state of an individual (omg social work, thank god its almost over)
YES we were mugging for 2219 test yet again oh day before the test well we TRIED to mug at least kudos for the effort
so alvin and CHEN XIN YI came over to pgp to mugmugmug! and we dominated the tv room
 i dont know why we had so much stuff but i knew i just kept eating eating and eating and eating and and eating eating....... >.< aunty CHEN XIN YI
wah must be all the fries and whatever rubbish i felt like crap during the test la sleepy, giddy, hungry, cramp, stomachache arghhhh. couldnt care more, faster came out and as usual our gang came out the earliest again haha
had some major bitching session over lunch which was quite enjoying to a certain extent i must say jacq jacq was in nus! so she came to deck to find me and more bitching took place woohoo.
ok then i came back to pgp abit buay dong already but i just had to put this up first.
anyways if u wonder what i do in school.. i NUAH around and paint nails! yay

thy professional manicurist at work! wheee
and before i go sleep i wonder whats cj like if someone was there hmmmmsssssss.

22 October 2008
warning: a possible wordy and emo post disclaimer: dont need to read la. its 2am. im emo. i think.
`eugen|e the second story says: omg `eugen|e the second story says: im like reading ur past posts `eugen|e the second story says: haha `eugen|e the second story says: those time were fun lar!! when we just got to know each other better taa; melancholy says: huh taa; melancholy says: u wu liao is it taa; melancholy says: haha taa; melancholy says: is it the sushi one taa; melancholy says: haha `eugen|e the second story says: haha yar taa; melancholy says: hahaha taa; melancholy says: u upgraded from DUA to BESTIE taa; melancholy says: hahaha `eugen|e the second story says: the still trying to figure each other out phase `eugen|e the second story says: hahaha taa; melancholy says: er.. taa; melancholy says: that phrase sounded a little off `eugen|e the second story says: whatever lar `eugen|e the second story says: just want to say that `eugen|e the second story says: even though now things are abit cold ar.. like stuck there stale bread type of situation `eugen|e the second story says: ur're still my bestie okay!!!! taa; melancholy says: everything around me started to float and so did the FLOATING PLATFORM damn i could walk straight taa; melancholy says: LOL `eugen|e the second story says: hahahahaa taa; melancholy says: thats the best `eugen|e the second story says: hahahaa taa; melancholy says: hai taa; melancholy says: maybe i should call u my idol `eugen|e the second story says: huh `eugen|e the second story says: how come? taa; melancholy says: dunno leh taa; melancholy says: i see u like some superwoman `eugen|e the second story says: eh `eugen|e the second story says: whr got `eugen|e the second story says: if im superwoman i'll........(privacy 1101) taa; melancholy says: ok ur near being superwoman taa; melancholy says: at least ur level of motivations and self happiness is slightly higher than me taa; melancholy says: i think our lives has changed tremendously this few mths taa; melancholy says: at least for me it did `eugen|e the second story says: really? `eugen|e the second story says: in what way? taa; melancholy says: transition period taa; melancholy says: from A levels taa; melancholy says: to long holidays taa; melancholy says: to ndp exco taa; melancholy says: to camps which was abit screwed at first taa; melancholy says: some stupid ***** fucked me up taa; melancholy says: then fuck a***** up taa; melancholy says: then appeal to uni taa; melancholy says: get thru to uni taa; melancholy says: orientation camps to new school life to hostel life taa; melancholy says: dont u think its alot alot taa; melancholy says: and me forever langbei-ing `eugen|e the second story says: hmm thats life i guess
holy shit thats life come to think of it i was forced to get use to life. play too hard, tired dont play, sian study, doubly sian what else can i possibly do?
anyways theres much more to the convo and i just had to say i love this girl alot alot ok stop at the yellow line before the trains takes u to lesbianism like i said if i had to rate my friends she amazingly zoomed up to top 3 -i dont know how dont know why possibly cos everyone else is so busy with life recently and everyone else is emo too maybe its golbal warming that causes the emo season too much UV rays in the head zomggg.
how to find that spark. tell me tell me i'll give u a million bucks blah. monopoly money but i'll give u million kisses or whatever. rah
i still got somemore assignments left to do @#$%^&*(!
on a trying-to-make-it-lighter-note i realise my good friends have INTERESTING NAMES chubis (thy stnix clique) [ok claire is a chubi too, she was the pioneer actually] {within: chubi yong, chubi kun, chubi leong, chubi moch, chubi KKBZ) alcohol induced churchies sistaa (olsen) buddies (gerald and shawn) girlfriend (andrew hurhur) pal (annmarie) bestie (eugenie) even day boyfriend (wait i want a breakup)(jc) part time boyfriend (barron)
ehhh. did i miss anyone out?
whatever the case is whether your listed or not i hope that you've realised that i love my friends ALOT ALOT. until that my parents are jealous. im not bluffing. maybe thats what u get when your the only child loneliness, reliance and dependance bahhhhhhhh
omg i should bang my head now gosh if i were to have more good friends im running out of names
18 October 2008
wheres the motivation
everyones looking for that spark
but maybe its not that simple
in simple words: study for exams and do your assignments
17 October 2008 anthea tan
yes zouked again the second time in 5 days or maybe more than that
oh man i realise after school started, im starting to club again hmmms
anyways this time is we chubis gave face to anthea chubi tan cos its her nineteen however that chubi only met us for like minutes and kept disappearing wow what a birthday celebration
anyways HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU STUPID BITCH we love you so please dont be so fucked up. hurhur u know what i mean

so everyone left while leong and I stayed mambo was alright phuture was horrendously crowded (ahem with desperate army guys omgzzz) i became like some personal female body guard -.- oh goodness dont remind me
oh ya one more thing. i repeat one more time, I AM NOT LESBIAN YO!
its back to school
12 October 2008 a sober day
i finally pass my directional change although i cant straighten cars for nuts its good enough, for now hahaha
and its pretty rare that bestie has to langbei yay hurhurhur met her in town although mamamia wasnt fulfilled again -.-
we had 20 piece nuggetss la omgggg and then we headed to hardrock where she was going to meet her gang
 it was saturday! so boyfriend came too :D
but thanks to someone with some curfew we went to zouk without her it ended up a pretty weird night out. with everyone bringing friends it was a pretty mix haha
i didnt drink much to my surprise didnt get very high at all so i know what was happening more or less and guess what! some spicy scandal took place hurhur
kingsly! havent seen this guy in ages
. . . . . . and guess who i met!
 alvin the ALP (from ndp!) he was wearing a shirt that was shouting "EMO" that caught my attention and then i thought that guy was quite cute and then i realised it was him wooh!
bestie take that smirk off your face if your reading this haha
oh yeah the scandal was like never ending so i left first hurhur i think im going to get a serious nagging tmr :X and chubis pangseh lah :( but i was high at the point when u all pangseh damnit
on a heavier note 3 assignments due monday sighhhh
9 October 2008

Hello world im still around been busy, yeah pretty much "busy"
this weeks quite alright.
bestie's on holiday so we've been meeting up quite often over the weekends and start of the week our threadless tshirts finally arrived yay and we've been calling and pestering boyfriend almost every other day that i think he thinks that we're freaks now haha i hope our plans to go zouk on sat will succeed. meanwhile boyfriend is in outfield poor boy until tomorrow hahaha and bestie is in camp only TAA here is always langbei-ing around wasting time :X
oh yes i had concourse outing although only 8 turned up nonetheless it was a good catchup and plenty unglam camwhoring bleah :X the above is taken by larryboi hurhur
drivings a bitch its getting mundane and not as fun as it started out i guess its like that i cant lane change for nuts i nearly crashed a million times and it was quite funny today when i stopped the car in gear one and changed it to gear 2 (stun sia) but anyways, talk about cars i probably get one that i can call my own till im what, 24 25? keep dreaming keep keep dreaming oh
im rushing assignments like mad okay at least i soon will be i got 3 due on monday omg 2 geog and 1 sw :X kill me now
bloody MOS had to close down when its only 1 week left to term paper submission cant they wait a little longer? :S so we changed our target to attica and i actually went down last night (ladies night) to do fieldwork of course ladies night cannot be called ladies night if i didnt go arena to kena first but the drink they served was disgusting i miss the lychee martini damnit. they needed to finish a bottle of red wine before they start the lychee and we couldnt wait
and then we headed down to attica (we being me and great sianghoon that companied me) i couldnt find anyone from the management to interview that amanda girl didnt reply our email i ended up talking and taking photo with the DJ ha pretty cool huh

i did force myself and interview 2 random people and obviously the foreigner was of much more help bahhhhh attica gave me a weird headache and i didnt have the mood to "club" ha so i ordered pure coke (WOAH CHUBI, its FREE!) and gave the remaining tickets away to some random hot girl on the dance floor and then i came home on time :D yay
ok i better go rush my arts open rules and regulation before ivan kills me :S
4 October 2008 vroom vroom vrooooooooooommmmmmmm
zomg guess what. i saw this:
in NUS. grahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
and then i saw this:
once at hyatt
and later outside esplanade the engine goes VROOM VROOM VROOM the driver like young :D:D:D but my daddy still refuses to buy me a car. boohoo :(
2 October 2008 The good ol days
omg i just totally blogged from my phone how noob but its okay haha
anyways found this in my aunt's wallet rocks i dont even have them myself!
remember pri 1! (left picture) the trying of uniform which explains why the blouse looks so weirdly big but omgggggggg im so cute
and if you realised. i had mushroom hair since last time alr hurhur then it sorta translated into center parting which is absolutely disgusting to recall now but now its back to banging mushrooms yeah
1 October 2008
OMG MY PET IS SLEEPING hahahahaha its kinda cute :D

(click to enlarge) this shit is addictive man but somehow although i starting playing damn early, my score suck badly dont believe, look at my friends scores ITS DAMN BLOODY IMBA LA
oh yeah its time i formally introduce if you didnt know better, this is what i play during SW lectures hahaha cos its damn super ultra boring and it seems like kinda of a common sense thing most of the time that is also when i first discover this game
which ever since, got everyone sitting around me watch me play which ever since, got everyone sitting around me start to play
hahaha imba sia.
anyways i just had a fulfilling dinner with a super big plate of sahimi so much that i feel like a swimming polar bear now omgggxx
and before that i just had a super long and shiok nap/sleep i reached home at 10am hurhur
heres what happen last night. or rather yesterday:
i overslept, didnt go for geog lecture (atmo! wooh!) rushed down to take my final theory trials, which i got 47-50 for so i hope i pass tmr!! :D:D:D and then i had to LANGBEI again BUT, i overcame it by studying myself at amk macs and i manage to get some productive reading done yay! not so guilty
then i met victor at chinatown and we continue to langbei cos everyone else was LATE LATE LATEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE from SEX SHOP to transformer watch to eating in the "rain" wahhhhhh that was the first time i "Hangout" with that guy ha. then bestie finish langbei-ing also and came to meet us, followed by 8-30-yiyun-who-came-at-10-30 even day boyfriend came so late, that it became odd day already :S
errrrrrrrr we headed straight to kster and did some serious singing. yeah damn bloody serious anyways afterall, it was my virgin overnight singing experience (OMG I WANT TO MARRY XIAO JING TENG hahahaha) bad joke :S
then then then we walked over to SGH for some sotong misi to collect her misplaced and highly important flowery printed pencil case (Which look more like a makeup case to me) and then we continue to langbei, at the taxi stand, on 2 benches the taxi uncle waited until he fell asleep hahahah we took like more than an hour to decide where to go and by the time we decided, the want of immediately catching a bad home to sleep faded thats how long we took so we left of and walked aimlessly but the walk was really good cos the weather was cooling and with great comany and conversational topics (: so we walked from no men's land (outram) to tiko men's land (chinatown) to drunk men's land (clarkequay) and to working men's land (city hall)
and we finally reached our destination - MARINA SQUARE HONGKONG CAFE yayyyy :D:D:D where they had breakfast and i had my supper hahahaha SHIOK.
that was like 6am already. we eat eat eat and talk talk talk alot of fond memories and HTHT we ended the session at 9am
WOAHHHHHHH. great day. great activites (urgh ya). and great people. i like!
problem: piling up assignments and test on friday. and FTT tmr argh stresssssssssssssssssssssss
31 October 2008 you had a bad dream
zomg i had a bad dream a pretty bad one gahhh
i dreamt that the arts open people were in 2 different classrooms and there was some conflict then someone accidentally spilled a bad news i cant remember what the news was though although it had something to do with alson and and and then ivan got so freaking agitated that he had to choose the largest knife around in the classroom (i dunno why there were so many knifes there also) so he chose the butcher one and freaking SLICED HIS THROAT aka commited suicide in front of us
omg omg omg i could freaking see the skin slicing apart and the blood dripping out in my dream damn bloody scary can. and then everyone got shocked and started crying
zomg the main point was the slitting of the throat FREAKING GORY i dont know why i got so many gory dreams its kinda scary. ggrahh. though its halloween but.. eyer the thought of it is really damn......
27 October 2008
wah tired tired tired the past few days were pretty much hectic and if i disappeared, this is the reason why
started the chioning on thursday night wait, chiong to study for 2219 exam ok i've blogged about that but anyways that means no sleep yay! 8am went for exam shagged ah. so after the chatting and meeting of ppl i went back to pgp and kong for about 5 hours until evening where we gathered at arts club meeting room to finish the last bit of prep for arts open which was the next day (bahh i had to cancel driving lah :X)
which means no sleep! i did fall asleep, for 15 min only to be awaken by sherman's and shuli's pestering calls and smses haha yay we were driven aorund by shuli hip hip hooray for YAAAAARISSSSSSS :D:D:D red somemore sia
so the day started at 6.30am for us sia setting up all then the participants slowly came and we started the day pretty much on time we were shagged.
play play play the sun got hotter and hotter lah which was amazing cos past few days were raining the tradition of putting 4 bags of garlic chilli and onion at the 4 corners of the area was way too effective man! haha the sun so freaking hot and yes we all got sun burnt and im chao taaaaaaaaaaaaaa again.
besides minor unhappiness which is unavoidable, everything went smooth no big fights, no big injuries yay! only sun burnt sun burnt sun buntsssssssssss i went back pgp and kong again.
forced myself up in an hours time to get dressed and head to meet the rest for ter's birthday party turns out that everyone forced themselves out of their houses too lol so tired and lazy us cabbed down from clementi to fetch siang and mus from aljunied guesss what? the taxi driver stopped us at eunos mrt so we were wondering why 2 of them take so long to walk to the taxi stand and then i saw the EUNOS sign. rocks
yes so headed down to ter's birthday late and everyone was like WOAH when we walked in 3 red girls hahaha we were really that tired. we just ate, watch them drink and nuah around the sofa so much that we looked drunk :S which was pretty funny photos of the apparently-drunk-yet-not-drunk us soon. ha
ter was gone man his birthday speech was damn bloody funny cos he was drunk and he went around shouting "WHOS THE BEST MAN" all his friends stun hahaha that was imba funny couldnt stop laughing haha so finally his speech (after a few repetition) ended and he cut the cake yay which makes me think what should i do for my 21 birthday man omg omg omg. thats like in 2 years timezzzz so exciting lalalalalalala
yea i was too freaking shag to head over to leong's for sean's birthday so i came home and kong from like 1am to 5+pm today FUCKING SHIOK SIA. never felt so shiok in awhile haha.
yea yea yea so thats what happened to me the past few days. yay oh ya, i finally met buddy in church today. WOW LA A levels in about a week's time, so exciting lalalalala ok im going back to sleep now goodbye world you have done me good the past few days.
24 October 2008 mugging for 2219
mugging to reach the level of monarchy LEEEEEEEEE can be quite disasterous and pretty detrimental to the mental state of an individual (omg social work, thank god its almost over)
YES we were mugging for 2219 test yet again oh day before the test well we TRIED to mug at least kudos for the effort
so alvin and CHEN XIN YI came over to pgp to mugmugmug! and we dominated the tv room
 i dont know why we had so much stuff but i knew i just kept eating eating and eating and eating and and eating eating....... >.< aunty CHEN XIN YI
wah must be all the fries and whatever rubbish i felt like crap during the test la sleepy, giddy, hungry, cramp, stomachache arghhhh. couldnt care more, faster came out and as usual our gang came out the earliest again haha
had some major bitching session over lunch which was quite enjoying to a certain extent i must say jacq jacq was in nus! so she came to deck to find me and more bitching took place woohoo.
ok then i came back to pgp abit buay dong already but i just had to put this up first.
anyways if u wonder what i do in school.. i NUAH around and paint nails! yay

thy professional manicurist at work! wheee
and before i go sleep i wonder whats cj like if someone was there hmmmmsssssss.

22 October 2008
warning: a possible wordy and emo post disclaimer: dont need to read la. its 2am. im emo. i think.
`eugen|e the second story says: omg `eugen|e the second story says: im like reading ur past posts `eugen|e the second story says: haha `eugen|e the second story says: those time were fun lar!! when we just got to know each other better taa; melancholy says: huh taa; melancholy says: u wu liao is it taa; melancholy says: haha taa; melancholy says: is it the sushi one taa; melancholy says: haha `eugen|e the second story says: haha yar taa; melancholy says: hahaha taa; melancholy says: u upgraded from DUA to BESTIE taa; melancholy says: hahaha `eugen|e the second story says: the still trying to figure each other out phase `eugen|e the second story says: hahaha taa; melancholy says: er.. taa; melancholy says: that phrase sounded a little off `eugen|e the second story says: whatever lar `eugen|e the second story says: just want to say that `eugen|e the second story says: even though now things are abit cold ar.. like stuck there stale bread type of situation `eugen|e the second story says: ur're still my bestie okay!!!! taa; melancholy says: everything around me started to float and so did the FLOATING PLATFORM damn i could walk straight taa; melancholy says: LOL `eugen|e the second story says: hahahahaa taa; melancholy says: thats the best `eugen|e the second story says: hahahaa taa; melancholy says: hai taa; melancholy says: maybe i should call u my idol `eugen|e the second story says: huh `eugen|e the second story says: how come? taa; melancholy says: dunno leh taa; melancholy says: i see u like some superwoman `eugen|e the second story says: eh `eugen|e the second story says: whr got `eugen|e the second story says: if im superwoman i'll........(privacy 1101) taa; melancholy says: ok ur near being superwoman taa; melancholy says: at least ur level of motivations and self happiness is slightly higher than me taa; melancholy says: i think our lives has changed tremendously this few mths taa; melancholy says: at least for me it did `eugen|e the second story says: really? `eugen|e the second story says: in what way? taa; melancholy says: transition period taa; melancholy says: from A levels taa; melancholy says: to long holidays taa; melancholy says: to ndp exco taa; melancholy says: to camps which was abit screwed at first taa; melancholy says: some stupid ***** fucked me up taa; melancholy says: then fuck a***** up taa; melancholy says: then appeal to uni taa; melancholy says: get thru to uni taa; melancholy says: orientation camps to new school life to hostel life taa; melancholy says: dont u think its alot alot taa; melancholy says: and me forever langbei-ing `eugen|e the second story says: hmm thats life i guess
holy shit thats life come to think of it i was forced to get use to life. play too hard, tired dont play, sian study, doubly sian what else can i possibly do?
anyways theres much more to the convo and i just had to say i love this girl alot alot ok stop at the yellow line before the trains takes u to lesbianism like i said if i had to rate my friends she amazingly zoomed up to top 3 -i dont know how dont know why possibly cos everyone else is so busy with life recently and everyone else is emo too maybe its golbal warming that causes the emo season too much UV rays in the head zomggg.
how to find that spark. tell me tell me i'll give u a million bucks blah. monopoly money but i'll give u million kisses or whatever. rah
i still got somemore assignments left to do @#$%^&*(!
on a trying-to-make-it-lighter-note i realise my good friends have INTERESTING NAMES chubis (thy stnix clique) [ok claire is a chubi too, she was the pioneer actually] {within: chubi yong, chubi kun, chubi leong, chubi moch, chubi KKBZ) alcohol induced churchies sistaa (olsen) buddies (gerald and shawn) girlfriend (andrew hurhur) pal (annmarie) bestie (eugenie) even day boyfriend (wait i want a breakup)(jc) part time boyfriend (barron)
ehhh. did i miss anyone out?
whatever the case is whether your listed or not i hope that you've realised that i love my friends ALOT ALOT. until that my parents are jealous. im not bluffing. maybe thats what u get when your the only child loneliness, reliance and dependance bahhhhhhhh
omg i should bang my head now gosh if i were to have more good friends im running out of names
18 October 2008
wheres the motivation
everyones looking for that spark
but maybe its not that simple
in simple words: study for exams and do your assignments
17 October 2008 anthea tan
yes zouked again the second time in 5 days or maybe more than that
oh man i realise after school started, im starting to club again hmmms
anyways this time is we chubis gave face to anthea chubi tan cos its her nineteen however that chubi only met us for like minutes and kept disappearing wow what a birthday celebration
anyways HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU STUPID BITCH we love you so please dont be so fucked up. hurhur u know what i mean

so everyone left while leong and I stayed mambo was alright phuture was horrendously crowded (ahem with desperate army guys omgzzz) i became like some personal female body guard -.- oh goodness dont remind me
oh ya one more thing. i repeat one more time, I AM NOT LESBIAN YO!
its back to school
12 October 2008 a sober day
i finally pass my directional change although i cant straighten cars for nuts its good enough, for now hahaha
and its pretty rare that bestie has to langbei yay hurhurhur met her in town although mamamia wasnt fulfilled again -.-
we had 20 piece nuggetss la omgggg and then we headed to hardrock where she was going to meet her gang
 it was saturday! so boyfriend came too :D
but thanks to someone with some curfew we went to zouk without her it ended up a pretty weird night out. with everyone bringing friends it was a pretty mix haha
i didnt drink much to my surprise didnt get very high at all so i know what was happening more or less and guess what! some spicy scandal took place hurhur
kingsly! havent seen this guy in ages
. . . . . . and guess who i met!
 alvin the ALP (from ndp!) he was wearing a shirt that was shouting "EMO" that caught my attention and then i thought that guy was quite cute and then i realised it was him wooh!
bestie take that smirk off your face if your reading this haha
oh yeah the scandal was like never ending so i left first hurhur i think im going to get a serious nagging tmr :X and chubis pangseh lah :( but i was high at the point when u all pangseh damnit
on a heavier note 3 assignments due monday sighhhh
9 October 2008

Hello world im still around been busy, yeah pretty much "busy"
this weeks quite alright.
bestie's on holiday so we've been meeting up quite often over the weekends and start of the week our threadless tshirts finally arrived yay and we've been calling and pestering boyfriend almost every other day that i think he thinks that we're freaks now haha i hope our plans to go zouk on sat will succeed. meanwhile boyfriend is in outfield poor boy until tomorrow hahaha and bestie is in camp only TAA here is always langbei-ing around wasting time :X
oh yes i had concourse outing although only 8 turned up nonetheless it was a good catchup and plenty unglam camwhoring bleah :X the above is taken by larryboi hurhur
drivings a bitch its getting mundane and not as fun as it started out i guess its like that i cant lane change for nuts i nearly crashed a million times and it was quite funny today when i stopped the car in gear one and changed it to gear 2 (stun sia) but anyways, talk about cars i probably get one that i can call my own till im what, 24 25? keep dreaming keep keep dreaming oh
im rushing assignments like mad okay at least i soon will be i got 3 due on monday omg 2 geog and 1 sw :X kill me now
bloody MOS had to close down when its only 1 week left to term paper submission cant they wait a little longer? :S so we changed our target to attica and i actually went down last night (ladies night) to do fieldwork of course ladies night cannot be called ladies night if i didnt go arena to kena first but the drink they served was disgusting i miss the lychee martini damnit. they needed to finish a bottle of red wine before they start the lychee and we couldnt wait
and then we headed down to attica (we being me and great sianghoon that companied me) i couldnt find anyone from the management to interview that amanda girl didnt reply our email i ended up talking and taking photo with the DJ ha pretty cool huh

i did force myself and interview 2 random people and obviously the foreigner was of much more help bahhhhh attica gave me a weird headache and i didnt have the mood to "club" ha so i ordered pure coke (WOAH CHUBI, its FREE!) and gave the remaining tickets away to some random hot girl on the dance floor and then i came home on time :D yay
ok i better go rush my arts open rules and regulation before ivan kills me :S
4 October 2008 vroom vroom vrooooooooooommmmmmmm
zomg guess what. i saw this:
in NUS. grahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
and then i saw this:
once at hyatt
and later outside esplanade the engine goes VROOM VROOM VROOM the driver like young :D:D:D but my daddy still refuses to buy me a car. boohoo :(
2 October 2008 The good ol days
omg i just totally blogged from my phone how noob but its okay haha
anyways found this in my aunt's wallet rocks i dont even have them myself!
remember pri 1! (left picture) the trying of uniform which explains why the blouse looks so weirdly big but omgggggggg im so cute
and if you realised. i had mushroom hair since last time alr hurhur then it sorta translated into center parting which is absolutely disgusting to recall now but now its back to banging mushrooms yeah
1 October 2008
OMG MY PET IS SLEEPING hahahahaha its kinda cute :D

(click to enlarge) this shit is addictive man but somehow although i starting playing damn early, my score suck badly dont believe, look at my friends scores ITS DAMN BLOODY IMBA LA
oh yeah its time i formally introduce if you didnt know better, this is what i play during SW lectures hahaha cos its damn super ultra boring and it seems like kinda of a common sense thing most of the time that is also when i first discover this game
which ever since, got everyone sitting around me watch me play which ever since, got everyone sitting around me start to play
hahaha imba sia.
anyways i just had a fulfilling dinner with a super big plate of sahimi so much that i feel like a swimming polar bear now omgggxx
and before that i just had a super long and shiok nap/sleep i reached home at 10am hurhur
heres what happen last night. or rather yesterday:
i overslept, didnt go for geog lecture (atmo! wooh!) rushed down to take my final theory trials, which i got 47-50 for so i hope i pass tmr!! :D:D:D and then i had to LANGBEI again BUT, i overcame it by studying myself at amk macs and i manage to get some productive reading done yay! not so guilty
then i met victor at chinatown and we continue to langbei cos everyone else was LATE LATE LATEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE from SEX SHOP to transformer watch to eating in the "rain" wahhhhhh that was the first time i "Hangout" with that guy ha. then bestie finish langbei-ing also and came to meet us, followed by 8-30-yiyun-who-came-at-10-30 even day boyfriend came so late, that it became odd day already :S
errrrrrrrr we headed straight to kster and did some serious singing. yeah damn bloody serious anyways afterall, it was my virgin overnight singing experience (OMG I WANT TO MARRY XIAO JING TENG hahahaha) bad joke :S
then then then we walked over to SGH for some sotong misi to collect her misplaced and highly important flowery printed pencil case (Which look more like a makeup case to me) and then we continue to langbei, at the taxi stand, on 2 benches the taxi uncle waited until he fell asleep hahahah we took like more than an hour to decide where to go and by the time we decided, the want of immediately catching a bad home to sleep faded thats how long we took so we left of and walked aimlessly but the walk was really good cos the weather was cooling and with great comany and conversational topics (: so we walked from no men's land (outram) to tiko men's land (chinatown) to drunk men's land (clarkequay) and to working men's land (city hall)
and we finally reached our destination - MARINA SQUARE HONGKONG CAFE yayyyy :D:D:D where they had breakfast and i had my supper hahahaha SHIOK.
that was like 6am already. we eat eat eat and talk talk talk alot of fond memories and HTHT we ended the session at 9am
WOAHHHHHHH. great day. great activites (urgh ya). and great people. i like!
problem: piling up assignments and test on friday. and FTT tmr argh stresssssssssssssssssssssss
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