preferrably known as taa
learn to love her and her world
the other me
design blog
church clique
26 April 2009

i should really find time to go and develop my first role of film.
cross or normal -.- cannot decideeeeeeeeee
the yearly star awards! wheeeee so exciting
24 April 2009 theatre is ♥♥♥
the long waited day! (and also the long dreaded day)
after what felt like a million years of prep, it was our turn.
wahlau my group was damn GUBAI this morning afraid that i would oversleep, they bluff me that we're meeting at 730 when in actual fact we were meeting at 830 -.- heng I smsed a few people and got 45 min more of sleep and everyone was SPAMMING MY PHONE WITH MORNING CALLS zzz am i that unreliable... i was only late ONE day :S
so reach the pract room and it was a mad rush makeup, costumes, accessories, portfolios, last min rehearsals SO EXCITING :D:D:D
 everyone had to undergo INTENSIVE EYELINER colouring session hahahaha and I was the PRO makeup artiste of the day!
everything came and went by so quickly before we knew it we were getting ready and the next moment, our play ended after days of sleepless nights and hours of bondage (lol)
its funny how so many of of cues "screwed up" on the actual performance haha wrong music, slow lighting, many mixed up lines i lost my balance while limping! and i had to cough when i was supposed to play dead -.-
and best part was ENDI'S SPLIT PANTS hahahahahahahaha EPIC.
lets bow to the master of pants splitting hehehe

die nittilai! die!
our other director missing in action!
and now that its over, everyone so sad :( all fun ended and we're back to the real world mugging and competition and all
sigh i really like TS im so tempted to change major.........
22 April 2009 I can't go on
a sudden urge to listen to FIR's songs. hahahaha its been quite awhile
did i mention i finished doing my custume portfolio!!! like FINISH like DONE like COMPLETED
WOOHOOOO!!!! its temporary freedom very temporary indeed -.-
 there my beloved portfolio its been some time i've put in so much time and effort into something ACADEMIC. heh
time for more photos! and a little bit more to what i have been doing except for studying lately. yea this is what theatre does to us.
dear brother vritra..... WHY BROTHER WHY THIS TREACHERY!
seriously andre is one funny kantang hahahaha i seriously dont know whats he trying to do with the golden cloth -.-
little india photos!
doing mustafa research!
tasting india (which brought me to the toilet barely an hour later)
my favourite photo!

i look like japanese tourist -.-
but i love honghong loads :D:D:D <3<3<3
and its more rehearsals after rehearsals after rehearsals
20 April 2009 what theatre does to us
my body just freaking rejected sleep WTF. yet im in a state of zombie-ness, my eyes are hot and can't really stay open
i should really get my ass down to some studying. but its just not working for slacker me. WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY
why do i bloody hell lack that motivation and discipline to get down to studying? i think in my whole life, the time i studied the hardest was the MONTH before A levels. it wasnt exactly very hardworking either ha. but at least sitting in front of your books and starring into space feels better than my current state of zombieness.
blame it on the stupid ts production. no, blame it on the portfolio.
no, blame it on myself -.-
oh where oh where is mr motivation? come and rescue me

what theatre does to us.
15 April 2009 bharatanatyam dance and indra gods
bleah this whole ts play production thing can kill man i've done so much googling until im getting headache why so shagggggggggg :(
its those kinda feeling where the more u get involved, the more you expect but the more you expect, the more it disappoints gahhh fuck how not to have feelings? im sucha sentimental person :S
right now my head is filled with stuff like vishwarupa, indra, bharatanatyam dancing, costumes, makeup, eyeliners, masks, bindi or tilak and blah blah blah WOW MAN. its a forced cultural learning session man
WE WENT ON A LITTLE FIELD TRIP TO LITTLE INDIA TODAY zomg yes u read corectly little india gaaaaaaaaahhh
it was weirdly amazing looking around, taking photos, getting lost zomg yes getting lost eating briyani for dinner which was actually damn nice but then got tummyache :X mustafa tour, going up and down and up and down just to find the new etension -.- trying to talk to store owners only to see them shaking heads (hahaha the shaking head thing really worked!)
P & me: do you have that thing to put on forehead? store owner: *ji tao stare at us* P & me: the thing to put on forehead *points to ours and his forehead* store owner: shakes head me: wahlau he like dont know what we talking sia P: SHAKE HEAD MEANS GOT
EPIC!!!!! in the end the other guy in the store really brought us what we wanted hehehehe
oh yes i did mention "take photos" wahoooooooo yes after one night of research, i've figured out how to work my holga! (ok shut up now)
well my least expected shifu was non other than CHEW WEI JIE zomgggg
but yes anyway i decided to take a chance and take my film out and BINGO, it really didnt stick to the spool means last night's photos were all byebyebyeeee :S but at least, i've done some reading up befoe blindly using it and i saved a role of film hehehe
so little india was my first destination of clicking :D:D:D now i cant wait till my role is done!
on an even more happier note, im CHEESECAKING with siangugu tmr!!! wowheeeeeeee (:
13 April 2009 new toy new toy whoooooo :D:D:D

yes i think you've probably been seeing this photo around (facebook, msn, etc)
but ZOMG the excitement of getting a new toy is just so... WOW WHEE WAHOO YESSSSAAAAAAAAAAA kinda feeling :P
its been only a day but i think i've shot more than 10 photos heh. and its surely not what i expect my pictures to turn out
i feel young againnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
12 April 2009
regina coeli laetare, alleluia!
thank you J, i love you <3
10 April 2009
my day didnt start too well today :(
was rushing to jap TB class when i literally fell on/in/from the stupid shuttle bus the stupid steep steps and my sweaty feet didnt go well so i went sliding down, literally and my first reaction was to worry about my laptop, and then embarrassment came next
the nasty slide left me with a huge red mark on my thigh and a pain in my wrist/palm/thumb its been a day but the stupid mark on my leg wont go away
痛いですね! (damn pain)
きょうわTB クラス おわりました (today was my last jap TB class) みんなさんに写真をとりあした (took a photo with my classmates) 可愛いですね! (so cute!)
 じゃ、またこんど! (see you guys next time!)
 これ女の人、わたしのTBせんせいです (this woman is my TB tutor) これPOSEわ ”ビールーをのみます”!!!(this pose = drinking beer) せんせいわとても可愛いとしせつですよ! (my TB tutor is damn cute and nice)
来週、TSのしゅくだいと日本語のORALの試験があります。 (next week got TS assignment and jap oral test) とても大変ですね! (damn tiring)
きょうの晩、友達にえがを見ました。 (this evening, watched a movie with my friends) とてもおもしろかったです! (very interesting!)
 okay as i was saying watched fast and furious 4 with siang,ter,hr and yw its probably the first time we headed to town and a movie together heh EPIC.
the movie was good.
i like fast cars whooooooooo :D:D:D
3 April 2009
need some destressig tips? GO AND SING KARAOKE! sing your guts out and feel much at east after that. i like :D
some pictures of the week..
  oh did i mention that i finally pluck up the courage to try the tiong food and it turns out to be damn SHIOK LA
 west meets east who said pgp doesnt have good food?
friday also calls for 2 last classes!
 my jap dialogue class!  and finally, i'll end it with a picture of my ts pract group its been fun actings with all of you :D ps: i bet you cant spot my tutor hehehehe
2 April 2009 cos you had a bad day
i feel unhappy, like really down and out not those random emo emo thing, no its not emo im sure its a mix of irritation, loneliness, helpless, tired, etc and it makes me unhappy haven't felt so helpless and unhappy in a very long while i guess
this is the perfect post for my livejournal however, i believe i owe an explanation to those i left, in zouk and therefore i shall pour out all my emotions, whatever there is left in me, here, now
right on second thought, theres not many emotions to pour out its like those stuck kinda unhappiness maybe? i dont know, i dont care.
and to E, (shit u sianghoon this representative lettering is quite addictive) i really fell bad thought i could maybe get a feel of the fun i usually have at mambo looks like it really wasnt meant to be :(
that could be a possible factor of my downness.
as i sat alone, in zouk so much things ran through my mind, some too fast for me to catch even and i was watching this group of people having fun yeah that was me a month ago people kept walking past, music kept on playing and yet i was overwhelmed with loneliness, a very weird kind of loneliness not those random i-wished-i-had-a-boyfriend kind of loneliness it hit me even more when a group of 3 people walked past me, of 1 i hardly even know, met possibly for the second time, and the other two, whom posibly are my bestest secondary school friend you can probably guess as much, the one that noticed and called out was the person i hardly knew the 2 good friends totally didnt notice and just walked past
it was probably unintentional i dont know why this small little thing hit me so badly either i dont know what it representated, neither do i know what point im trying to make here
it just made me more, unhappy..
my whole mood crash, i want to go home i want to snuggle up in my big big bed surrounded by pillows, it makes me feel safer
forgive me for this random attack for unhappiness forgive me without saying a word
i feel like crap. maybe im just tired. maybe i just need sleep
1 April 2009
yesterday felt like a totally different day, from my rountine that is change is good!
totally missed 2101 and sea tutorial, cannot wake up totally gave in to the sleeping god zzzz
had some intense discussion to ts pract (at least it beats all the nm projects -.-)
went to UCC to catch dramafest considering that its free and pretty entertaining, it was worth it lol
some stupid chubi was busying entertaining BOYS (and totally forget about me :S ) so i headed to holland v with elyse (yes i think the 'y' works better) (goodness why do i have so many brackets today...must be the sleepiness getting to me) anyways we started out at wala wala with a jug of beck's it was alright, but i guess there could be better beer :P then came some ice mint oooh its been awhile!
wala wala closed at 1am but i was craving for icecream we walked around and discovered: SWENSONS OPEN 24 HOURS AT HOLLAND V HOW COOL IS THAT damn cool we had like ice cream at 1am++
and we talked and talked and talked till like 3,4am (?!)
but the "dont feel like going home" thing just totally hit us so we WALKED, read WALKED, from holland v back to clementi hahaha gosh its been awhile i did the 4am walking thing hahaha quite fun actually and i was bursting out into songs as we walked pass sp which was like dead mens' town yes that has been awhile too!
we ended up at clementi macs that was around 5am some food and drinks to top up our energy and we continue talking like theres no tmr
so we left when the sky was bright and i waited hell long for a cab and stupid peak hour charge
so at this very moment i am very shag and im going to concussssssssss woohhhhh :D:D:D
PS: all the talk makes me miss st nicks VERY VERY MUCH :(
26 April 2009

i should really find time to go and develop my first role of film.
cross or normal -.- cannot decideeeeeeeeee
the yearly star awards! wheeeee so exciting
24 April 2009 theatre is ♥♥♥
the long waited day! (and also the long dreaded day)
after what felt like a million years of prep, it was our turn.
wahlau my group was damn GUBAI this morning afraid that i would oversleep, they bluff me that we're meeting at 730 when in actual fact we were meeting at 830 -.- heng I smsed a few people and got 45 min more of sleep and everyone was SPAMMING MY PHONE WITH MORNING CALLS zzz am i that unreliable... i was only late ONE day :S
so reach the pract room and it was a mad rush makeup, costumes, accessories, portfolios, last min rehearsals SO EXCITING :D:D:D
 everyone had to undergo INTENSIVE EYELINER colouring session hahahaha and I was the PRO makeup artiste of the day!
everything came and went by so quickly before we knew it we were getting ready and the next moment, our play ended after days of sleepless nights and hours of bondage (lol)
its funny how so many of of cues "screwed up" on the actual performance haha wrong music, slow lighting, many mixed up lines i lost my balance while limping! and i had to cough when i was supposed to play dead -.-
and best part was ENDI'S SPLIT PANTS hahahahahahahaha EPIC.
lets bow to the master of pants splitting hehehe

die nittilai! die!
our other director missing in action!
and now that its over, everyone so sad :( all fun ended and we're back to the real world mugging and competition and all
sigh i really like TS im so tempted to change major.........
22 April 2009 I can't go on
a sudden urge to listen to FIR's songs. hahahaha its been quite awhile
did i mention i finished doing my custume portfolio!!! like FINISH like DONE like COMPLETED
WOOHOOOO!!!! its temporary freedom very temporary indeed -.-
 there my beloved portfolio its been some time i've put in so much time and effort into something ACADEMIC. heh
time for more photos! and a little bit more to what i have been doing except for studying lately. yea this is what theatre does to us.
dear brother vritra..... WHY BROTHER WHY THIS TREACHERY!
seriously andre is one funny kantang hahahaha i seriously dont know whats he trying to do with the golden cloth -.-
little india photos!
doing mustafa research!
tasting india (which brought me to the toilet barely an hour later)
my favourite photo!

i look like japanese tourist -.-
but i love honghong loads :D:D:D <3<3<3
and its more rehearsals after rehearsals after rehearsals
20 April 2009 what theatre does to us
my body just freaking rejected sleep WTF. yet im in a state of zombie-ness, my eyes are hot and can't really stay open
i should really get my ass down to some studying. but its just not working for slacker me. WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY
why do i bloody hell lack that motivation and discipline to get down to studying? i think in my whole life, the time i studied the hardest was the MONTH before A levels. it wasnt exactly very hardworking either ha. but at least sitting in front of your books and starring into space feels better than my current state of zombieness.
blame it on the stupid ts production. no, blame it on the portfolio.
no, blame it on myself -.-
oh where oh where is mr motivation? come and rescue me

what theatre does to us.
15 April 2009 bharatanatyam dance and indra gods
bleah this whole ts play production thing can kill man i've done so much googling until im getting headache why so shagggggggggg :(
its those kinda feeling where the more u get involved, the more you expect but the more you expect, the more it disappoints gahhh fuck how not to have feelings? im sucha sentimental person :S
right now my head is filled with stuff like vishwarupa, indra, bharatanatyam dancing, costumes, makeup, eyeliners, masks, bindi or tilak and blah blah blah WOW MAN. its a forced cultural learning session man
WE WENT ON A LITTLE FIELD TRIP TO LITTLE INDIA TODAY zomg yes u read corectly little india gaaaaaaaaahhh
it was weirdly amazing looking around, taking photos, getting lost zomg yes getting lost eating briyani for dinner which was actually damn nice but then got tummyache :X mustafa tour, going up and down and up and down just to find the new etension -.- trying to talk to store owners only to see them shaking heads (hahaha the shaking head thing really worked!)
P & me: do you have that thing to put on forehead? store owner: *ji tao stare at us* P & me: the thing to put on forehead *points to ours and his forehead* store owner: shakes head me: wahlau he like dont know what we talking sia P: SHAKE HEAD MEANS GOT
EPIC!!!!! in the end the other guy in the store really brought us what we wanted hehehehe
oh yes i did mention "take photos" wahoooooooo yes after one night of research, i've figured out how to work my holga! (ok shut up now)
well my least expected shifu was non other than CHEW WEI JIE zomgggg
but yes anyway i decided to take a chance and take my film out and BINGO, it really didnt stick to the spool means last night's photos were all byebyebyeeee :S but at least, i've done some reading up befoe blindly using it and i saved a role of film hehehe
so little india was my first destination of clicking :D:D:D now i cant wait till my role is done!
on an even more happier note, im CHEESECAKING with siangugu tmr!!! wowheeeeeeee (:
13 April 2009 new toy new toy whoooooo :D:D:D

yes i think you've probably been seeing this photo around (facebook, msn, etc)
but ZOMG the excitement of getting a new toy is just so... WOW WHEE WAHOO YESSSSAAAAAAAAAAA kinda feeling :P
its been only a day but i think i've shot more than 10 photos heh. and its surely not what i expect my pictures to turn out
i feel young againnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
12 April 2009
regina coeli laetare, alleluia!
thank you J, i love you <3
10 April 2009
my day didnt start too well today :(
was rushing to jap TB class when i literally fell on/in/from the stupid shuttle bus the stupid steep steps and my sweaty feet didnt go well so i went sliding down, literally and my first reaction was to worry about my laptop, and then embarrassment came next
the nasty slide left me with a huge red mark on my thigh and a pain in my wrist/palm/thumb its been a day but the stupid mark on my leg wont go away
痛いですね! (damn pain)
きょうわTB クラス おわりました (today was my last jap TB class) みんなさんに写真をとりあした (took a photo with my classmates) 可愛いですね! (so cute!)
 じゃ、またこんど! (see you guys next time!)
 これ女の人、わたしのTBせんせいです (this woman is my TB tutor) これPOSEわ ”ビールーをのみます”!!!(this pose = drinking beer) せんせいわとても可愛いとしせつですよ! (my TB tutor is damn cute and nice)
来週、TSのしゅくだいと日本語のORALの試験があります。 (next week got TS assignment and jap oral test) とても大変ですね! (damn tiring)
きょうの晩、友達にえがを見ました。 (this evening, watched a movie with my friends) とてもおもしろかったです! (very interesting!)
 okay as i was saying watched fast and furious 4 with siang,ter,hr and yw its probably the first time we headed to town and a movie together heh EPIC.
the movie was good.
i like fast cars whooooooooo :D:D:D
3 April 2009
need some destressig tips? GO AND SING KARAOKE! sing your guts out and feel much at east after that. i like :D
some pictures of the week..
  oh did i mention that i finally pluck up the courage to try the tiong food and it turns out to be damn SHIOK LA
 west meets east who said pgp doesnt have good food?
friday also calls for 2 last classes!
 my jap dialogue class!  and finally, i'll end it with a picture of my ts pract group its been fun actings with all of you :D ps: i bet you cant spot my tutor hehehehe
2 April 2009 cos you had a bad day
i feel unhappy, like really down and out not those random emo emo thing, no its not emo im sure its a mix of irritation, loneliness, helpless, tired, etc and it makes me unhappy haven't felt so helpless and unhappy in a very long while i guess
this is the perfect post for my livejournal however, i believe i owe an explanation to those i left, in zouk and therefore i shall pour out all my emotions, whatever there is left in me, here, now
right on second thought, theres not many emotions to pour out its like those stuck kinda unhappiness maybe? i dont know, i dont care.
and to E, (shit u sianghoon this representative lettering is quite addictive) i really fell bad thought i could maybe get a feel of the fun i usually have at mambo looks like it really wasnt meant to be :(
that could be a possible factor of my downness.
as i sat alone, in zouk so much things ran through my mind, some too fast for me to catch even and i was watching this group of people having fun yeah that was me a month ago people kept walking past, music kept on playing and yet i was overwhelmed with loneliness, a very weird kind of loneliness not those random i-wished-i-had-a-boyfriend kind of loneliness it hit me even more when a group of 3 people walked past me, of 1 i hardly even know, met possibly for the second time, and the other two, whom posibly are my bestest secondary school friend you can probably guess as much, the one that noticed and called out was the person i hardly knew the 2 good friends totally didnt notice and just walked past
it was probably unintentional i dont know why this small little thing hit me so badly either i dont know what it representated, neither do i know what point im trying to make here
it just made me more, unhappy..
my whole mood crash, i want to go home i want to snuggle up in my big big bed surrounded by pillows, it makes me feel safer
forgive me for this random attack for unhappiness forgive me without saying a word
i feel like crap. maybe im just tired. maybe i just need sleep
1 April 2009
yesterday felt like a totally different day, from my rountine that is change is good!
totally missed 2101 and sea tutorial, cannot wake up totally gave in to the sleeping god zzzz
had some intense discussion to ts pract (at least it beats all the nm projects -.-)
went to UCC to catch dramafest considering that its free and pretty entertaining, it was worth it lol
some stupid chubi was busying entertaining BOYS (and totally forget about me :S ) so i headed to holland v with elyse (yes i think the 'y' works better) (goodness why do i have so many brackets today...must be the sleepiness getting to me) anyways we started out at wala wala with a jug of beck's it was alright, but i guess there could be better beer :P then came some ice mint oooh its been awhile!
wala wala closed at 1am but i was craving for icecream we walked around and discovered: SWENSONS OPEN 24 HOURS AT HOLLAND V HOW COOL IS THAT damn cool we had like ice cream at 1am++
and we talked and talked and talked till like 3,4am (?!)
but the "dont feel like going home" thing just totally hit us so we WALKED, read WALKED, from holland v back to clementi hahaha gosh its been awhile i did the 4am walking thing hahaha quite fun actually and i was bursting out into songs as we walked pass sp which was like dead mens' town yes that has been awhile too!
we ended up at clementi macs that was around 5am some food and drinks to top up our energy and we continue talking like theres no tmr
so we left when the sky was bright and i waited hell long for a cab and stupid peak hour charge
so at this very moment i am very shag and im going to concussssssssss woohhhhh :D:D:D
PS: all the talk makes me miss st nicks VERY VERY MUCH :(
By post:
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central forum, once so big and foreignas1 walkway,...
Oh my, too long never updateand reason for doing s...
Happy Cheena New Year!This year i wish to be huat ...
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A day worth to remember.The rain finally stopped a...
Its probably inauspicious to look back at 2010 now...
Thanks to Iwabuchi and his whole lot of NOSTALGIA,...
This has to come sooner or later. LOLRight now I'm...
update update!Here's what I caught today :D(ps: aw...
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