preferrably known as taa
learn to love her and her world
the other me
design blog
church clique
30 December 2009
is it the yearly recap time?
considering its 30 december today, yes it probably is recap time i think i'll do a quick one, before i start to get all emo lol
major things to remember this year?
- the mambo madness in sem 2
- and of course with mambo, comes many flying nights
- i fell in love with ts (and of course my awesome fire and the rain group mates)
- i went to japan
- i went to US
- because i went to US i missed arts camp, AGAIN
- my birthday was on the last day of oweek again
- went dbl O and got pretty much wasted
- then year 2 sem 1 came
- i partied less than 5 times this sem, WITHOUT getting drunk at all
- the mad rush of projects, stayovers at NM room; love the bed big time
- i started to fall in love with advertising and photoshop
- i actually studied for exams with my new found studying partner at starbucks
- my CAP improved by 0.3 and i got my first B+ woohoo!
- i went to melbourne and got high there
- christmas was great
woohoo! now its time for the new year!!!!
for that one big regret in 2009, i strive to improve on it in 2010 cos deep in my heart, i actually do care, alot
Happy New Year Everyone!!!
the old school towning days are deeply missed
flipflops, shorts and backpack neoprints highly preferred over cameras piercing ears walking around not wanting to go home watching random movies
aye the good old days!
felt a tinge of that today :D:D:D
27 December 2009
my christmas this year....
didnt really feel like christmas, cos the build up wasnt there afterall all the festives and birthdays didnt feel like they should "feel" too
well heres a short summary, for the future me to think back :D
eve of eve, failed mambo -> velvet -> butter -> nana have i already said that im not stepping into nana anytime soon again? gosh the smell ah...... GGXX
eve of christmas dinner at grandma's house, got a freaking cut from a super nice steamed crab oh well the price you pay to devour that thing.. was glad that bestie actually agreed to go to church with us, and that gerald came too choir performance was erm, entertaining enough i say mass didnt feel as long as it actually was, thats a first! loved it when the two priests started singing haha headed to uncle george's house for christmas supper again, the old school eurasian style that felt heart-warming :)
christmas day, the usual family lunch thingy at my house this year with a new baby being the center of attraction. he loves my tummy >.< dont know if thats good or bad haha
headed to zirca/rebel in the night it wasnt too massive la (of course since massive hsu left early) it was old school hip hop man, though not everyone liked it i did! heh and then i got dragged to nana again, which made me confirm that im not heading back that again cos its so smelly, though the chicken wings were really good
boxing day, christmas party at vera's place simple, well "simply" dinner, great company and fun games, oh and harry potter too we played taboo and cherades and it was more fun that expected quite a decent crowd! and then there was the turn-taking-massage chair and massive photoboothing yay simple but fun :D
(photos soon in facebook!)
well this year christmas turned out better than expected smal little things that makes the heart feel warm, i like :)
well to all those that i love and love me, heres wishing all of you COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON!
24 December 2009
just got back from thai discoomg la, it did not occur to me that i've actually been to club nana -.- its actually the good ol' plush, or even earlier, club momo minus a few things here and there
we missed mambo, i miss mambo i miss those stupid party days, dont have to worry much, just go and kena kena kena and then fly so high and be so happy its so hard to get high these days, sigh partly cos my wallet is a restriction, and my alcohol tolerance is amazingly rising all thanks to chubi's trainings i drank such a mix today (again), now i feel like im brewing a hangover the most recent type where i get bloody bloated for the next full day and it sucks i was almost high today, but bloody zouk was so crowded i waited so long to re-enter that i got frustrated and sober up from that not-even-enough-to-fly highness
butter's not as good as it sounds the only 2 things commendable are the nice walls and decor, and the peanut butter shots which was really awesome, but tasted like the cowgirl shots i bought back for chubis from melbourne
okay im ending the partying stuff here cos the main reason i came to blog was after reading someone's blog. that someone will remain anonymous, for now. anyways, it reminded me of a conversation with a friend few days ago, sort of about relationships he asked how would i know if someone was interested in me and my reply was, if i knew i'd be attached by now
true aint it? haha maybe i should study some psychology thingy, can read ppl's mind its cool yet uncool. cool because you can finally know what ppl are thinking, but uncool if its bad things about you that their thinking........ okay wtfx. im totally in a love-hate relationship with my current single status that statement itself doesnt need further explanation
well my imagination do run wild at times (rather at many times) and sometimes, or rather again most of the times, i wonder what is the reason of not being able to find the other half haha physical appearance? character? or just fate? think so much, say so much, also no answer wtfx now im starting to talk to myself not cool at all, must be the brewing hangover lol
okay maybe i'll just leave that for now, end this rubbish long post, blow my hair and go to bed
oh ya, i bought a mini hair straightener from melb. and so far its working quite well, though my stupid hair will curl back in less than an hour but its been fun hehe
happy christmas eve, im going to midnight mass hoho
22 December 2009
OMG!!!! check this out!

what you just saw is the freaking map of universal studios singapore! (ps:you can find the map in Sentosa's website) zomg, cant wait for it to open i want to goooooooooooooooooo
Click here to see the construction progress!
so awesome, im excited already :D
and young >.<

if you're curious, they're SHINee, a korean boyband quite obvious eh hehe
16 December 2009
im back, to civilization thank god to be exact, humidity and singlish civilization
for the past week, i've been hearing so much aussie slang (though its kinda cute and fun to imitate) nothing beats a good ol' LAH LEE LOR wooh
to sum it all up, down under was in 2 extremes started off in melbourne city ended it all philip island, the countryside this trip in particular i kept seeing beaches/seas/oceans and a hell lot of animals like the seagulls, pelicans and penguins pretty relaxing to soak in nature for awhile, though long bus rides never fail to irritate me yada yadaaaa
well yeah it was a good recharge
now i need to find some time to shed all the meat and fries away and cure my horribly peeling arms, probably the worse in my life
photos in fb soon! :D
10 December 2009
damn it got cheated, melbourne turned out colder than i expected it to be lol, so langbei can... every "summer" that i come, always turns out colder than its suppose to be oh wells, cold vs flies??? hard decision hmmm...i think cold wind >.<
anyways i had a weird dream last night again hahaha i dreamt that i had a huge house and everyone was there eating and we were supposed to go k but never did cos ppl cant finish eating ggxx
more k when i get back home, definitely :D:D:D
for now its me, my scarf, backpack and shukkun's phone call..... more beer too! (:
6 December 2009
if you're wondering what i've been up to over the weekends theres only one thing: rowing and capsizing ok technically its 2 but it falls under the same category

a reminder to self:
then can go on expeditions and look zaiiiii learn more skills and tricks woooh new found interest
this one-star cert went through sun and rain aching breast and arms muscles burning skin as red as the crab i ate just now -.-
now now imma go for 2 star yay!
3 December 2009
about 18 more hours to academia freedom (though a temporary one) the excitement is not totally kicking in yet, maybe cos i've nuahed the past 10 days away but i am rather anticipating the massive throat killing session planned after stats oh yea that sounds good. calling in to reserve a room already made my adrenaline starting to pump woo woo my head and heart has no space for such a word called "study" now it is yet another of those times when you feel like you've read the stuff a hundred and one times, yet not too sure if you actually do an exam on that oh man, stats is all i have left......... well okay, apart from tomorrow night's activities, i got a pretty packed weekend comin up
to do list: kbox with the nms do my laundry from pee-g-pee shu's birthday party canoe lisa's birthday party canoe some relative's dinner and then im off to melbourne on monday night
woahhhhhhh so fast, CANT WAIT LA
30 December 2009
is it the yearly recap time?
considering its 30 december today, yes it probably is recap time i think i'll do a quick one, before i start to get all emo lol
major things to remember this year?
- the mambo madness in sem 2
- and of course with mambo, comes many flying nights
- i fell in love with ts (and of course my awesome fire and the rain group mates)
- i went to japan
- i went to US
- because i went to US i missed arts camp, AGAIN
- my birthday was on the last day of oweek again
- went dbl O and got pretty much wasted
- then year 2 sem 1 came
- i partied less than 5 times this sem, WITHOUT getting drunk at all
- the mad rush of projects, stayovers at NM room; love the bed big time
- i started to fall in love with advertising and photoshop
- i actually studied for exams with my new found studying partner at starbucks
- my CAP improved by 0.3 and i got my first B+ woohoo!
- i went to melbourne and got high there
- christmas was great
woohoo! now its time for the new year!!!!
for that one big regret in 2009, i strive to improve on it in 2010 cos deep in my heart, i actually do care, alot
Happy New Year Everyone!!!
the old school towning days are deeply missed
flipflops, shorts and backpack neoprints highly preferred over cameras piercing ears walking around not wanting to go home watching random movies
aye the good old days!
felt a tinge of that today :D:D:D
27 December 2009
my christmas this year....
didnt really feel like christmas, cos the build up wasnt there afterall all the festives and birthdays didnt feel like they should "feel" too
well heres a short summary, for the future me to think back :D
eve of eve, failed mambo -> velvet -> butter -> nana have i already said that im not stepping into nana anytime soon again? gosh the smell ah...... GGXX
eve of christmas dinner at grandma's house, got a freaking cut from a super nice steamed crab oh well the price you pay to devour that thing.. was glad that bestie actually agreed to go to church with us, and that gerald came too choir performance was erm, entertaining enough i say mass didnt feel as long as it actually was, thats a first! loved it when the two priests started singing haha headed to uncle george's house for christmas supper again, the old school eurasian style that felt heart-warming :)
christmas day, the usual family lunch thingy at my house this year with a new baby being the center of attraction. he loves my tummy >.< dont know if thats good or bad haha
headed to zirca/rebel in the night it wasnt too massive la (of course since massive hsu left early) it was old school hip hop man, though not everyone liked it i did! heh and then i got dragged to nana again, which made me confirm that im not heading back that again cos its so smelly, though the chicken wings were really good
boxing day, christmas party at vera's place simple, well "simply" dinner, great company and fun games, oh and harry potter too we played taboo and cherades and it was more fun that expected quite a decent crowd! and then there was the turn-taking-massage chair and massive photoboothing yay simple but fun :D
(photos soon in facebook!)
well this year christmas turned out better than expected smal little things that makes the heart feel warm, i like :)
well to all those that i love and love me, heres wishing all of you COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON!
24 December 2009
just got back from thai discoomg la, it did not occur to me that i've actually been to club nana -.- its actually the good ol' plush, or even earlier, club momo minus a few things here and there
we missed mambo, i miss mambo i miss those stupid party days, dont have to worry much, just go and kena kena kena and then fly so high and be so happy its so hard to get high these days, sigh partly cos my wallet is a restriction, and my alcohol tolerance is amazingly rising all thanks to chubi's trainings i drank such a mix today (again), now i feel like im brewing a hangover the most recent type where i get bloody bloated for the next full day and it sucks i was almost high today, but bloody zouk was so crowded i waited so long to re-enter that i got frustrated and sober up from that not-even-enough-to-fly highness
butter's not as good as it sounds the only 2 things commendable are the nice walls and decor, and the peanut butter shots which was really awesome, but tasted like the cowgirl shots i bought back for chubis from melbourne
okay im ending the partying stuff here cos the main reason i came to blog was after reading someone's blog. that someone will remain anonymous, for now. anyways, it reminded me of a conversation with a friend few days ago, sort of about relationships he asked how would i know if someone was interested in me and my reply was, if i knew i'd be attached by now
true aint it? haha maybe i should study some psychology thingy, can read ppl's mind its cool yet uncool. cool because you can finally know what ppl are thinking, but uncool if its bad things about you that their thinking........ okay wtfx. im totally in a love-hate relationship with my current single status that statement itself doesnt need further explanation
well my imagination do run wild at times (rather at many times) and sometimes, or rather again most of the times, i wonder what is the reason of not being able to find the other half haha physical appearance? character? or just fate? think so much, say so much, also no answer wtfx now im starting to talk to myself not cool at all, must be the brewing hangover lol
okay maybe i'll just leave that for now, end this rubbish long post, blow my hair and go to bed
oh ya, i bought a mini hair straightener from melb. and so far its working quite well, though my stupid hair will curl back in less than an hour but its been fun hehe
happy christmas eve, im going to midnight mass hoho
22 December 2009
OMG!!!! check this out!

what you just saw is the freaking map of universal studios singapore! (ps:you can find the map in Sentosa's website) zomg, cant wait for it to open i want to goooooooooooooooooo
Click here to see the construction progress!
so awesome, im excited already :D
and young >.<

if you're curious, they're SHINee, a korean boyband quite obvious eh hehe
16 December 2009
im back, to civilization thank god to be exact, humidity and singlish civilization
for the past week, i've been hearing so much aussie slang (though its kinda cute and fun to imitate) nothing beats a good ol' LAH LEE LOR wooh
to sum it all up, down under was in 2 extremes started off in melbourne city ended it all philip island, the countryside this trip in particular i kept seeing beaches/seas/oceans and a hell lot of animals like the seagulls, pelicans and penguins pretty relaxing to soak in nature for awhile, though long bus rides never fail to irritate me yada yadaaaa
well yeah it was a good recharge
now i need to find some time to shed all the meat and fries away and cure my horribly peeling arms, probably the worse in my life
photos in fb soon! :D
10 December 2009
damn it got cheated, melbourne turned out colder than i expected it to be lol, so langbei can... every "summer" that i come, always turns out colder than its suppose to be oh wells, cold vs flies??? hard decision hmmm...i think cold wind >.<
anyways i had a weird dream last night again hahaha i dreamt that i had a huge house and everyone was there eating and we were supposed to go k but never did cos ppl cant finish eating ggxx
more k when i get back home, definitely :D:D:D
for now its me, my scarf, backpack and shukkun's phone call..... more beer too! (:
6 December 2009
if you're wondering what i've been up to over the weekends theres only one thing: rowing and capsizing ok technically its 2 but it falls under the same category

a reminder to self:
then can go on expeditions and look zaiiiii learn more skills and tricks woooh new found interest
this one-star cert went through sun and rain aching breast and arms muscles burning skin as red as the crab i ate just now -.-
now now imma go for 2 star yay!
3 December 2009
about 18 more hours to academia freedom (though a temporary one) the excitement is not totally kicking in yet, maybe cos i've nuahed the past 10 days away but i am rather anticipating the massive throat killing session planned after stats oh yea that sounds good. calling in to reserve a room already made my adrenaline starting to pump woo woo my head and heart has no space for such a word called "study" now it is yet another of those times when you feel like you've read the stuff a hundred and one times, yet not too sure if you actually do an exam on that oh man, stats is all i have left......... well okay, apart from tomorrow night's activities, i got a pretty packed weekend comin up
to do list: kbox with the nms do my laundry from pee-g-pee shu's birthday party canoe lisa's birthday party canoe some relative's dinner and then im off to melbourne on monday night
woahhhhhhh so fast, CANT WAIT LA
By post:
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Happy Cheena New Year!This year i wish to be huat ...
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