preferrably known as taa
learn to love her and her world
the other me
design blog
church clique
24 January 2010
i think i just fell in love with being in pain. wtf

my body is in so much pain
23 January 2010
fucking scared for db training :( no company somemore....
18 January 2010
seriously, its times like these i wished i'd change major to ts omg my governance lecture is so boring that i have to bring laptop and end up blogging -.- unlike my voice prod class just now which was so interesting and fun wished i'd major in ts :S
trying to stay awake now.....

back track a little bbq on sat night at isa's place was fawesome! enjoyed the food and of course, the company having some lovely steak, free flow chicken wings a little small swing by the pond beer and a jolly good time oh not forgetting all the zoom zoom times which really felt like a unsafe roller coaster was exhilarating
good times good times :)
12 January 2010
monday blues tuesday woes thank god its gonna be wednesday soon, my first day off from school in 2 sems.
i love school cos of friends and yet i hate school cos of friends too
argh. moody and sleepy
10 January 2010

im going REDDDDDDDDDDDDDD this year :D
and i gotta confession to make.........
well we'll see about that
So baby don't worry you are my only you won't be lonely even if the sky is falling down
8 January 2010
awesomei've been drinking 3 days in a row 2 being erdinger at timbre goodness i just love their chicken wings i miss walawala chicken wings too! now that school is starting, i have a reason to go to wala soon lol
everytime i start to think that i have a alcoholic problem i think of chubi and isa, and then i feel fine again lol i will not massive anytime soon, am gonna take it slow man it just takes one bloody bad hangover to scare the shit out of you
so timbre on tues to celebrate jc's 21st mambo on wed cos mich said she was going and i suddenly felt like i needed to go too lol (it turned out rather boring, cos i was lonely and sober) and timbre again tonight to meet up and sort of "farewell" to the boys going to sep awww gonna miss having lunch with them in school next sem we're not gonna see each other for a good 8 months! except for hongrui which we might meet him in the US so exciting!
the whole talk about going overseas, exchange, travelling makes me so damn excited about work and travel OMG. its just a sem away! quick quick cannot wait already :D
its been a busy holiday man! and i really cant believe school is starting next monday zomg and that we're turning 21 already somebody knock me...
5 January 2010
sometimes i feel like a bad friend for having to rely on facebook to remind me of birthdays and how often do we bother to ring them up or drop them a simple sms to wish them? nah we take the easy way out by just posting a wall message nay, its the thought that counts? i dont know man.. i still dont know hahaha just a random thought.
okay not that random i have a confession to make. the above scenario just totally happened to me to two rather good friends.
well nevermind, this is to make up for the teeny little guilt inside of me haha so,
despite your worriness and somewhat blurness, i can sense your thoughtfulness and sweetness :)

my ex-alternate-day-boyfriend hahaha though you very bo sim we still love you much 
3 January 2010
lpretty eventful holidays i must say besides, who spends the first of january nursing a bad hangover couldnt been worse man lets just say i spend my 6am to 1pm puking non stop.. and then the whole bloated feeling which i think i still have it now (its been 3 days already)
a little bit scared of alcohol, gonna take it slow man
anyways first birthday party of the year goes to brenda lee thanks to her a pretty decent meet up was organised and carried out and its feels just like the good old times :D

erm plus some self-invite tonning and heading to church freaking tired. irreplaceable
24 January 2010
i think i just fell in love with being in pain. wtf

my body is in so much pain
23 January 2010
fucking scared for db training :( no company somemore....
18 January 2010
seriously, its times like these i wished i'd change major to ts omg my governance lecture is so boring that i have to bring laptop and end up blogging -.- unlike my voice prod class just now which was so interesting and fun wished i'd major in ts :S
trying to stay awake now.....

back track a little bbq on sat night at isa's place was fawesome! enjoyed the food and of course, the company having some lovely steak, free flow chicken wings a little small swing by the pond beer and a jolly good time oh not forgetting all the zoom zoom times which really felt like a unsafe roller coaster was exhilarating
good times good times :)
12 January 2010
monday blues tuesday woes thank god its gonna be wednesday soon, my first day off from school in 2 sems.
i love school cos of friends and yet i hate school cos of friends too
argh. moody and sleepy
10 January 2010

im going REDDDDDDDDDDDDDD this year :D
and i gotta confession to make.........
well we'll see about that
So baby don't worry you are my only you won't be lonely even if the sky is falling down
8 January 2010
awesomei've been drinking 3 days in a row 2 being erdinger at timbre goodness i just love their chicken wings i miss walawala chicken wings too! now that school is starting, i have a reason to go to wala soon lol
everytime i start to think that i have a alcoholic problem i think of chubi and isa, and then i feel fine again lol i will not massive anytime soon, am gonna take it slow man it just takes one bloody bad hangover to scare the shit out of you
so timbre on tues to celebrate jc's 21st mambo on wed cos mich said she was going and i suddenly felt like i needed to go too lol (it turned out rather boring, cos i was lonely and sober) and timbre again tonight to meet up and sort of "farewell" to the boys going to sep awww gonna miss having lunch with them in school next sem we're not gonna see each other for a good 8 months! except for hongrui which we might meet him in the US so exciting!
the whole talk about going overseas, exchange, travelling makes me so damn excited about work and travel OMG. its just a sem away! quick quick cannot wait already :D
its been a busy holiday man! and i really cant believe school is starting next monday zomg and that we're turning 21 already somebody knock me...
5 January 2010
sometimes i feel like a bad friend for having to rely on facebook to remind me of birthdays and how often do we bother to ring them up or drop them a simple sms to wish them? nah we take the easy way out by just posting a wall message nay, its the thought that counts? i dont know man.. i still dont know hahaha just a random thought.
okay not that random i have a confession to make. the above scenario just totally happened to me to two rather good friends.
well nevermind, this is to make up for the teeny little guilt inside of me haha so,
despite your worriness and somewhat blurness, i can sense your thoughtfulness and sweetness :)

my ex-alternate-day-boyfriend hahaha though you very bo sim we still love you much 
3 January 2010
lpretty eventful holidays i must say besides, who spends the first of january nursing a bad hangover couldnt been worse man lets just say i spend my 6am to 1pm puking non stop.. and then the whole bloated feeling which i think i still have it now (its been 3 days already)
a little bit scared of alcohol, gonna take it slow man
anyways first birthday party of the year goes to brenda lee thanks to her a pretty decent meet up was organised and carried out and its feels just like the good old times :D

erm plus some self-invite tonning and heading to church freaking tired. irreplaceable
By post:
So the end of the world didn't come, yet
central forum, once so big and foreignas1 walkway,...
Oh my, too long never updateand reason for doing s...
Happy Cheena New Year!This year i wish to be huat ...
The Day After was a success :)So after Volcanic Di...
A day worth to remember.The rain finally stopped a...
Its probably inauspicious to look back at 2010 now...
Thanks to Iwabuchi and his whole lot of NOSTALGIA,...
This has to come sooner or later. LOLRight now I'm...
update update!Here's what I caught today :D(ps: aw...
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